文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
10155907257731959 | 2016-09-30 00:00 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/30今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】桶柑醬(隆源餅行) 網購價:NT$ 800元,限時價:NT$ 528元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/9Qzqpb… 更多 「隆源餅行」百年老店金字招牌,經典體現傳統客家文化,是到新竹北埔觀光不可不去的一站。選用在地農民友善耕作所培育出來的桶柑,以滾水去除橘皮上苦味與辛味,需數日連續換水,再將果皮果肉打細後扮糖,完全不加水,全程文火細細熬煮而成,可稀釋成果汁,或運用在料理、製作橘香優格等,食用方式多元且富含創意。 With its hundred year old golden brand, Longyuan’s bakery has shown traditional Hakka classic culture, and it is a must to go when people travel to Beipu in Hsinchu. Tankan, grown by local farmers with organic farming methods, removes the bitter and acrid flavor on tangerine surface in hot water, that will be refreshed continually for several days. Then the pulp and the peel are blended together with sugar, simmered without water, and it will be diluted into juice. Tankan sauce might be used in cuisine or yogurt with tangerine flavor, and the way of eating it can be diverse and full of creativity. 立即購:https://goo.gl/9Qzqpb 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 桶柑醬(共兩組)桶柑醬(共兩組) 喜歡 已喜歡「隆源餅行」百年老店金字招牌,經典體現傳統客家文化,是到新竹北埔觀光不可不去的一站。選用在地農民友善耕作所培育出來的桶柑,以滾水去除橘皮上苦味與辛味,需數日連續換水,再將果皮果肉打細後扮糖,完全不加水,全程文火細細熬煮而成,可稀釋成果汁,或運用在料理、製作橘香優格等,食用方式多元且富含創意。With its hundred year old golden brand, Longyuan’s bakery has shown traditional Hakka classic culture, and it is a must to go when people t... |
10155907242801959 | 2016-09-29 00:00 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/29今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】hakka桐花娃娃 (琉戀璃品手創工房) 網購價:NT$ 980元,限時價:NT$ 647元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/pHL2GR 因熱愛琉璃創作及客家人文藝術,2011年Benny &… 更多 Kimmy設計師,成立琉戀璃品-手創工房,將產品設計概念結合傳統文化和流行元素,創意設計製作獨一無二的琉璃作品,當傳統客家碰上時尚潮流,並運用時尚概念設計結合客家元素-桐花,開發出多樣化的現代客家文創商品。 In 2011, designers Benn and Kimmy founded Glassart Workshop, combining concepts of product design and popular elements, from their love to create glass and Hakka culture. When the unique glass creative piecework connects with traditional Hakka culture, sparks are between them, and modern Hakka culture creative merchandise is created. Glassart Workshop uses concept of fashion design to attach Hakka elements – tung tree flowers – to develop diverse modern Hakka culture design merchandise. 立即購:https://goo.gl/pHL2GR 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155907237976959 | 2016-09-28 00:00 | 8 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/28今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】養生肉桂醋(溫伯力肉桂專家) 網購價:NT$ 680元,限時價:NT$ 449元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/Bf2SDk… 更多 溫錦洲先生多年來積極推廣花蓮縣無毒農業,並推動台灣原生種喬木之造林事業,致力農業科技研究開發,也努力的與學術單位合作,期望帶動鳳林農業產業升級,以追求有益人體健康之產品開發為目標與使命。 On the hill of Hualien’s Fonglin township, the hard worker Wun Jin-Jhou has been running the traditional agriculture for half a century. Currently the business is transforming into growing Cinnamomum trees. Mr.Wun also helped in agriculture technology developments and hoping to further advance Fonglin’s agriculture, and be step closer to the goal of making healthy products for people. 立即購:https://goo.gl/Bf2SDk 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155907227801959 | 2016-09-27 00:00 | 5 | 0 | 今日最划算✨【9/27今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】圓滿雞盤(三義ㄧ丫箱寶) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/GYbiig… 更多 苗栗三義鄉因擁有天然的木材資源,逐漸發展為雕刻重鎮,而坐落在當地的「三義鴨箱寶」前身為「雙峰木鴨工廠」,創立於1963年,原為生產木雕人像、木鴨水鳥等產品,外銷美、日、歐洲等國,近年來因應市場需求變化,將占地約2500坪的場地重新整理,做為機關、團體休閒、親子活動及學校校外教學之優良場所或民眾參訪三義木雕的景點之一。圓滿雞盤以純松木雕刻而成,除可用手觸摸感受原木的質樸溫潤,亦可自己或親子共同完成彩繪,打造具個人特色風格的圓滿雞盤。 Sanyi township in Miaoli county is becoming an important place of carving because of its natural resources of woods. The Sanyi Duck Box Treasure’s predecessor is Shuangfeng Wooden Duck Factory, which was founded in 1963 and producing woodcarving statues and wooden water birds to export to America, Japan or Europe. The changes of markets in recent years… 更多 |
10155907223906959 | 2016-09-26 00:00 | 11 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/26今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】大房手工烏豆乾(大房豆干) 網購價:NT$ 480元,限時價:NT$ 317元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/oZDjGf… 更多 聞名全省的大溪烏豆干,原由先祖黃屋首創,近百年的豆干工藝,保留原有的香醇、濃郁、柔綿的口感,入味而回甘。瀰漫整個大溪老街的百年手藝,值得您細心品嚐「國寶級豆干大師」難忘的好滋味。 The nationally famous Daxi dried bean curd first originated from master Huang Wu. Over the past 100 years, the dried bean curd has preserved the best flavors of Daxi food industry. You wouldn’t want to miss the finest dried bean curd from the master of bean curds --- only at Ta Fang Foods. 立即購:https://goo.gl/oZDjGf 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155907213701959 | 2016-09-25 00:00 | 12 | 0 | 今日最划算✨【9/25今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】桂花梅醋(桂花小舖) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/YTJL0X 在921 地震後,桂花媽媽結合社區媽媽及外籍配偶在東勢大茅埔客家庄,種植2,000… 更多 株桂花樹,秉持「只要不放棄希望,富貴必定相隨」的信念成立「桂花小舖」,並以客家文化為主軸,研製各種桂花產品,如桂花蜜、桂花梅醋、桂花茶及桂花牛軋糖等,產品除講求健康養生外,更選用環保材質作為禮盒包材,以傳達百年東方桂花滋味。 After the 921 earthquake, Mother Osmanthus joined in efforts with other mothers in the community and foreign partners. Together they planted 2,000 osmanthus trees in the Hakka village of Damaopu, Dongshi and founded“Osmanthus Shop” based on the belief that “where there is hope, there is wealth and prosperity.” They developed various kinds of osmanthus products such as osmanthus honey, osmanthus plum vinegar, osmanthus tea, and osmanthus nougat symbolic of Hakka culture. The products are healthy, come in environmentally friendly gift boxes and are meant to introduce to others the perennial good ¬avor of oriental osmanthus. 立即購:https://goo.gl/YTJL0X 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155907204591959 | 2016-09-24 00:00 | 15 | 0 | 今日最划算✨【9/24今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】女用漁夫帽(東里家風民宿) 網購價:NT$ 800元,限時價:NT$ 528元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/mOqHia 苗栗苑裡是閩客融合的鄉鎮,一群志同道合的朋友,為了保存擁有145… 更多 年歷史的鄭家客家古厝,帶頭做起保存客家文化古蹟及人文歷史的工作,並於古厝內成立東里家風。苑裡鎮是藺草的故鄉,從前家家戶戶的婦女都依靠編織藺草貼補家用,但隨著時代的變遷讓老技藝逐漸失傳。為此東里家風整合在地師傅,將技藝傳承給年輕一代,所以每頂草帽皆是80 歲以上的客庄阿婆,以一根根三角藺草編織而成,讓藺草工藝結合傳統創新設計能永續發展。 Yuanli Township of Miaoli County is inhabited by both Taiwanese and Hakka people. Donglijiafeng was founded in an ancient house by a group of friends sharing the same ambitions who took the initiative in the preservation of historical sites symbolic of Hakka culture and history. The ancient Hakka house of the Zheng family that is 145 years old is one such example of… 更多 |
10155897799916959 | 2016-09-23 00:00 | 4 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/23今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】綠橄欖多酚精華油(台塑有機農業生物科技股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 1200元,限時價:NT$ 792元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/s1mWYz 台塑有機農業生物科技股份有限公司自2001… 更多 年成立迄今,發掘早期客家庄種植橄欖樹,並取用它的根、莖、葉及果實熬煮成茶或湯品飲用,因此將新竹寶山的橄欖產銷班組織企業化,研發橄欖美妝保養品,本產品綠橄欖多酚精華油,是精粹橄欖之精華製作而成。 Taisuh Organic Agriculture Biotech Inc. was founded in 2001. The company discovered that the roots, stems, leaves, and fruits of olive trees grown in Hakka villages in the early days thus made them into teas or soups. It managed to corporatize olive production and distribution in Baoshan and Hsinchu and completed R&D for olive-related cosmetics and skin care products. This product, green olive polyphenol essential oil, is the extract of fine olives. 立即購:https://goo.gl/s1mWYz 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155897670436959 | 2016-09-22 00:00 | 11 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/22今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】花生醬(新福源國際企業有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 800元,限時價:NT$ 528元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/AIV8tT… 更多 新福源採用本土花生且不含任何防腐劑或是添加物,經由繁瑣工序,將粒粒飽滿的花生用研磨方式製成又香又濃、口感獨特的花生醬。新福源傳承客家生活經驗與智慧,多角化開發出花生醬系列產品,符合現代人生活需求。 Hsin Fu Yuan Company uses locally grown peanuts that contain no preservatives or additives, and, through a detailed and complicated process, each plump and well-rounded peanut is ground to produce a peanut butter that is fragrant and thick, and that has a distinctive taste and texture. Hsin Fu Yuan conserves the heritage of Hakka life experiences and wisdom, and through diversification has developed a series of peanut butter products to fit in with the needs of modern life. 立即購:https://goo.gl/AIV8tT 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155903596941959 | 2016-09-21 09:55 | 561 | 1 | 📢📢📢【詔安文化尋客趣】會員好康大放送😍,填妥資料送抽獎券限時活動!90件商品等你來抽,每個手機門號限兌換壹張☝抽獎碼!👏👏👏 🎉▲點我進入... 活動網址如下: https://goo.gl/iCPuDg 🎉▲活動至9/30,活動結束後由客服中心以簡訊發送抽獎號碼! 《於10/15進行抽獎》 |
10155903553826959 | 2016-09-21 09:32 | 11 | 0 | 本次配合2016客庄12大節慶「雲林‧詔安客家文化祭」活動,為擴大活動地區、邀請更多廠商參與增加活動效益,假雲林、台中、彰化、南投等中部地區辦理1場好客傳說~「詔安文化尋客趣」,透過「Hakka iBeacon」發送活動訊息,發送會員禮抽獎券及咖啡兌換券等優惠方式,鼓勵會員至特色廠商實體門市消費,達成虛實整合效果. 一、 活動日期:即日起至9月30日。 二、活動內容: (一)… 更多 詔安尋客會員禮:活動期間成功加入「臺灣客家等路大街」會員者,即可獲得1,000點購物金,該購物金可於「會員中心」查詢。 (二) 詔安文化尋客趣: 等路大街會員至指定門市,透過行動載具讀取「Hakka iBeacon」所發送訊息,打開「通知」並「搖一搖」即可獲得「金幣」1枚(1家門市可蒐集1枚金幣,至多可蒐集40枚),並兌換1組抽獎碼,至多可兌換40組抽獎碼。另,為鼓勵民眾參與,單次蒐集達3枚者並送出「兌換抽獎碼」訊息(不可累計,同1行動載具僅兌換1次),即可獲贈「ok便利商店」免費咖啡兌換券1張,兌換券數量限量500份,兌完為止。 (三)網路活動:詔安客家好物GO 臺灣客家等路大街於活動期間精選35家中部地區客家特色商品,於「79折專區」展售,會員可享專區購物79折,亦可享購物金折抵優惠。 ▲台灣客家等路大街網址 http://www.hakkamall.org.tw/ ▲詳細活動辦法網址如下: http://goo.gl/ysKPG7 於APP中搜尋下載 【臺灣客家】 |
10155897666646959 | 2016-09-21 00:00 | 7 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/21今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】杭菊雪白肌護手霜(方妮商行) 網購價:NT$ 398元,限時價:NT$ 263元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/Jhm21p… 更多 方妮商行在銅鑼鄉農會輔導下,利用無法銷售的杭菊末,研發成為清潔用品及保養品,不但增加農民收入也創造杭菊的多重價值。杭白菊種植於客家銅鑼鄉有30多年歷史,花期僅三星期;杭菊內含多種維生素和微量元素,透過與產、官、學合作方式開發出一系列杭菊商品。杭菊雪白肌護手霜不添加化學矽靈、香精、色素、螢光劑、環境荷爾蒙、增稠劑,不用擔心化學殘留。 Fangni Trading Company developed cleaning appliances and skin care products by relic chamomile under guidance of Farmer Association of Tongluo to increase income of farmers and creates multiple values of chamomile. Florist's daisy has been planned in Hakka Tongluo for over 30 year, and the blossom has only three weeks. Chamomile includes many kinds of vitamins and microelement. With cooperation of industry, government and academy, there are a series of chamomile merchandises developments. Chamomile Snow White Skin Protection Hands Cream does not have dimethicone, essence, fluorescent agent, endocrine disruptor and thickener, so there is no need to worry about chemical remnants. 立即購:https://goo.gl/Jhm21p 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155897654206959 | 2016-09-20 00:00 | 6 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/20今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】繽紛桐花系列精油皂(雨利行生化科技實業有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 1000元,限時價:NT$ 660元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/YhYJs2 創辦人吳治增先生於1993… 更多 年間,以傳統精油產業為出發點創立雨利行,堅信每一顆不起眼的種子都有堅強生命力的信念,從發芽、成熟、茁壯及開花結果散播各地,秉持取之自然、用之自然,並融入多種天然草本之精華,研發一系列清潔及保養用品,更提煉薰衣草、玫瑰、黃金無患子、檸檬香茅及玉容散之精油,製成繽紛桐花精油皂, 看似盛開於皂中的桐花,不僅賞心悅目,更讓嬌嫩的肌膚獲得最天然的呵護。 Yulixing was founded by Mr. Wu Zhi-Zeng in 1993 as a company devoted to continuing the traditions of the essential oil industry. It is the company’s belief that each unattractive seed contains a powerful life essence which can sprout, mature, grow strong, blossom, bear fruits, and eventually produce more seeds spread everywhere. Holding to the belief that everything has… 更多 |
10155876393666959 | 2016-09-18 00:00 | 10 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/18今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】謙卑〈磚雕桐花杯墊〉(金良興窯業股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/evukHZ… 更多 苗栗最早隧道窯廠金良興,以火炎山風化頁泥岩產製紅磚,金良興品質優異,聞名全台;觀光磚廠成立「灣麗磚瓦文物館」,推廣磚雕工藝及磚瓦文化,舉辦「磚雕七夕情」與「文化季嘉年華會」,使紅磚故鄉的盛事蔚為風潮。磚雕質樸溫潤,宛如客家的人情味,桐花磚雕風采如親炙客家風情,也感受磚藝創作所展現的溫馨意境。 Jin Lian Shing (JLS) is the oldest tunnel kiln factory in Miaoli that uses dried mudstone from Huoyen Mountain to produce red bricks. The brand JLS represents good quality and many accomplishments in Taiwan; the tourist brick factory established a Wan Li Brick Artifact Museum to promote the techniques and culture of bricks, and also held Valentine’s Day on Bricks and Culture Season Carnival, which brought back the rage about the home of red bricks. Brick sculptures deliver the humane quality of Hakka people. The sculpture works portrait precisely how heartwarming and pure Hakka culture is. 立即購:http://goo.gl/oVROx3 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155876359841959 | 2016-09-17 00:00 | 8 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/17今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】黑糖糖粒(新城風糖) 網購價:NT$ 450元,限時價:NT$ 294元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/Cbwb8T… 更多 每當座落於客家新城社區的糖廠煮糖時,特殊糖香味瀰漫在空氣中,這風中飄揚的糖香味,讓新城社區原本純樸自然的風景,更加添加了獨享的天然香味。在製作過程中,新城風糖正符合回歸自然、輕食的飲食概念!新城社區歡迎您親身體驗「新城風糖」甜蜜的滋味,接受我們真誠的款待吧! Each time the sugar factory of Xincheng Community boils the sugar, the special fragrance of the sugar would fill the air. The scent of sugar has added distinctive flavor to the simple, natural community. In the process, Xincheng Wind Sugar fits perfectly in with the natural, light diet concept!Xincheng Community welcomes you to experience our finest Xincheng Wind Sugar, please accept the sincere hospitality! 立即購:http://goo.gl/Cbwb8T 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155876331851959 | 2016-09-16 00:00 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/16今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】野餐保溫袋(偉本企業) 網購價:NT$ 399元,限時價:NT$ 263元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/kxWK6P The Master of Life-Neoprene Collection是一個以Neorpene潛水衣布商品為主的品牌,我們的概念是利用潛水衣布良好的保溫及隔熱、質輕、… 更多 結構性強、高抗拉力、防水、吸震、耐髒、易水洗,色彩繽紛多樣化效果,縫製酒具酒器用品、廚房隔熱保溫用品及衛浴防潮用品,讓潛水衣布材質特性具有百變的造型、活潑的想像加上鮮明的顏色,誕生了獨樹一格設計創意及功能性,將一系列日常生活用品加以設計,充分展現其獨特的商品魅力。 The Master of Life-Neoprene Collection is a trademark mainly of Neorpene diving clothes products. Our concept is, using the outstanding characteristics of such clothes like heat insulation, light, strong, anti-tension, waterproof, shock proof, clean, water washable, colorful, to manufacture drinking vessel, kitchen heat insulation appliances and bathroom moisture proof products. With strong flexibility, vivid imagination and bright colors, a unique style of design and functionality has been created to fully explore and show the unique charms of articles for daily use. 立即購:http://goo.gl/kxWK6P 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155859285766959 | 2016-09-15 00:00 | 11 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/15今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】油桐花披肩(紡絲)(彼得潘藝術有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 680元,限時價:NT$ 449元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/cQHEhu… 更多 彼得潘所設計的地方文化特色產品—「赤崁樓瓷版畫」曾榮獲台南市政府甄選贈送外賓禮品競賽第一名,其他多項工藝禮品亦獲受獎於國立台灣工藝研究所、外貿協會、台灣創意設計中心等單位,目前更積極配合政府推廣文化創意產業的開發,結合國立故宮博物院、歷史博物館及地方政府等開發一系列紀念品和地方性特色產品,來提昇產業形象與價值。 Peter Pan has designed, in the past decade, a variety of scarves, ties, silk scarves, which are colorful and charming and fashion pioneer. The scarf with as-you-like patterns won the 1st national product award and a number of innovation patents, the tie it made have been used by president of Rotary Club as precious gifts. 立即購:http://goo.gl/cQHEhu 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155859260301959 | 2016-09-14 00:00 | 8 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/14今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】濾泡式咖啡禮盒(林園咖啡) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/iLoa1e… 更多 林園咖啡產於南投縣海拔700至800山頂,於2004年種植五甲地約七千棵阿拉比卡咖啡樹,採用中興大學蔡東纂教授推廣的蔡18菌、黃豆、黑糖栽培法。林園咖啡的產品不透過寄賣販售,直接回饋給消費者,消費者拿到最新鮮的咖啡,也是響應樂活減碳救地球的最好方式,林園咖啡的新鮮度絕對優於進口咖啡,生豆與熟豆經過兩次手選,提供給消費者最優質的在地好咖啡,在忙碌的現代生活裡,想喝一杯有在地味道的精品咖啡,隨時品嘗濃、醇、香的林園咖啡,喝一口就回甘。 Coffee beans, from Linyuan Café, are fruits of around 7000 Arabica Café Trees , located at a 700 to 800 sea level mountain top with around fifty thousand square meter land size in Nantou, adopted by a growing method of using Cai 18 bacteria, yellow bean and black sugar, that are promoted by professor Cai, Dong-Zuan from National Chung Hsing University.… 更多 |
10155859246606959 | 2016-09-13 00:00 | 15 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/13今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】李秀雲先生攝影作品明信片(共4組)(社團法人屏東縣竹田鄉社區營造協會(竹田驛站)) 網購價:NT$ 400元,限時價:NT$ 264元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/oVROx3… 更多 一九一九年日治其間修築潮州線鐵路所設的竹田車站,鄰近的萬巒、內埔亦以此為轉運中心。逐漸地,鐵路營運下降,鐵路局至一九九一年將竹田站降為簡易站,並決定拆除原木造站房,全鄉輿情譁然,全力向鐵路局爭取保存,站房原貌得以保存並賦予新的文化生命。 In 1919, Jhutian Train Station was built. The station was a transport center for the town and the nearby Wanluan and Neipu. In year 1991, the Bureau decided to close down Jhutian train station and demolish some of the station buildings due to high expenses and low passage rate. Because of this, the people had united to protect the station buildings as a property of cultural asset 立即購:http://goo.gl/oVROx3 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 李秀雲先生攝影作品明信片(共4組)李秀雲先生攝影作品明信片(共4組) 喜歡 已喜歡一九一九年日治其間修築潮州線鐵路所設的竹田車站,鄰近的萬巒、內埔亦以此為轉運中心。逐漸地,鐵路營運下降,鐵路局至一九九一年將竹田站降為簡易站,並決定拆除原木造站房,全鄉輿情譁然,全力向鐵路局爭取保存,站房原貌得以保存並賦予新的文化生命。 In 1919, Jhutian Train Station was built. The station was a transport center for the town and the nearby Wanluan and Neipu. In year 1991, the Bureau decided… |
10155859238016959 | 2016-09-12 00:00 | 13 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/12今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】寶寶香鬆(統福企業有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 499元,限時價:NT$ 329元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/m6Zcpx… 更多 統福企業(大富素食)於1996年成立,初期研發出非油炸之「香菜酥」一推出即廣受好評;隔年研發團隊不斷的試驗,以組織狀大豆蛋白為基材,開發出口感獨特、美味可口的寶寶香鬆(素雞肉鬆),為高蛋白、低脂且無膽固醇之健康休閒食品。 Tung-Fu Enterprise Co. Ltd (Ta-Fu Vegetarian Foods), founded in 1996, first developed non oil-fried Coriander Cakes, enjoying a good response as soon as they were released. In the following year, the group, carrying out various experiments using soya bean protein as the basic ingredient, created Baobao Vegetarian Chicken Floss with a unique texture and delicious taste. It is a healthy food—high-protein, low-fat and cholesterol-free. 立即購:http://goo.gl/m6Zcpx 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155851881501959 | 2016-09-11 00:00 | 6 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/11今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】東香咖啡(東香咖啡) 網購價:NT$ 850元,限時價:NT$561元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/FWn6D3 「東香」是一句客家話「東ㄉ ㄨ ㄥ 香ㄏ 一ㄥ(dungˊhiongˊ)」,意指聞起來香氣四溢。品牌名稱源於每次烘焙咖啡豆時,大家都會說出這句「東香」呢!咖啡豆則取自1993… 更多 年就開始種植於東勢客家庄的原生咖啡樹,過程中以獨家的手工新鮮烘焙技法,創造東勢咖啡特有的「清香、順口、回甘」特色,同時也將最美好的客家風味保留下來。 Dong2 hiong2 is a Hakka expression used for things that are fragrant, such as the roasting coffee beans of Dong Hiong Coffee, which is how the name of the brand came about! The coffee beans are harvested from native coffee plants cultivated in the Hakka community of Dongshi since 1993, and processed by a unique hand roasting technique to create the special clear aroma, smoothness and sweet aftertaste, in which a most wonderful representation of the Hakka spirit is also preserved. 立即購:http://goo.gl/FWn6D3 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155866565921959 | 2016-09-10 17:41 | 14 | 0 | ▲有你們在,我們過的節才叫中秋▲ 每次過節的時候,我們會在各大電商平台挑一些特別好的禮物,準備帶回家。其中滿載的是自己對於家的渴望,和對父母的感恩之情。但是有些時候,你會發覺,你買的那些東西到頭來都是自己吃了,反倒成了買給自己。 … 更多 過節過的是什麼?過的是氛圍和一種感覺,雖然越來越多的人說年已經沒有年味了,但是卻不能否認的是每一年的過年幾天假,確實是家人難得的團聚時刻。但是如果你一年就過年才回家聚一次,那你真是對家人太不上心了。每年的下半年,中秋節無疑是家人團聚的時候,你就不要再吝惜你的時間,抽出一些,回家陪陪自己的父母吧。 祝福大家,秋節愉快、幸福滿滿! ▲今日商城推薦▲臺灣紅茶(金萱-台茶12號)(共一罐)網購價:NT$ 560元,限時79價:NT$ 442元 (宅配、免運、可貨到付款) 喝看看 http://goo.gl/0ZNaa0 另加入「臺灣客家等路大街」會員者,即可獲得1,000點購物金,馬上抵扣享優惠.(10點折抵1元) 網址 http://www.hakkamall.org.tw 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 臺灣紅茶(金萱-台茶12號)(共一罐)臺灣紅茶(金萱-台茶12號)(共一罐) 喜歡 已喜歡南投縣名間鄉松柏嶺茶區所生產的紅茶,香味清新、入口甘美,種茶、焙茶技術甚多。「臺灣紅茶」堪稱是當地創新經典茶品,特選當地特有的小葉種「臺茶12號」(別名金萱),未嘗茶韻,先聞其香,沖其沸水,色澤橙紅,婉約茶韻讓空氣中傳遞著紅茶芬芳,氤氳著濃厚的客家文化氣息。The black tea produced in Songboling black tea production area in Mingjian Township located in Nantou County has a pure and fresh fragrance, with... |
10155836125591959 | 2016-09-10 00:00 | 24 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/10今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】優梅禮盒(晨軒梅機能食品) 網購價:NT$ 1400元,限時價:NT$924元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/MhSAAV… 更多 晨軒梅在南投縣信義鄉世代種梅,以青梅銷售為主,後因產量增加而影響銷路,因此轉型設立加工廠,堅持以傳統方式製造,不添加任何化學物品,做出最安全、健康的梅製品呈現給消費者,並研發出一系列養生產品;目前的產品有客製梅禮盒、青梅精、煉梅錠等各式養生梅製品。 Chenxuan Plum has cultivated its plums in Xinyi Township, Nantou County for generations. Originally they mainly sold green plums, but when the production of green plums increased, they shifted their focus to plum processing. They hold firmly to the traditional production techniques, adding no chemicals, always bringing the safest, healthiest plum products to the customer, including a newly developed line of health products. Currently they offer plum gift boxes, green plum enzyme, and plum tablets as part of their series of plum-based health products. 立即購:http://goo.gl/MhSAAV 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 優梅禮盒優梅禮盒 喜歡 已喜歡 晨軒梅在南投縣信義鄉世代種梅,以青梅銷售為主,後因產量增加而影響銷路,因此轉型設立加工廠,堅持以傳統方式製造,不添加任何化學物品,做出最安全、健康的梅製品呈現給消費者,並研發出一系列養生產品;目前的產品有客製梅禮盒、青梅精、煉梅錠等各式養生梅製品。 Chenxuan Plum has cultivated its plums in Xinyi Township, Nantou County for generations. Originally they mainly sold green plums, but when the production of green… |
10155828782111959 | 2016-09-09 00:00 | 8 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/9今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】台灣親子水牛(春池玻璃實業有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 1380元,限時價:NT$ 911元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/DdmLPq 吳春池於1970 年成立了春池玻璃實業有限公司,開始致力於「廢玻璃回收再利用」的工作,2007… 更多 年,春池玻璃走向品牌化發展,堅持以全手工製作,展現每一件作品的獨特價值,以及對消費者的重視,並將廢玻璃推展至藝術品的境界。位處新竹市香山區的春池玻璃,特別以「台灣親子水牛」代表客家人刻苦耐勞,為理想打拼的精神。 Wu Chun-chi founded the Chun Chi Glass Co., Ltd. in 1970 and began his devotion to Recycling and Reuse of Glass. In 2007, Chun Chi developed its own brand with an insistence that every product be 100% handmade---which was meant to bring out the uniqueness of glass products, show concern toward the customers and turn recycled glass into pieces of art. Located in the Xiangshan District of Hsinchu City, Chun Chi Glass proudly presents the Glass Figure: Taiwan Buffalo Family in honor of the unyielding, hardworking Hakka people who will do anything to pursue their dreams. 立即購:http://goo.gl/DdmLPq 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155828773971959 | 2016-09-08 00:00 | 11 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/8今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】12 生肖系列– 牛轉乾坤儲物罐(功薰企業社) 網購價:NT$ 350元,限時價:NT$ 231元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/LFE24E… 更多 功薰企業社位於苗栗公館鄉,十餘年前此地的裝飾陶業曾鼎盛一時,後逐漸沒落。今天,功薰企業社除了是少數堅持在地「原味」的陶瓷廠,更因應時代變遷,逐步轉型為觀光工廠,廠內保存了大量早期生產的外銷裝飾陶瓷,是足以見證過往文化的產業博物館。未來希望以本土產業為根本,結合創意永續經營,再造傳統陶瓷業的新生命。 The Gong Shun Enterprise Co. is located in Gongguan Township, Miaoli County, where the making of decorative ceramics was a thriving industry more than 10 years ago. One of a few manufacturers of authentic local-style ceramics left in Gongguan, Gong Shun was gradually transformed into a factory resort amid changing times. The industry museum within the factory, which features a large collection of exported ceramics produced in the earlier days, bears witness to the glorious moments of the country’s ceramics trade. Focused on the making of local-style ceramics, Gong Shun is seeking sustainable operations that hopefully will revamp the decades-old industry. 立即購:http://goo.gl/LFE24E 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155828769176959 | 2016-09-07 00:00 | 19 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/7今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】胖妞香香(布凡創意設計工坊) 網購價:NT$ 500元,限時價:NT$ 330元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/uG7Hfn… 更多 布凡設計成立於道地淳樸的客家鄉村,設計靈感為孩提時頑皮打赤腳的農村意象,運用捏塑技巧,賦予新文化價值與創意生命,「胖妞香香」運用手工捏塑樹脂土的技巧,將含有奶嘴的胖娃娃穿上傳統客家藍衫,令人愛不釋手,不僅傳達濃濃的客家風,且擁有裝飾與芳香之功能。 Bu Fan, founded in a simple Hakka village, takes inspiration from the farming image of naughty barefooted children at play. Through the use of hand-forming techniques, a product with new cultural value and creative vitality has been developed. Fragrant Fat girl is made using resin clay hand-forming techniques. A fat doll that has a teat clothed in a blue Hakka dress. This incredibly loveable product not only is imbued with a rich Hakka character but also boasts both decorative and air-freshening functions. 立即購:http://goo.gl/uG7Hfn 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 胖妞香香胖妞香香 喜歡 已喜歡 布凡設計成立於道地淳樸的客家鄉村,設計靈感為孩提時頑皮打赤腳的農村意象,運用捏塑技巧,賦予新文化價值與創意生命,「胖妞香香」運用手工捏塑樹脂土的技巧,將含有奶嘴的胖娃娃穿上傳統客家藍衫,令人愛不釋手,不僅傳達濃濃的客家風,且擁有裝飾與芳香之功能。 Bu Fan, founded in a simple Hakka village, takes inspiration from the farming image of naughty barefooted children at play. Through the use of hand-forming techniqu... |
10155828765261959 | 2016-09-06 00:00 | 12 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/6今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】烏龍紅(東和茶行) 網購價:NT$ 400元,限時價:NT$ 264元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/mZz1At… 更多 東和製茶工廠為東和茶行前身,於日治時代創立迄今,第2代負責人於2009年以苗栗地區優質品種「青心種」結合烏龍茶與紅茶的製程方式,再經過特殊發酵,研發出「烏龍紅」,此茶有烏龍茶的香度與甘度,並兼具紅茶的甜度與醇厚,口感滑而潤喉,甜而不苦,清澈明亮,色紅鮮明。 Donghe Tea Factory, the predecessor of Donghe Tea Shop, was established in the Japanese Colonial Period. In 2009, using superior-grade Miaoli Chin-Shing tea, the second generation of owners fused the production methods of black tea and wulong tea and added a special fermentation stage to develop superior-grade Red Wulong tea. Throat- moistening, sweet rather than bitter, and refreshing, this tea, with a distinctive red color, boasts both the fragrance and sweetness of wulong tea and the sweetness and mellowness of black tea. 立即購:http://goo.gl/mZz1At 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155828761386959 | 2016-09-05 00:00 | 8 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/5今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】民俗技藝昆蟲編織(飛螢農莊) 網購價:NT$ 500元,限時價:NT$ 330元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/l1YuDC… 更多 飛螢農莊成立於2004年,主要經營以民宿、編織DIY教學為主。採用堅韌實用的塑膠編織帶,編織生活周遭所接觸到的昆蟲,此材質不僅採購方便、顏色亮麗、耐用,成品亦可長期保存,藉此傳承漸漸流失的客家早期草編民俗技藝。 Established in 2004, Feiyinguesthouse and teaching DIY weaving. Strong and practical plastic weaving bands are used to weave many of the insects which one commonly runs into. The materials are not only convenient to buy but also bright, lasting, and durable. In this way, early Hakka grass-weaving folk art, which is gradually dying out, can be passed ong Farm main businesses are running a homestay guesthouse and teaching DIY weaving. Strong and practical plastic weaving bands are used to weave many of the insects which one commonly runs into. The materials are not only convenient to buy but also bright, lasting, and durable. In this way, early Hakka grass-weaving folk art, which is gradually dying out, can be passed on. 立即購:http://goo.gl/l1YuDC 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155828756521959 | 2016-09-04 00:00 | 13 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/4今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】万一伯蕃薯手工餅(奇巧香餅家) 網購價:NT$ 500元,限時價:NT$ 330元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/q43iCM… 更多 奇巧香餅家於1937年由万一伯創立迄今已傳承3代,以童年紅瓦上烤出薯片意象製成的「蕃薯餅」,不僅健康養身,蕃薯餅味道香Q、口感鬆綿、纖維細緻,具有特殊的香氣,冷藏後食用,別有另一番風味,為網購宅配、分享餽贈親友的最佳懷念古早味手工餅。 Qi-Qiao-Xiang Cookie Store has been run by three generations since it was established by Wan Yi-bo in 1937. The sweet potato slices baked on red tiles that many older people enjoyed as children were the inspiration for the Sweet Potato Pastries. Healthy, tasty, soft and chewy, they have fine fibers and a unique aroma. They are even tastier if eaten after freezing. These nostalgia-inducing old-style handmade pastries that can be bought through web shops and package delivery are the best choice for sharing with or giving as gifts to family and friends. 立即購:http://goo.gl/q43iCM 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155828745786959 | 2016-09-03 00:00 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/3今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】有機紫蘇潔髮露(雅瑟生活創意有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 750元,限時價:NT$ 495元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/5FgHXy… 更多 紫蘇是傳統的客家美食及配食材料,本產品紫蘇部分採用「南極熊有機農場」種植的有機紫蘇為主要成分,以液體皂的方式製成潔髮露,使用材料無化學成分,且以純手工製作而成,展現客家務實精神之外,也讓顧客能安心使用。 Perilla is a traditional Hakka delicious dish and ingredient,. This product partly adopts organic perilla from Southern Pole Organic Farm as the main component. The Shampoo is made of liquid soap, and it uses pure material with no chemical components. By handmade methods, it shows Hakka practical spirit, so it does not worry costumers and also allows them to physically feel the fresh. 立即購:http://goo.gl/5FgHXy 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZ |
10155828700151959 | 2016-09-02 00:00 | 10 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/2今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】大風草酒粕手工皂(頂馨實業股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 990元,限時價:NT$ 653元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/R1JF28… 更多 頂馨實業股份有限公司傳承老一輩手工釀酒技術,結合年輕人創意發想,將天然發酵酒粕結合客家傳統慣用的大風草,使古老香味蘊藏於手工皂中,溫潤舒爽的香氣滋養呵護每寸肌膚,如同過往大風草守護每位客家婦女的用心。 Ding Xin Industrial Co., Ltd. carries on the manual wine making tradition of the older generation, but combines this with the creative thinking of the younger generation to intermix natural fermented distillers' grains with palm grass that is customarily used in traditional Hakka communities. Using this procedure, an age-old fragrance permeates the handmade soap, and the mild, smooth and relaxing pleasant bouquet nourishes and takes good care of every inch of your skin, just like in the past when palm grass was used to meticulous care for and safeguard each and every Hakka woman. 立即購:http://goo.gl/R1JF28 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155833801811959 | 2016-09-01 23:50 | 20 | 0 | 9/6(二)用LINE@賺大錢(第三方支付、跨境電商) 暨虛擬好客卡行銷應用說明會-臺中場(免費) 線上報名 http://goo.gl/xa2psf (現場可免費申請好客卡特約商店及LINE@認證帳號:歡迎具有營業登記的公商團體、公(工)協會、民宿、醫療單位、學校等依法設立單位參加)*辦理申請請攜帶大小印及立案證明*… 更多 客家委員會所發行的好客卡,以「尊榮」、「便利」及「優惠」為目標,持續提供等路會員貼心服務。配合「雲時代」來臨,等路大街於2015年正式推出「虛擬好客卡」,為強化整體宣傳效益,提升服務品質,將透過「說明會」方式,就虛擬卡之社群行銷應用(LINE@生活圈)及第三方支付金流說明與跨境電商之實務操作應用面,提供完善教學及指導,希冀未來在推廣及應用上能提供好客卡會員更便利的服務。 說明會時間:105年09月06日(二),下午14:00-17:00 。 主辦單位:客家委員會 主講單位:晟人億國際股份有限公司 上課地點:新橋商務中心-草悟道館 草悟創業坊-教室 (臺中市臺灣大道二段285號11樓A1) 報名方式:線上報名 http://goo.gl/xa2psf 、電話報名、傳真報名 報名專線:07-9769898、傳真:07-2135862 、 信箱:juju@9417.com.tw |
10155828679591959 | 2016-09-01 00:00 | 19 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【9/1今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】小蠻腰美女釀(大溪鎮養蜂產銷班) 網購價:NT$ 450元,限時價:NT$ 297元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/QvhIjk… 更多 桃園縣大溪鎮養蜂產銷班第一班致力於生產品質優良的天然蜂蜜,以自然原味為訴求,創造多元化的商品組合,滿足現代人對健康及品質的重視。「小蠻腰美女釀」使用台灣稀有的紅香花蜜、龍眼花蜜及五兩冬蜜精釀而成,口感獨特、風味醇厚。 The inaugural Daxi Township Beekeeping Agriculture Production and Marketing Group are dedicated to the development of quality natural honey. With purity is their utmost concern, and a diverse combination of products has been created to cater to the contemporary demands of health and quality. Made with a blend of rare floral honey, longan honey and winter honey for a unique, complex flavor. 立即購:http://goo.gl/QvhIjk 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 小蠻腰美女釀小蠻腰美女釀 喜歡 已喜歡 桃園縣大溪鎮養蜂產銷班第一班致力於生產品質優良的天然蜂蜜,以自然原味為訴求,創造多元化的商品組合,滿足現代人對健康及品質的重視。「小蠻腰美女釀」使用台灣稀有的紅香花蜜、龍眼花蜜及五兩冬蜜精釀而成,口感獨特、風味醇厚。 The inaugural Daxi Township Beekeeping Agriculture Production and Marketing Group are dedicated to the development of quality natural honey. With purity is their utmost concern,... |