文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
544255958955922 | 2013-07-28 09:39 | 58 | 1 | 『墨池新水籠鵞帖,彩筆清風宿鳳枝』 漢字書法是東亞文化獨樹一格的文字藝術 一筆一劃的排列組合中,蘊藏著千變萬化的美感與靈魂 第三屆「臺灣墨秀書道會師生聯展」 正在桃園機場第二航廈D8藝文展演空間展出 邀您前來領略中華文化悠遠深長的書法藝術 The 3rd “Instructors and Students Coalition Exhibition” by Taiwan Mo Xiu Calligraphy… 更多 Organization is displaying at the art gallery of Gate D8 in Taoyuan International Airport Terminal 2. Chinese calligraphy, the writing of Hanzi characters, is an extraordinary art in East Asian culture. Each stroke expresses the innermost beauty of one’s soul. Sincerely invite you to come and enjoy the long-lasting calligraphy art of Chinese culture. |
543907312324120 | 2013-07-27 14:57 | 57 | 1 | 本日(7/27)於桃園機場第一航廈出境大廳舉行「桃園國際機場第一航廈改善工程落成典禮」,馬英九總統蒞臨典禮會場致詞,並與交通部長葉匡時等貴賓一同參觀第一航廈的嶄新風貌。 The final presentation of Taoyuan Airport terminal one’s long term goal construction was held in Taoyuan International… 更多 Airport T1 departure lobby today. President Ma Ying Jeou participated the ceremony and made a speech. Transportation Minister Yeh Kuang-shih and other honor guests looked around the new look of T1. |
543896965658488 | 2013-07-27 14:52 | 100 | 1 | 桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport 新增了 6 張相片。2013年7月27日下午2:52 · 還有 3 張 |
539905462724305 | 2013-07-17 12:07 | 24 | 0 | 全球暖化、氣候變遷,各種環境災害在孩子們眼中,映照出什麼樣的景色呢? 「氣候變遷國中繪畫作品展」正在桃園機場C3登機口,當您經過C區長廊時,不妨放慢腳步欣賞一下台灣國中生的創意與巧思。 Don’t you wonder how the environmental disasters look like in teenagers’ eyes? When you pass through Boarding Gate C… 更多 area, try to slow down your path, the Climate Changing Painting Exhibition is now at gate C3, just enjoy and appreciate Taiwanese teenagers’ creativities. |
539084509473067 | 2013-07-15 08:29 | 52 | 0 | 在航廈內暈頭轉向仍找不到想逛的商店嗎? 在第一航廈A5、A7、B4、B6登機口附近,皆設有功能豐富的「多媒體數位導覽機」,只要設定好想去的設施,便會以3D圖為您呈現規劃路線,也可以在此查詢航班及交通等相關資訊。 除此之外,它還能讓您與親朋友好友在此合影留念,歡迎多加利用喔。 Are you still confusing where to shop? At Terminal 1 around the gates… 更多 A5, A7, B4 and B6 set up several versatile DMAGIS (Digital Multimedia Airport Guide and Indication Systems). Just touch where you want to go and it will show the routes with 3D for you. It may help you check the flight& transportation information. Besides, you can take photos with your friends here as well. |
537902639591254 | 2013-07-12 09:36 | 35 | 0 | 因應颱風蘇力來襲,請旅客密切與航空公司聯繫,追蹤航班資訊。 機場公司已於7月11 日 09:30 成立防颱緊急應變小組,協調及要求機場各駐站單位針對設施、設備積極進行事前檢視、備品庫存及人員整備。餐飲廠商及聯外客運業者也已完成緊急供餐及待命增班的準備,以隨時因應突發狀況。 為減少颱風期間旅客不便,原限停第二航廈4號停車場團體下車處之出境大客車將自 12 日中午 12 時起至 13 日 24 時止,彈性開放3樓及1樓北側路緣供旅客下車,屆時請配合航警交管人員引導。 航空器之起飛、降落等營運作業,係由航空公司及機組員依據相關規定與資訊判定,本公司建議旅客於特殊天氣搭機時,應向航空公司確認班機最新動態,並注意居家及外出安全,桃園國際機場公司祝您平安順心。 As typhoon Soulik… 更多 is threating Taiwan, please be sure to check your airlines service for flight info before coming to airport. Other news please refer to the link, www.taoyuan-airport.com/English/newsinfo/6673df4f-7632-4ae6-b59c-eecd87e74767 |
537639306284254 | 2013-07-11 15:58 | 32 | 4 | 酷炫拉風的三輪速克達、精雕細琢的龍紋薩克斯風, 多樣台灣精品獎得獎產品,正在第一航廈B7「台灣精品體驗區」展出。台灣產業的創新價值,讓世界看得見。 Have you ever seen 3-wheels scooters or saxophones with dragons patterns? They are now at T1 gate B7 as well as other prize-winning… 更多 Taiwan Excellences. The cool-designed motorcycles and the gorgeous-engraving instruments show the innovation of Taiwan industry to the world.Let’s enjoy the exhibition here! |
537247819656736 | 2013-07-10 19:00 | 21 | 0 | Welcome Hawaiian airlines joins 桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport! Wish her inaugural flight all the best and let's embrace the beach and the sky in Honolulu!
分享 Yuanhung Ting
Welcome Hawaiian airlines joins 桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport! Let's embrace summer beach and sunny sky in Honolulu!
536800399701478 | 2013-07-09 12:16 | 57 | 9 | 或許你已經親睹桃園機場第一航廈的全新風貌,但你ㄧ定不知道她匠心獨具的木紋清水模與令人驚艷的滿天繁星查驗大廳的設計由來,趕緊來看看這則報導吧! Wanna know more secrets surprising you in Terminal 1 after renovation? Come to see this story at below link! http://www.taiwan-panorama.com/show_issue.php?id=201370207034C.TXT&table=1&year=2013&month=7 |
534677553247096 | 2013-07-04 09:49 | 44 | 0 | 「蘭花」生於幽谷叢林,不與百花爭妍,她的風姿素雅,花容端莊,幽香清遠,具有淡雅宜人的東方風韻。藏身於Gate C2旁的主題區,華麗飄香,馳名中外的台灣蝴蝶蘭等待著(歡迎)旅客前來欣賞與拍照留念。 Orchid grows in jungle, its grace and elegance representing the oriental charm. Hinding in the theme area beside Gate C2, orchid flowers fragrantly. The famous Taiwanese Phalaenopsis is waiting for your visits. |
533575293357322 | 2013-07-01 14:34 | 51 | 2 | 桃園機場提醒您,暑假出國旺季開始,桃園機場各航廈出境尖峰為:第一航廈6-9 時、12-15 時;第二航廈7-10 時、13-16 時。入境尖峰第一航廈為20-22 時、第二航廈16-23時。 出境尖峰時段建議旅客提早至機場完成報到手續,也可多使用自助報到系統(CUSS)。 往返機場可多搭乘大眾運輸工具,自行開車的旅客,可利用航科館停車場,跨夜停車每日僅需100 元,並可搭乘免費接駁車至航廈,1 號、2 號、4 號停車場30 分鐘內停車免費,航科館停車場1 小時內停車免費,也歡迎接送機民眾多多利用。 最後,提醒暑假期間出國的旅客注意,護照至少應有6 個月以上的有效期限,桃園國際機場公司預祝您休假愉快,旅遊順心。 Summer vacation and hot season are coming… 更多 in Taoyuan international airport! To efficiently avoid peak hour congestion during your travel through airport, passengers are much suggested to take buses. While driving personally toairport, please park in Aviation museum park and take free shuttle bus to terminals. Passengers are much encouraged to use Self check-in service. To know more about your flight information and check-in procedures, please consult your airlines earlier before coming to airport. Wish everyone a very joyful and really cool summer holidays! |