文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
768086883239494 | 2014-11-28 11:35 | 480 | 17 | 太期待啦! 日本航空的波音787夢幻客機即將於12/1首航桃園機場囉! Wanna fly with Dreamliner? Japan Airlines has scheduled Boeing 787 Dreamliner service on Osaka – Taipei route from 01DEC14 to 28FEB15! **photo credit to Japan Airlines |
767077260007123 | 2014-11-26 09:50 | 403 | 10 | 多麼可愛的微笑呀 這是來自華航貨機所帶來的溫暖 微笑的嘴巴是747貨機的機頭,是可以打開並裝卸貨物的地方喲! A lovely smile from China Airlines 747 Freighter! Its nose can be opened up for loading cargo. |
766726316708884 | 2014-11-25 18:25 | 171 | 10 | 從桃園機場到市區,台北的計程車費率全球排名第3便宜!! From Taoyuan Airport to the city center, Taipei's cab fares is one of the cheapest one in the world! http://travel.ettoday.net/article/428407.htm |
765588390156010 | 2014-11-23 13:02 | 118 | 1 | 對有志於機場工作的粉絲們請快看過來囉! 桃園機場公司正在公開遴選新進人才,為籌設新成立的保全子公司,急聘-資深管理師及副理各1名,薪資待遇自新台幣73,000元起,甄試方式及所需資格條件請詳見機場公司網站,網址如下: http://www.taoyuanairport.com.tw/company_ch/103career |
764656840249165 | 2014-11-21 19:24 | 207 | 2 | 大家有沒有注意到第二航廈多了幾個可愛的夥伴呢? 原來不知不覺的聖誕節又即將到來了! 不知道你們是不是和小編一樣期待聖誕節呢~ New friends in Terminal 2!! Hooray! Christmas is around the corner again!! |
764080846973431 | 2014-11-20 13:59 | 421 | 10 | 日本低成本航空 "Air Do" 今天開啓札幌-桃園的包機航線,冬天想到北海道旅遊的朋友們又多了一個便宜方便的選擇囉! Great news for those who want to spend their winter in Hokkaido! Japanese LCC "Air Do" has launched its charter flight from Sapporo to Taipei today! |
763538197027696 | 2014-11-19 17:49 | 90 | 1 | <<匙!意>> 陳世麒- 金屬創作展 11/04-01/30 來第二航廈C2候機室旁看看藝術家透過湯匙會帶給你什麼樣的驚喜吧! <<Spoon! Meaning>> Shi-Chi Chen --Metal Creations Exhibition From 4th November to 30th January, enjoy the art of spoon near the C2 boarding gate at Terminal 2! |
763442517037264 | 2014-11-19 11:20 | 153 | 1 | 新開幕的法式創作料理 Bistro :D是桃園機場第一家以中西融合食材為主軸的餐廳!快來第一航廈享受新食尚的愉悅氛圍吧! The grand opening “Bistro :D” is the first French-Asian fusion restaurant at Taoyuan Airport. Come and enjoy the fashion cuisine at Terminal 1! |
762387680476081 | 2014-11-17 09:51 | 208 | 3 | 經過四個月的翻新整修,位於桃園機場第一航廈的華航新世代貴賓室於11月14日重新開幕啦! 快來這裡享受一下旅行前的美好時光吧~ After a four -month renovation, China Airlines VIP lounge in Terminal 1 has reopened on November 14. Enjoy your time in this “NexGen” lounge before you start the journey! 更多相關資訊/ For further information: http://goo.gl/pMr8bz |
760985850616264 | 2014-11-14 17:32 | 211 | 4 | 就是今天!台灣虎航開啓了台北桃園-曼谷的新航線 以後到泰國玩又有新選擇了唷! **小編提醒大家,台灣虎航所飛的是曼谷廊曼國際機場,不是一般旅客常造訪的蘇凡納布國際機場, 大家在訂票時別弄錯了喲! Another option to travel to Thailand! Tigerair Taiwan has launched its new service to Bangkok today! **Reminder:… 更多 the flight will be taking off and landing at Don Mueang International Airport(DMK), not Suvarnabhumi International Airport(BKK), which you may have visited for several times, so be careful when booking the tickets. |
759526670762182 | 2014-11-11 18:54 | 75 | 7 | 填問卷~智慧手機送給你!就是現在! 即日起至12/19快拿起你的手機下載「台灣智慧機場APP」並填寫問卷 就有機會獲得台灣製造的精品智慧手機喲! 詳情請洽 http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/chinese/News/#1 Fill out the questionnaire, and be the winner of MIT smart phone! From 7th, November… 更多 to 19th, December, download the Smart Airport APP and fill out the questionnaire, then you may get a chance to win the MIT smart phone! For more information: http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/chinese/News/#1 |
759466964101486 | 2014-11-11 15:00 | 338 | 6 | 什麼! 太棒了! 桃園機場第一航厦榮獲奧斯卡獎!! Woww 原來是臺灣建築界的奧斯卡!------2014臺灣建築獎 首獎 快快點入了解----->【http://goo.gl/tkHtuz】 Congratulations!!! Taoyuan International Airport Terminal 1 is the First Prize winner of “Oscar Academy Awards… 更多 of Architecture in Taiwan”- Taiwan Architecture Awards 2014. For more information ----->【http://goo.gl/tkHtuz】 圖片提供/photo credit : 團紀彥建築設計事務所 |
759379990776850 | 2014-11-11 10:09 | 84 | 0 | 有了刷卡服務,在機場搭計程車,不用擔心身上新台幣不夠~ Good news to all passengers! Right now more than 50% of taxis at the airport accept credit cards ! 分享 交通部
:: 桃園機場排班計程車刷卡服務啟用 ::<br> <br> 桃園機場服務再升級!不少外國朋友入境臺灣、搭乘計程車時,身上的新臺幣不夠,只能選擇刷卡付費。桃國國際機場公司今年9月起推動排班計程車加裝信用卡刷卡機,目前安裝率已近百分之55,預計年底前有超過300輛計程車可提供刷卡服務。… 更多<br> 此外,桃園機場排班計程車的每位駕駛都經過航空警察局的背景安全查核,旅客乘坐好安心。為了載運大件行李,規定營運車輛排氣量需1,900cc以上,且為出廠4年內新車,舒適度滿點;車內配備行車紀錄器、衛星導航等設備,提供載明時間、公里數等資訊的乘車收據,每人並投保新臺幣250萬元的乘客意外險。歡迎選擇有機場排班計程車標誌的小黃放心搭乘,真的貼心又安心~<br> <br> *服務再提升 桃園國際機場排班計程車刷卡服務啟用<br> http://goo.gl/6oHXKO<br>
757402827641233 | 2014-11-07 16:56 | 80 | 2 | 大家知道嗎~~ 在許多便利商店的自助服務機都可以買到【臺灣高鐵】的車票唷! 搭乘台灣高鐵讓你輕鬆往返桃園機場與各大城市、舒適遊台灣~ 了解高鐵購票程序快點入:http://goo.gl/etc055 Taiwan High Speed Rail, which connects Taoyuan airport with all the major cities in Taiwan, makes your trip in… 更多 Taiwan more convenient and fun. You can even easily get your High Speed Rail’s tickets through kiosk in convenient stores! Learn how to get tickets through kiosk in convenient stores: http: //goo.gl/etc055 |
756807231034126 | 2014-11-06 15:26 | 226 | 15 | 話說航空界有位超級巨星,2004年曾經現身在台灣,有人知道她是誰嗎? A superstar once visited Taiwan in 2004 and is known as the longest and heaviest aircraft in the world. Does anyone know who she is? |
756731771041672 | 2014-11-06 10:35 | 10024 | 82 | 總獎金100萬,等你提創意! 讓桃園機場變更好! 活動期間自103年10月10日起至11月25日17時止截止收件~ 活動連結>>http://goo.gl/w13KqK Any good ideas to make our airport better? Check this and you may win our prize! Total award is up to worth TWD1,000,000! (This competition is for R.O.C. citizen only.) Open for proposal submission is from Oct.10,~ 1700 Nov.25 ,2014. |
756394721075377 | 2014-11-05 19:21 | 201 | 7 | 搭乘紅眼班機旅客有福囉!! 為了提供旅客更便捷的交通接駁服務, 桃園機場特別與國光客運協調在凌晨時段增開班次。 即日起24小時的國道客運服務, 讓大家出國回國更方便!! Good news for red-eye flight passengers! To enhance our transportation services, Taoyuan International Airport now provides a… 更多 24-hour public transport bus service. We always works on making your journey better! 詳細資訊/For further information >> http://goo.gl/g0XL68 |
756382314409951 | 2014-11-05 18:32 | 374 | 5 | 下班時間看見今日桃機最美風景。 It's been a while not seeing such pretty sunset at apron.#sunset #taoyuanairport |
753837434664439 | 2014-11-01 08:00 | 63 | 1 | 什麼是伊波拉? 點進影片讓你2分鐘看懂伊波拉!! 桃園機場提醒旅客謹記疾管局的”二不一要”原則喔!! 1."不"接觸或食用果蝠、猿猴等動物 2."不"到醫院或接觸病人 3.若有不適"要"就醫 What’s Ebola? watch the video and you will know it in 2 minutes!! Reminders from Taiwan CDC and Taoyuan Airport:… 更多 1.Avoid contact with bats and nonhuman primates. 2.Avoid contact with patients with Ebola. 3.Seek medical care immediately if you develop symptoms of Ebola. http://vimeo.com/109889975 (CNN製作on Vimeo) |