
Month: 2016-01

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
959012224146958 2016-01-30 15:30 245 8
957551060959741 2016-01-27 13:00 735 10 歡迎緬甸國際航空首航仰光-桃園航線
Proudly welcome Myanmar Airways International's Inaugural flight to Taoyuan Airport.
954911297890384 2016-01-21 15:30 504 13 開始放寒假啦~又是出國的好時機!
小編提醒大家,寒假期間出國人數比較多,加上機場的安全檢查比較嚴格,建議「提前在班機表定起飛時間3小時抵達機場」。另外小編也鼓勵大家多使用航空公司的網路報到、機場的自助報到系統和自動通關出入境,可以節省不少排隊時間,開心血拚去~ As winter vacation is approaching, more passengers are expected to be at the… 更多 airport.
Passengers are strongly advised to arrive at the airport at least 3 hours prior to the scheduled departure time. We also encourage passengers to use airlines’ online check-in service, self-check-in service and self-service immigration clearance system (e-Gate) to save time and avoid long queues.
Taoyuan International Airport wishes you a pleasant journey and happy Winter Vacation!
#wintervacation #egate
954090631305784 2016-01-20 15:40 360 8 喜愛茶飲的旅客們有福拉!
在機場裡想找地方喝茶聊天、小憩一下的旅客們,來這裡就對囉! Good news for tea lovers!
Taiwanese famous tea brand’s concept store “COMEBUYTEA” just opened on the 2nd floor… 更多 of T2. With a made-to-order service, and a variety of tea selections, passengers are able to enjoy premium quality beverages at Taoyuan International Airport. We also offer a cozy place with sofas for passengers to have a tea break and gather with family and friends.
#COMEBUYTEA #T2 #Taoyuanairport
954081014640079 2016-01-19 17:30 201 8 還記得之前分享過桃園機場針對不同宗教需求而規劃的祈禱室嗎?
To meet domestic and foreign travelers’ needs, we offer… 更多 a various choices of catering at the airport. One of them is Middle East Halal Kitchen, a restaurant with the halal certification mark. To provide Halal food, food production process, ingredients, kitchen, utensils, tableware, and even storeroom should meet the Islamic requirements. Authentic food provided by Middle East Halal Kitchen is worth tasting. Next time when you are at Taoyuan Airport, don’t forget to visit Middle East Halal Kitchen in T1.
#Halal #Taoyuanairport #T1
951172268264287 2016-01-13 12:30 125 5 漂書活動持續進行中!
To promote the atmosphere of reading, we set up four book stations in the airport… 更多 and provide free books. You are welcome to donate books to the information desk in Terminal 1&2 or send them by post to the Business Department of Taoyuan Airport Corporation. Let’s share books from the airport to the world.
947539538627560 2016-01-05 12:30 509 16 [桃機新鮮事]
深夜時刻,桃園機場的跑道維護作業才正要開始呢! 桃園機場的降落航班每天平均超過300架次。而每一班降落的飛機,輪胎在高熱摩擦下,都會在機場跑道上留下胎屑,久了會影響跑道的摩擦係數,也有可能影響飛航安全。
為了飛航安全和更有效率地清除胎屑,我們引進了全台唯一的「自走式道面胎屑自動清洗設備」,就好像用蓮蓬頭沖澡一樣,用高壓水柱沖去跑道降落區的橡膠胎屑。… 更多
在不影響白天跑道運作的情況下,胎屑車都是在深夜才出動,就算是平安夜和跨年夜也不例外! Taoyuan Airport handles more than 300 landings per day. When a plane lands, the tires are dragging on the runway instead of spinning. During this time, the friction buildup causes the rubber which is deposited from the tires of landing aircraft. The buildup of rubber affects the level of friction of the runway and could lead to incidents also. To maintain the safety at our airport, we hire unique runway rubber removal equipment, using high-pressure water jet system to remove rubber from touch down area on the runway. Furthermore, our operations staffs only work during night time because that's the only time the airport slows down.