文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
520498917998293 | 2013-05-31 10:01 | 43 | 0 | 在亞洲,竹子已經與我們共處數百年了,它在我們的生活中無時無刻扮演著重要的角色,這也是為什麼竹子總是被當作東方人的意象。如今,結合了普普藝術的竹工藝再次躍上舞台,這將會再次喚醒台灣人們的傳統精神。有機會可以到第二航廈D7登機口,一起欣賞透出自然光澤的工藝品「竹」! Natural luster crafts in Terminal 2 - D7! Using bamboo has been a history of… 更多 normal life for hundred years in East Asia, especially in Taiwan. That’s the reason why bamboo symbolizes oriental impression and spirit. Now, bamboo craft has a pop art composition in there, this will wake up traditional Taiwanese consciousness again. |
518871348161050 | 2013-05-27 09:59 | 41 | 1 | 逛免稅店逛累了嗎?位於T2-D2登機口旁的「奇美影音服務上網區」,備有充足的舒適座椅,高畫質的螢幕播放美日各國新聞。您可以利用一旁的電腦上網或是使用充電插座為您的3C產品保持續航力。 路過時只匆匆一瞥的旅客可能不會注意到,那面寬廣的電視牆背後,其實還藏著一台X-Box呢! If you are tired from shopping in the duty free shops, you may rest your… 更多 feet at the T2-D2 "CHIMEI Rich Media & Internet Access Lounge". You can use the terminals to surf the web or catch up on international news. If your mobile phone or laptop needs to be charged you can use the power outlets right in front of you. Let me tell you a secret. There is an X-box in the back of the TV wall! Nice cover, isn't it? |
517785788269606 | 2013-05-24 14:20 | 37 | 1 | 來臺經商和經常往返臺灣的外國朋友們,現在也可以在桃園國際機場T1 & T2享受便利的「快速查驗通關」服務囉~ 相關資訊請見移民署官網:https://www.immigration.gov.tw/sp_immig.aspx?xdurl=e_immig/asp/fqpmgt/fqpdoc-c_2.asp https://oa1.immigration.gov.tw/nia_freq Online Speedy Immigration Inspection Certificate for Foreign Business Visitors! If you are foreign business visitors or foreign frequent visitors, you might… 更多 be eligible for Speedy Immigration criteria. The Speedy Immigration could make your schedule more efficient. Please follow the links below for application instructions. http://www.immigration.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=1093194&CtNode=30088&mp=2 https://oa1.immigration.gov.tw/nia_freq |