文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
785498294831686 | 2014-12-31 20:04 | 327 | 9 | 2015年大家有什麼願望呢~ 一起在這邊許下你的新年希望吧! 桃園機場祝大家新的一年平安喜樂!! Let’s make a wish for 2015! Taoyuan International Airport wishes all of our fans a Happy New Year! May peace and love be with you always! |
784982681549914 | 2014-12-30 23:17 | 137 | 0 | 各位粉絲朋友是否正在打包行李,準備前往機場展開一連四天的2015新年假期了呢?興奮之餘可千萬記得要預查路況,提早出門!並挑選對您最安全省時的交通方式。 還有,避免漫長的機場內排隊等待,粉絲們記得多加利用航空公司的網路/手機報到服務,或是利用機場的自助報到系統,可節省些排隊等待時間! Ready for New Year vacation of 2015? To ensure a perfect journey, please depart for airport much earlier and take advantage of web check in or self check in service at airport kiosks. 桃園機場手機 Taoyuan Airport app (台灣智慧機場 "Smart Airport" ) iOS>> https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tai-wan-tao-yuan-ji-chang/id909195242?l=zh&ls=1&mt=8 Android>> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.whatsmedia.ttia |
784610811587101 | 2014-12-30 10:33 | 50 | 0 | [轉錄]高鐵財務懶人包報你知!! http://goo.gl/FgB3gn |
784169424964573 | 2014-12-29 19:26 | 1327 | 1226 | 新年禮物來囉,慶祝桃園機場南跑道變身成功!! 感謝粉絲們的大力支持,以及慶祝桃園機場南跑道將於104年1月重新啓用,桃園機場特別舉辦抽獎活動! 活動期間:103/12/29~104/1/15 中午12:00 桃園國際機場官方粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/TIAfans 只要符合以下資格,就有機會獲得高級行李箱(兩名)以及精緻飛機模型(十名) 唷! A. 成為桃園國際機場官方粉絲團粉絲! B. 在Po文下留言回答以下問題, 變身成功的南跑道,是使用哪一種性質的鋪面呢? 1.柔性 2.剛性 只要答對問題,你就有機會成為高級行李箱及精緻飛機模型的贏家啦,快一起來慶祝南機場跑道變身成功吧~ |
784132298301619 | 2014-12-29 18:30 | 210 | 0 | 想知道在桃園機場通關如何輕鬆、快速又省時嗎? 讓專業玩家莎莎來分享她的專業撇步吧!! http://goo.gl/RGTVOO |
782740911774091 | 2014-12-27 16:27 | 93 | 0 | 桃園機場Smart Airport APP 使用者滿意度調查得獎名單已經公布囉~ We have announced the winners of MIT Smart phones!! http://goo.gl/FyZQwc |
782639668450882 | 2014-12-27 10:06 | 223 | 3 | Skytrax全球最佳機場票選活動再度開跑囉,快邀請您的親朋好友投票給我們!! The annual World’s Best Airport survey by Skytrax is now receiving votes. Please invite your friends to vote for Taoyuan International Airport! 投票請按這/Please vote here: http://www.worldairportsurvey.com/svyAPP/airport2015.htm |
782061448508704 | 2014-12-26 10:26 | 227 | 5 | 跨年連假即將來臨~安排韓國旅行又有新選擇!想要前往韓國大邱和務安旅行的朋友們有福了!德威航空今天起開航桃園-大邱與桃園-務安航線。 搭乘德威航空的旅客,記得到第一航廈辦理報到喔! The New Year’s holiday is coming! Good news for those who are looking for a wonderful holiday in Korea~T’ WAY Airline… 更多 will launch its new service between Taoyuan-Daegu and Taoyuan- Muan today!! Reminders: Passengers of T’ WAY Airline please go to Terminal 1 for check-in. ** Photo credit: T’way’s FB |
782041701844012 | 2014-12-26 09:37 | 62 | 5 | 桃園國際機場「您提創意,我來努力」百萬創意徵集活動得獎名單已經公布囉~~有投稿的粉絲們快點進網址看看名單吧!!! http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/uploads/2014_T3/index.html |
781095858605263 | 2014-12-24 18:30 | 122 | 0 | 桃園機場服務再升級~~趕快下載桃園機場Smart Airport App和資策會Smart Tourism Taiwan App,讓你"智慧在手 FUN心遨遊"!! Taoyuan Airport has upgraded its APP service. Search and download the "Smart Airport "App & "Smart Tourism Taiwan" App, and you will have a quick plan for having fun in Taiwan!! |
778485545532961 | 2014-12-19 09:08 | 8894 | 6 | 型男出任務!!!! 在桃園機場即將突破旅客量3400萬人次的時刻, 邀請您與帥哥修杰楷一起來到桃園機場,體會聖誕溫馨氛圍~~~ 從搬運地勤/檢疫/海關查驗/保全,每個角色都為您存在!來到桃園機場,一定要親身體驗獨一無二的機場邂逅~~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lbLjr2fMVw |
777522885629227 | 2014-12-17 09:45 | 355 | 3 | 就是今天! 期待已久的台灣本土低成本航空”威航”終於要首航啦~ 12/17 首航(台北-曼谷),快和威航一起到泰國玩吧! The Taiwanese LCC “V Air” will fly its inaugural flight from Taipei to Bangkok today! Let’s fly to Thailand with V air!! **Photo credit to: V Air Official Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lovevair |
776709242377258 | 2014-12-15 14:31 | 256 | 13 | 貼心小提醒:2014/12/8-2015/1/7 將進行南跑道飛航測試,航班可能會有延誤,請大家出發前務必確認最新航班資訊喔! Reminder: Taiwan’s CAA is conducting flight tests on southern runway from 2014/12/8 to 2015/1/7. Passengers are advised to check latest flight information before going to the airport . |
775827725798743 | 2014-12-13 20:39 | 292 | 8 | 持有中華民國護照或中華民國居留證(ARC)的朋友快照過來!! 每次出國回國還塞在人潮中通關驗證件嗎?現在改自動通關只要12秒!免去大排長龍的麻煩,又能節省時間去瞎拼!! All residents with ROC passports or ARCs can apply for using e-Gate at 桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport now!! It only takes 12 seconds to pass immirgration check and no more long quenes!! |
775368609177988 | 2014-12-12 21:53 | 200 | 0 | Welcome on board! #Vietjetair |
775257172522465 | 2014-12-12 17:35 | 176 | 4 | 準備好要體驗西貢的繁華及生活態度了嗎? 就是今晚! 越捷航空即將開啟台北-胡志明市的新航線囉! Ready for an unforgettable and glamorous tour in Saigon? Viet Jet Air will launch its new service between Taipei and Ho Chi Minh City Tonight! **Photo credit to Airbus |
773487182699464 | 2014-12-09 19:52 | 255 | 0 | 桃園機場的聖誕樹今天已經點燈囉! 大家別忘記到第二航廈和美美的聖誕樹打卡拍照喲~ The Christmas tree has been lit up!! Don’t forget to take a photo with the glamorous Christmas tree and tag yourself when you are at Terminal 2!! |
771357332912449 | 2014-12-05 18:30 | 127 | 2 | 感謝大家對桃園國際機場"您提創意,我來努力"活動的支持!這次總共收到約400件的投稿,目前活動已經進入評審階段囉~ |
771345949580254 | 2014-12-05 15:33 | 201 | 0 | 最可愛的英雄們就在第一航廈B6-B7登機門 快來和他們打招呼吧! Come and say hi to the cutest big hero at Terminal 1! |
770033303044852 | 2014-12-02 17:50 | 291 | 20 | 猜猜看,這是哪間航空公司的彩繪機? Any one knows about this panda-designed aircraft? |
770015086380007 | 2014-12-02 16:37 | 113 | 1 | |
769579039756945 | 2014-12-01 20:25 | 569 | 14 | 日本航空的波音787夢幻客機終於降落桃園機場囉~ Hi JAL Boeing 787 Dreamliner! Finally see you landed at Taoyuan International Airport! |