網購價:NT$ 950元,限時價:NT$ 627元(含運)
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桑葚緣觀光果園坐落於桃園龍潭純樸的客家小鎮,果園內採用自然農耕法栽種,並以農改技術細心培育每棵桑樹。除有桑葚果實釀成的鮮果醋及酵素,更利用桑樹及桑葉,研製桑葉養生花茶及養生麵條。每年4、5 月桐花紛飛時,開放遊客入園體驗天然採果樂及親子DIY,感受不同的客庄慢活體驗。
Kuwa Tourist Orchard is located in the small Hakka town of Longtan, Taoyuan. Believing in natural agriculture, the orchard plants each mulberry tree carefully and looks after it with modified agricultural techniques. Besides fresh vinegar and enzymes made from mulberries, there are healthy floral teas and noodles made of mulberry trees and leaves. In April and May each year, when tung flowers are in full blossom, the orchard is open for tourists to experience the fun of natural fruit-picking and engage in family DIY activities. It is a different way to experience the slow pace of life at a Hakka village.