
Month: 2021-07

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
10162451536861959 2021-07-30 10:42 7 1 棗釀豆腐乳450g
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1102… 更多 創始人郭渠泓、郭江玉英夫婦於1969年專業製作客家醃製食品,40年來,郭家莊醬園已成了家喻戶曉的經典美味。郭家莊堅持客家傳統製法,採用純天然發酵的方式來保存農產品原有的香氣、甘味及古早味。從傳統農產品醃製,到符合現代人講究衛生、精緻的送禮需求,郭家莊以不變的用心,不斷地改良創新,創造了今日的「醃漬王國」。 Guo Cu-hong and his wife Guo Jian Yu-ying, founders of Guo Jia Zhuang Pickle Shop, started the manufacturing of Hakka-style pickles in 1969. A famous provider of authentic Hakka delicacies over the past 40 years, Guo’s Sauce and Pickle Store always follows the ancient production method, preserving the fragrant, sweet scent of farm goods---along with the generations-old recipe--- in a natural fermentation process. To produce traditional pickles that satisfy the demand… 更多
10162448926316959 2021-07-29 10:34 7 1 紅麴豆腐乳(可素食)
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1063 大房食品自1923 年傳承至今,已歷4… 更多 代近百年的歷史,雖然時代不斷地改變,但唯一不變的就是一貫堅持的好品質,和不斷創新研發的精神。以紅麴入菜是客家人與福州人特有的飲食文化,略甜的特殊氣味不但能增添食物味道,使色澤鮮豔,更令人食慾大增。豆腐乳是東方的起士,「紅麴豆腐乳」強調以沾吐司等創新吃法,讓懷舊的美食,也能產生新時代的味覺驚喜。 Founded in 1923, Dafang Foods Co. Ltd. is a family business spanning nearly a century and four generations. For all the changes in time, Dafang has been committed to making fine-quality food and continuous R&D efforts. Using red yeast in cooking is a tradition unique to the Hakka and Fuzhou people. Not only can the slightly sweet yeast spice up --- and add color to --- a dish, but it also improves the appetite. Served as a dip for toast and other foods,… 更多
10162446444476959 2021-07-28 11:07 3 1 紅麴豆腐乳
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1115 「稻香客家米食」希望保留傳統客家文化特色與天然食材的口感,同時為滿足眾多顧客的味蕾,努力將傳統古早豆腐乳口味改良,並選用非基因改造黃豆製成,搭配傳統入菜佐料,創新研發出「紅麴豆腐乳」、「辣味豆腐乳」及「甜酒豆腐乳」,讓豆腐乳也能是道色香味俱全的美食佳餚。 Rice Aroma… 更多 Hakka Rice Eating helps red dates farmers increase incomes, and it also hopes to keep traditional Hakka cultural features and natural food ingredient mouthfeels. To meet all the different taste needs of customers, we try so hard to improve traditional fermented tofu with retro flavors and choose non-genetically modified yellow soybeans, with traditional seasons, to develop new products such as Red Yeast Rice Fermented Tofu, Spicy Fermented Tofu and Liqueur Fermented Tofu. Fermented Tofu… 更多
10162443841731959 2021-07-27 11:05 7 1 貓裏桂花磚
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1158… 更多 桂花品東西與苗栗縣內各社區發展協會合作開發改良桂花相關產品,並發展出各種美食,透過嶄新的包裝設計,將山城濃濃的客家情充分傳遞給每一位消費者,白水豆腐即嚴選非基改黃豆所製成,利用太陽曝曬,置於瓦缸中,後以米粕發酵,自然熟成,利用桂花清香提味、融合,滋味令人回味無窮;獨特創新的經營方式,讓苗栗產品走出去,貓裏文化被看見。 配稀飯的絕佳搭配。
絕不添加防腐劑及任何化學添加劑。 產品規格
內容量:400g 固形量:220g/瓶
生產地:台灣苗栗縣 保存方法
放置陰涼處 注意事項
2.食品類商品因衛生因素考量,除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨。 供貨廠商
全美廣告印刷設計(桂花品東西) https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1158 --- 客委會浪漫客庄遊
執行單位:聚客資訊有限公司 歡迎來店使用LINE PAY
聚客資訊 / 客家等路大街 客委會『臺灣客家等路大街』數位商城維運
108-109 年度推動客語為通行語成效評核作業
免費專線:0800-801-490 臺灣客家等路大街以客委會輔導的客家特色產業業者為對象,鼓勵業者生產及銷售優質客家特色商品,凸顯客庄在地文化,並提供消費者購買優質臺灣客家特色商品的管道,為了提供廣大消費者更友善的購物資訊,提供全產品的標示清單,歡迎點選瀏覽。 臺灣客家等路大街
http://www.hakkamall.org.tw/ 聚客資訊有限公司 https://juke17.com/
403台中市西區華美西街一段137號11樓之1 台灣客家等路大街 粉絲專頁
https://www.facebook.com/hakkamall/ ✔️台灣客家等路大街
https://www.rakuten.com.tw/shop/hakka94good/ ✔️好客家等路旗艦店
10162441560351959 2021-07-26 14:56 11 2 招牌豆沙核桃(共3入)
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=324 永安餅舖30餘年紮實慢工,留存傳統的老味道、老手藝,多層次條理分明,講究純手感,逐一用雙手與誠心製作出糕餅;食材嚴選上等毛綠豆與核桃,健康養生杏仁角,配上外層鬆軟的蛋皮製成「招牌豆沙核桃」,一口咬下,香甜鬆軟的滋味於舌尖蔓延。 Yongan Bakery has… 更多 been at work for over 30 years, preserving the traditional flavor and old-style way of making cakes and biscuits, each made by hand with sincerity. Only the finest young green beans, walnuts and healthy almonds are used. These ingredients are put inside a soft egg skin to make house special bean paste and walnut cakes. The delicious taste spreads from the tongue as soon as you take a bite.… 更多
10162433445921959 2021-07-23 10:35 4 1 古味創新-雪霰餅
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=555 早期物質缺乏,造就客家婦女愛物惜物的性格,因此創造許多客家飲食傳奇;蘇老爺手工雪霰餅的製造原料便是延伸自這餐桌上的傳奇,將蘿蔔製成蘿蔔餅,添加客家獨有的椒鹽美味,再搭上麥芽製成的牛奶軟糖,便成就雪霰餅的創新口味。 產品規格
180g/包… 更多
生產地:高雄市 供貨廠商
蘇老爺手工健康本舖 https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=555 --- 客委會浪漫客庄遊
執行單位:聚客資訊有限公司 歡迎來店使用LINE PAY
聚客資訊 / 客家等路大街 客委會『臺灣客家等路大街』數位商城維運
108-109 年度推動客語為通行語成效評核作業
免費專線:0800-801-490 臺灣客家等路大街以客委會輔導的客家特色產業業者為對象,鼓勵業者生產及銷售優質客家特色商品,凸顯客庄在地文化,並提供消費者購買優質臺灣客家特色商品的管道,為了提供廣大消費者更友善的購物資訊,提供全產品的標示清單,歡迎點選瀏覽。 臺灣客家等路大街
http://www.hakkamall.org.tw/ 聚客資訊有限公司 https://juke17.com/
403台中市西區華美西街一段137號11樓之1 台灣客家等路大街 粉絲專頁
https://www.facebook.com/hakkamall/ ✔️台灣客家等路大街
https://www.rakuten.com.tw/shop/hakka94good/ ✔️好客家等路旗艦店
10162428700866959 2021-07-21 13:25 6 2 珍豬客家豬腳
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=710 珍豬客家精饌嚴選黑豬滷製厚皮帶骨圈狀豬腳,承襲客家傳統料理工法,不添加味精及中藥材,熬滷出外皮油亮Q 彈,肥瘦適中,完整呈現客家料理獨特風味。 Zhen Zhu Hakka Pig Cuisine carefully selects the round legs of black… 更多 pigs with thick skin and bones. The stewed pig leg has a greasy, shiny, and chewy skin, an adequate distribution of fat and lean meat, and does not include any MSG or Chinese herbs. Aptly demonstrates the unique avor of Hakka cuisine. 產品規格
800g × 2 入 / 盒
保存期限:冷凍三個月 供貨廠商
珍豬客家精饌 https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=710 --- 客委會浪漫客庄遊
執行單位:聚客資訊有限公司 歡迎來店使用LINE PAY
聚客資訊 / 客家等路大街… 更多
10162426242461959 2021-07-20 13:05 5 1 濾泡式咖啡禮盒
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=271… 更多 林園咖啡產於南投縣海拔700至800山頂,於2004年種植五甲地約七千棵阿拉比卡咖啡樹,採用中興大學蔡東纂教授推廣的蔡18菌、黃豆、黑糖栽培法。林園咖啡的產品不透過寄賣販售,直接回饋給消費者,消費者拿到最新鮮的咖啡,也是響應樂活減碳救地球的最好方式,林園咖啡的新鮮度絕對優於進口咖啡,生豆與熟豆經過兩次手選,提供給消費者最優質的在地好咖啡,在忙碌的現代生活裡,想喝一杯有在地味道的精品咖啡,隨時品嘗濃、醇、香的林園咖啡,喝一口就回甘。 Coffee beans, from Linyuan Café, are fruits of around 7000 Arabica Café Trees , located at a 700 to 800 sea level mountain top with around fifty thousand square meter land size in Nantou, adopted by a growing method of using Cai 18 bacteria, yellow bean and black sugar, that are promoted by professor Cai, Dong-Zuan from National Chung Hsing University. Linyuan Café does not sell coffee in real shops but send… 更多
10162423220596959 2021-07-19 09:44 6 1 6吋巧克力乳酪蛋糕
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1368 「水母」是閩南語妻子的偕音,客語則稱妻子為「女甫娘」,是一個充滿母性的詞彙,有哺乳育嬰的母親形象,而我深愛的女甫娘,用心哺育小孩自己卻因乳糖不耐症無緣享用乳品,於是我學起做乳酪,水母吃乳酪也就這麼來的,每一口乳酪都代表我對女甫娘疼惜照顧的承諾。 The… 更多 pronunciation of “Wife” in Taiwanese sounds like “Jellyfish”. In Hakka language the wife pronounces as “Pu-Nian”, an extremely motherly term with an image of a breastfeeding mother. My beloved “Pu-Nian” took care of us with all her heart, yet due to her lactose-intolerance, she could not taste any dairy product. Because of this, I started to learn how to make cheese; this is the origin of “Jellyfish Eats Cheese”. Every bite of it represents my appreciation to my “Pu-Nian”. 〈水母家沒有重乳酪輕乳酪之分〉… 更多
10162416641696959 2021-07-16 18:13 9 3
10162416640021959 2021-07-16 18:10 12 2 🎊好客家年中慶🎊 不用出門也可以買到生活好物👍及客家在地美食🍜 居家防疫不無聊☺️線上shopping好安心👌 7/16~8/31 至好客家賣場(蝦皮,樂天,台灣客家等路大街)
2️⃣消費金額滿799送奈米銅離子防疫型口罩 1組(一組3入)… 更多
3️⃣消費金額滿1500送奈米銅離子防疫型口罩 2組(一組3入)
4️⃣消費金額滿3000送奈米銅離子防疫型口罩3組(一組3入) ⭕️訂單消費不限金額即可參加防疫抽獎活動!!⭕️
{居家防疫人人有責 #防疫良民 說到做到!}
活動獎品: 1.超氧儀+超氧儀專用消毒盒粉色 (1名)市價4680
2.空氣活氧機+車充(1名)市價2800 台灣客家等路大街:https://is.gd/aQei9Z
10162416125531959 2021-07-16 11:34 10 2 橄欖茶禮盒
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1243 早期客家庄種植橄欖樹,利用其根、莖、葉及果實熬煮成茶或湯品飲用。台塑有機農業生物科技(股)公司自2001年正式成立,將橄欖產銷班的組織企業化,並研發橄欖保健養生茶品,從橄欖原料之取得到成品製造加工,均不含人工添加物及化學成分,目前在市面上頗受消費者推薦。 In earlier… 更多 times, olive trees were grown in Hakka villages and tea or soup was made by boiling their roots, stems, leaves and fruit in order to keep the villagers healthy. Taisuh Organic Agricultural Biotech Inc. was officially founded in 2001, transforming an olive production and marketing group into an enterprise and developing healthy olive tea products. From picking olives to producing the finished product, no artificial additives and chemicals are used, creating a product highly recommended… 更多
10162413785881959 2021-07-15 11:45 11 1 關西仙草膠磚-9入禮盒
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=332 仙草是新竹縣關西鎮最具特色的農產品,關西仙草坊以羊羹的概念開發的仙草膠磚,係以少許黑糖並加入寒天及蒟蒻調製而成,完全不含澱粉,低卡、低熱量,符合現代人需求,是獨特創新的食品。 Mesona chinensis (grass jelly) is guanxis most… 更多 characteristic produce, Mesona jelly brick has been developed by guanxi Mesona Jelly Workshop following the agar jelly concept, made by adding a small amount of raw sugar, agar and konjac jelly. A unique, creative and healthy food, it contains no starch, is low in calories, and meets the demands of modern people. 仙草(ハーブゼリー)は新竹県関西鎮の最も特色ある農産物です。関西仙草坊が羊羹のコンセプトで開発した仙草ゼリーは、少量の黒糖と寒天やこんにゃくを加えて調製しました。澱粉は全く含まれてなく、低カロリーで、現代人の要求にマッチする、独自に創新したヘルシー食品です。… 更多
10162411231021959 2021-07-14 10:12 2 1 聰明的行動支付服務,
申請成為 LINE Pay 合作店家,全台灣2,100萬LINE用戶,都是您的潛在顧客 消費者使用LINE PAY在店家消費
同時完成,收錢+收會員。 店家老闆你申請LINE PAY了嗎?
快快快,手刀加入!… 更多 --- LINE PAY申請流程:
下列資料可以用電子檔 直接傳檔就可以:
■「公司產品價格表」:含有標價的菜單照片或價格表 ■「旅宿業」:業者需另附立案證書。 ---… 更多
10162409222461959 2021-07-13 14:57 4 2 威記純正鮪魚脯(600g)
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1417 「威記食品 肉乾肉鬆專賣店」為出生於桃園市中壢區番薯市仔傳統市場,由老闆嬤每日現炒肉鬆,由大園區騎著腳踏車經十四公里的路程,將每日熱騰騰新鮮美味的肉鬆,載至番薯市場販售,刮風下雨始終如一… 更多 就如同我們對產品的堅持,延續古法信念(越簡單,越安全,用最單純的原料,呈現100%的自然風味),一路走來,累積四十餘年經驗及口碑,用料實在,精選上等肉品,堅持不添加麵粉及防腐劑、色素,原汁原味,古法製成。 121純正鮪魚脯
採用新鮮鮪魚肉、糖、鹽遵循古法調味製作‚將魚脯作成細小顆粒狀‚讓您品嘗時有越嚼越香的口感‚鮪魚含豐富DHA、高蛋白、低脂肪、低熱量的營養成分‚有助於兒童發育 產品規格
豬肉產地:台灣 注意:購買後,15天未食用完,請冷藏保存,本產品經SGS檢驗100%合格,請盡快食用完畢,以保持新鮮!
(本產品已投保富邦產險1000萬責任險) ※產品有效期指冷藏狀態下,若為個人保存不當,將不予退貨換貨 ※商品售出非人為瑕疵7日內接受退換貨且包裝須完整,請至原買處退換,有任何問題可致電客服專線:0800-801490,將有專員協助您處理! 供貨廠商
威記食品肉乾肉鬆專賣店… 更多
10162409183401959 2021-07-13 14:19 8 2 高峰紫蘇梅
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1053 高峰照相館創立於1956 年,以無數的老照片見證了苗栗三義發展的歷史。早期的客家人非常節儉,30… 更多 年前林子峵的祖母自行醃漬酸梅,因為它的酸與鹹,而成了最下飯的配菜。隨著台灣經濟起飛,吃酸梅已不只配飯,還可當零食,高峰照相館承襲傳家好味道,改良酸梅的酸度與鹹度,更在外觀與口感上作提升,讓吃酸梅的文化,變得更加精緻。 Founded in 1956, Gao Feng Photo Studio has numerous old photos that bear witness to the development of Sanyi Township in Miaoli County, as well as the famous preserved plums, first made by Lin Zirong’s grandmother 30 years ago. The early Hakka people were known for their frugality, and preserved plums were considered an appetizing accompaniment to rice because of the tartness and savory taste. As Taiwan’s economy took off, preserved plums became a snack as well as an… 更多
10162406882486959 2021-07-12 15:33 6 2 紫蘇嫩薑350g
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=420… 更多 阿金姐是客家庄媳婦,跟著婆婆學習傳統客家醃製食品,始終堅持產品絕不添加防腐劑、人工甘味與色素等添加物,強調對健康理念的執著並致力於推廣客家飲食文化的志業。咬薑啜醋是客家飲食文化之一,我們採用新鮮嫩薑,洗淨切片後用紫蘇梅醃製,讓消費者更方便食用,香脆中帶著微辣的口感,很適合做為開胃菜或加入食物的料理中,薑汁也可與水稀釋成薑茶或醃涼拌菜。 Ajinjie is a daughter-in-law in a Hakka community, following with her mother-in-law to learn how to ferment Hakka traditional foods, always insists on no additive preservatives, artificial sweets and food colors in her products. The emphasis on the idea of healthy life style is the motivation to stick on a goal of promoting Hakka drinking and eating cultures. Biting gingers and sipping vinegar are eating and drinking cultures for Hakka people. We adopt… 更多
10162406529741959 2021-07-12 10:43 4 2 金花小菓~茶花籽油1800ml
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1338 油色青綠如翡翠,富含天然葉綠素、茶多酚、α-生育醇及高單元不飽和脂肪酸80%以上,是最天然的抗氧化劑。有助中高齡人士養生需求,調整體質,是胃弱者「食補」良品。可直接生飲、也可以直接塗抹皮膚及頭髮。 This jade green oil, the most… 更多 natural antioxidant, is full of chlorophyll, Tea Polyphenols (TP) and α-Fertility alcohol. Its Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acid(MUFA)is more than 80%. It fits health needs of the elderly and good for people who has a weak stomach. You can drink directly or smear on skin and hair. 產品規格
生產地:苗栗縣 供貨廠商
金椿茶油工坊有限公司 https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1338 --- 客委會浪漫客庄遊… 更多
10162406505326959 2021-07-12 10:26 7 2 客家筍香麵食禮盒
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=184 三風食品使用客家料理常見的桂竹筍與臺灣主食之一的麵做結合,希望更多的人能夠品嘗到客家筍香麵的特殊風味。早期客家人居住多在山區靠水之處,山居生活艱辛,食物取得不易,竹筍料理在客家菜中更是普遍佳餚。 Shan Feng Foods Industrial Company… 更多 combines Makino bamboo shoots, which are often used in Hakka cuisine, with noodles, which are one of the staple foods of Taiwan. The hope is that even more people can savor the special flavor of Hakka bamboo shoot noodles. The dwellings of early Hakka people were mostly in the mountainous areas close to water, and living among the mountain was not only arduous, it was also difficult to obtain food. It was for this reason that bamboo shoot cooked dishes became a commonplace delicacy in Hakka… 更多
10162406430246959 2021-07-12 09:46 6 2 辣菜脯(共兩盒)
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1160 新隆發醬園嚴選臺灣本土果農精細栽種的越瓜,經過食品級粗鹽醃製後,形成青瓜脯,不但可以延長保存期限也可以改善農民生活,充分展現客家人勤儉持家精神,讓美好的古早味永傳下去,讓後代子孫可以繼續傳承記憶的好味道。 產品規格
規格:300g/盒,共兩盒… 更多
生產地:臺中市 供貨廠商
新隆發醬園(典鑫醬園) https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1160 --- 客委會浪漫客庄遊
執行單位:聚客資訊有限公司 歡迎來店使用LINE PAY
聚客資訊 / 客家等路大街 客委會『臺灣客家等路大街』數位商城維運
108-109 年度推動客語為通行語成效評核作業
免費專線:0800-801-490 臺灣客家等路大街以客委會輔導的客家特色產業業者為對象,鼓勵業者生產及銷售優質客家特色商品,凸顯客庄在地文化,並提供消費者購買優質臺灣客家特色商品的管道,為了提供廣大消費者更友善的購物資訊,提供全產品的標示清單,歡迎點選瀏覽。 臺灣客家等路大街
http://www.hakkamall.org.tw/ 聚客資訊有限公司 https://juke17.com/
403台中市西區華美西街一段137號11樓之1 台灣客家等路大街 粉絲專頁
https://www.facebook.com/hakkamall/ ✔️台灣客家等路大街
https://www.rakuten.com.tw/shop/hakka94good/ ✔️好客家等路旗艦店
10162406391466959 2021-07-12 09:26 8 2 大嬸婆步步糕昇芋頭糕
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=421… 更多 粄是客家米食文化之最,舉凡各式各樣的粄皆有,蘿蔔糕即是其中一種,最初期蘿蔔糕以在來米磨成糊水狀,加入蘿蔔絲與調味料後放於容器內蒸煮完成。本產品遵循古法生產並導入真空包裝技術,從在來米研磨成米漿,加入爆香蝦米、客家油蔥、豬肉拌煮成糊狀,後經高溫蒸煮後,切片進行真空包裝,再經高溫蒸氣室殺菌,急速冷卻後冷藏或冷凍販售,成為隨時都可享用的便利美食。 Rice of many kinds, is the essence of Hakka rice eating culture. Turnip cakes are made of rice flour with ground up turnips. Indica rice, at the beginning, is ground to paste, and then it is steamed in a container along with carrot slices and seasonings. This product uses both ancient artistry and modern vacuum packaging technique. With Indica rice milk, garlic, tiny shrimps, green onions and pork in oil, are stir-fried to become a paste. This is… 更多
10162406376151959 2021-07-12 09:16 6 2 番茄粹釀400ml
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1030 100… 更多 年成立『客庄嬤嬤釀造工坊』集結社區居民創造社區特色產業,同時發揚客庄釀造文化,找回釀造食品經典『濃、純、香、甘』與農村壽的元素『慢活』與『粗食』。「番茄粹釀」是古法與科技的完美結合,同時具有古法的香醇,利用專利低溫萃取技術,以番茄、陳年糯米醋、冰糖為原料,純釀造、無香精、無色素、無添加任何化學成分擁有花果的色澤、香氣及柔順的口感(色、香、味) 不刺鼻、不嗆喉。 Dabu Mama Brew House, founded in 2011, galvanizes community residents to create businesses with community characteristics, while promoting the fermentation culture in Hakka villages to restore the classic Hakka flavors in brewed food: “dense, pure, fragrant and sweet,” and the secret to longevity in farming villages: slow living and a diet of unprocessed natural food. “Tomato Extract Brew” is a perfect fusion of an ancient recipe and… 更多
10162399249451959 2021-07-09 14:31 6 1 東方美人茶
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=877 峨眉茶行,擁有超過百年茶事經驗的老茶行,從茶園管理、採收、製作到烘焙都經過專業的品質控管。茶湯紅澄金黃的東方美人茶,有琥珀色的明亮潤澤感,帶有熟果及蜂蜜的茶香,甘冽清醇,風味絕佳。 Emei Tea Shop is an old shop with more than one… 更多 hundred years of history in the tea business, including tea garden management, harvest, production, and drying. All processes are handled using professional quality control methods. Oriental Beauty Tea, which features a golden red hue, possesses a bright amber tone and fragrance of ripe fruits and honey. It has an outstandingly sweet, and pure taste. 產品規格
75g × 2 罐 / 組
保存期限:三年 供貨廠商
峨眉茶行 https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=877 --- 客委會浪漫客庄遊
執行單位:聚客資訊有限公司… 更多
10162399154011959 2021-07-09 13:10 11 2 新福源國際-大禮盒
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=636 新福源傳承客家生活經驗與智慧,多角化開發出花生醬系列產品,原汁原味的花生醬裡,有著創始人曾和昌君及子女曾清美共同流著汗和淚,不分晝夜分工合作,手工炒花生,粗重繁瑣的過程,卻有著累不倒、擊不退的客家精神,為的是堅持把最健康的花生醬送到每位台灣人的心中。 Xin Fu Yuan… 更多 passes down Hakka life experience and wisdom to diversely develop a series of peanut butter products that tell the story of the sweat and tears of its founder Tseng He-Chang and his daughter Tseng Ching-Mei. They worked day and night to stir fry peanuts by hand. During the hardworking process, they held the Hakka spirit and never gave up. Their insisted on delivering the healthiest peanut butter to each customer in Taiwan. 產品規格
(3)芝麻醬:黑芝麻、糖… 更多
10162398966116959 2021-07-09 10:52 5 2 鹹味精力湯雙入禮盒組
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1077 客家庄有一說「勤於勞動、清淡飲食、常飲擂茶」是健康長壽的秘訣。擂茶是客家生活的一部分,不僅是農作期間的點心,因為用料天然、養生,是茶品,也是茶食,也是待客之佳餚。 As the Hakka saying goes, the secret to health and… 更多 longevity is “being hardworking, keeping a healthy diet, and drinking Hakka Leicha regularly”. Leicha is part of Hakka people’s life and is a snack food during agricultural events. Due to its natural and nutritious ingredients, it is the tea best beverage to show hospitality. 產品規格
生產地:新竹縣 供貨廠商
璞鈺商行 https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1077 --- 客委會浪漫客庄遊
執行單位:聚客資訊有限公司 歡迎來店使用LINE PAY… 更多
10162393559406959 2021-07-07 10:24 4 1 酸柑茶(沉放二年久)
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=297… 更多 藝欣茶坊承襲客家人傳統,每年都會在春節期間製作酸柑茶,不論是從選果、挖果肉到九蒸九晒及日晒夜壓等製茶工序,皆採傳統手工方式,且為避免壓茶時產生爆裂現象,藝欣茶坊的六爺酸柑茶採獨家不綁繩製茶法,並嚴選山區自然農法栽種之虎頭柑及原片高山烏龍茶為製茶原料,藉由獨特製茶技法與特選原料,讓人在品飲時,能感受到濃濃的客家甘甜茶香味。 產品規格
規格:沉放二年久,約300g/顆 供貨廠商
藝欣茶坊(六爺酸柑茶) https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=297 --- 客委會浪漫客庄遊
執行單位:聚客資訊有限公司 歡迎來店使用LINE PAY
聚客資訊 / 客家等路大街 客委會『臺灣客家等路大街』數位商城維運
108-109 年度推動客語為通行語成效評核作業
免費專線:0800-801-490 臺灣客家等路大街以客委會輔導的客家特色產業業者為對象,鼓勵業者生產及銷售優質客家特色商品,凸顯客庄在地文化,並提供消費者購買優質臺灣客家特色商品的管道,為了提供廣大消費者更友善的購物資訊,提供全產品的標示清單,歡迎點選瀏覽。 臺灣客家等路大街
http://www.hakkamall.org.tw/ 聚客資訊有限公司 https://juke17.com/
403台中市西區華美西街一段137號11樓之1 台灣客家等路大街 粉絲專頁
https://www.facebook.com/hakkamall/ ✔️台灣客家等路大街
https://www.rakuten.com.tw/shop/hakka94good/ ✔️好客家等路旗艦店
10162393529791959 2021-07-07 10:11 12 1 【林家豬腳】豬腳麵線禮盒 1入裝
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=718… 更多 蔣故總統經國先生在品嚐萬巒豬腳後讚不絕口,自此以後,鄉內豬腳店林立,也讓萬巒豬腳有了「台灣四大美食之一」的稱號。陪伴許多人走過半個世紀,林家豬腳沒有因而自滿,因為未來的路仍然很長,讓美味在記憶裡飄香,是林家豬腳給予顧客一輩子的承諾。一塊肉、沾點醬,在入口的剎那,洋溢在人們臉上的幸福,就是林家豬腳的驕傲! Ever since late president Chiang Ching-kuo called Wanluan stewed pig knuckles a true delicacy, the local specialty has been served in eateries across the village and even listed among Taiwan’s Top Four Gourmet Foods. Instead of being self-conceited for making a delicacy unforgettable over the past 50 years, Lin’s Pig Knuckle aims for sustainable operations that keep the heavenly taste lingering in our life-long memories. When a customer tastes the stewed knuckles… 更多
10162393478386959 2021-07-07 09:54 5 1 烏龍紅
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=881 東和製茶工廠為東和茶行前身,於日治時代創立迄今,第2代負責人於2009年以苗栗地區優質品種「青心種」結合烏龍茶與紅茶的製程方式,再經過特殊發酵,研發出「烏龍紅」,此茶有烏龍茶的香度與甘度,並兼具紅茶的甜度與醇厚,口感滑而潤喉,甜而不苦,清澈明亮,色紅鮮明。 Donghe Tea… 更多 Factory, the predecessor of Donghe Tea Shop, was established in the Japanese Colonial Period. In 2009, using superior-grade Miaoli Chin-Shing tea, the second generation of owners fused the production methods of black tea and wulong tea and added a special fermentation stage to develop superior-grade Red Wulong tea. Throat- moistening, sweet rather than bitter, and refreshing, this tea, with a distinctive red color, boasts both the fragrance and sweetness of wulong tea and the sweetness… 更多
10162388893981959 2021-07-05 15:10 5 2 芸香貢丸(原味)4包
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=719 吳糴益的好手藝是承襲廣東客家人的作法,以木棍捶打肉品所製成肉丸,味道特殊,入口彈牙,嚼勁十足。今日,芸香貢丸仍堅持古法捶打方式,以垂直式的捶肉機捶打新鮮後腿豬肉,雖然製造過程較複雜,技術層面極高,但因品質好、口感佳,故深受在地鄉親喜愛,是聚餐送禮的好選擇。 Wu… 更多 Di-yi belongs to the Cantonese Hakka tradition in the making of meatballs, using a wooden stick to pound and shape the meat. The ancient hand beating method is laborious and requires great skill, but the resulting high quality, particularly chewy texture and special taste have earned Yun-Yu’s signature meatballs much popularity with the locals as a party food and gift.… 更多
10162388825286959 2021-07-05 14:06 9 1 手工南瓜刀削麵(共兩盒)
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=955 南瓜富有多種營養,是富含經濟效益及食用價值的產品,將健康無負擔的南瓜加入麵條中,以純手工並經過日曬,無添加防腐劑及人工甘味製成「手工南瓜刀削麵」,麵條香Q、色澤黃橙有嚼勁,符合現代人注重健康的養生之道。 Rich in many nutrients, pumpkins… 更多 are products that have high economic value. Hand- made Pumpkin Sliced Noodles are made by adding healthy pumpkin to noodle dough, hand slicing the noodles and drying them in the sun. Free from artificial preservatives and sweeteners so as to be in line with the modern emphasis on health, the noodles are fragrant, lustrous, chewy, yellow-orange, and rich in nutrients.… 更多
10162388710821959 2021-07-05 13:03 5 1 番茄手工拉麵(600g盒,共五盒)
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=229 新竹名產除了米粉、貢丸之外,還有芎林鄉的番茄。番茄中含有豐富的茄紅素。經專家研究報告指出,番茄經過加工後的營養價值更高,因此芎林農會因而研發番茄拉麵,香 Q 口感、經濟實惠。 Besides rice noodles, meat balls,… 更多 Hsinchu’s specialty produce includes tomatoes from Qionglin Township. Tomatoes are rich in Lycopene. As indicated by specialists’ researches, processed tomatoes contain even more nutritional value. As such, Qionglin Farmers’ Association has developed the tomato Raman, chewy and economical. 產品規格
成分:麵粉、番茄粉、小麥蛋白、食鹽 規格:600g/盒,共五盒 保存期限:一年 生產地:新竹縣 供貨廠商
芎林鄉農會 https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=229 --- 客委會浪漫客庄遊
執行單位:聚客資訊有限公司… 更多
10162385837266959 2021-07-04 11:22 6 1 見麵真好禮盒(共兩盒)
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=233… 更多 福田農場位於桃園市平鎮區,是第一家取得農場登記證的綜合型農場,所栽種的有機豌豆苗更是聞名全台,因此平鎮區農會與農場合作,以健康為主要訴求,運用在地農產品與有機豌豆苗為主原料,不添加物任何添加物進行創新研發,研發出獨特的豌豆苗麵,不僅提升了豌豆苗的附加價值之外,也替平鎮區的客家米食開創了新的商機。 Futian Farm, located in Taoyuan City’s Pingzhen District, is the first mix-purpose farm to obtain the farm registration. Organic pea seedlings grown there are famous in Taiwan. Pingzhen District Farmers’ Association collaborates with farms targeting health as its main appeal utilizes local agricultural produce and organic pea seedlings as main ingredients to develop unique pea seedling noodles without any preservatives. This has not only increased pea seedlings’ added… 更多
10162385803621959 2021-07-04 10:59 9 2 海瑞炊粉
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=224 「海瑞摃丸」是新竹客家地區最早開始經營摃丸製作的店,除傳承一甲子手工製作功力,為摃丸創造嶄新話題,也利用新竹特有九降風製作出遠近馳名的「海瑞炊粉」。讓客家美食以嶄新姿態登場,推薦給更多喜愛客家美食的消費者。因方便購買、易於烹調,對客家美食推廣深具意義。 Hairei Meat… 更多 Ball is the oldest hand-made meatball brand founded on Hsinchu’s Hakka regions, inheriting a 60-year-old recipeand making meatballs the talk of the town, while creating the renowned Hairei Rice Noodles that are made by taking advantage of the exclusive-to-Hsinchu Jiujiangfeng (the September seasonal gales). Hakka delicacies are given brand new presentation and recommended to more Hakka gourmet food lovers. It is easy to cook and widely available for purchase, and therefore quite… 更多
10162381096606959 2021-07-02 12:15 3 1 威記蜜汁筷子豬肉乾(600g)
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1393 「威記食品 肉乾肉鬆專賣店」為出生於桃園市中壢區番薯市仔傳統市場,由老闆嬤每日現炒肉鬆,由大園區騎著腳踏車經十四公里的路程,將每日熱騰騰新鮮美味的肉鬆,載至番薯市場販售,刮風下雨始終如一… 更多 就如同我們對產品的堅持,延續古法信念(越簡單,越安全,用最單純的原料,呈現100%的自然風味),一路走來,累積四十餘年經驗及口碑,用料實在,精選上等肉品,堅持不添加麵粉及防腐劑、色素,原汁原味,古法製成。 105蜜汁筷子豬肉乾
使用高溫烘烤,逼出油脂讓肉平均受熱,冷卻時還有滿滿的香甜肉汁 產品規格
豬肉產地:台灣 注意:購買後,3天未食用完,請冷藏保存,本產品經SGS檢驗100%合格,請盡快食用完畢,以保持新鮮!
(本產品已投保富邦產險1000萬責任險) ※產品有效期指冷藏狀態下,若為個人保存不當,將不予退貨換貨 ※商品售出非人為瑕疵7日內接受退換貨且包裝須完整,請至原買處退換,有任何問題可致電客服專線:0800-801490,將有專員協助您處理! 供貨廠商
威記食品肉乾肉鬆專賣店… 更多
10162378862666959 2021-07-01 16:05 5 2 鍾林工作室-台灣客家等路大街 執行單位: 聚客資訊有限公司
https://youtu.be/NKgwGnL7oU0… 更多 創作者林木影在植物染上有著深入的研究。藍染餐具組的布料完全以自然染色而成,筷套的樣式則是採擷客家傳統「藍衫」的對襟設計為靈感。在未來,林木影希望以健康、自然為訴求,開發更多客家地方特色的自然染色藝品,將客家文化元素融入特色產品當中;並推展社區工藝,讓大家都有機會能穿著健康環保的自然染色服飾,感受客家文化之美。 規  格:湯匙、刀叉、筷套、筷子
https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=211 --- 鍾林工作室
@lav6707r LINE@企業帳號
行動官網 https://page.line.me/lav6707r LINE@企業帳號 (手機直接加入)
https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40lav6707r --- 客委會『臺灣客家等路大街』數位商城維運… 更多
10162378644376959 2021-07-01 13:00 4 1 威記原味豬肉絲(600g)
http://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1403 「威記食品 肉乾肉鬆專賣店」為出生於桃園市中壢區番薯市仔傳統市場,由老闆嬤每日現炒肉鬆,由大園區騎著腳踏車經十四公里的路程,將每日熱騰騰新鮮美味的肉鬆,載至番薯市場販售,刮風下雨始終如一… 更多 就如同我們對產品的堅持,延續古法信念(越簡單,越安全,用最單純的原料,呈現100%的自然風味),一路走來,累積四十餘年經驗及口碑,用料實在,精選上等肉品,堅持不添加麵粉及防腐劑、色素,原汁原味,古法製成。 110原味豬肉絲
採新鮮豬肉慢火烘烤,保持肉質鮮美可口不乾澀!是泡茶與下酒菜的好選擇。 產品規格
豬肉產地:台灣 注意:購買後,30天未食用完,請冷藏保存,本產品經SGS檢驗100%合格,請盡快食用完畢,以保持新鮮!
(本產品已投保富邦產險1000萬責任險) ※產品有效期指冷藏狀態下,若為個人保存不當,將不予退貨換貨 ※商品售出非人為瑕疵7日內接受退換貨且包裝須完整,請至原買處退換,有任何問題可致電客服專線:0800-801490,將有專員協助您處理! 供貨廠商
威記食品肉乾肉鬆專賣店… 更多
10162378616956959 2021-07-01 12:41 4 0 威記黑胡椒豬肉紙(600g)
http://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1401 「威記食品 肉乾肉鬆專賣店」為出生於桃園市中壢區番薯市仔傳統市場,由老闆嬤每日現炒肉鬆,由大園區騎著腳踏車經十四公里的路程,將每日熱騰騰新鮮美味的肉鬆,載至番薯市場販售,刮風下雨始終如一… 更多 就如同我們對產品的堅持,延續古法信念(越簡單,越安全,用最單純的原料,呈現100%的自然風味),一路走來,累積四十餘年經驗及口碑,用料實在,精選上等肉品,堅持不添加麵粉及防腐劑、色素,原汁原味,古法製成。 109黑胡椒豬肉紙
融合了傳統的古早味與創新的口味,精選新觧豬腿肉切薄加工,香氣四溢,加上獨家醬汁烘烤,香酥有嚼勁,令人讚不絕口。 產品規格
豬肉產地:台灣 注意:購買後,10天未食用完,請冷藏保存,本產品經SGS檢驗100%合格,請盡快食用完畢,以保持新鮮!
(本產品已投保富邦產險1000萬責任險) ※產品有效期指冷藏狀態下,若為個人保存不當,將不予退貨換貨 ※商品售出非人為瑕疵7日內接受退換貨且包裝須完整,請至原買處退換,有任何問題可致電客服專線:0800-801490,將有專員協助您處理! 供貨廠商
威記食品肉乾肉鬆專賣店… 更多
10162378595666959 2021-07-01 12:23 4 1 威記原味豬肉紙(600g)
http://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1399 「威記食品 肉乾肉鬆專賣店」為出生於桃園市中壢區番薯市仔傳統市場,由老闆嬤每日現炒肉鬆,由大園區騎著腳踏車經十四公里的路程,將每日熱騰騰新鮮美味的肉鬆,載至番薯市場販售,刮風下雨始終如一… 更多 就如同我們對產品的堅持,延續古法信念(越簡單,越安全,用最單純的原料,呈現100%的自然風味),一路走來,累積四十餘年經驗及口碑,用料實在,精選上等肉品,堅持不添加麵粉及防腐劑、色素,原汁原味,古法製成。 108原味豬肉紙
精選新觧豬腿肉切薄加工,原汁原味,香氣四溢,加上獨家醬汁烘烤,香酥有嚼勁,還可吃到肉本身的纖維~ 產品規格
豬肉產地:台灣 注意:購買後,10日未食用完,請冷藏保存,本產品經SGS檢驗100%合格,請盡快食用完畢,以保持新鮮!
(本產品已投保富邦產險1000萬責任險) ※產品有效期指冷藏狀態下,若為個人保存不當,將不予退貨換貨 ※商品售出非人為瑕疵7日內接受退換貨且包裝須完整,請至原買處退換,有任何問題可致電客服專線:0800-801490,將有專員協助您處理! 供貨廠商
威記食品肉乾肉鬆專賣店… 更多