網購價:NT$ 460元,限時價:NT$ 304元(含運)
立即購:https://goo.gl/gLkyNe… 更多
「金椿茶油工坊」創辦人為苗栗客家人,至今歷史已有三十餘年了。茶花籽油的珍貴,在於茶花樹一年只結一次菓,冬天開花、夏天茁壯,每顆茶菓皆聚集天然的營養素,本產品採用油茶紅花大菓低溫壓榨,油質色澤金黃,發煙點高達攝氏223度以上,穩定性高,特別適合東方人煎、煮、炒、炸、拌、烘培等各種美味烹飪需求。 The founder of Golden Flower Tea Oil Workshop, was born from Miaoli Hakka group, rode a motorcycle to the mountains for buying tea leaves. Then the leaves were transformed into tea by traditional tea production artistry and then tea were sold to processing factories. It has been over thirty years since the founder has switched to a new oil business of camellia oil. Camellia oil is very precious because camellia… 更多