文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
460694840645368 | 2012-12-31 22:17 | 60 | 7 | 2012年剩下最後不到2小時囉(台灣時間),桃園機場感謝粉絲朋友今年給予的許多關心與指教,桃園機場會持續提供給大家更新更好的機場服務,也請大家繼續支持!更重要的是,祝願大家新年更加平安健康快樂! Only less than 2 hours left before 2013 comes! Taoyuan airport thanks all fans' greetings and constructive comments to airport and keep making better airport services for you. And most importantly, wish you a much healthier and happier New Year to you!! |
459444130770439 | 2012-12-28 21:43 | 56 | 6 | 連續四天的新年假期正式開跑,今天的桃園機場相當熱鬧洋溢著渡假的氣氛!祝福所有旅客假期愉快,新年快樂! New Year holidays starts since this evening! Taoyuan airport today is crowded with happy passengers who aim to enjoy great vacation! Wish everyone have an enjoyable trip and a very fruitful 2013! Happy New Year!! |
457795324268653 | 2012-12-24 22:10 | 70 | 0 | 現在正是耶誕夜,桃園國際機場祝福所有粉絲朋友平安喜樂!耶誕快樂! It is Christmas eve now and Taoyuan International Airpot wishes each of you a peaceful and happy night tonight! |
456831754365010 | 2012-12-22 13:46 | 67 | 0 | 謝謝桃園機場昇恆昌免稅店主辦罕見疾病基金會的公益演出及義賣活動,也為桃園機場憑添濃郁耶誕氣氛。桃園機場邀請粉絲一起關心支持罕見疾病的朋友,更祝福大家耶誕佳節平安快樂! Thank Everrich duty free shop for inviting Taiwan foundation for Rare disorders to give great performance in Taoyuan airport! … 更多 Taoyuan international airport corporation welcomes your greetings for our friends with Rare disorders, and wish everyone a Merry Christmas holiday! |
456350821079770 | 2012-12-21 10:41 | 44 | 1 | 雖然今天是盛傳的世界末日,但更是華人的冬至吃湯圓的日子。不論是否世界將會走到今日,冬至湯圓還是要吃!桃園國際機場將於本日12.21(五)下午2時於第二航廈2F通廊"伴手禮大街"免費請您吃湯圓!歡迎大家的蒞臨! Perhaps the world comes to the end today but Chinese never forget to get reunion with family to taste "… 更多Tangyuan" today since it Chinese winter solstice. Welcome to the 2F Terminal 2 to taste free "Tangyuan" in our Souvenir avenue to celebrate Chinese Winter Solstice by 14:00 today! |