桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport 。 237,553 個讚 · 1,353 人正在談論這個 · 4,624,945 個打卡次。歡迎蒞臨臺灣桃園國際機場
Welcome to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.
The gentleman is cleaning the tree leafs down the airport road to avoid risk of flood!! Thanks to all airport colleagues who are hardly working overnight to secure Taoyuan airport against Typhoon MATMO, So far So good!! 中颱麥德姆還沒走,照片中的機場同仁正趁颱風雨勢稍歇,蹲在航廈外路邊清理水溝旁風吹落葉,避免水溝阻塞帶來豪雨可能造成的水災風險!感謝徹夜守候機場的全體工作同仁們!辛苦大家了!