文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
945374508844063 | 2015-12-31 23:30 | 306 | 12 | 元旦連假旅客多,今年連續假期區間旅客量預估較去年同期多出1成,建議各位旅客提早1小時抵達機場,提醒大家於出發前多加利用航空公司網上預辦登機服務,並可多加運用自動通關喔!可大幅節省通關作業時間,輕鬆快樂出遊去! 祝福各位2016新年快樂!新的一年也請大家繼續支持桃園機場! 桃園機場網上登機專區: http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/chinese/self_check-in As… 更多 holiday week finally arrives, it is expected 10% more passengers than last year in the coming week. Taoyuan airport reminds all departing passengers arrive airport 1 hour earlier. Nevertheless, all passengers and Taiwanese residents are welcomed to take use of online check-in & self check-in and E-Gate services to save your time more!! Taoyuan International Airport wishes you a very Happy New Year 2016!! Please do keep supporting us. Self check-in @ Taoyuan airport http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/english/self_check-in #onlinecheckin #CUSS #EGate #savetimemore |
945370735511107 | 2015-12-31 12:07 | 306 | 12 | |
943975042317343 | 2015-12-28 12:00 | 291 | 11 | 今天來分享一個專屬您的小秘境! 桃園機場分別在第一航廈鄰近B3及第二航廈鄰近C1、D8的位置提供佛教、伊斯蘭教、基督教的祈禱室,讓擁有信仰祈禱需求的旅客,有個合適的實施地點。房間內提供地毯、坐墊及椅子,能夠因應各宗教不同的祈禱方式。是不是很貼心呢? Do you know there are the Prayer Rooms at T1 and T2? These rooms welcome all Faiths… 更多 including Muslim, Buddhist and Christian. The rooms provide benches and carpeted area, where travelers can pray in their own way. If you are looking for a quiet place for prayers, please feel free to visit here. Prayer Rooms’ location: >>Near Gate B3 of Terminal 1 >>Near Gate C1、D8 of Terminal 2 #TaoyuanAirport #PrayerRoom #Muslim #Buddhist #Christian |
943171502397697 | 2015-12-26 11:20 | 521 | 10 | 一段桃園機場單跑道運作的真實記錄,分享給大家! A real record of single runway operation at Taoyuan Airport. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1noiLYqAfLY (已獲作者"時間守護者Evan Lin"同意轉載) |
942249572489890 | 2015-12-25 15:00 | 168 | 2 | 小編要告訴大家,今年是抗戰勝利暨臺灣光復屆滿70週年喔! 桃園國際機場與財團法人航空事務教育基金會,主辦了一場「永恆的飛鷹-臺灣機場及航空演進史」特展,還有民航提供全球飛航服務的發展歷程,邀請粉絲們來參觀回顧吧! 淡水文化園區(新北市淡水區鼻頭街22號) 交通方式:淡水捷運站出口右轉直走到底 |
942200045828176 | 2015-12-25 12:00 | 189 | 0 | 終於到了12月最期待的節日了~~~ 看看聖誕老公公、雪人和麋鹿弟弟都相聚在一起了耶! 快來與小編分享你將和誰一起歡度聖誕節呢? 桃園國際機場祝大家耶誕快樂! The most expected festival in December is coming!! Santa has a pleasant reunion with Snowman and Reindeer. Let’s share who you are going to celebrate with. Taoyuan International Airport wishes you Merry Christmas! #TaoyuanAirport #MerryChristmas |
941717932543054 | 2015-12-24 18:29 | 990 | 20 | 桃園機場的跑道整修工程已經告一段落囉~小編在這邊和大家分享一段北跑道的小記錄,讓大家可以一窺跑道上的運作畫面! Take a closer look at the inner workings of the north runway at Taoyuan International Airport! #northrunway #Taoyuanairport 影片
941577839223730 | 2015-12-24 09:55 | 1314 | 57 | 在經過9個月的封閉整修後,桃園機場的北跑道在今天(2015/12/24)早上8點重新開放!桃園機場也重新恢復雙跑道起降囉! 大家猜猜看,第一架落地和第一架起飛的航班分別是? After 9 month renovation, our north runway has reopened and dual runway operations have resumed today (2015/12/24)!! |
941229275925253 | 2015-12-23 18:08 | 324 | 9 | 小編最近參加了桃園國際機場T3國際競圖得獎作品展的研討會,現場還邀請到了首獎作品的設計師 Richard Rogers喔!今天就要來跟大家分享第三航廈的設計概念啦! 第三航廈以Smart, Green, Culture為設計主軸,並將設計連結第二航廈,內外部設計融合了候鳥展翅、海洋、梯田、榕樹及閩式建築等台灣在地的美麗意象,並包覆在巨大又堅固的屋頂下,讓旅客有回到家一般的舒適感受。… 更多 另外,第三航廈主建築物上方的13萬盞小花瓣兼具吸音及調整照明的功能,未來也能夠因應室內空間的變換同步調整,讓機場能夠保持在最好與最合適的狀態。以智慧、綠能的概念,發展為觀光、購物、人文、藝術及科技集為一體的機場,未來臺灣甚至能成為世界上最主要的交通門戶,讓我們一起來期待吧! On the seminar of the Award-Winning Projects Exhibition, Richard Rogers shared with us his design inspiration for the new Terminal 3 of Taoyuan International Airport. With the central concept of T3 ”smart, green and cultural”, the building design is inspired by the beauty of Taiwan's banyan, terraces, migratory birds, and the ocean. Moreover, the 130,000 petals which… 更多 |
940605389320975 | 2015-12-22 14:11 | 91 | 1 | 【桃園機場On Air】 限時專送旅人明信片!候補名單part 2 由於【桃園機場On Air】 限時專送旅人明信片抽獎活動,候補中獎人已超過限時期間仍尚回傳中獎領據,小編在這邊要公佈第二彈候補的名單啦~ ✤ 精美行李箱掛牌 ✤:葉O如、林O玲 ✤ 多國電源轉換插座 ✤:陳O霖 ✤ Travelon旅行充氣枕 ✤:Jessie 恭喜以上得獎者,活動小組將會以電話及email方式通知得獎者,中獎人須協助中獎簽領單回覆,方可進行領獎。中獎者須於12/24(五) 24:00前回覆訊息給活動小組,若未在期限內回覆者,視同放棄得獎資格, 將另行聯繫備取。獎品自12/25(五)起以掛號方式陸續寄送。 |
940173479364166 | 2015-12-21 18:00 | 236 | 6 | 來台旅客人數突破千萬人次! 來自美國加州的電腦工程師Manuele Christopher,非常幸運成為桃園國際機場第一千萬名旅客,當天更送出超過100樣的禮物和觀光優惠,讓第一次來台灣的Manuele Christopher感到非常興奮。 而近年來台旅客人數更是一年比一年高!從2008年的384萬人逐年增加,今年還突破1000萬人,為桃園國際機場創下了新紀錄,也開啟了台灣觀光旅遊新的里程碑! Welcome the… 更多 first 10 millionth visitor to Taiwan! The computer engineer, Manuele Christopher, on board the China Airlines flight from Los Angeles, received a warm welcome and 100 souvenir items from Taiwan Tourism Bureau. Christopher said he was pleased to become the 10 millionth visitor to Taiwan, and he and his wife will be staying in Taiwan for 2 weeks. According to Taiwan Tourism Bureau, 3.84 million visitors came to Taiwan in 2008. The number jumped to 9.91 million in 2014, and exceeded 10 million this year! #TaoyuanAirport #10millionth #visitor |
938768849504629 | 2015-12-18 17:15 | 239 | 2 | 聖誕節快要來囉!! 今天我們特別準備聖誕組曲的音樂表演,還有聖誕老公公帶來的雜耍和魔術表演,讓大家提前體驗歡樂的聖誕氣氛! 另外小編也提醒大家Skytrax 票選活動已經開跑,歡迎大家踴躍上網投票,繼續支持桃園機場! Christmas is around the corner!! Christmas songs performances are at Taoyuan Airport right now. There… 更多 are also magic shows and juggling show performed by Santa.Enjoy the show at Taoyuan Airport and we wish you a Merry Christmas! Btw Skytrax World Airport Awards voting is now open! Don’t forget to nominate us as your favorite airport and tell them we have the nicest Airport Staff.#skytrax #Taoyuanairport |
938734889508025 | 2015-12-18 15:00 | 295 | 2 | 生力軍報到!!最受旅客喜愛的愛心服務車,擴編囉!!! 自啟用以來已經服務了13萬位旅客。為了照顧更多的旅客需求,今年底桃園機場增添了8輛全新環保綠能電動車, 需要的旅客可利用機場緊急電話撥打31999,呼叫愛心服務車,感受桃園機場更貼心的關懷! Passenger Service Vehicles team expanded! This year, We have added 8 green vehicles to… 更多 our fleet to carry passengers who need special assistance in the controlled area . You can call 31999 by using emergency telephone at Taoyuan International Airport if you request this service. We are always ready to meet your needs. #TaoyuanAirport #PassengerServiceVehicles |
937929212921926 | 2015-12-17 15:30 | 351 | 1 | 桃園機場跑道開放的前夕,民航局的專業飛測團隊、飛航服務總臺的航管人員、以及桃園機場公司通力合作,努力確保新跑道導航訊號穩定與精確。 小編在這邊先簡單節錄一下有關飛測作業的內容~~ 飛測作業總共有三種,分別是「圓弧作業」、「低空進場測試」和「平飛測試」。 飛測作業在進行時,是需要低空飛行,還要和地面障礙物保持一定的安全距離,所以只能在白天才能進行任務。 另外在進行與機場起降方向相反的飛測作業時,飛航管制人員需要空出附近的空域,等待作業完成。 因此飛測期間,航班難免會有延後起飛或降落的情況。還請大家忍耐一下! 想瞭解更多有關飛測作業的細節>> http://goo.gl/VPtihl #桃園國際機場 #跑道 #飛測作業 |
937959769585537 | 2015-12-17 12:00 | 686 | 34 | 今年耶誕節,桃園機場邀請您一同傳遞祝福!即日起來活動網站上許願,填妥祝福小卡就有機會獲得Iphone!! 另外還有500多項好禮等您來拿喔!!!! 活動期間:104年12月17日起~至104年12月22日23:59分 活動網址:http://www.mtsc.com.tw/tpe_xmas2015/index.php 活動提醒:一定要到活動網站完成整體流程並分享在FB上才會獲得抽獎資格唷! |
937497116298469 | 2015-12-16 15:00 | 126 | 2 | 知名旅遊達人帶你體驗你不知道的桃園機場,文中不僅詳細介紹了候機室、免稅店、機場設施等等許多平常去機場不會注意到的小細節,還有許多第一手消息喔! Wanna know more about us? Let those senior tour guide and famous blogger to take you on an in-depth tour of Taoyuan International Airport.… 更多 Click the following links and get first-hand information about Taoyuan International Airport. Senior tour guide >> http://worker.pixnet.net/blog/post/43118899 Blogger >> http://k640640.pixnet.net/blog/post/62180455 |
937453066302874 | 2015-12-15 15:00 | 157 | 2 | 桃園機場與大家一起歡慶耶誕! 聖誕節(12/25)當天,在第一航廈將有兩場『溫馨聖誕,爵士響宴』音樂會,分別在上午11點於B1美食廣場前和下午2點於出境大廳3F北側舉行。喜歡爵士樂的粉絲們可別錯過由Life爵士樂團帶來的精采表演喔! Enjoy lovely jazz music on Christmas at Taoyuan Airport! Jazz Band Life is invited to perform… 更多 in Terminal 1 on Christmas (Dec 25th). The first performance will be held at 11 am, in front of the food court on floor B1, and the second will be at 2 pm, at the north side of the 3rd floor departure lobby. The performances, titled “Jazz Festival on Christmas Day”, are something any true jazz lover wouldn't want to miss.#jazz #Christmas |
934918136556367 | 2015-12-09 14:17 | 101 | 6 | 【桃園機場On Air】 限時專送旅人明信片!候補名單! 由於【桃園機場On Air】 限時專送旅人明信片抽獎活動,之前抽出的粉絲至今尚未回傳中獎領據,小編在這邊要公佈候補的名單啦~ ✤ Hideo-Max Cabin 19吋登機箱✤:詹O桃 ✤ 精美行李箱掛牌 ✤:周O瑤、李O睿 ✤ 多國電源轉換插座 ✤:張O鳳 ✤ Travelon旅行充氣枕 ✤:林O淞、莊O珠 恭喜以上得獎者,活動小組將會以電話及email方式通知得獎者,中獎人須協助中獎簽領單回覆,方可進行領獎。中獎者須於12/11(五) 24:00前回覆訊息給活動小組,若未在期限內回覆者,視同放棄得獎資格, 將另行聯繫備取。獎品自12/14(一)起以掛號方式陸續寄送。 |
934885093226338 | 2015-12-09 12:24 | 1330 | 33 | 不能錯失難得機會,親賭國際大師的建築思維與空間魅力! 備受矚目的桃園國際機場第三航廈競圖,創新、優異的規劃設計,創造國際水準,展現臺灣飛向國際一流航廈的企圖。 得獎作品於12/16-12/27台北中正紀念堂介石館,每天上午九時至下午五時開放參觀。活動詳情請上 http://www.T3.com.tw/conference Don't miss this rare opportunity to see the… 更多 design inspiration and streamlined design. The Award-Winning Projects Exhibition of TTIA T3’s design will be showing at Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall on Dec 16 to 27, day 9 am to 5 pm . For more information: http://www.T3.com.tw/conference |
934870703227777 | 2015-12-09 11:50 | 424 | 5 | 桃園機場的北跑道飛航測試已經開始囉!預計將會實施至12/18。小編提醒旅客,每日上午6:30至7:30因為飛測的關係,將停止所有航班起飛降落,部分的班機起降時程可能會受影響,還請多多包涵。如果飛航測試進行順利,北跑道的啟用時間可能會提早開放喔! Taoyuan International Airport is carrying out its north runway flight check from… 更多 December 7th to December 18th. Therefore, the south runway will be closed during the period from 6:30am to 7:30am. Please check the latest flight information on the airport or airline’s website. We apologize for the inconvenience and wish you a pleasant journey. |
934529993261848 | 2015-12-08 18:00 | 7848 | 33 | 親愛的粉絲們,桃園國際機場有Instagram、Twitter還有Flickr囉!想了解更多桃園機場的有趣新鮮事嗎?邀你一同來關注! Hi, fans! Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Flickr to get more information of Taoyuan International Airport! Instagram: Taoyuan_international_airport Twitter: @TaoyuanAirport Flickr: Taoyuan Airport #Instagram #Twitter #Flickr #TaoyuanAirport |
934456506602530 | 2015-12-08 14:00 | 128 | 1 | 西方有歌劇,台灣也有東方歌劇喔! 來到充滿濃濃台灣味的A9歌仔戲候機室,牆面裝置結合視覺設計師蕭青陽與書法大師董陽孜的巧思創意,透過黑底金線的構圖,再加上18塊魔術方塊拼接出的半圓牆面,將傳統藝術融入創新生命,一起與各國旅客分享台灣文化的美好。 Welcome to the Taiwanese Opera Waiting Lounge at A9; you can see an installation art of… 更多 the Taiwanese opera, created by calligraphy and contemporary design. Taking a closer look at the wall, you will discover how designers apply their creativity and ingenuity to an innovative design. Enjoy a journey into Taiwanese culture! #Taoyuanairport #Taiwaneseopera #traditional #culture #contemporarydesign |
933668753347972 | 2015-12-06 17:47 | 249 | 2 | |
933277246720456 | 2015-12-05 21:24 | 273 | 1 | |
932797360101778 | 2015-12-05 12:00 | 131 | 2 | 歲末年終漂書活動來囉!即日起至105年1月底,歡迎捐出家中舊有的書籍至桃園國際機場第一、二航廈服務台,或是郵寄至桃園市大園區航站南路9號 業務處收,桃園機場會將募集到的書本分享在機場的漂書站,提供旅客們免費閱讀,一起讓書香隨著旅客傳送到全世界! “Book Surfing Day” in the end of the year! To promote the atmosphere of reading, we set… 更多 up four book stations in the airport and provide free books. You are welcome to donate books to the information desk in Terminal 1 & 2 or send them by post to the Business Department of Taoyuan Airport Corporation. Let’s share books from the airport to the world. |
932258606822320 | 2015-12-03 10:21 | 9143 | 111 | 【Vote Now!一年一度的航空界奧斯卡票選活動又來嘍!!!】 Skytrax 2016年的票選活動已經如火如荼展開!快上網投下你神聖的一票,讓桃園機場蟬聯2016年「全球最佳機場服務人員」冠軍! Taoyuan Airport is the winner of World's Best Airport Staff Service in 2015 Skytrax Awards. Thank you for your… 更多 support!2016 Skytrax World Airport Awards voting is now open!Nominate us as your favorite airport and tell them we have the nicest Airport Staff! 投票網址/Vote Now: 全球最佳機場/ Your Favourite Airport >>> http://goo.gl/bniCtT 全球最佳機場服務人員/The Nicest Airport Staff >>> http://goo.gl/Vzye58 |