文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
709422419105941 | 2014-07-31 15:10 | 207 | 8 | 上週五大駕光臨後,AN-124又蒞臨桃園機場囉!讓我們再一次近距離觀賞她的英姿~ Antonov An-124 is coming to Taoyuan Airport again. Let's take a closer look of her once more! |
709159625798887 | 2014-07-30 23:03 | 0 | 2 | What is on your to-do list at #Taoyuanairport?? = _____________ (have fun time at D2 boarding gate!) |
707164845998365 | 2014-07-26 08:56 | 239 | 10 | 答案是...大家都答對了!!正是遠道而來的安托諾夫An-124運輸機,不知道她是否載運過太空梭呢(誤)?在桃園機場休息到天亮後,即將啟程,趁她出發前再拍幾張白天的英姿!! The answer is....Antonov An-124!! After taking break in Taoyuan airport, let's take her picture with sunrise before she leaves!! |
706972916017558 | 2014-07-25 22:41 | 351 | 18 | 桃園機場今晚的特別來賓!大家知道這是什麼機型嗎? Our special guest tonight at Taoyuan Airport! Any one knows this aircraft? |
706366492744867 | 2014-07-24 12:30 | 102 | 0 | 大家還記得去年交通部觀光局與中華航空合作推出的「臺灣觀光彩繪機」嗎?現在只要與彩繪機合照並將合照打卡上傳至觀光局的「臺灣觀光粉絲團」,就有機會抽中無對外販售、限量珍藏的「臺灣觀光彩繪機」模型機哦! Do you still remember the "Taiwan Tourism Liveried Aircraft" unveiled last year? Taiwan’s Tourism Bureau is… 更多 holding a special activity right now. When you see the aircraft, please take a photo of yourself with the liveried aircraft and check your location on Facebook’s “Tour Taiwan Fanpage”, then you may have a chance to win a limited edition model of the aircraft!! 詳情請洽活動網址 please check http://goo.gl/uXdgEp |
705938719454311 | 2014-07-23 11:11 | 173 | 1 | 桃園機場空橋防風及排水抽水準備工作進行中,桃園機場因應麥德姆颱風全員出動防禦工事,確保旅客與航機安全!#桃園機場 #麥德姆 #颱風 Air bridges are well fixed against the strong winds from Typhoon MATMO and pumping system also fully stands by the river at airport. #taoyuanairport #typhoonmatmo |
705923032789213 | 2014-07-23 10:51 | 195 | 10 | The gentleman is cleaning the tree leafs down the airport road to avoid risk of flood!! Thanks to all airport colleagues who are hardly working overnight to secure Taoyuan airport against Typhoon MATMO, So far So good!! 中颱麥德姆還沒走,照片中的機場同仁正趁颱風雨勢稍歇,蹲在航廈外路邊清理水溝旁風吹落葉,避免水溝阻塞帶來豪雨可能造成的水災風險!感謝徹夜守候機場的全體工作同仁們!辛苦大家了! |
705569592824557 | 2014-07-22 17:30 | 78 | 0 | 麥德姆颱風即將於24小時內登陸臺灣,班機起降時刻可能有所變動,小編提醒大家出發前再一次確認航班訊息,前往機場途中務必注意自身安全。Typhoon MATMO is expected to move past Taiwan within 24 hours. Flight schedule may be changed. Passengers are advised to check flight status before departing and watch your own safety on your way to the airport. |
705478079500375 | 2014-07-22 12:30 | 224 | 5 | 華航的雲門舞集彩繪機,今天開始就可以看到這架充滿藝術氣息的彩繪機翱翔在歐洲、亞洲囉~ "China Airlines unveiled Cloud Gate-themed painted aircraft yesterday. The aircraft will kick off its maiden flight to Rome through New Delhi today and serve a route between Europe and Asia in the future as well." |
703497906365059 | 2014-07-17 18:17 | 70 | 5 | What is #Skytrax? Please check on http://www.skytraxresearch.com/index.html How to vote for your favorite airport online? Please check on "Skytrax #WorldAirportAwards" and make your comment for us! … 更多http://www.worldairportawards.com 什麼是Skytrax: 國際機場或航空公司的評比有許多,以機場服務評比為例,主要有兩大評比機構,分別是Skytrax及ACI/ASQ國際機場協會機場服務品質兩種評比。今天新聞上看到的Skytrax成立於1989年,是一家專業的航空產業研究顧問機構,致力於提升航空公司及機場的旅客服務滿意度,創立了Skytrax航空公司獎以及機場獎項,用以激勵全球航空產業的服務品質向上提升。 什麼是Skytrax全球機場獎評比: 所有的調查都在Skytrax官網上開放網路問卷,由旅客自行上網填寫,也可以寫下對於各機場的意見,每年會固定在網路開放調查,每年三月正式公布得獎名單。 Skytrax官網:http://www.skytraxresearch.com/index.html 2014年Skytrax全球機場評比結果:http://www.worldairportawards.com/awards_2014/Categories.htm |
703072909740892 | 2014-07-16 18:00 | 105 | 0 | 桃園國際動漫大展展覽正於第二航廈出境D區展出,喜愛動漫的旅客們可別錯過囉~ Taoyuan International ACGT Fair Exhibition at Terminal 2 D area, the best ACGT fair in this summer! |
702648829783300 | 2014-07-15 17:30 | 119 | 1 | 第二航廈D9登機門正展出莫拉克風災後重建成果分享展,結合原住民園區主題的候機室,感受重生的力量! Morakot Post-Disaster Reconstruction Achievment Exhibition at Terminal 2 D9, come and feel the power of rebirth! |
701785546536295 | 2014-07-13 13:28 | 66 | 3 | Guess who is our "Wiper King" in Taoyuan airport to ensure our toilet purely clean without any water on mirrors and sinks!? (Senior Manager Mr. Chiu Cheng KUO from General affairs Department!) 猜猜看誰是桃園機場最帥最以身作則的刮刀哥?? http://m.news.sina.com.tw/article/20140712/12875512.html |
700600913321425 | 2014-07-10 18:00 | 181 | 1 | 全新蘭花佈景@第二航廈一樓入境大廳 Our new floral design@Terminal 2, Arrival hall |
700137043367812 | 2014-07-09 17:30 | 199 | 9 | 越來越多人喜歡來台旅遊囉~根據最新一期的亞洲政經風險報告,與去年同期相比,台灣的入境旅客成長率僅次於日本,排名亞洲第二!! Lots of people love to travel to Taiwan. According to a report by Hong Kong's Political and Economic Risk Consultancy,compared to last year,the growth rate of arrival passengers in Taiwan is only second to that of Japan, and ranks second in Asia. http://goo.gl/O83fBf |
697867110261472 | 2014-07-04 15:45 | 142 | 0 | 日本航空舉行的七夕祈福許願活動~現場把寫上心願的許願籤掛在竹枝上後,日本航空將一併匯集送往東京,再轉送至以靈驗著稱的仙台「大崎八幡宮」奉納喔,小編祝大家的願望都能實現!!! |
697329036981946 | 2014-07-03 20:00 | 159 | 7 | 今日首航再一發~彩虹都來作伴囉~有人知道復興航空新開的航點是哪裡嗎? Another inauguration today with beautiful rainbow!! Do you know where this TransAsia Airways'flight is heading to?#transasia #taoyuanairport |
697235710324612 | 2014-07-03 18:00 | 208 | 7 | 國泰航空在台灣滿55週年了!! Happy 55th Birthday to Cathay Pacific Airways Taiwan!! #cathaypacific #taoyuanairport |
697203190327864 | 2014-07-03 11:59 | 275 | 25 | 今日首航的班機,猜猜是哪間航空公司? Anyone knows this airline? #Moscow #taoyuanairport |
696753427039507 | 2014-07-02 09:45 | 78 | 1 | [轉錄]A pair of shoes makes a big difference. http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20140630002581-260405 |