
Month: 2014-08

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
724198687628314 2014-08-31 08:30 400 24 一早就有新機落地,猜猜是哪家航空公司的新飛機?
A new aircraft just arrived this morning! Do you know which airline is it?
723086871072829 2014-08-28 16:30 112 3 猜猜看,日本人海外旅遊的首選是哪裡呢?
Guess where is the most popular travel destination for Japanese?
723073144407535 2014-08-28 15:35 96 3 根據聯合國世界觀光組織的報告,2013年國際旅客人次成長率,台灣為全球第九,並且領先韓國、香港和新加坡!!
According to a report issued by World Tourism Organization,the growth rate of arrival passengers in Taiwan in 2013 ranks 9th in the world, and is the first to that of South Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore.
720794537968729 2014-08-23 14:49 163 4 感謝粉絲對桃園機場的支持與鼓勵,2014年在Skytrax 世界最佳機場排名中,桃園機場晉升到第18名,我們還要繼續加油!
2015年Skytrax 世界最佳機場調查已經展開,歡迎大家上網提名與投票! Skytrax world's best airport voting has begun! Please tell us what is your world best airport. Get online here to nominate and vote for your (favorite) airport. http://www.worldairportsurvey.com/svyAPP/airport2015.htm
720393231342193 2014-08-22 15:00 191 19 臺灣桃園國際機場第三航站區計畫介紹短片
Taoyuan International Airport Terminal 3 project introduction video
http://goo.gl/StK8XL 中文版
http://goo.gl/HX4fR3 English

臺灣桃園國際機場第三航站區計畫 5分鐘

719225078125675 2014-08-19 17:30 71 0 想多瞭解台灣的優質創新產品嗎?快來位於第二航廈C2候機室旁的 "台灣精品展",親身體驗一場科技精品的美學饗宴吧!
Wanna know more about the products with high quality from Taiwan? Pay a visit to the exhibition of "Taiwan Excellence Award" next to C2 boarding gate at Terminal 2 and enjoy a feast of state-of-the-art products.
717751034939746 2014-08-17 00:12 93 2 首次與國際機場協會攜手合作的The Trinity Forum,Taoyuan Airport 的官方logo終於在國際機場協會官網上露出囉! "The Trinity Forum" in cooperation with Airports Council International (ACI) finally has its exposure on official website of ACI. Check it out where Taoyuan Airport is!
716367151744801 2014-08-14 23:31 194 32 What would be the most important thing when talking about aircraft safety? A flat , smooth _____________ for landing and take-off. 桃園機場南跑道05R23L重建工程現場實錄。
713156855399164 2014-08-08 14:00 153 0 移民署即日起在第二航廈出境大廳15號報到櫃台旁啟用自動通關專用申請櫃檯囉! 申辦完成後最快可在12秒內完成通關,方便又快速,歡迎出國旅客多加利用!(申請資格需滿14歲且身高140公分以上之中華民國國民或持有居留證之外籍人士,請攜帶護照及其他身分證件至櫃台申辦) National Immigration Agency establishes a new exclusive e-Gate enrollment… 更多 counter next to NO.15 check-in counter at Terminal 2!
Passengers can finish the immigration process within 12 seconds after completing the enrollment. All passengers are welcome to use this service.
**For enrollment, applicants should be at the age of 14 or above and a height over 140cm. Passport, Resident Certificate, or Re-Entry Permit are required.
712658092115707 2014-08-07 17:00 244 3 [轉錄]桃機清潔工,英文嚇嚇叫!
Mr. Lin, one of our cleaners at the airport,welcomes passengers with fluent English and excellent service.

桃機清潔工 英文嚇嚇叫 | 綜合 | 國內要聞 | 聯合新聞網

711629685551881 2014-08-07 15:00 117 5 粉愛Hello Kitty歡慶40周年的活動開跑囉!
從8/1到9/30,特別在C3的Hello Kitty候機室設立拍照專區,讓喜愛Hello Kitty的朋友們可以盡情地和可愛的Hello Kitty合照喔!
Happy 40th anniversary, Hello Kitty!
During August 1 to September 30, a special photo-taking area is built at the C3 Hello Kitty theme Gate. Fans can take pictures with Hello Kitty and have fun in the Hello Kitty World!
711662382215278 2014-08-05 18:00 173 10 為悼念馬公空難及高雄氣爆事件的受災者,自8月5日至7日,連續三天桃園國際機場第一、第二航廈國旗降半旗,表達哀悼之意。
In mourning for the victims of explosions in Kaohsiung and the plane crash in Penghu a week earlier, Taoyuan International Airport began flying flags at half-mast at Terminal 1 and 2 for 3 days.