文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
651368458244671 | 2014-03-31 16:57 | 106 | 1 | 桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport 新增了 10 張相片。2014年3月31日下午4:57 · 還有 7 張 |
651238031591047 | 2014-03-31 10:25 | 215 | 1 | 聯合航空台北-舊金山直飛首航儀式 United Airlines Taipei-San Francisco nonstop inaugural celebration |
650882778293239 | 2014-03-30 20:33 | 117 | 4 | 歡迎聯合航空(United)台北直飛舊金山航線復航,自103.03.31起,亞洲地區旅客前往美西又多了一個選擇,旅客可多加利用。 Welcome back, United airlines! Since 21 014.03.31 United will fly TPE-SFO daily direct flight again. Passengers may arrange your trip to the U.S. referred to this new flight and its schedule. https://www.united.com |
649921585056025 | 2014-03-28 17:30 | 91 | 0 | 今明兩天,位於第二航廈D區,正舉辦"台灣好.茶"的活動,歡迎民眾前來品嘗好茶與現烤舊振南鳳梨酥。 Today and tomorrow, a special tea and fresh-baked pineapple cake tasting is held near the D area. Come and have a try! |
649794525068731 | 2014-03-28 08:25 | 87 | 1 | 位於第二航廈的勝博殿,除了豬排餐外,還有供應米漢堡和三明治早餐! Saboten Japanese cutlet @ T2 provides not only lunch and dinner, but rice burger and sandwich for breakfast ! |
649046585143525 | 2014-03-26 12:20 | 74 | 0 | 賀~~桃園國際機場繼榮獲2013年度國際機場協會機場服務品質評比2,500萬至4,000萬旅客量分組第3名之後,3月24日該協會再度公布,本機場名列2013年機場服務品質榮譽榜之列。 Congrats! Taoyuan International Airport has been selected for induction in the ACI Director General’s Roll of… 更多 Excellence and is one of only six airports worldwide that will receive this recognition in 2013. #ACIRollOfExcellence 新聞稿http://goo.gl/9jD7gi |
648230108558506 | 2014-03-24 12:25 | 40 | 0 | 2014年飛安宣導有獎徵答活動開跑囉~即日起至103年5月13日(二)止,以明信片回覆題目,全數答對者即可參加抽獎!!#飛安宣導 #機場 Our annual flight safety propaganda now begins. From now to 13 May, 2014, just write down the answers to the questions and sent it by postcard, then you can join our lucky draw! #FlightSafety #airport 活動網址Website: http://goo.gl/mniM0K |
646896968691820 | 2014-03-21 12:30 | 177 | 8 | 航空科學館將於3月31日封館,3月30日(日)為最後營運日,歡迎大家利用最後機會前往參觀,與開放近33年的航空科學館告別。 未來將遷往桃園機場南側海軍基地內的黑貓中隊軍史文化保留區,並擴大為新航科館。 Aviation Museum will be closed in the end of March and the last open day is on 3/30. If you haven't visited the museum, please come and explore the world of aviation during these days. |
646149178766599 | 2014-03-19 18:00 | 77 | 0 | 3/13至5/13期間,位於登機門D7D8的藝文展演空間,正展出墨彩雅石雙聯展,歡迎出境旅客前往參觀。 From 3/13 to 5/13, near the D7 and D8 boarding gate, a joint exhibition of ink colors and stones is held at the exhibition gallery. |
645776555470528 | 2014-03-18 18:00 | 122 | 5 | 第二航廈入境大廳南側新增洗手間供旅客使用! Extra restrooms in arrival hall, Terminal 2. |
645791385469045 | 2014-03-18 17:38 | 31 | 14 | 還在等甚麼?對於桃園機場充滿熱情與創意的你,歡迎報名參加TiC100智能城市與物聯網(Smarter City & IoT)創意提案比賽,本屆主題之一(議題7)便是以桃園機場為背景,歡迎你提出關於桃園機場建築節能、設備與營運創新控管之模式設計,我們歡迎任何idea!最高團隊獎金高達新台幣30萬元! 請即刻上活動官網查詢:http://www.tic100.org.tw/ Any crazy ideas for green airport, energy saving or airport facility management? You may think about joining the "TiC100 Smarter City & IoT" competition. Prize award might be up to NT$300,000!! Please refer to the following link: http://www.tic100.org.tw/ |
644109175637266 | 2014-03-14 18:00 | 38 | 0 | 3/13至4/28期間,第二航廈二樓伴手禮大街正展出"丁宗華木雕大師創作展",歡迎大家前來觀賞雕刻之美。 From 3/13 to 4/28, come and discover the beauty of woodcarving on Souvenir avenue in Terminal 2. |
643812102333640 | 2014-03-14 07:25 | 110 | 1 | 飛航安全至關重要。為確保飛航安全,桃園國際機場已加強旅客安檢及證照查驗作業,請欲搭機旅客提早至機場辦理報到手續,並耐心配合各項通關作業。 To ensure flight safety, Taoyuan airport has enforced strict security and immirgraton checking processes. Passengers are strongly advised to arrive at airport terminals earlier for checking processes. |
643683042346546 | 2014-03-13 16:11 | 133 | 0 | |
639400309441486 | 2014-03-03 18:30 | 87 | 7 | 到了機場不怕迷路,跟著「?」走就對啦~不管是航班資訊、設施位置、航廈地圖,所有資訊一應俱全! Feeling lost at the airport? Don't worry, just follow "?" sign, then you can find all the information including flight schedule, facilities location and terminal map! |
638881016160082 | 2014-03-02 11:24 | 110 | 3 | What's your favorite corner on the way before boarding?#T1 #Taoyuanairport 回想一下,上一次登機之前,你最眷戀不捨的角落在哪裡?#T1 #Taoyuanairport |