文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
1025850077463172 | 2016-05-28 09:00 | 149 | 13 | 飛安宣導報你哉活動今天熱鬧當場囉! 現場只要在桃園國際機場粉絲專頁按讚成為粉絲,並且在本PO文留言圖上飛安宣導七大主題,即可到5號桃園機場公司的攤位換取精美小禮品1份。數量有限送完為止,快來現場與我們同歡吧~~ **時間:5月28日上午10點至下午2點 **地點:桃園區建國公園(桃鶯路與建成街口) |
1024179987630181 | 2016-05-26 13:39 | 8128 | 118 | 起飛前的候機時間,大家會選擇怎麼度過呢?除了在候機室上網滑手機,移步到貴賓室享受一頓暖心美食,也是不錯的選擇喔! 即日起,凡是於6月1日至6月30日期間,飛往北京、香港、大阪的旅客,可上網登錄加入「桃園機場計畫(Taoyuan Airport Rewards)」,即可獲得全新開幕環亞機場貴賓室買一送一優惠喔~~~ 登入享優惠>> http://www.taoyuan-airport-rewards.com How… 更多 will you spend your time before the boarding time? Instead of surfing the internet with your mobile phone at the waiting room, how about enjoy the tasty cuisine at the lounge? As from today, passengers flying to Beijing, Hong Kong, or Kansai Airport during 6/1 to 6/30 can go to the event page and join the Taoyuan Airport Rewards, they can get the Buy 1 Get 1 Free on lounge use package in Plaza Premium Lounge. More details>> http://www.taoyuan-airport-rewards.com |
1024201247628055 | 2016-05-24 16:54 | 149 | 5 | 飛安宣導有獎徵答活動只到5/27喔~快來答題抽大獎!!! 活動網址>>https://goo.gl/qRmRMk #飛安宣導專區>>http://goo.gl/rW9u4d |
1020681687980011 | 2016-05-18 18:00 | 696 | 14 | 第一航廈全新升級的旅客休憩區,已經正式開放囉! 不只有舒適沙發區和辦公長桌區,每個座位也都有提供插座, 還有貼心提供育嬰室和盥洗室喔~~ 重點是完。全。免。費,24小時開放!! 近期出國的旅客歡迎來體驗一下。 *旅客休憩區位置: 第一航廈4樓環亞貴賓室旁 A brand-new rest area in T1 is now open! All desks and sofas are equipped with… 更多 power sockets for your laptop or phone; baby changing rooms and shower rooms are also at your disposal. And it's FREE to use! Come and enjoy this cosy place before boarding. *Location: Controlled Area 4F/Terminal 1 #restarea #T1 #Taoyuanairport |
1017202328327947 | 2016-05-12 11:30 | 224 | 5 | 一年一度的飛安宣導有獎徵答活動又來囉~ 即日起至5/27,只要將10題飛安常識選擇題全部答對,就有抽獎資格,有機會得到機票、飛機模型、精品包、禮券等等多項精美好禮喔! 活動網址>>https://goo.gl/qRmRMk #飛安宣導專區>>http://goo.gl/rW9u4d |
1016786708369509 | 2016-05-11 17:30 | 167 | 2 | 外籍旅客退稅e化服務已經在5/1正式上路囉~只要4步驟,就可以輕鬆完成退稅! 自助退稅機總共支援8種語言,歡迎旅客多加利用! Effective since May 1, claiming VAT refunds can be made with 4 steps at any Electronic VAT Refund Machine in the airport. As Self-service VAT… 更多 Refund is easier, faster and more convenient, we encourage foreign passengers to use this service to save time and avoid long queues. #SelfserviceVATRefund Enjoy tax refunds! Location: 1F/Terminal 1, 2F&3F/Terminal 2 |
1014147041966809 | 2016-05-07 10:00 | 169 | 0 | 明天就是母親節囉,桃園機場內也有小小的慶祝活動喔~只要在指定網頁上傳和媽咪合影的照片並留言,就有機會獲得精美好禮。 桃園機場預祝全天下的媽媽們,母親節快樂! Taoyuan Airport wishes you a happy Mother's Day! 活動地點:桃園機場第二航廈D區 |
1013607712020742 | 2016-05-05 15:45 | 1245 | 64 | 在桃園機場難得一見的稀客,大家猜猜看是哪間航空公司? Who is our special guest today? #AF4008 #Taoyuanairport |
1010230512358462 | 2016-05-04 12:30 | 365 | 12 | 搭機前想先填飽肚子,小小享受一下嗎? 位於第一航廈4樓的環亞機場貴賓室,除了提供舒適的休息環境外,每天還有供應現做的各式美食,像是經典的台式擔仔麵、港式叉燒飯及柱侯牛筋腩,還有松露野菇燉飯、提拉米蘇等,中式西式一次滿足! 起飛前記得來品嘗一下吧! Located at 4/F of Terminal 1, Plaza Premium Lounge provides a variety of cuisines with… 更多 menus that span from Asia to Europe. Come and enjoy an interactive dining experience with a selection of Danzai noodles, Hong Kong-style BBQ pork with steamed rice, stewed beef brisket, risotto with wild mushroom and truffle, tiramisu and Crème brulee. #TaoyuanAirport #PlazaPremiumLounge #T1 |
1011528465562000 | 2016-05-01 18:48 | 2671 | 40 | 歡迎阿聯酋航空A380定期航班直飛杜拜-台北! Welcome Emirates to start the first scheduled A380 service from Dubai to Taipei! #Taoyuanairport #A380 |