
Month: 2014-01

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
625743154140535 2014-01-31 23:24 91 0 桃園機場年節快閃節目Day 1: 龍陣、財神爺熱舞拜年
Flash mob at Taoyuan Airport Day 1: dragon dance and greetings from the God of wealth
625556254159225 2014-01-31 11:35 91 0 桃園機場祝大家馬到成功,財源滾滾來!! 今天開始到初三,每日下午D5候機室附近將有多場年節表演,讓你感受滿滿的年節歡慶氣氛!!
Gong Hei Fat Choi !! From today to Sunday, near D5 waiting lounge, everyday around 2pm-3pm, stop by here and enjoy the festive show!
625148327533351 2014-01-30 12:57 13 0
625126564202194 2014-01-30 11:36 52 1 桃園機場迎新春,24小時服務不打烊!!
Taoyuan Airport wishes you a prosperous New Year of the Horse with 24-hour service!
625275937520590 2014-01-30 05:59 66 0 桃園機場過年期間有眾多精彩的年節活動,大家可不要錯過囉~
During Chinese New Year, we have lots of activities and events for celebration. Come and have fun !
624767397571444 2014-01-29 15:59 46 0 為提供旅客春節期間更好的服務,桃園國際機場自1月27日(一)中午12時起,至2月9日(日)下午5時止,每日08:30~17:00在第二航廈二樓伴手禮大街南側電扶梯旁,增設一處臨時退稅櫃檯,歡迎退稅額在新臺幣10,000元以下的旅客能多加利用。 From 27th January to 9th February, we have a temporary VAT refund counter on Souvenir… 更多 Avenue, on the second floor of Terminal 2. (Service hour: 8:30am-5pm) Passengers with refund amount less than 10,000 NTD are welcomed to use this service.
623898317658352 2014-01-27 14:51 48 8 現在C5候機室附近正舉辦春聯揮毫活動,歡迎大家來共襄盛舉!
Right now near the C5 waiting lounge, we are having a special activity for writing the spring festival couplets!
622423407805843 2014-01-24 14:13 55 0 現在機場除了可以品嚐現烤鳳梨酥外,在C4候機室的附近,我們還有手工烤製、又薄又脆的肉乾等你來品嘗! Besides fresh-baked pineapple cake, we also have hand-baked pork jerky near the C4 waiting lounge at the airport. It’s so crispy and tasty. You must try it!!
621978821183635 2014-01-23 11:58 45 2 1月27日(一) 下午2:30~5:00,在第一航廈B1美食街將舉辦春聯DIY的活動,歡迎大家來體驗! On 27th January from 2:30PM to 5PM, at the B1 food court in Terminal 1, we will have a DIY activity of Spring Festival couplets. All passengers are welcomed to make their own and unique Spring Festival couplets!
621142311267286 2014-01-21 12:02 89 0 有吃過現做現烤的鳳梨酥嗎?
靠近C2候機室的”手工焙烤鳳梨酥工作坊”,每天下午約一、兩點新鮮出爐,還沒品嘗過的朋友們,下次出國時快去試試吧!! Have you ever tried Fresh-baked pineapple cake before?
There is a bakery near the C2 waiting lounge. Everyday around 1-2PM, stop by here,… 更多 then you can have a taste of fresh-baked pineapple cake! If you haven’t tried it yet, come to C2 next time when you visit Taiwan!
620724194642431 2014-01-20 11:59 30 0 現在第二航廈B2美食廣場正舉辦服務滿意度調查活動,快點來參加,就有機會贏得精美好禮! We are having the Best Service Survey right now at the B2 food court in Terminal 2. Come and fill in the survey to win the big prize!
619237491457768 2014-01-17 12:07 69 8 Skytrax全球最佳機場票選開跑囉,快邀請您的親朋好友來投票!!
The annual World’s Best Airport survey by Skytrax is now receiving votes.Please invite your friends to vote for us! 投票請按這(Please click here): http://www.worldairportsurvey.com/svyAPP/airport2013.htm
618944644820386 2014-01-16 20:55 47 0 *出國免排隊,二個小撇步報你知*
1.使用自助報到系統。以護照或輸入電子機票編號,即可辦理登機報到手續。需要托運行李的旅客,到各航空公司自助登記專屬櫃台托運即可。 2.使用自動查驗通關服務。出國前先辦理,即可以臉部或指紋辨識的方式,輕鬆過關! *Tips for saving your time*
1.Using Airlines Self-check-in service
Your passport number or e-ticket number is required to complete check-in procedures. If passengers have checked bags, please proceed to the self-check-in… 更多 exclusive counter of your airline. 2.Automated E-gate service
By using facial recognition and fingerprint identification system, you can go through passport control within seconds! (for ROC nationals resident, and non-residents with multiple re-entry rights only)
618403458207838 2014-01-15 13:38 85 4 農曆新年快要到了,六天的假期,大家有什麼旅遊計畫嗎?
Chinese New Year is coming soon, what's your travel plan during the holiday?
617597321621785 2014-01-13 15:04 39 6 全新改版的機場指南,所有資訊一應俱全,快點來下載吧:http://goo.gl/L6lhl5
Our new downloadable Airport Guide, with loads of information, check it out: http://goo.gl/oL3vZy
616597105055140 2014-01-11 19:14 63 2 "Taiwan goes to the 11th among best 52 places to go around the world in 2014," reported by New York Times, Taiwan is a hot spot with Urban and outdoor pursuits in one (reasonably) compact package.
Why are you… 更多 still waiting for? Book your ticket and grab your luggage! 台灣入選紐約時報2014年全球52個最值得一遊景點第11名! 報導指出,四小時內上山下海任你遨遊,飽覽大城,小鎮,漁村,山林,海洋風光。
還在等待嗎?趕快訂張機票收拾行囊出發吧! Source: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/01/10/travel/2014-places-to-go.html?_r=0#/?placeId=calgary
616156831765834 2014-01-10 14:09 56 0 除了美食、購物外,文化體驗也是機場服務𥚃很重要的一環。快來D3附近體驗書法之美吧!Besides dining and shopping, culture experience is also a part of airport services. Have a visit to D3 boarding gate, and experience the art of Chinese Calligraphy!
615771511804366 2014-01-09 14:08 74 2 天氣又開始變冷,提醒大家要注意保暖,來機場時記得點一碗熱呼呼的牛肉麵暖暖身子吧!
It's quite cold today, make sure you wear warm enough. If you are at the airport, having a hot beef noodle is a must-do!
615029055211945 2014-01-07 20:27 64 0 非廣告時間:C3 Hello Kitty 主題候機室陪你ㄧ同過新年,推出Kitty版麻將,超級cute! Please come to check Hello Kitty Mahjong at C3 Hello Kitty waiting lounge. Super cute!!!
614860958562088 2014-01-07 09:38 60 2 早安!各位桃園機場的粉絲朋友。今天是充滿陽光的星期二,氣溫回升,白天氣溫將會來到攝氏20度,是相當溫暖和煦的好天氣!不過還是要提醒大家注意溫差,避免感冒囉! Good morning! It is a sunny day in Taoyuan airport, around 20 ˚C (86˚F). Pretty warm and fresh morning!