文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
987832727931574 | 2016-03-24 15:30 | 546 | 13 | 來自韓國的低成本航空「真航空」,今天首航仁川-桃園航線,提供每天一班的服務。 前往韓國旅遊又多一個選擇囉! Jin Air, a low cost carrier from South Korea, has launched ICN-TPE route with daily service today. Another flight option for people who would like to travel to Seoul. #JinAir #TaoyuanAirport |
986165014765012 | 2016-03-22 17:35 | 184 | 6 | 你知道要怎麼找回在機場遺失的物品嗎? 桃園國際機場在第二航廈一樓入境大廳北側設有遺失物招領處,可直接前往詢問;已經離開機場的旅客也可透過線上遺失物招領管理系統進行查詢,只要輸入日期及遺失物品的地點,可憑系統顯示遺失物的受理單位跟聯繫資料找回你的東西喔! 線上遺失物招領管理系統 : … 更多http://laf.taoyuan-airport.com/laf/LostFoundInformation.aspx?rnd=1614248716 If you have lost something during your stay at Taoyuan International Airport, you can get help at the Lost and Found Office at 1025 room, on the 1st floor, at the North side of Terminal 2. Taoyuan Airport also provides an online platform to assist passengers in retrieving lost belongings. By entering the location and date at which the articles went missing, the system will show the telephone numbers of relevant departments from which to retrieve your property. Online Lost and Found website : http://laf.taoyuan-airport.com/laf/LostFoundInformation.aspx?rnd=1202343714 |
985570958157751 | 2016-03-21 20:03 | 85 | 2 | 【桃園機場白色情人節測驗抽獎賽】 開獎囉~ 恭喜得獎的粉絲! http://www.mtsc.com.tw/taoyuan_airport314/home |
983586755022838 | 2016-03-18 16:50 | 82 | 1 | 即日起至3月28日,飛碟聯播網舉辦桃園機場尋寶樂-UFO機場大不同的活動,快來看看你對機場的了解有多少,還有機會得到精美小禮物 :) 提醒大家,在活動專屬頁面留言正確者,才符合抽獎資格喔! 活動頁面>> https://www.facebook.com/events/1334058066611591/?active_tab=posts |
983542658360581 | 2016-03-18 14:37 | 1 | 6 | |
982420635139450 | 2016-03-16 21:20 | 89 | 4 | 【桃園機場白色情人節測驗抽獎賽】 活動網站已公佈有機會參加下一階段抽獎的前100名粉絲,如在活動期間因系統問題而沒有顯示在排行榜100名內的人,請於3/17(四)下午6點前提供以下資料給小編(私訊),會一併納入此次抽獎名單內,感謝大家的體諒及配合! ①個人塗鴉牆的秒數截圖(秒數需在100名的範圍內) ②真實姓名 ③電話 ④地址 https://www.mtsc.com.tw/taoyuan_airport314/wall 備註:楊○真、朱○宇、郝○、Qeayen Chen 等四名粉絲已提供秒數截圖畫面,可參加此次抽獎。 |
981155928599254 | 2016-03-15 11:30 | 123 | 5 | 台灣首間環亞機場貴賓室已經開幕啟用囉!! 位於第一航廈四樓的環亞機場貴賓室24小時開放使用,提供舒適的休息環境、自助餐飲、無線上網及本地及國際報章雜誌。起飛前來體驗看看也是種不錯的選擇喔 。 即日起至4/30日止,上網預訂享有85折優惠 https://www.plaza-network.com/promotion_detail?id=5891757133791232&lang=en# Plaza Premium… 更多 Lounge in Terminal 1, Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport is now open! Come and enjoy a variety of services and facilities including comfortable seating, food and beverage, Wi-Fi, local and international newspapers and magazines. It's time to take your airport experience before the journey. From now until 30 April 2016, you can book online and receive 15% off on lounge use packages.Click here for special opening offer : https://www.plaza-network.com/promotion_detail?id=5891757133791232&lang=en# |
979442425437271 | 2016-03-11 11:30 | 112 | 13 | 【桃園機場白色情人節測驗抽獎賽! 抽CK時尚對錶等大獎】 照過來!照過來! 桃園機場邀您來挑戰! 即日起至3/15止,只要上傳照片,找找阿娜達在哪裡? 就有機會抽中CK對錶、自拍神機等大獎。 桃園機場祝大家3月14日白色情人節快樂啦!! 活動連結如下: https://www.mtsc.com.tw/taoyuan_airport314/home |
978574265524087 | 2016-03-09 15:59 | 171 | 0 | 今天出國的朋友好幸運,有沒有遇到天后蔡琴的記者會!? 選擇台灣的門戶城市桃園作為首站,將進行巡迴寶島演唱會之旅,邀請全球的歌迷及旅客在7-9月造訪台灣,一起賞樂及體驗台灣之美。 Did you see her today? Well known since 80’s, she is always beloved by all audiences in Asia and world. Tsai Chin chooses… 更多 Taoyuan airport as her debut of personal concerts this year in Taiwan. Truly excited and look forward to her performances of beautiful sounds and melody!!! |
975606102487570 | 2016-03-08 11:10 | 127 | 1 | WING THE WORLD活動開獎囉~ 快來看看幸運得主是不是你! http://www.wingtheworld.com/wine.php 備註:中獎名單公布後5日內,統一以EMAIL方式發送得獎通知,並附上中獎領取表格乙式。請中獎人確實填寫,並於名單公布後10日內回傳表格,逾期視同放棄中獎資格。 |
974980302550150 | 2016-03-05 12:00 | 504 | 5 | 好消息! 第二航廈入境大廳有新的充電區,入境或接機的朋友可以多多利用這個免費的服務喔。 Great News! You can now juice up electronic devices at new charging points at the arrival hall in Terminal 2. The service is free of charge. Just feel free to make use of it. |
975087792539401 | 2016-03-02 18:30 | 310 | 10 | 自動通關服務在今天已經破三千萬旅客人次囉!! 只要12秒就可以輕鬆完成證照查驗程序,可以減少不少排隊等候時間。 在桃園機場裡當場申辦即可使用自動查驗通關服務,歡迎大家多加利用! Welcome the 30 million e-Gate user at Taoyuan Airport! We encourage passengers to use this self-service immigration clearance system, which takes only 12 seconds, to save time and avoid long queues. #eGate #TaoyuanAirport |