文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
583289681719216 | 2013-10-29 22:19 | 50 | 1 | 桃園機場第二航廈B2統一美食街為了提供給旅客更多元的餐飲選擇,現在又有生力軍加入囉~ 「螺情滷味」來自西螺大橋傳承五十年的好味道,由雲林特產黑蒜及西螺醬油製成獨特的滷汁,反覆炒至收汁的滷豆干重現令人懷念的經典滋味。紅燒、蕃茄牛肉麵使用現場製作的手桿麵條,香Q帶勁。 「韓一極韓食飯館」為您帶來道地的石鍋拌飯及木桶燒,還有泡菜、甜不辣、辣馬鈴薯等多道韓式經典小菜任你挑選,隨意組合自由搭配。… 更多 想品嚐道地的台灣滷味還是韓式料理?歡迎前來細細品嚐! Welcome to the B2 food court in T2, you have more choices now. First, the traditional Taiwanese foods’ stand comes from south of Taiwan, they have soy sauce braised foods, and hand made noodles. Most of their soy sauce braised foods are cooked with fermented black garlic in unique soy sauce. Pick your preferred dishes and the chef will cook it for you. In addition, the Koreans foods’ stand provides some special foods from Korea, such as spicy pan-fired rice cake, Korean-style stone pot rice, and Kimchi in hotpot. Next time when you visit Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, welcome to the food court before you leave. |
582755185105999 | 2013-10-28 14:19 | 55 | 0 | 10/22交通部長葉匡時、文化部長龍應台等人為藝術銀行《相遇.台灣》機場聯展舉行剪綵儀式。於桃園機場第一航廈二樓入境長廊,52幅台灣本土藝術家畫作翹首盼望旅客的到來。一瞬的相會,將台灣風情與行旅回憶刻印在您心底一隅。 The Minister of Culture Lung Ying-Tai, and the Minister of Transportation and Communications Yeh… 更多 Kuang-Shih hold an exhibition together. The Art Bank 《Taiwan Encounters》which is showcasing at arrival gallery on the second floor in T1. Travelers can glimpse of the island’s myriad faces and places when you arrive in Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. |
575563185825199 | 2013-10-14 11:05 | 30 | 0 | 第11屆桃源創作獎正在桃園機場第二航廈D8藝文展演空間展出,精選台灣本土及荷蘭的6件參賽作品,運用鐵片、影片、錄像等多元媒材,表達形而上的精神邏輯想像。喜愛當代藝術的您能否參透箇中意境呢? Do you like Contemporary Art? The 11th Taoyuan Contemporary Arts Award is exhibit in Taiwan Taoyuan International… 更多 Airport now. The 30 pieces of works that are selected present the modern spirit of social impulse. Come to boarding gate D8 in T2 and take a look! |
569927316388786 | 2013-10-01 10:02 | 49 | 0 | 84吋超大螢幕、60度廣角之黃金視野、超高畫質4K電視, 如今在桃園機場二航廈D5的候機室現身囉, 宛若在電影院般的視覺享受,歡迎大家來親身體驗。 The largest TV is now in Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. With four times more resolution than Full HD, the 84" (diag.) 4K screen,… 更多 and a viewing angle widened to 60°. The TV screen fills your field of vision. Come to boarding gate D5 in T2, and experience the action in real life by yourself. |