文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
680140055367511 | 2014-05-30 19:00 | 82 | 7 | 飛安宣導有獎徵答及飛安大使選拔 Q&A lucky draw and the flight safety ambassador election |
680132732034910 | 2014-05-30 18:30 | 108 | 7 | 伴手禮大展 an exhibition of souvenirs! |
680044842043699 | 2014-05-30 12:30 | 64 | 6 | 今天是桃園國際機場美食節的重頭戲!! 我們在第二航廈的二樓和地下二樓舉行咖啡調酒創意比賽喔,在一樓還有伴手禮大展~大家快點來共襄盛舉吧!! Today is the last day of our Food Festival. We hold several competitions including cocktail, barista and fruit carving at 2F and B2 in Terminal 2. Also there is an exhibition of souvenirs at 1F. What are you waiting for? Come and join our events!! |
679545322093651 | 2014-05-29 11:30 | 77 | 6 | 端午節快到拉~~現在在第二航廈四樓美食街有特別活動喔!! 只要現場彩繪明信片並投入信箱,就可以獲得香包,開心過端午~~#端午節 #香包 Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon!! We have a special activity right now at 4F food court in T2. Just write and send a postcard, than you can get a free "Fragrant Sachet" !! #dragonboatfestival |
679207195460797 | 2014-05-28 19:31 | 87 | 28 | Honors shared with all partners in Taoyuan airport!! Thanks to all airport partners' efforts in service quality, Taoyuan airport won the 3rd place in category of 25-40 million passengers of ASQ awards 2013. In… 更多 addtion, Taoyuan airport is also honoured to be listed in the ACI Director General's Roll of Excellence. Congratulations to all staffs in airport!! #ASQ #Taoyuanairport 與所有機場夥伴共享榮耀,桃園機場名列2013國際機場協會ACI機場服務品質卓越榜(ACI Director General's Roll of Excellence) 以及再度榮獲2500-4000萬旅客分組ASQ機場服務品質調查獎第三名。這是所有桃園機場合作夥伴們的努力成果,把這份榮耀歸給所有機場駐站廠商、航空公司與CIQS機關同仁! #ASQ #桃園國際機場 |
678165035565013 | 2014-05-26 18:00 | 132 | 1 | COCO New Open @T2 B2 Food court |
676526762395507 | 2014-05-23 21:51 | 77 | 8 | 感謝今日出席粉絲見面會的眾粉絲好友們!謝謝你們今天提供的眾多寶貴建言與鼓勵,我們一定會更加努力,可惜今天時間有限,真的有意猶未盡的感覺,希望下次還有機會再與大家相會哦! |
676459575735559 | 2014-05-23 18:00 | 357 | 17 | 第二航廈新設之報到櫃台!! Our new check-in counters in Terminal 2 |
674240625957454 | 2014-05-19 13:45 | 68 | 3 | 桃園機場將於本周五5/23(五) 13:30-16:30舉行首次的粉絲座談會!本次座談會將安排簡報、機場導覽及Q&A時間,請有興趣參加的粉絲們盡快私訊小編,並提供1.姓名2.身分證字號3.出生年月日4.身分證住址/ID住址5.聯絡手機以上資料給小編喔~ |
672726459442204 | 2014-05-16 12:20 | 51 | 2 | 交通部今天開始舉行運輸及觀光產業青年論壇,其中空運論壇將於5/30日舉行! MOTC is holding a transportation and tourism forum of young leaders right now. If you are interested in aviation industry, the discussion will be held on 5/30. http://young-forum.motc.gov.tw/index.jsp?webid=201405010001 |
672404742807709 | 2014-05-15 18:00 | 58 | 2 | [轉錄]桃園國際機場公司全力協助越南回台專機旅客通關返家事宜,同時民航局也已協調航空公司增加機位協助在越臺商及僑胞返臺。 http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/company_ch/NewsInfo/293d8208-450f-45ca-8faa-158cf01e0f3c |
671954782852705 | 2014-05-14 18:00 | 73 | 3 | 今年度的飛安宣導活動,我們有和臺北電臺合作喔,快去留言抽獎吧!! Leave message on Taipei Broadcasting Station's page, then you may win the prize! https://www.facebook.com/FM93.1AM1134/photos/a.522379437778157.140545.522374237778677/892668484082582/?type=1 分享 臺北廣播電臺
【臺北電臺粉絲好康大方送又來了】 出國旅遊除了快快樂樂出門,更要平平安安回家,臺北廣播電臺每週二至週五晚間七點由旅遊達人Jack主持的【Taipei‧Free‧Fun】,自四月底開始與桃園機場合作製作一系列飛安專題節目,讓你玩的開心又安心。 桃園機場飛安宣導(http://goo.gl/2lZT9J… 更多)中這些林林總總的飛安措施,你認為哪些是最重要的呢?現在只要加入粉絲、先幫這一則貼文按讚,並留言寫下你認為最為關鍵的飛安措施。 EX:【維護飛安,我認為最重要的是___________!】 就是這麼簡單,空中巴士等你開回家! 活動禮品:<br> 將隨機抽出「10」個幸運粉絲送出 「A330-300蝴蝶蘭彩繪模型飛機」(如圖) 注意事項:<br> ※ 按讚+留言都要完成,才能獲得抽獎資格喲! <br> ※ 活動時間:5/8 ~ 5/21 下午18點 <br> ※ 開獎時間:5/22,隨機抽出幸運的得獎者
671925246188992 | 2014-05-14 12:15 | 256 | 19 | Boeing 747 Dreamlifter@桃園國際機場,大家知道這架飛機的用途嗎? Boeing 747 Dreamlifter@Taoyuan International Airport, Anyone knows what's it used for? |
671393306242186 | 2014-05-13 18:00 | 89 | 3 | 第二航廈C2登機門新展覽:"嬉.習.喜.戲"漢字創作展。 New Exhibition at C2 boarding gate: Chinese Character. |
669404743107709 | 2014-05-09 18:00 | 148 | 1 | 每年的飛安宣導活動,我們都會安排機場小旅行,讓國小學子們親身體驗及學習飛安知識。 During our annual flight safety propaganda period, we will arrange several airport experience tours for elementary school students to know more about our flight safety policy and regulation. |
668563139858536 | 2014-05-07 18:00 | 68 | 0 | 國立台灣工藝研究發展中心正於桃園機場第二航廈展出"良品美器、精巧六工",歡迎民眾前往參觀。 The National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute is holding an exhibition "Good Crafts, Delicate Craftsmanship" at Taoyuan International Airport right now. |
668100066571510 | 2014-05-06 14:02 | 30 | 2 | |
668099566571560 | 2014-05-06 14:00 | 96 | 3 | 2014桃園國際機場美食節開跑囉~眾多美食等你來品嚐!#2014桃園機場美食節 2014 Taoyuan International Airport Food Festival now begins! Come and have a taste! |
667718929942957 | 2014-05-05 18:00 | 180 | 17 | 想知道各航廈間、各登機門間的步行時間嗎? 快點圖來看看吧!! Wanna know the estimated time to each gate and terminal? Check it out! |