桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport 。 237,553 個讚 · 1,353 人正在談論這個 · 4,624,945 個打卡次。歡迎蒞臨臺灣桃園國際機場
Welcome to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.
呀 有螳螂!...咦?螳螂有什麼好怕的,何況還是鐵打的!
栩栩如生的企鵝、貓頭鷹們懷抱熱情的鋼鐵之心期待與您相會! Each piece has its own unique feature; you can see owls, birds, insects and other animals. It’s amazing that cold… 更多 metal can depict animals as vivid as real ones, showing playful, naughty, laughter and other expressions. The artist hoped that these animals can bring some surprised experience to kids. " Metalsmithing Art Exhibition of Cheng-Yao Chiang" will keep displaying till August 6th in Terminal 2, Area C.