文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
10156173460081959 | 2016-12-31 00:02 | 29 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/31今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】好柿會花生(葉佳讓佛雕工作室) 網購價:NT$ 300元,限時價:NT$ 198元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/wTe4eZ 以新竹客家美食之一「柿餅」為發想,黃澄澄的柿子結合花生,創意組成富含吉祥之意又討喜的吊飾,讓柿子不只是水果還能成為可隨身攜帶的紀念品。 立即購:https://goo.gl/wTe4eZ 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173458001959 | 2016-12-30 00:01 | 11 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/30今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】木材鮮奶棒(共2包)(世奇精緻餅店) 網購價:NT$ 460元,限時價:NT$ 304元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/Qs4T1W 世奇精緻餅店於1982年創立,致力於傳統糕餅的發揚創新,木材鮮奶棒是以鮮奶及特製奶油為主,並依據三義特產製成木棒的造型,在食用上更為方便,且營造食用樂趣。… 更多 Shi QI Pastry Shop was founded in 1982, and has since striven to promote traditional cakes and biscuits and foster creativity in cake and biscuit making. The wood-shape milk sticks are made mainly of fresh milk and extra-cream, and are made into the shape of a wood stick that reflects the special products of Sanyi carved wood products. It is both easy and fun to eat. 立即購:https://goo.gl/Qs4T1W 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173441036959 | 2016-12-29 00:03 | 16 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/29今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】桐花餅(共3盒)(集元裕糕餅童玩村) 網購價:NT$ 500元,限時價:NT$ 330元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/QhrcjF… 更多 集元裕為了將桐花的美展現在產品上,研發製作具有雄花和雌花的桐花餅,餅皮即使經冷藏過後,風味依然絕佳;內餡更採用客家金桔醬,品嚐幸福滿溢的美味口感,亦讓客家族群有家鄉文化名產的代表,客家之餅—桐花頌! In order to show the beauty of Tung flower on the products, Chi-Yuan-Yu invented the “Tung Flower Cake”. The pastry of the cake still taste great after refrigeration and the stuffing is made out of Hakka jinji jam. Every bite of this Hakka cake will bring you mouthful of happiness! 立即購:https://goo.gl/QhrcjF 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173408611959 | 2016-12-28 00:01 | 14 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/28今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】擂茶餅(共2盒)(隆源餅行) 網購價:NT$ 400元,限時價:NT$ 264元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/QYSxDr… 更多 隆源餅行已傳承至第4代,其中芋仔餅、番薯餅是到北埔的遊客必帶的伴手禮,現在客家大餅為最受歡迎的喜餅口味。手工一層層包覆肉鬆、蛋黃、紅豆餡等傳統食材,最後包上粢粑將餅皮壓製成大餅,烘烤後金黃色表皮,吃起來口感豐富,層次分明。 Management of the Lung Yuan Pastry Store has been passed on through 4 generations. Its taro cakes and sweet potato cakes have come to be must-buy presents for visitors to Beipu. Now, Hakka pastry is the most popular product. Layers of pork floss, egg yolk, red bean paste and other traditional foods are added by hand and finally wrapped in qi ba (steamed glutinous rice pastry) and pressed to make a pastry. After baking, its crust is a golden yellow, with a rich taste that has multiple levels. 立即購:https://goo.gl/QYSxDr 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173401636959 | 2016-12-27 00:02 | 16 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/27今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】翠玉醃瓜(共2組)(豐富農產品商行) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/3GvPXC 後龍種植的翠玉瓜於夏、秋兩季採收,曝曬成乾後醃漬3個月即可完成,作法雖簡單但過程繁瑣,是客家傳統的好滋味。 In Houlong, jade… 更多 cucumbers are harvested in summer and autumn, and are pickled for 3 months after being dried in the sun. With a simple yet careful process, the end result is a delicious traditional Hakka taste. 立即購:https://goo.gl/3GvPXC 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173393396959 | 2016-12-26 00:01 | 17 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/26今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】阿娟姐客家梅干菜(政進農產商行) 網購價:NT$ 500元,限時價:NT$ 330元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/6P4Jd5… 更多 政進農產商行推出「阿娟姊客家鹹菜」系列,傳達客家人的勤儉惜物,為保存食物,透過鹽醃漬、日曬乾,將食材的好滋味留存下來,梅干菜與蘿蔔干皆是客家傳統食材代表,更是客家菜餚的靈魂象徵,「阿娟姊客家鹹菜系列」採自家種植的蔬菜且經衛生局檢驗,不含人工色素及防腐劑,是自用或送禮的好選擇。 立即購:https://goo.gl/6P4Jd5 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173387186959 | 2016-12-25 00:01 | 8 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/25今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】關西玉山麵(麵組)共2組(金瑞珍行) 網購價:NT$ 480元,限時價:NT$ 317元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/heL8cE 「關西.玉山麵」始於1910… 更多 年的日治時期,當時俗稱「大麵」,歷經百年傳承,目前已是第四代。今日的玉山麵仍以客家祖傳的百年工法維持品質,堅持不添加防腐劑,並以12 小時的製麵工法,利用新竹的九降風與室內烘乾的方式冷熱交替,讓麵條「慢乾緊實」,造就了玉山麵的Q 度、咬勁,和滑順彈牙、久燙不糊的特色。 The history of the Guan-Xi Yu-Shan Noodles can be traced back to 1910, during the period of Japanese rule, when the common name was thick noodles. The noodle making secret has been passed down over the 100 years to the current fourth-generation owners, who still insist on maintaining quality by not using artificial preservatives. Needing 12 hours to make, the noodles are dried alternately in the cold monsoon wind of Hsinchu and indoor heat, so that they firm up slowly to acquire a good texture and bite, and can withstand long cooking while remaining smooth and al dente without becoming mushy. 立即購:https://goo.gl/heL8cE 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173381991959 | 2016-12-24 00:02 | 5 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/24今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】綠橄欖多酚精華油(台灣橄欖生技股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 1200元,限時價:NT$ 792元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/s1mWYz… 更多 自2001年成立迄今,發掘早期客家庄種植橄欖樹,並取用它的根、莖、葉及果實熬煮成茶或湯品飲用,因此將新竹寶山的橄欖產銷班組織企業化,研發橄欖美妝保養品,本產品綠橄欖多酚精華油,是精粹橄欖之精華製作而成。 The company discovered that the roots, stems, leaves, and fruits of olive trees grown in Hakka villages in the early days thus made them into teas or soups. It managed to corporatize olive production and distribution in Baoshan and Hsinchu and completed R&D for olive-related cosmetics and skin care products. This product, green olive polyphenol essential oil, is the extract of fine olives. 立即購:https://goo.gl/s1mWYz 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173374176959 | 2016-12-23 00:01 | 13 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/23今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】茶籽洗碗精(共3瓶)(苗栗縣三義鄉農會 ) 網購價:NT$ 504元,限時價:NT$ 333元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/d8vbq4 苗栗縣三義鄉農會開發了富含茶籽精油的茶籽洗碗精,兼具傳統與環保,更讓地球無負擔,也讓客家產品走出窠臼。 Sanyi Township Farmers… 更多 Association has developed natural tea seed dishwashing liquid, rich in tea seed essential oil. It is both traditional and environmentally friendly, places no burden on the Earth, and also allows Hakka products to break out of their stereotype. 立即購:https://goo.gl/d8vbq4 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173370261959 | 2016-12-22 00:05 | 6 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/22今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】郭家莊豆腐乳(共4罐)(郭家莊醬園) 網購價:NT$ 400元,限時價:NT$ 264元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/uGOZlg… 更多 郭家莊堅持客家傳統製法,採用純天然發酵的方式來保存農產品原有的香氣、甘味及古早味。從傳統農產品醃製,到符合現代人講究衛生、精緻的送禮需求,郭家莊以不變的用心,不斷地改良創新,創造了今日的「醃漬王國」。 A famous provider of authentic Hakka delicacies over the past 40 years, Guo’s Sauce and Pickle Store always follows the ancient production method, preserving the fragrant, sweet scent of farm goods---along with the generations-old recipe--- in a natural fermentation process. To produce traditional pickles that satisfy the demand nowadays for hygienic foods and sophisticated gifts, Guo Jia Zhuang Pickle Shop has created a “Pickle Empire” through continuous R&D efforts with lots of attention to the details 立即購:https://goo.gl/uGOZlg 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173366346959 | 2016-12-21 00:02 | 5 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/21今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】桑葚綜合蔬果酵素(桑葚緣觀光果園) 網購價:NT$ 950元,限時價:NT$ 627元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/wBYo3Z… 更多 桑葚緣觀光果園坐落於桃園龍潭純樸的客家小鎮,果園內採用自然農耕法栽種,並以農改技術細心培育每棵桑樹。除有桑葚果實釀成的鮮果醋及酵素,更利用桑樹及桑葉,研製桑葉養生花茶及養生麵條。每年4、5 月桐花紛飛時,開放遊客入園體驗天然採果樂及親子DIY,感受不同的客庄慢活體驗。 Kuwa Tourist Orchard is located in the small Hakka town of Longtan, Taoyuan. Believing in natural agriculture, the orchard plants each mulberry tree carefully and looks after it with modified agricultural techniques. Besides fresh vinegar and enzymes made from mulberries, there are healthy floral teas and noodles made of mulberry trees and leaves. In April and May each year, when tung flowers are in full blossom, the orchard is open for tourists to experience the fun of natural fruit-picking and engage in family DIY activities. It is a different way to experience the slow pace of life at a Hakka village. 立即購:https://goo.gl/wBYo3Z 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173356491959 | 2016-12-20 00:03 | 8 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/20今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】金磚鳳梨乾(共兩包)(乙橙國際商貿有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 400元,限時價:NT$ 264元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/bp81bf… 更多 特別選用屏東內埔的鳳梨,將鳳梨鮮果切角塊殺青後,不僅刀工講究,也顛覆客家傳統的醃製法,改成低溫40度下冷風交互循環烘製,保留果肉的彈性,鎖住鮮果的風味,以獨特的技術製作高纖維健康食品,創造出新一代的客家味。 Using pineapples specially selected from the Neipu area of Pingtung, the fresh pineapple fruit is first cut into angled pieces and heated. Special attention is paid to not only the knife used in the cutting process, but also overturns the traditional Hakka pickling production method by instead subjecting the pineapple pieces to an interactive cyclic baking process that involves cold blasts at a low temperature of 40 degrees. This process retains the elasticity of the pineapple fruit flesh, and locks in the flavor of the fresh fruit. Therefore, using this unique technology enables the company to produce high-fiber health foods and create a new generation of Hakka flavors. 立即購:https://goo.gl/bp81bf 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173351351959 | 2016-12-19 00:02 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/19今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】蜂蜜兩入包裝(宏基蜜蜂生態農場) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/fI48x7 堅持不貪於過度採收,堅持以時間等待質純的蜜,珍惜大自然恩賜的禮物,在香味、口感和酵素表現上,包含了自然的深度和醇厚,感受到每一口蜜,都是宏基最誠摯的用心。… 更多 Hung Gee Bees Farm Bees Farm insists on not greedily and excessively harvesting the bee honey, and adheres to waiting until the time is right to harvest the honey of purest quality in order to cherish this gift that nature has bestowed upon us. As for the honey's characterization with respect to its aroma, taste and enzymes, the honey contains a natural depth and mellowness, which allows the consumer to savor Hung Gee Bees Farm's sincerity and wholeheartedness in every drop of honey. 立即購:https://goo.gl/fI48x7 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173299561959 | 2016-12-18 00:04 | 11 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/18今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】家用米(共兩包)(天賜糧源股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 300元,限時價:NT$ 198元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/A2RJ4R… 更多 「天賜糧源」是來自花蓮縣富里鄉傳統客家鄉鎮的臺灣優質米,特別迎合現代小家庭使用需求,精選優質的有機米,擁有Q軟、具黏性的特質,是品嘗過就讓人難以忘懷的好味道。 The Taiwan high-quality rice for "MANNA Foods" comes from a traditional Hakka community located in Fuli Township of Hualien County, and their products are produced to specially meet the needs of the modern nuclear family. Organic rice of the highest quality is carefully and strictly selected, with this possessing the distinguishing qualities of Q-suppleness and stickiness, which leaves people with the cherished memory of an unforgettable and delicious flavor after tasting. 立即購:https://goo.gl/A2RJ4R 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173293936959 | 2016-12-17 00:01 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/17今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】自然優咖啡豆(張順嬌咖啡莊園) 網購價:NT$ 1600元,限時價:NT$ 1056元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/HYNh1d 純潔綻放的咖啡白花,象徵客家人的精神永續流傳,每一顆咖啡豆,都曾是一朵朵純白無瑕的咖啡花。「自然優」希望帶給消費者最原味的咖啡豆香。 Pure… 更多 blossoms of white coffee flowers are a symbol of the sustainable spirit handed down through generations of Hakka people. Each coffee bean was once a flawless white blossoming coffee flower, and "Naturally Superior" hopes to provide consumers with such coffee beans that have their original taste left intact and have the most pleasant fragrance and the richest aroma. 立即購:https://goo.gl/HYNh1d 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173289896959 | 2016-12-16 00:02 | 10 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/16今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】圓滿雞盤(雙峰企業有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/GYbiig… 更多 苗栗三義鄉因擁有天然的木材資源,逐漸發展為雕刻重鎮,而坐落在當地的「三義鴨箱寶」前身為「雙峰木鴨工廠」,創立於1963。年圓滿雞盤以純松木雕刻而成,除可用手觸摸感受原木的質樸溫潤,亦可自己或親子共同完成彩繪,打造具個人特色風格的圓滿雞盤。 Sanyi township in Miaoli county is becoming an important place of carving because of its natural resources of woods. The Sanyi Duck Box Treasure’s predecessor is Shuangfeng Wooden Duck Factory, which was founded in 1963. Perfection Chicken Plate is made from pure pine woods, and one can not only feel the gentleness and gracefulness of logs by touching it, but also can paint on it by themselves or work together with family, making Perfection Chicken Plate with a personal featured style. 立即購:https://goo.gl/GYbiig 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173286441959 | 2016-12-15 00:02 | 7 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/15今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】割稻飯陶碗禮盒(華陶窯) 網購價:NT$ 380元,限時價:NT$ 251元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/1iab60… 更多 華陶窯從早期生產花器開始,迄今已逾三十多年,傳承苗栗僅存之臺灣陶藝技術及展現柴燒陶之美璞與華雍自然,為了重新詮釋「割稻飯」文化及反映當代生活思維,華陶窯特推出「割稻飯陶碗禮盒」,藉由結合文化與社會之製陶工藝,將在地之美展現於陶品設計之中,並作為體驗苗栗客家文化之延伸。 立即購:https://goo.gl/1iab60 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173282006959 | 2016-12-14 00:01 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/14今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】古早紫蘇梅(櫻田野餐廳) 網購價:NT$ 360元,限時價:NT$ 238元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/Rd0PyP… 更多 「櫻田野」講究健康飲食,老闆娘花費近3年時間學習種菜,以改良客家菜搭配在地食材,本產品遵循傳統客家醃漬方法並加以改良,經過醃製、搓揉、醃糖等十二道工法,不添加防腐劑和糖精,靜置至少2年以上自然熟成入味,蘊藏著典雅的紫蘇風味,讓消費者可以放心享用。 Cherry Field Restaurant insists on healthy diet, and the hostess spent over three years to learn growing vegetables and researching all self-innovated regimen dishes in her restaurant. This merchandise uses perilla plum by working through 12 Hakka skills including traditional ways such as pickling with salt and sugar, rubbing and kneading for at least two years to make it tasty and mature. There is no worry needed for customers to enjoy it for no preservative and sweetener in it. 立即購:https://goo.gl/Rd0PyP 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173267371959 | 2016-12-13 00:02 | 8 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/13今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】茶配堅果禮盒(愛嘉企業商行) 網購價:NT$ 880元,限時價:NT$ 581元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/REshMv… 更多 愛嘉企業商行加入自己的創意,改變飲食習慣,憑藉著客家人的「硬頸精神」,精心挑選,將低溫烘焙的堅果加入擂茶中,一來可以讓消費者吃到更多好的營養元素,二來用低溫烘焙的堅果可以保留堅果的營養,讓消費者吃得元氣滿滿。 A Chia Percision Company has added its own originality and creativity to change people's dining and eating habits. Relying on the "stiff-necked spirit" of Hakka people, nuts roasted at a low temperature are meticulously selected and added to Lei Tea (Hakka Lei Cha, mashed tea), which, firstly, produces a product that allows consumers to take in even more good nutrients. And secondly, because the nuts have been roasted at a low temperature, the nutrients of the nuts are fully retained, thus allowing consumers to eat the full vigor and vitality of the nuts. 立即購:https://goo.gl/REshMv 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173264441959 | 2016-12-12 00:02 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/12今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】休閒雙面帽(細手物染) 網購價:NT$ 890元,限時價:NT$ 587元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/PhgW4V… 更多 2000年5月「台中縣東勢鎮愛鄉協進會」一個由東勢客家山城婦女自組的手工植物染工坊於焉誕生,結合當地特色的植物樹枝花葉為染色材料,堅持以健康、自然、環保為訴求,成功打開客家衫的新風貌,用自己的雙手編織屬於自己的未來。 In May, 2000, the "Dongshih People's Association of Taichung County", an organization and also a natural dyeing workshop was formed by Hakka women of Dongshih. They have used only local vegetal dyeing materials and insisted in pursuing health, the nature and protection of the environment. The workshop had successfully created a new appearance of and the future of handmade Hakka clothing. 立即購:https://goo.gl/PhgW4V 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173261161959 | 2016-12-11 00:03 | 11 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/11今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】養聖黑木耳杏仁擂茶(全通實業股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 480元,限時價:NT$ 317元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/PBzyLX… 更多 養聖擂茶將36種天然穀類、豆類及綠茶等天然植物精華改良配方外,採用低溫烘焙,瞬間殺菌技術,保留食材原色原味,營養成分不流失,以低溫噴霧造粒的方式,維持產品新鮮度,適合人體每日補充的營養聖品,送禮自用兩相宜。 Yangsheng Pounded Tea is used by an improved recipe that is composed of 36 kinds of natural grains, beans and green tea with techniques of proportionating in low temperature and instant disinfecting and ripening to maintain original colors and flavors of food, to keep and balance nutrition. It is suitable for human body to supplement daily nutritional needs. Consumers can buy it as a gift or to themselves. 立即購:https://goo.gl/PBzyLX 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173253411959 | 2016-12-10 00:03 | 18 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/10今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】養生麵條(吉安鄉農會) 網購價:NT$ 400元,限時價:NT$ 264元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/L3XsoA 吉安鄉農會為維護農民權益,近年來結合農村文化推廣休閒農業及發展有機農業,並藉由結合在地產銷班種植之農作物,提高在地農特產品之附加價值;養生麵條就是以在地產銷班班員種植之丹參、薑黃及當歸等農作物為基礎所加工之麵條,堅持採用天然原料。 立即購:https://goo.gl/L3XsoA 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173249421959 | 2016-12-09 00:02 | 8 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/9今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】檜木精油禮盒(茅鄉炭坊) 網購價:NT$ 500元,限時價:NT$ 330元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/AIgXnt 茅鄉炭坊位於苗栗三義,園區至今仍保有臺灣早期木炭窯及完整煉油設備,現場並開放導覽及體驗活動。近來為持續推廣三義在地客家文化,並提高檜木附加價值,於是將雕刻後剩下之檜木料,採傳統柴燒方式提煉成精油。 立即購:https://goo.gl/AIgXnt 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173243006959 | 2016-12-08 00:02 | 10 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/8今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】淨膚保養旅行組(茶山花印) 網購價:NT$ 680元,限時價:NT$ 449元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/IbR5zB… 更多 苗栗三義「茶山花印」的老闆彭翊茹為在地山城的女兒,她觀察到老一輩用茶油擦臉抹髮,便將之轉化作為保養品基底,重新演繹苦茶油的功能,將這大自然賦予人們的溫潤美好,開發成方便攜帶的淨膚保養旅行組。 Ms. Yi Ru Peng, the boss of "Sanyi Impression," is the daughter of the local mountain town Sanyi, located in Miaoli County. After observing the older generation using tea oil to wipe the face and apply to the hair, she transformed this tradition to create skin care products by re-interpreting the function of bitter tea oil. Using the gentle moisturizing exquisiteness that nature has given people, Sanyi Impression has developed a Skin Care Travel Set that can be conveniently carried. 立即購:https://goo.gl/IbR5zB 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173238096959 | 2016-12-07 00:03 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/7今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】桐舞-筆記書(25k)(界外印染) 網購價:NT$ 460元,限時價:NT$ 304元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/zSNiXO… 更多 「界外印染工作室」把傳統印染格局注入了現代審美觀,再融合植物染、藍染、蠟染、繪染、絹印版畫等多種印染技法,走出一條新異的創作道路,本產品呈現出四、五月油桐落花似雪,形成一場美的饗宴。 Outside Studio injects modern appreciation of the beauty into traditional printing and dying field, and merges plants dye, blue dye, batik, printing dye and serigraphy etc., refurbishing a new and different path of creation. This product shows tung tree flowers falling like snow in April and May, illustrating a feast of beauty. 立即購:https://goo.gl/zSNiXO 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173080411959 | 2016-12-06 00:02 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/6今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】天然吾穀飲(林園食品有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 480元,限時價:NT$ 317元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/Nrc9IH… 更多 林園食品創辦人自小便跟隨著父執輩學習穀物知識,從炒豆、脫殼,翻炒到火候控制,再從中細細挑選原料,累積了深厚而扎實的功夫。結合現代國際天然穀物低溫烘培技術,研磨成粉保留穀物的精華,如陽光穿透灑下大地,孕育穀物風味,每一口的感動都是滿滿幸福的滋味。 An old grocery store with many bamboo-woven round plates, each holding many kinds of grains and legumes, is part of the childhood memories of the founder of Linyuan Foods. The founder learned from his father from childhood about grains, including how to fry beans, unshell grains, stir fry them, and control the cooking fires, and also how to carefully select the raw materials. That is why his skills with grains and legumes are so solid. In… 更多 |
10156173071726959 | 2016-12-05 00:06 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/5今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】黃金Q餅(奇巧香餅家) 網購價:NT$ 350元,限時價:NT$ 231元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/cNmOtg… 更多 傳承3代,經營70餘年的傳統老店奇巧香餅家,在不斷研發創新口味的同時,不忘老祖父保存傳統技藝的堅持,運用苗栗客庄在地食材結合南瓜餡與客家粢粑製作黃金Q餅,是令人讚不絕口的好滋味,更是外出遊子們懷念的兒時記憶與懷舊口味。 Qi Qiao Xiang is a traditional pastry store that has been in existence for more than 70 years and is under its third generation of management. While constantly researching, developing, and innovating new flavors, Qi Qiao Xiang continues to apply the traditional techniques kept and passed down by the first generation. The highly nutritional taro cakes made of local ingredients from the Hakka village of Miaoli, the traditional meat cakes that release the thick aroma of tasty fats, and the chewy golden cakes that combine pumpkin stuffing and Hakka Qi Ba (steamed glutinous rice pastry) in one are all tasty and well-received by consumers. They are part of fond childhood memories, giving many Hakka people away from home a taste of nostalgia. 立即購:https://goo.gl/cNmOtg 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173053431959 | 2016-12-04 00:02 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/4今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】手漾桂花釀(共兩組)(全美廣告印刷設計) 網購價:NT$ 320元,限時價:NT$211元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/GU38TI 「全美廣告印刷設計」以開發具有苗栗特色與客家文化內涵系列的伴手禮,並積極與社區結合,透過精品伴手禮方式,帶動產業觀光效益。將「手漾桂花釀」以小巧且古樸的包裝設計風格,兼具環保與實用性,藉以拉近經典古法飲品與年輕人的距離。 立即購:https://goo.gl/GU38TI 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173043136959 | 2016-12-03 00:05 | 10 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/3今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】池農刀削麵(台東縣池上鄉農會) 網購價:NT$ 360元,限時價:NT$ 238元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/8gjZdn… 更多 臺東縣池上鄉具地理環境及水質優勢,所生產的池上米聞名全國,以池上米為原料所研發出的新產品米麵條,不僅提升稻米附加價值,也增進消費者對米食文化的認知。池農刀削麵,麵條Q軟且不含防腐劑等人工添加物,製麵過程遵循客家古法,百分之百全程日曬,每塊麵都經過細心翻面三次,務求完整均勻的自然乾燥,保留烈日與山風洗禮過的麵香味。 By the advantages of environment and water quality, Chihshang Rice is famous around Taiwan. The new product, Rice Noodle, made of Chihshang Rice can promote the peripheral value of rice and enhance knowledge of rice-eating culture to customers. Chihnong Knife-shaved Noodles is al dente, tender and no food additive such as preservative. The processes of making rice noodles are followed restrictedly by Hakka artistry with 100% exposure to sunlight. Every noodle piece is carefully turned three times such that water in it can be vapored by the sun and breeze from mountain, and the noodle fragrant will be kept through natural baptism. 立即購:https://goo.gl/8gjZdn 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156173034106959 | 2016-12-02 00:05 | 18 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/2今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】紅花大菓-茶花籽油(金椿茶油工坊有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 460元,限時價:NT$ 304元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/gLkyNe… 更多 「金椿茶油工坊」創辦人為苗栗客家人,至今歷史已有三十餘年了。茶花籽油的珍貴,在於茶花樹一年只結一次菓,冬天開花、夏天茁壯,每顆茶菓皆聚集天然的營養素,本產品採用油茶紅花大菓低溫壓榨,油質色澤金黃,發煙點高達攝氏223度以上,穩定性高,特別適合東方人煎、煮、炒、炸、拌、烘培等各種美味烹飪需求。 The founder of Golden Flower Tea Oil Workshop, was born from Miaoli Hakka group, rode a motorcycle to the mountains for buying tea leaves. Then the leaves were transformed into tea by traditional tea production artistry and then tea were sold to processing factories. It has been over thirty years since the founder has switched to a new oil business of camellia oil. Camellia oil is very precious because camellia… 更多 |
10156173016216959 | 2016-12-01 00:03 | 13 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【12/1今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】臺灣紅茶(金萱-台茶12號)(盛鐸電商文創股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 560元,限時價:NT$ 370元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/gbIrGE… 更多 南投縣名間鄉松柏嶺茶區所生產的紅茶,「臺灣紅茶」堪稱是當地創新經典茶品,特選當地特有的小葉種「臺茶12號」(別名金萱),未嘗茶韻,先聞其香,沖其沸水,色澤橙紅,婉約茶韻讓空氣中傳遞著紅茶芬芳,氤氳著濃厚的客家文化氣息。 The black tea produced in Songboling black tea production area in Mingjian Township located in Nantou County has a pure and fresh fragrance, with a sweet and delectable taste when sipped. There are many techniques for tea planting and tea roasting, and "Taiwan Black Tea" can be said to be the local innovative and classic tea variety, which specially selects the local specific small leaf variety "Taiwan Tea No. 12" (also known as Jin Xuan… 更多 |