
Month: 2013-06

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532084373506414 2013-06-27 18:23 42 3 還在煩惱哪些行李能不能帶上飛機嗎?
桃園國際機場「飛安微電影」,情境演出讓您一看就懂~ Are you still worried about what kinds of luggages that you can't take with you on the plane? Taoyuan International Airport now gives you a short movie about flight safety. Just have a look before check-in your luggage. http://youtu.be/rmKxptxL1kw


530745460306972 2013-06-24 08:27 31 0 呀 有螳螂!...咦?螳螂有什麼好怕的,何況還是鐵打的!
栩栩如生的企鵝、貓頭鷹們懷抱熱情的鋼鐵之心期待與您相會! Each piece has its own unique feature; you can see owls, birds, insects and other animals. It’s amazing that cold… 更多 metal can depict animals as vivid as real ones, showing playful, naughty, laughter and other expressions. The artist hoped that these animals can bring some surprised experience to kids. " Metalsmithing Art Exhibition of Cheng-Yao Chiang" will keep displaying till August 6th in Terminal 2, Area C.
529039057144279 2013-06-20 10:08 50 1 鮮嫩多汁的台灣水果、美味可口的夜市小吃…
現在到指定候機室打卡拍照,就有機會抽iPad mini等多項好禮喔!詳情請見主辦單位「昇恆昌免稅商店」臉書
https://www.facebook.com/everrich.dutyfreeshop/app_116508681889597 Taiwan’s juicy fruits and delicious… 更多 night market snacks in Taoyuan International Airport lounges vary in different topics. Which decoration shows Taiwan’s feature most? Now, check-in on Facebook with a photo will have a chance to get new iPad mini and many other gifts! For more details, please check “Ever Rich Duty Free Shop” on Facebook or the following address below.
526045360776982 2013-06-12 10:06 21 0 Besides our airport, taking bus to travel in Taiwan is also an enjoyable experience.
來台灣,機場不是旅客唯一的目的地,而是細細品嚐台灣的微小幸福與美好。巴士旅遊也會讓您擁有小確幸。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rseIV6ir9QU


風景 - 是公路總局廣告短片、 作家 / 劉克襄的短文作品 、由劉克襄本人演出、卓杰 / 導演攝影、陳竟明 / 執行製作、林敏蘭 / 監製。
525807764134075 2013-06-11 18:10 43 0 被國際喻為「東方飛躍的羚羊」紀政,今日來到桃園國際機場力邀大眾一同以「健行」來「行銷台灣」。
在偌大的桃園機場中,紀政不負羚羊之名,將在下半年每月份11號走遍登機口,以實際行動來行銷台灣,讓台灣走入國際,讓國際走入台灣。 Well known as the「Oriental Flying… 更多 Antelope」internationally, today in Taoyuan International Airport Chi Chen is inviting the public to join a "hiking" to "promote Taiwan".
Having a bamboo hat, wearing the ROC flag, visiting dozens of countries worldwide, Chi Cheng left footprints and Taiwanese cordial image in Five Continents.
Chi Cheng will "go hiking" among all boarding gates in Taoyuan airport on each 11th every month started this June until the end of year. See you on 11th next month!
525786854136166 2013-06-11 16:44 25 0 國道1號林口至機場交流道將於102年6月13日23時至次日6時雙向主線封閉施工,進出機場之駕駛人請行駛五楊高架橋。 遠通電收公司為辦理國道1號門型架吊裝作業,將於102年6月13日23:00至次日上午6:00,封閉林口交流道(41K)至機場系統交流道(52K)間雙向主線車道,該時段進出機場之駕駛人,請行駛五楊高架橋,中壢段部分則不受影響。 Road section between Linkou (41K) and Taoyuan International Airport interchanges (52K) on Highway No. 1 will be closed both south and north bound for construction work started from 11:00 pm, 13-June until 06:00 am in the next day morning. Drivers to cities are advised to use Wu Yang viaduct as alternative way.
523441994370652 2013-06-06 13:50 59 2 復興航空與耳機之王MONSTER攜手推出「MONSTER魔聲專機」,於6月5日桃園機場飛往曼谷的航班中正式豪華亮相!全球首創以A330商務艙結合頂級萬元抗噪耳機,讓旅客在旅程中享受天籟美聲,彷彿樂團歌手與您一同遨遊天際。 Flying from Taoyuan International Airport to Bangkok, TransAsia Airways pioneered in combining with… 更多 Monster Audio. On June5th, the maiden voyage of flight A330 Business Class will launch high-level headphone called "Monster Inspiration", allowing visitors to enjoy the journey with brilliant singing, as if the singer traveled the whole world along your side.
521826094532242 2013-06-03 14:05 74 0 想體驗塞外壯闊的大漠、草原風光嗎?現在從桃園國際機場直飛內蒙古,不用再轉機、轉車囉!長榮航空呼和浩特、海拉爾聯合首航,6月3日正式起飛。 Do you want an experience that beyond the Great Wall magnificent desert? Eva Air has flights from Taoyuan International Airport to Inner Mongolia Hohhot and Hailar without transfer. 6/3 2013 the inaugural flight officially takes off!