文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
10162594619131959 | 2021-09-29 16:01 | 8 | 1 | 🥳中秋節中獎名單公佈🎁 恭喜蝦皮訂單 210909RN1YKXG6 周x雯 獲得 海道生食級干貝 【3S】500g/包(約20-25 顆) 恭喜樂天訂單 0057072-210907-0246171872 蔡x源 獲得 特規嚴選野放無毒生態蝦 約1.33台斤/盒(約18-20尾) |
10162591966466959 | 2021-09-28 09:09 | 12 | 1 | 巧雕樹輪皂(臺灣原生牛樟精油) https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=854 牛樟木豐富的松油醇藉由精煉技術淬取出高純度「牛樟精油」,結合在地生產的天然皂塊,研發出「臺灣原生牛樟精油-巧雕樹輪皂」,並特別以牛樟樹樹輪形狀的皂型呈現,香氣柔和,同時也傳達天然時尚、養生樂活的概念。 "Stout camphor essential oil"… 更多 of high purity is extracted from terpineol abundant in stout camphor wood using a refining technique. The "stout camphor essential oil" is then combined with the materials used to make the local natural soap blocks to produce a "Taiwan Native Stout Camphor Essential Oil - Skillfully Carved Tree Ring Soap.” Moreover, the soap is especially produced so as to take on the form of a stout camphor tree ring. The soap has a mild and delicate aroma. In addition, it also conveys the concepts of… 更多 |
10162589893536959 | 2021-09-27 10:46 | 11 | 1 | |
10162543330881959 | 2021-09-06 16:28 | 9 | 1 | 南瓜米巧果酥 https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=316 南瓜米巧果酥好吃的秘訣,除了用心製作外,更嚴選臺東池上客庄米穀粉及南橫高山栗子南瓜,再拌入純淨的海洋深層水等食材製成,小巧外形,讓您一口接一口,吃到健康及幸福滋味。 The secret behind the delicious flavor of pumpkin rice… 更多 and fruit cakes lies in the carefully selected rice and grain powder from the Hakka village in Chishang, Taitung, and millet pumpkin from the mountains along the Southern Cross-Island Highway, with addition of other ingredients such as pure deep ocean water. The delicious cakes come in bite-sized pieces, so you can eat one after another, all while knowing you are enjoying a healthy treat!… 更多 |
10162536451611959 | 2021-09-03 13:01 | 4 | 0 | 7/16 ~8/31 好客家年中慶中獎名單公佈👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 🎊恭喜🎊 賣場訂單編號:210801F92AYSQY劉X怡🎁抽中超氧儀+超氧儀專用消毒盒粉色一組 🎊恭喜🎊 賣場訂單編號:21083134VWWRNK高X珊🎁抽中空氣活氧機加車充一組 九月中秋抽獎活動 開始囉👇👇👇 🌝情滿中秋,與你同樂🤗,即日起至9/24來~等路中秋挑伴手禮🎁,不限金額 即可參加抽獎,抽獎內容: 《水產大叔 》🌊🌊🌊🍢 … 更多 北海道生食級干貝 【3S】500g/包(約20-25 顆) 一名 《水產大叔 》🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐 特規嚴選野放無毒生態蝦 約1.33台斤/盒(約18-20尾) 一名 抽獎規則:請至👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 台灣客家等路大街:https://is.gd/aQei9Z 好客家蝦皮商城:https://is.gd/ujxIyV 好客家等路旗艦店:https://is.gd/eSiZaa 購買商品消費不限金額下訂單時備註《2021中秋好禮抽起來》就符合參加抽獎資格👌 將於9/27公開抽獎名單🎊 |
10162534064821959 | 2021-09-02 13:05 | 8 | 2 | |
10162534062241959 | 2021-09-02 13:02 | 427 | 5 | 🌝情滿中秋,與你同樂🤗,即日起至9/24來~等路中秋挑伴手禮🎁,不限金額 即可參加抽獎,抽獎內容: 《水產大叔 》🌊🌊🌊🍢 北海道生食級干貝 【3S】500g/包(約20-25 顆) 一名(市價$1080) 《水產大叔 》🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐 特規嚴選野放無毒生態蝦 約1.33台斤/盒(約18-20尾) 一名(市價$1280) 抽獎規則:請至👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 台灣客家等路大街:https://is.gd/aQei9Z 好客家蝦皮商城:https://is.gd/ujxIyV 好客家等路旗艦店:https://is.gd/eSiZaa 購買商品消費不限金額下訂單時備註《2021中秋好禮抽起來》就符合參加抽獎資格👌 將於9/27公開中獎名單🎊 |