
Month: 2013-01

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
517663591588957 2013-01-19 01:18 31 2 農曆新年假期快到囉!今年國人將有9天連續假期,準備好出國旅行的計畫了嗎?提醒各位粉絲,今年因為連續假期比較長,因此要及早做好旅行準備,加上過年前後將會是機場旅運高峰,請記得要做好您的旅行計畫,護照與簽證有效期限也都要檢查是否還在期限之內!
農曆新年桃園機場也將推出春節旅運尖峰因應計劃,請密切留意機場官網發佈的最新相關消息喔!先預祝各位都能有個平安快樂的農曆新年假期! Chinese New Year is… 更多 coming! This year everyone living in Taiwan might have at least 9 day holidays! Got your holiday plan to go abroad? Please make your tour plan as earlier as possible and check if your passport and visas are still valid! In order to provide much convenient and great services at airport during 9 day holidays, Taoyuan airport has begun co-ordinating with all airport partners together. Holiday information on www.taoyuan-airport.com is also coming soon!

臺灣桃園國際機場-Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport