文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
908850242496490 | 2015-09-30 18:00 | 131 | 8 | 賞機秘境大公開!第二航廈C4-C5的好食城,是享美食兼賞機的好所在!還有第一航廈的觀景電子圖書室,更是與飛機合影的絕佳景點喔! Do you know where is the appropriate place to experience an incomparable view of the airport apron? At the food court of T2, the area between C4… 更多 to C5, presents an outstanding view of aircrafts as you enjoy the great food. Besides, the e-library at T1 is the best place for taking pictures with airplanes. #Taiwan #Taoyuanairport #T1 #T2 #foodcourt #elibrary #airborne #aircraft |
908438132537701 | 2015-09-29 13:30 | 601 | 17 | 颱風逐漸遠離,請旅客耐心等候航班恢復正常 :) Airport works to return operations to normal. Sorry for the wait but thanks for being patient. |
908423605872487 | 2015-09-29 12:38 | 1 | 6 | |
908092925905555 | 2015-09-28 14:33 | 183 | 0 | 小編提醒大家,強烈颱風期間航班受天候影響造成取消和變動,建議旅客在出發前往機場前,先在機場官網或是向航空公司確認班機最新動態喔! As the Typhoon DUJUAN is approaching Taiwan, passengers are reminded that flights can be rescheduled or cancelled, and are advised to check the… 更多 latest flight information on the airline’s or airport’s website before departing for the airport. http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/ |
907067376008110 | 2015-09-27 12:00 | 338 | 0 | 中秋佳節人團圓,祝大家中秋節快樂唷! Wish you have a nice Chinese moon festival 😊 #Taiwan #Taoyuanairport #happy #fullmoon #festival |
907078306007017 | 2015-09-25 18:00 | 103 | 11 | 候機好漫長...那就先來趟放鬆小旅行吧!桃園機場貼心提供方便又舒適的淋浴間及按摩站之外,而且還有沙龍小站耶!紓壓服務讓每位旅客都能充分運用時間,加滿元氣再出發喔!(本文已獲得作者同意轉載) What will you do during the transit in Taoyuan Airport? Let's enjoy our relaxation services like shower room,… 更多 massage station and salon during these times. Make good use of your time, come to use the relaxation facility to revitalize yourself before the next flight. |
905972436117604 | 2015-09-23 15:00 | 283 | 2 | 快到第二航廈C2的航空天際候機室,時間旅行正等著你喔!經典飛機及熱氣球裝置,將帶著旅客航向歷史隧道。為你的候機時光更添新意! Visit and join the time travel at C2 Skyline Waiting Lounge of T2! Classic airplane and hot air balloon will bring passengers to experience the flying during the past. Don't miss it! You will have much fun during the waiting time. #Taoyuanairport #T2 #C2 #Skyline |
905952419452939 | 2015-09-22 17:00 | 499 | 5 | 是不是每次出國,也都期待能看到不同設計的彩繪機呢? 今天的特別貴賓是從台北直飛亞庇,全亞航和Expedia合作的Airbus A320-216經典彩繪機,亮眼的黃色機身超吸睛,搭配各個國家的城市意象,帶你從桃園機場起飛一起環遊世界。 Take a look at AirAsia's special A320-216 livery for Expedia, which is the world’s largest… 更多 online travel landed at Taoyuan International Airport today. AirAsia is the airline with numbers of eye-catching colorful liveries. Come to TPE and you may get a chance to meet them! #Taoyuanairport #AirAsia #Expedia #A320 |
903853636329484 | 2015-09-17 15:43 | 126 | 9 | 出國伴手禮怎麼買?總是讓旅客傷透腦筋。一起來去桃園機場尋寶去!免稅店內提供多款限定版商品,不管是航廈造型的音樂盒、AirBus健達出奇蛋,還是M&M’s及迪士尼的航空造型商品,來到桃園機場千萬別錯過喔!(本文已獲得作者同意轉載) Are you looking for something special to remind you of your stay in Taiwan?? Wanna buy a real… 更多 original Taiwan and travel exclusive souvenirs? We introduce you the most popular items at Taoyuan International Airport. Limited edition products are only available in Duty Free shop such as music box with control tower design, Airbus magic kinder, M&M’s Chocolate and Disney collections. They are all MUST-BUY items in Taiwan! |
903496189698562 | 2015-09-16 19:54 | 110 | 0 | [好康分享] 桃園機場免稅店產品,除了在實體店鋪購買外,也可以在網路上預購,九月底前還有獨家優惠活動!最近有計畫出國的粉絲們可別錯過囉! Duty Free shop at Taoyuan International airport is now providing ONLINE shopping service. Passengers who shop online will enjoy discounts. You should not miss it out! #Dutyfree #everrich 探索去See more>> www.everrich.com |
902954753086039 | 2015-09-15 17:30 | 177 | 2 | 第三航站區計畫目前已經進入國際競圖階段囉! 您心目中的第三航站區是什麼樣子呢? [眾開講]網路平台討論倒數一個月,歡迎大家發表自己的想法,一起腦力激盪! 眾開講公共政策網路參與平台>>http://www.motc.gov.tw/discuss.jsp |
902259119822269 | 2015-09-15 09:00 | 509 | 5 | 讓我們隨著陽光普照的天氣,開始這美好的一天吧! Good morning, wish you all have a nice day :) #Taiwan #Taoyuanairport #T1 #goodday #morning #sunny #sky |
901623276552520 | 2015-09-13 14:00 | 351 | 3 | 桃園機場第二航廈2樓伴手禮大街重新開幕囉!提供國內外旅客多元豐富的臺灣特色伴手禮,現在也可以買到廣受旅人喜愛的微熱山丘鳳梨酥囉! The Souvenir Avenue located on the second floor of T2, reopens this week. You can find the most authentic and traditional souvenirs of Taiwan.… 更多 SunnyHills Pineapple Cakes, which are well appreciated by travelers, are also available near the Souvenir Avenue. #Toayuanairport #T2 #SouvenirAvenue #SunnyHills |
900800719968109 | 2015-09-11 18:00 | 368 | 4 | 週五的夜晚,享受一下桃園機場的夜間美景吧! TGIF!Enjoy this stunning night view of Taoyuan Airport. #TGIF #nightview #Taoyuanairport 影片提供/Video courtesy of 時間守護者(本影片已獲上傳者同意轉載) |
900202880027893 | 2015-09-10 16:40 | 346 | 1 | 桃園機場有超過28個主題候機室,現在又有一個新的主題候機室與大家見面囉! 位於第二航廈C1,以音樂為主軸設計的臺灣音悅候機室,利用黑膠造型及大耳機營造音樂的現代感,介紹台灣多元文化及生命力對音樂史的影響,同時也展示金曲生活記事回顧牆,帶你進入一趟金曲音樂輕旅行~現場更設有點歌機,讓等待上機的旅客可以到此放鬆體驗一番! Do you know there is a new musical themed lounge… 更多 near gate C1 at Taoyuan International Airport? A huge vinyl and headphone will immediately catch your eye while you enter this lounge. It features magnificent moments of the Golden Melody Awards and a jukebox that can bring you back to the past with classic melodies. “Taiwan Music Waiting Lounge” welcomes you to join this delightful journey of music! #Taoyuanairport #T2 #C1 #Taiwanmusic |
897655870282594 | 2015-09-04 17:00 | 140 | 5 | 【從桃園機場起飛 Happy Summer ! 許願留言抽好禮,得獎名單出爐囉!】 感謝所有粉絲熱情參與『從桃園機場起飛 Happy Summer ! 許願留言抽好禮活動!』 中獎名單出爐囉!快來看看自己有沒有幸運的中獎吧! 壹獎(1名) ✤ Hideo Wakamatsu 19吋登機箱✤:Chia-wen ○ 貳獎(3名) ✤飛狼 Jack Wolfskin GEEK 20書背包✤:Miranda ○… 更多 、許○靜、Peipei ○ 參獎(3名) ✤az旅遊生活雜誌 一年份✤:Eliza ○、Gucci ○、汪○霆 肆獎(6名) ✤精美旅行沐浴組合✤:Charles ○、陳○亭、李○米、Ruby ○、李○慈、中○翔 伍獎(10名) ✤多國電源轉換插座✤:Shu-Jung ○、King ○、Foxfox ○、葉○容、C.h. ○、Pin ○、H.t. ○、Grace ○、Chung ○、Ting An ○ 恭喜以上23位得獎粉絲,活動小組會在得獎者留言下方回覆得獎訊息,中獎人須協助中獎簽領單回覆,方可進行領獎。中獎者須於9/13(日) 24:00前回覆訊息給活動小組,若未在期限內回覆者,視同放棄得獎資格, 將另行聯繫備取。獎品自9/16(三)起以掛號方式陸續寄送。 |
897106620337519 | 2015-09-03 15:00 | 212 | 4 | 出國前想要在桃園機場先放鬆一下嗎?桃園機場第二航廈C9的森林紓壓區,提供旅客免費的按摩椅放鬆筋骨,並打造一個悠遊在森林的氛圍,讓你養精蓄銳後再出發! Are you looking for a comfortable place to take a nap before your flight? Taoyuan International Airport has massage chairs with forest… 更多 atmosphere near C9 boarding gate in Terminal 2. Come and refresh yourself before your flight. #Taoyuanairport #T2 #C9 #massage #forest |
896298840418297 | 2015-09-01 15:02 | 174 | 1 |