文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
285542804880674 | 2012-09-28 23:51 | 25 | 19 | Have a secret souvenir if your give a like here and leave message "I like Taoyuan airport! I like Taiwan!" ONLY TOP 20 fans in Abu Dhabi every day!! Welcome to the booth P10 of Taoyuan International Airport in… 更多 2012 World Routes Conference and Exhibition during Sep 30th - Oct. 2nd in Abu Dhabi! Just come grab a cup of Taiwanese tea and traditional sweeties- Pineapple cake!! http://www.routesonline.com/events/150/the-18th-world-route-development-forum/ |
423846097663576 | 2012-09-21 23:36 | 62 | 22 | 桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport 新增了 4 張相片。2012年9月21日下午11:36 · |
423841784330674 | 2012-09-21 23:17 | 51 | 5 | 桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport 新增了 5 張相片 — 在臺灣桃園國際機場。2012年9月21日 · Donggang · Can't forget Taiwanese bubble milk tea and fried chicken? Welcome to newly opened T1 food court in Taoyuan airport! Here are a variety of Taiwanese delicious traditional foods and sweeties! 喜歡台灣小吃的旅客有口福了!下回到桃園機場第一航廈搭機的旅客別忘了到地下街美食廣場,這裡有您最愛的珍珠奶茶與鹽酥雞,以及新竹貢丸,港式叉燒快餐,星馬料理,漢堡速食等!甚至也有高檔優質的西餐廳,有許多精緻排餐可供您選擇。還有 2 張 |
422892871092232 | 2012-09-18 22:36 | 68 | 2 | 桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport 新增了 4 張相片 — 在臺灣桃園國際機場。2012年9月18日 · Donggang · |
420947821286737 | 2012-09-12 22:34 | 33 | 20 | 相信各位粉絲最近一定注意到新聞曝光的低成本航空新聞,跟各位粉絲預告,來自新加坡的酷航(SCOOT)及日本的樂桃航空(Peach)即將分別自9/18及10/16起開航!航班資訊簡單說明如下: 酷航:桃園-新加坡;9/18-10/27每週開航三班(週二六日),之後將開航每天一班; 樂桃航空:桃園-大阪;10/16起每天一班。 提醒粉絲們,低成本航空因票價多採浮動制,享受低票價優惠之餘,也別忘了要留意機票背後的限制規定也多,請粉絲多加注意,以免權益受損! Welcome two new low cost carriers (LCC) on board since this Autumn, 2012! SCOOT from Singapore will launch to fly… 更多 Singapore-Taipei (Taoyuan) since 1 8-Sept. 2012! And Peach from Japan will launch to fly Osaka-Taipei (Taoyuan) since 16-Oct. 2012! SCOOT: Singapore-Taipei Taoyuan; 3 flights every week during 9/18-10/27. fly daily after 10/27. Peach: Osaka-Taipei Taoyuan; Fly daily after launching from 10/16. Tip for your trip: Since almost tickets with low fare will be restrained relatively. Please be aware of all details and restraints before booking your flights with LCC. |
420571277991058 | 2012-09-11 20:54 | 13 | 1 | 旅行換匯小提醒:各位即將出國的旅客可多加利用台灣銀行、兆豐商銀提供的網路結匯服務。只要在網路上點選完,並且完成匯款的動作,就可以拿著自己的身分證件,到機場分行,或者是市區的指定分行取鈔,就算不是台銀、兆豐銀的客戶也能申請,都可以使用此項服務。 Smart tip for your trip: Taiwan Bank and Mega International Commercial Bank are always providing a Money exchange convenient service online. Once you apply this service online, you just go to any bank branches in town or airport… 更多 bank counters to check your foreign currency with your personal ID. You don't even need to have an account of those banks! Just try it and you will get a discount online! So let's be smart! 台灣銀行 Taiwan Bank: https://fctc.bot.com.tw/botfe/index.jsp 兆豐國際商業銀行 Mega International Commercial Bank: https://ebank.megabank.com.tw/global2/fs/fs04/PFS4010.faces |
420567834658069 | 2012-09-11 20:36 | 15 | 0 | 台灣精緻特色糕點鳳梨酥遠近馳名,桃園機場采盟免稅店特地舉辦鳳梨酥大賞活動,歡迎中外遊客了解到鳳梨酥成為臺灣特色糕點的魅力,與其美味背後所蘊藏的在地文化背景與深層的人文素養。桃園機場的鳳梨酥大賞活動將持續展出至十月底,歡迎出國旅客在登機之前到第二航廈3F免稅商店區(往D區方向)現場品嚐~ The Taiwanese delicacy Pineapple cake exhibition now held by Tasa… 更多 Meng Duty free shop at Taoyuan International airport welcomes you to come having a great taste! You will also learn the culture and history of this Taiwanese charm of delicate dessert. This event will last until the end of October, 2012. The elegant sweet will be waiting for you on the way to Concourse D right after the immigration checking counters of T2, Taoyuan International Airport. |
420082521373267 | 2012-09-10 09:21 | 18 | 0 | 「第10屆桃源創作獎機場巡迴展」將於9月5日起至10月31日止,假桃園國際機場第二航廈出境D區藝文展演空間展出。將桃園最具國際性、前衛性的桃源創作獎及其作品推介給來往的旅人。邀請大家親臨現場感受當代藝術的美學形式,以及期待透過與藝術家的對話與交流,而更瞭解其創作脈絡。 The 10th Taoyuan Modern Art awards round tour exhibition will be held from… 更多 Sept. 5th to Oct. 31st at Concourse D of departure level of T2, Taoyuan International Airport. Here are exhibited the most international and modern artistic creation works for all passengers in airport, inviting each of you to feel different aesthetic styles of modern art and the creation contexts and backgrounds. |
260443194059422 | 2012-09-06 00:32 | 10 | 0 | (影片演唱者:台灣知名歌手以莉高露)桃園機場昇恆昌爵士音樂季活動自2012.9.5開始為期兩個月,歡迎蒞臨第二航廈登機廊廳C區,您也能享有如此美妙的音樂盛宴~ (Performed by very famous Taiwanese singer Ilid Kaolo) Ever Rich Jazz fever in Taoyuan International airport starts at the… 更多 Concourse C of T2 during September to October 2012. Just come to enjoy the live Jazz music at your very first beginning of your journey. http://youtu.be/t5MvJEf2a-o |
418389308209255 | 2012-09-05 22:38 | 30 | 0 | 桃園機場昇恆昌爵士音樂季活動自今天開始,9-10月將有知名爵士歌手與樂手於桃園機場第二航廈C區現場演出。 Ever Rich Jazz fever starts since today! Come to enjoy some live Jazz music at Concourse C in T2, Taoyuan Airport during Sept.-Oct., 2012!! |
417942024920650 | 2012-09-04 17:41 | 20 | 0 | 桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport 新增了 5 張相片 — 在臺灣桃園國際機場。2012年9月4日下午5:41 · Donggang · 還有 2 張 |
417941318254054 | 2012-09-04 17:36 | 78 | 11 | 喜歡閱讀的旅客有福囉~桃園機場D2閱讀候機室今天開幕,光線明亮,溫馨且充滿書香氣息的候機室,小心您別忘了登機時間喔~ Congratulations to our passengers who love reading! Since today waiting lounge D2 has renovated to a very comfortable library. Filled with bright… 更多 lights and warm atmosphere of books, new D2 waiting lounge will bring you joys and fun at the very first beginning of your journey. |
336906906404281 | 2012-09-01 21:50 | 40 | 8 | 航務管理是機場空側安全與管理的最前鋒,從機坪管理, 飛機起降, 機位規劃甚至到緊急救援等,都是航務處的重要職責。陳美華航管師是桃園機場的活歷史,從機場啟航前到現在伴隨桃園機場堅守崗位已30餘年,從這段影片中,不僅認識了航管師的工作內容,更能幫助我們深刻認識桃園機場。 Aviation management is the gatekeeper of airside security in an airport,… 更多 handling with aircraft landing and taking off, airside management, parking bay management and even emergency in airport. Ms Chen witnesses the history of Taoyuan international airport, working for more than 30 years at the airport. Please take a look at the video, you will learn not only the job content of aviation management, but also more about the airport. |
341842699239278 | 2012-09-01 21:21 | 19 | 0 | 您有多久沒有出國旅行了呢?帶您3分鐘認識我們的桃園機場,或許您將會發現有許多正在悄悄改善與改變中的小感動~ How long have you not take flight on trip? Take 3 minutes to update your knowledge about Taoyuan International airport via this short video clip, and perhaps you will find out more little surprises in this airport. |
416712348376951 | 2012-09-01 01:00 | 16 | 1 | 歡迎各位粉絲朋友加入桃園國際機場Taoyuan International Airport的粉絲團!從今天起,這裡將成為桃園國際機場的全新官方Facebook臉書粉絲團,歡迎各位支持關心桃園機場的舊雨新知繼續關注我們!也祝福各位都在桃園機場有美好的旅程! Welcome all fans to Taoyuan International Airport Fans Page! From now on this is new official Facebook Page for Taoyuan International airport. Hope all old and new friends keep supporting us and enjoy your every trip now and future in Taoyuan Airport!! |