文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
10155806164466959 | 2016-08-31 00:00 | 16 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/31今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】綜合禮盒(豐隆農產加工廠) 網購價:NT$ 899元,限時價:NT$ 593元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/Fikx7v… 更多 豐隆農產加工廠以屏東在地生產的檸檬、金桔、老薑及薑黃,秉持客家古早口味及製法,不含化學添加物,製作手工黑糖雙合薑、手工檸檬乾、手工蜜金桔等伴手小禮或是檸檬清潔用品,把客家的傳統與創意結合,研發多元產品,營造自然、健康清新的形象。 Feng Long Farm 's agricultural products uses the Lemons, kumquats, old ginger, and turmeric produced locally in Pingtung, and upholds the Hakka age-old flavor and preparation method to ensure that the products are free of chemical additives, and to produce souvenir gifts such as Hand-made Brown Sugar Shuanghe Ginger, hand-made dried lemon, hand-made honey kumquat, or lemon cleaning products. Feng Long Farm 's agricultural products integrate creativity into Hakka tradition to develop a diversified range of products, creating a natural, healthy, and fresh image. 立即購:http://goo.gl/Fikx7v 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 綜合禮盒綜合禮盒 喜歡 已喜歡豐隆農產加工廠以屏東在地生產的檸檬、金桔、老薑及薑黃,秉持客家古早口味及製法,不含化學添加物,製作手工黑糖雙合薑、手工檸檬乾、手工蜜金桔等伴手小禮或是檸檬清潔用品,把客家的傳統與創意結合,研發多元產品,營造自然、健康清新的形象。Feng Long Farm 's agricultural products uses the Lemons, kumquats, old ginger, and turmeric produced locally in Pingtung, and upholds the Hakka age-old flavor and preparation… |
10155806160806959 | 2016-08-30 00:00 | 18 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/30今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】淨膚保養旅行組(茶山花印) 網購價:NT$ 680元,限時價:NT$ 449元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/IbR5zB… 更多 苗栗三義「茶山花印」的老闆彭翊茹為在地山城的女兒,她觀察到老一輩用茶油擦臉抹髮,便將之轉化作為保養品基底,重新演繹苦茶油的功能,將這大自然賦予人們的溫潤美好,開發成方便攜帶的淨膚保養旅行組。 Ms. Yi Ru Peng, the boss of "Sanyi Impression," is the daughter of the local mountain town Sanyi, located in Miaoli County. After observing the older generation using tea oil to wipe the face and apply to the hair, she transformed this tradition to create skin care products by re-interpreting the function of bitter tea oil. Using the gentle moisturizing exquisiteness that nature has given people, Sanyi Impression has developed a Skin Care Travel Set that can be conveniently carried. 立即購:http://goo.gl/IbR5zB 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155806153316959 | 2016-08-29 00:00 | 12 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/29今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】客庄好柿皂-手工皂禮盒(沐春創作有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 699元,限時價:NT$ 461元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/2NcyND… 更多 臺灣茶摳與農民攜手合作,選用客家代表性特產紅棗、擂茶、杮子,細心調配出充滿客家風情的黑糖紅棗養顏皂、擂茶清肌養身皂與事事好柿皂等系列商品。「臺灣茶摳」延續記憶中簡單、純淨、安心的味道,運用油與水的自然結合,在清潔時不造成環境的負擔,堅持天然無汙染的環保理念。 Taiwanese soap is produced through close cooperation with farmers to select and use specialty products that are representative of Hakka culture including jujubes, Leicha (Hakka Lei Tea, Hakka mashed tea), and persimmons, which are meticulously blended to produce a series of soap products including a brown sugar jujube skin care soap, Leicha skin cleaning healthy soap, and an "Everything is Good" persimmon soap that are full of the… 更多 |
10155806119071959 | 2016-08-28 00:00 | 14 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/28今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】筷套(南投縣國姓鄉石門社區發展協會(樸藝工坊)) 網購價:NT$ 690元,限時價:NT$ 455元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/NT2Sv5… 更多 樸藝工坊運用藍染技術,以套染與複染技法製成色彩繽紛之染布,再以染布製成筷套,搭配之漆筷與筷架,則是以紫檀木搭配臺灣生漆,用繁複工法及不斷的上漆細磨而成,成分天然環保,提供消費者更多樣化的選擇,不僅實用也是生活美學用品。 Park-Arts Workshop uses a blue dyeing technique, and an overdyeing and redyeing production process to produce dyed cloths blazing with color. The dyed cloth is then used to make chopsticks sleeves, which are matched with lacquered chopsticks and a chopsticks rest, which are crafted from rosewood using a complicated craftsmanship technique, in addition to a continuous lacquering using Taiwan lacquer and fine grinding. The chopsticks sets are produced using natural ingredients that are environmentally friendly, and provide consumers with a richer variety of choices that are not only practical but also living aesthetic articles of everyday use. 立即購:http://goo.gl/NT2Sv5 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155805910866959 | 2016-08-27 00:00 | 4 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/26今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】客家蠶絲嫩白保養禮盒組(上華美粧有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 700元,限時價:NT$ 462元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/LB4pbW… 更多 運用在地天然物質及環境優勢,藉由不斷的研究創新,利用蠶絲萃取而出的蠶絲蛋白,提煉成蠶絲蛋白拉提精華液,及將無患子加入些許蠶絲蛋白,搭配上咖啡的香味,製成蠶絲嫩白咖啡皂,提升客家創意商品的質感與經濟規模,成為符合現代化生活需求的保養產品。 Using local natural substances as well as taking advantage of the benefits provided by the environment. Orchard Queen Cosmetics Company, through continuous research and innovation, has been able to utilize the protein extracted from silk and purify it into refined silk protein essence. Chinese soapberry fruit is then added to a little silk protein in combination with the aromatic essence of coffee to produce a delicate silk white coffee soap, which has enhanced the refined quality and economic scale of Hakka creative products. This silk white coffee soap is a beauty care product that fits in well with the needs of modern life and living. 立即購:http://goo.gl/LB4pbW 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 客家蠶絲嫩白保養禮盒組客家蠶絲嫩白保養禮盒組 喜歡 已喜歡運用在地天然物質及環境優勢,藉由不斷的研究創新,利用蠶絲萃取而出的蠶絲蛋白,提煉成蠶絲蛋白拉提精華液,及將無患子加入些許蠶絲蛋白,搭配上咖啡的香味,製成蠶絲嫩白咖啡皂,提升客家創意商品的質感與經濟規模,成為符合現代化生活需求的保養產品。Using local natural substances as well as taking advantage of the benefits provided by the environment. Orchard Queen Cosmetics Company, through continuous research... |
10155805622886959 | 2016-08-26 00:00 | 12 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/26今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】紅棗薑汁(鮮活農產股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 380元,限時價:NT$ 251元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/bLcmBe 一位虔誠而巧手的製燭人– 呂銀美,她和丈夫從外銷公司轉型,以樂觀意志與浪漫信念投入蠟燭創作與D.I.Y.… 更多 教學。每一件作品,都蘊含製燭人滿滿的心意。這次,製燭人更巧手捏塑出多樣的桐花主題蠟燭,生動的呈現了桐花的各式美麗姿態。 With clever hands and a faithful heart, the candle maker Lyu Ying-Mei and her husband transformed the exporting company into candlemaking and DIY education. They aimed to spread the beauty and light of the candles all over the place, and each product demonstrates great effort and hard work.The candle-maker molded various shapes of Aegiceras by hand, which vividly exhibited Aegiceras’ beauty. 立即購:http://goo.gl/bLcmBe 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 桐花蕾絲蠟燭-球狀桐花蕾絲蠟燭-球狀 喜歡 已喜歡 一位虔誠而巧手的製燭人– 呂銀美,她和丈夫從外銷公司轉型,以樂觀意志與浪漫信念投入蠟燭創作與D.I.Y. 教學。每一件作品,都蘊含製燭人滿滿的心意。這次,製燭人更巧手捏塑出多樣的桐花主題蠟燭,生動的呈現了桐花的各式美麗姿態。 With clever hands and a faithful heart, the candle maker Lyu Ying-Mei and her husband transformed the exporting company into candlemaking and DIY education. They aimed to... |
10155805550806959 | 2016-08-25 09:20 | 16 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/25今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】紅棗薑汁(鮮活農產股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 380元,限時價:NT$ 251元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/Yiqtbe 鮮活農產公司以24K 為名,創造「棗道24K」品牌。採擷成熟的新鮮紅棗,經過清洗及低溫乾燥後,再以慢火熬煮7 至8… 更多 小時,待果肉及湯汁完全融合並濃縮後,再加入臺東有機老薑母,以及柴燒麥芽糖更增添紅棗香甜,不論是以熱水調和或加入溫熱鮮奶飲用,皆是寒冬最佳飲品。 Freshop made a name for itself with its “Jujube Road 24K” product series. The company uses fresh red dates, cleans and dries them at a low temperature, then simmers them for seven to eight hours. As soon as the pulp and the soup completely bind together and are concentrated, organic aged ginger from Taitung is added. Wood-fried maltose, meanwhile, increases the fragrance and sweetness of the product. With hot water or milk, it is the perfect drink in winter. 立即購:http://goo.gl/Yiqtbe 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 紅棗薑汁紅棗薑汁 喜歡 已喜歡 鮮活農產公司以24K 為名,創造「棗道24K」品牌。採擷成熟的新鮮紅棗,經過清洗及低溫乾燥後,再以慢火熬煮7 至8 小時,待果肉及湯汁完全融合並濃縮後,再加入臺東有機老薑母,以及柴燒麥芽糖更增添紅棗香甜,不論是以熱水調和或加入溫熱鮮奶飲用,皆是寒冬最佳飲品。 Freshop made a name for itself with its “Jujube Road 24K” product series. The company uses fresh red dates, cleans and dries them at a low temperature, then s... |
10155796062001959 | 2016-08-24 00:00 | 13 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/24今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】茶禮盒3入(酸柑茶包、東方美人茶、蜜香紅茶)(日新茶園) 網購價:NT$ 1500元,限時價:NT$ 990元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/mbiF7S… 更多 許家祖訓:「寧賣祖宗田,勿忘祖宗言;寧賣祖宗園,不忘祖宗源」,以茶起家的日新茶園,隨市場型態轉變,有機栽培成為必要趨勢,負責人許時穩與日、韓等國外茶廠交流,將傳統茶業轉型為更先進的有機栽培,致力推廣東方美人茶、蜜香紅茶及酸柑茶等臺灣優質好茶。 The Xu Family motto is: "I would rather sell our ancestral fields than forget our ancestors' words; I would rather sell our ancestral garden than forget our ancestral roots" Ri Xin Tea Garden was built up based on the tea industry. However, shifts in market patterns are now shaping the necessary trend for organic cultivation. Mr. Shi Wen Xu, business owner of Ri Xin Tea Garden, has implemented business exchanges with overseas tea suppliers including Japan and South Korea to transform the traditional tea industry into a more advanced organic cultivation industry. Mr. Shi Wen Xu is committed to promoting its Taiwan high-quality fine teas including Oriental Beauty Tea, Honey Black Tea, and Bitter Orange Tea. 立即購:http://goo.gl/mbiF7S 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155795427526959 | 2016-08-23 00:00 | 19 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/23今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】阿明客家發粄(順勝農產行) 網購價:NT$ 720元,限時價:NT$ 475元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/oowmjo 阿明客家發粄傳承迄今已有68 年歷史,堅持傳統客家製法,超過12 小時以上自然發酵,蒸製的發粄口感Q… 更多 彈紮實,且不添加防腐劑及人工香料,特以蓬萊米取代糯米,享用健康美味無負擔。 Ah-Min’s sponge cakes have been produced for 68 years. The cakes are naturally fermented over a period of 12 hours, following the traditional Hakka practice. The steamed sponge cake features a chewy texture without any added preservatives or artificial flavors. Japonica rice is used instead of sticky rice, meaning anyone can enjoy this healthy and delicious cake without a second thought! 立即購:http://goo.gl/oowmjo 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155780832586959 | 2016-08-22 00:00 | 5 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/22今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】關西玉山麵(麵組)(金瑞珍行) 網購價:NT$ 480元,限時價:NT$ 317元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/heL8cE 「關西.玉山麵」始於1910 年的日治時期,當時俗稱「大麵」,歷經百年傳承,目前已是第四代。今日的玉山麵仍以客家祖傳的百年工法維持品質,堅持不添加防腐劑,並以12… 更多 小時的製麵工法,利用新竹的九降風與室內烘乾的方式冷熱交替,讓麵條「慢乾緊實」,造就了玉山麵的Q 度、咬勁,和滑順彈牙、久燙不糊的特色。 The history of the Guan-Xi Yu-Shan Noodles can be traced back to 1910, during the period of Japanese rule, when the common name was thick noodles. The noodle making secret has been passed down over the 100 years to the current fourth-generation owners, who still insist on maintaining quality by not using artificial preservatives. Needing 12 hours to make, the noodles are dried alternately in the cold monsoon wind of Hsinchu and indoor heat, so that they firm up slowly to acquire a good texture and bite, and can withstand long cooking while remaining smooth and al dente without becoming mushy. 立即購:http://goo.gl/heL8cE 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155780813171959 | 2016-08-21 00:00 | 4 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/21今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】香桔汁(350g/罐,共三罐)(阿金姐工作坊) 網購價:NT$ 450元,限時價:NT$ 297元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/KByWza… 更多 阿金姐是客家庄媳婦,跟著婆婆學習傳統客家醃製食品,始終堅持產品絕不添加防腐劑、人工甘味與色素等添加物,強調對健康理念的執著並致力於推廣客家飲食文化的志業。每年12月是新竹特有酸桔產期,連同果皮一起手工製作,保留了大量纖維質,營養豐富,特有桔香味加入麥芽小火慢熬,做成風味香濃的果醬,唯有古法的傳承,才能將酸桔的原汁美味保留下來。 Ajinjie is a daughter-in-law in a Hakka community, following with her mother-in-law to learn how to ferment Hakka traditional foods, always insists on no additive preservatives, artificial sweets and food colors in her products. The emphasis on the idea of healthy life style is the motivation to stick on a goal of promoting Hakka drinking and eating cultures. Decembers are the periods for special sour kumquat seasons in Hsinchu. Adding peels to make the sauce by hands keeps huge cellulose with abundant nutrition. By simmering with malt, the sour kumquat's original delicious flavor can be preserved through ancient methods. 立即購:http://goo.gl/KByWza 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155780787786959 | 2016-08-20 00:00 | 33 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/20今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】錦香餅鋪--肚臍餅(原味)(錦香餅舖) 網購價:NT$ 450元,限時價:NT$ 297元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/PPl5Jv… 更多 民國三十年在銅鑼車站旁的錦香餅鋪曾老闆為養活一家家計,努力地一肩扛起起全家的酸甜苦辣,以一根扁擔滿載著溫馨,挑逗路人的幸福甜蜜,一根扁擔、滿腔熱血,挑動銅鑼的糕點文化歲月。 In the 1940s, Mr. Zheng, the owner of Jin Xiang Cakes, started the business as to support his family. His fi ne products and the warmth toward his customers gained him reputation in the Tianluo cake industry. 產品規格 10入/盒,共3盒,3天內食用,冷藏可保存7天 成分:綠豆、麵粉、植物油、糖 立即購:http://goo.gl/PPl5Jv 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155780775056959 | 2016-08-19 00:00 | 12 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/19今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】鴻旗稻鴨米(1公斤)(鴻旗有機休閒農場) 網購價:NT$ 450元,限時價:NT$ 297元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/vQ0PaK… 更多 高樹鄉泰山村為水源水質水量的保護區,所以該地區的水源水質甘甜,無污染之虞。供應大高雄地區潔淨的飲水,可說是涵養高雄重要的水泉命脈。鴻旗休閒有機農場本著關懷土地、回饋感恩情懷,不斷研究各種天然物質來製作有機堆肥,採用有機自然培育的科學方法。透過屏東科技大學與農業改良場的輔導與協助,培育優質的有機食品,為忙碌的現代人健康來把關。 Pingtung Organic farming Hongqi Organic Farm located in Taishan Village,where is the water resource. The farm cared about the land and soil, and they insisted on developing organic compost methods. With the assist and guidance of both National Pingtung University of Science & Technology and Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research & Extension Station, Hongqi farm had been able to produce finest organic foods in consideration of modern people’s health problems. 產品規格 1公斤/包,共3包 成分:有稻鴨白米或稻鴨糙米 保存期限:6個月 立即購:http://goo.gl/vQ0PaK 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155780668816959 | 2016-08-18 09:28 | 16 | 4 | 漫尞客庄尋金趣網路活動:漫尞客庄夏日GO 1.活動期間:8月18日起至9月15日。 2.活動內容:「臺灣客家等路大街」配合本次活動辦理地點,以高屏地區客家特色產業業者為對象擇20家,每家擇1件適合商品,以「75折專區」辦理專區購物75折優惠,亦可享購物金折抵優惠。 訂購網址:http://www.hakkamall.org.tw/jpp/html/hakkamall/index.php |
10155780660601959 | 2016-08-18 09:22 | 18 | 0 | (一) 現場活動:105年8月19日至22日。 (二) 網路活動:105年8月18日至9月15日。 二、 辦理內容:配合2016高雄旅展假「客家主題館」「臺灣客家等路大街」網站辦理1場「漫尞客庄夏日GO」活動。說明如下: (一) 現場活動: 1.漫尞客庄會員禮 (1)購物金大方送:活動期間下載「臺灣客家等路大街應用程式」並成為會員者,即可獲得購物金1,000點。… 更多 (2)消費滿額贈:會員於展售會現場消費滿新臺幣(以下同)299(含)元,可憑虛擬好客卡及當日消費發票或收據(以漫尞客庄客家館消費單據為限)至「好客卡申辦服務臺」兌換精美好禮乙份。 2.漫尞客庄尋金趣:活動期間會員至展售會現場,透過行動載具讀取「Hakka iBeacon」所發送訊息,打開「通知」並「搖一搖」即可獲得「金幣」1枚,蒐集滿3枚金幣即可於「好客卡申辦服務臺」兌換客家手工皂1個,限量100個,兌完為止。 (二)網路活動:漫尞客庄夏日GO 活動內容:「臺灣客家等路大街」以高屏地區客家特色產業業者為對象擇20家,每家擇1件適合商品,以「75折專區」辦理漫尞客庄夏日GO享專區購物75折,亦可享購物金折抵優惠。 |
10155770729721959 | 2016-08-18 00:00 | 11 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/18今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】新竹縣評鑑龍眼蜜(特等)(新竹縣農會) 網購價:NT$ 490元,限時價:NT$ 323元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/fKSGB8… 更多 「駿翔實業有限公司」位於台北市大同區,成立已二十多年,以深厚的紡織成衣製造專業,致力花布開發並設計成各款家飾品、布包、時裝等,銷售足跡已遍布世界各地。「胖胖拖、花花拖、美美拖、兒童斗篷、兒童和服、兒童背心」,商品選用全棉防潑水與耐磨防水的環保材料,底布印上含有客家意象的花卉,並經過SGS 紡織品測試,全程嚴選臺灣優質紡織品,設計成一系列生活用品。 立即購:http://goo.gl/fKSGB8 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155770724356959 | 2016-08-17 00:00 | 14 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/17今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】蜜紅棗(稻香客家米食有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 360元,限時價:NT$ 238元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/xrxlP3… 更多 紅棗是苗栗公館特有名產之一,每年七、八月是紅棗盛產季,但也容易受天候影響,而造成紅棗落果或果裂,使得棗農辛勤所得化為烏有。「稻香客家米食」為幫助棗農增加收入,也希望保留傳統客家文化特色與天然食材的口感,將紅棗製成蜜餞,做成蜜紅棗,成為一道樸實又美味的甜點零嘴。 Red Date is one of famous goods in Gongguan, Moli County. Every July and August are the seasons of red dates, but they are easily affected by the weather that red date may fall or crack, vanishing all the efforts of farmers. Rice Aroma Hakka Rice Eating helps red dates farmers increase incomes, and it also hopes to keep traditional Hakka cultural features and natural food ingredient mouthfeels, so they turn red dates to preserved fruits, known as honey red dates, as a simple but delicious dessert. 立即購:http://goo.gl/xrxlP3 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155770719166959 | 2016-08-16 00:00 | 11 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/16今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】臺灣黑熊(禮盒版)(三義ㄧ丫箱寶) 網購價:NT$ 1200元,限時價:NT$ 792元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/geK0fE 雙峰企業(三義 箱寶)創立於1963 年,其工廠坐落於以木雕工藝聞名的苗栗三義。… 更多 箱寶為了讓大眾對於臺灣瀕臨絕種的動物能更為熟識,特以臺灣樟木樹皮雕製「臺灣黑熊」,作品除散發原生樟木獨特香味,更於黑熊胸口刻上V 形微笑標誌,看似為臺灣黑熊穿著V 領毛衣博君一笑。分別設計禮盒版及精裝版不同包裝盒,讓商品提升價值。有「魚狗」或「釣魚翁」別稱的翠鳥,乾淨河邊可看見牠的蹤影,此牙籤罐以翠鳥為造型,繪製鮮豔色彩呈現活潑俏麗感,內部挖空設計可放置牙籤,使商品更具實用性,置於餐桌上,可增進用餐氣氛,讓彷彿身穿6 款不同花色衣裳的翠鳥牙籤罐,更具典藏觀賞之價值。 Shuangfong Corporation (Sanyi Duck Factory) was founded in 1963. The factory is located in Sanyi, Miaoli, a place known for its local wood carving industry and handicrafts. Duck Factory created its Formosan Black Bear with Formosan camphor bark as an object that would give the general… 更多 |
10155771194596959 | 2016-08-15 15:36 | 23 | 0 | 2016 北中南東4區客家美食料理比賽開跑囉 客家α堵着創意β...當有藝思 「2016客家美食料理比賽」已陸續進入報名、初賽、決賽的競賽過程,歡迎烹調高手們報名參賽,也歡迎民眾至各地決賽現場為選手加油,並參加各地的客家美食文化靜態展示、食福體驗、美食教學、客家藝文展演及趣味活動。客委會亦邀請民眾參加「客家美食料理王」活動,凡前20名民眾於Facebook粉絲團上傳與4區主題相關的食材料理照片或影片,同時發表50字說明,即可獲得創意文宣品乙份。歡迎大家一同加入2016客家美食料理比賽行列,讓客家美食獨特好滋味代代相傳! 活動詳情請瀏覽「2016臺灣客家美食料理比賽」活動網站:http://hakkafood.3785tv.com/ |
10155757229486959 | 2016-08-15 00:00 | 24 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/15今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】新竹縣評鑑龍眼蜜(特等)(新竹縣農會) 網購價:NT$ 700元,限時價:NT$ 462元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/ElQVFF… 更多 臺灣主要蜂蜜為龍眼蜜、荔枝蜜及百花蜜,主要是以蜜蜂採集的花源為區分,其中以龍眼蜜口感最為柔潤、香味最為濃郁。龍眼蜜是蜜蜂由龍眼樹的花蕊中採集花蜜回巢,在經過蜂巢內蜜蜂不斷的搧風蒸發濃縮5至7天後,才能變成花蜜釀製成純粹的蜂蜜。當蜂巢內儲滿蜂蜜時,蜂農以離蜜機搖取蜂巢片內的蜂蜜,再經過過濾濃縮後,分裝成香甜可口的蜂蜜。 The major kinds of honey in Taiwan are longan honey, litchi honey and blossoms honey separated by resources of flowers collected by bees. Among these, Longan honey is the most soft to mouth, and it has the richest aroma. Longan honey is collected from pistils of longan trees by bees back to their nests. After five to seven days of being concentrated and vapored by wings quivering of bees, it turns flower honey into pure honey. When honey is restored in the nest, bee farmers extract honey from honeycomb slices by centrifuges followed by steps of filtering, concentrating and dividing into proportions of delicious honey. 立即購:http://goo.gl/ElQVFF 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 新竹縣評鑑龍眼蜜(特等)新竹縣評鑑龍眼蜜(特等) 喜歡 已喜歡臺灣主要蜂蜜為龍眼蜜、荔枝蜜及百花蜜,主要是以蜜蜂採集的花源為區分,其中以龍眼蜜口感最為柔潤、香味最為濃郁。龍眼蜜是蜜蜂由龍眼樹的花蕊中採集花蜜回巢,在經過蜂巢內蜜蜂不斷的搧風蒸發濃縮5至7天後,才能變成花蜜釀製成純粹的蜂蜜。當蜂巢內儲滿蜂蜜時,蜂農以離蜜機搖取蜂巢片內的蜂蜜,再經過過濾濃縮後,分裝成香甜可口的蜂蜜。The major kinds of honey in Taiwan are longan honey, litchi honey and blossoms honey separated by resources of flowers col... |
10155753445001959 | 2016-08-14 00:00 | 8 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/14今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】林園娃護-黑豆穀茶(林園食品有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 400元,限時價:NT$ 264元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/y3wmRA… 更多 林園食品創立於民國89年,以生產五穀粉、擂茶粉為主,致力將客家人食茶文化推陳出新,以客家本位保留「舊食」人情味。林園食品創辦人自小便跟著父執輩學習穀物知識,從炒豆、脫穀、翻炒到火候控制,細細挑選原料;林園食品生產的穀茶以食品營養學結合本草漢材,跳脫傳統食品印象,可作為現代人均衡營養的補給飲品。 Linyuan Food was founded in 2000, producing 5 kinds of nuts powder and pounded tea, is devoted to bring new ideas for Hakka tea drinking culture. With standards of Hakka to reserve human atmosphere of retro food. Linyuan founder learned knowledge of grains with his father and relatives that how to fry beans, shell removing, stir-fry, fire control and ingredient choose. Linyuan Food produces grains with herbal materials and connects it with nutrition, thinking outside of box of traditional impression about foods, to give modern people a nutrition balanced drink. 立即購:http://goo.gl/y3wmRA 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155753420056959 | 2016-08-13 00:00 | 10 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/13今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】桐花仙子(一個)(玉山畫廊) 網購價:NT$ 1000元,限時價:NT$ 660元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/8oW0QR… 更多 桐花花語為「奉獻」,象徵客家子民不畏艱辛,刻苦奮鬥的精神。本產品用樹脂土捏塑,通過相關安全檢測(可塑劑檢驗、美國兒童玩具檢驗標準)合格;作品主體為可愛的小公仔。以油桐花葉子為搖籃,小葉子為衣裳,增添色彩,也象徵學業進步、開業大吉,搭配中國如意結則有吉祥如意之意,是療癒心情的可愛飾品。 Tung tree flowers means devotion, symbolizing spirit of Hakka people that they are diligent and persevere. This product is made of resin clay, and it passes relative safety examination (plasticizer exam, USA Children's Product Certificate). The body of this work piece is a cute action figure. With tung tree leaves as a cardle, smaller leaves as clothes, it can enhance the color. It also means prosperity in business and progress in studies, which can be a cute accessory that heals broken hearts with Chinese Ruyi Knot, meaning auspiciousness. 立即購:http://goo.gl/8oW0QR 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155753416731959 | 2016-08-12 00:00 | 11 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/12今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】東方美人茶(峨眉茶行) 網購價:NT$ 1000元,限時價:NT$ 660元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/x6SrKl… 更多 峨眉茶行,擁有超過百年茶事經驗的老茶行,從茶園管理、採收、製作到烘焙都經過專業的品質控管。茶湯紅澄金黃的東方美人茶,有琥珀色的明亮潤澤感,帶有熟果及蜂蜜的茶香,甘冽清醇,風味絕佳。 Emei Tea Shop is an old shop with more than one hundred years of history in the tea business, including tea garden management, harvest, production, and drying. All processes are handled using professional quality control methods. Oriental Beauty Tea, which features a golden red hue, possesses a bright amber tone and fragrance of ripe fruits and honey. It has an outstandingly sweet, and pure taste. 立即購:http://goo.gl/x6SrKl 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155753222246959 | 2016-08-11 00:00 | 13 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/11今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】紫蘇清潔皂(雅瑟生活創意有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/7RkoQE 紫蘇清潔皂是選用苗栗公館種植之紫蘇萃取物製成,雅瑟生活創意研究發現,突破僅能作為食材的傳統認知,並已申請專利。 This basil soap is made… 更多 of basil extract from Gongguan, Miaoli.Ashoka Living Creativity researched and found that basil could clean, disinfect, kill germs, and remove grease. 立即購:http://goo.gl/7RkoQE 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155753695986959 | 2016-08-10 16:02 | 7 | 1 | 上家下屋【紅球薑手工皂】禮盒到貨囉! 感謝粉絲支持!目前已開放30組!!欲購速從~~ 線上搶購網址 http://goo.gl/MLzqyK 「上家下屋」客家香草手工皂,源於對家人的照顧、居住環境的友善,與客家人的生活智慧。客家媽媽們使用自然農法種植的香草植物,製成植萃手工皂。 臺灣客家APP開放下載連結如下:加入會員於會員中心使用FB註冊為會員,再送1000點購物金! APP Store (iphone系列)… 更多 連結 https://appsto.re/tw/cnChcb.i Google Play (android系列) 連結 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fommii.android.hulk 產品規格 成分: 紅球薑皂:椰子油、棕櫚油、橄欖油、紅球薑、葡萄柚、迷迭香精油。 規格:120±10g x3入 /盒 生產地:桃園市 桃市粧廣字第10501015號 |
10155736395646959 | 2016-08-10 00:00 | 17 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/10今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】客家花布杮子包(共兩入)(微醺彩虹有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 480元,限時價:NT$ 317元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/pyKGED… 更多 南投縣信義鄉神木村90%都是客家人,因天災而遷村南投市建立神木社區,社區居民為了推廣客家特色而發展新產品,將古早客家布料用品加以改良,不僅實用美觀也創造商機。古早客家人外出都用花布包裹東西攜帶外出,如今以客家的特色花布為出發點,製作改良成為更實用的產品,可大可小又兼客製化的柿子花布包,還可做環保袋、零錢袋、外出袋等等用途,方便又具有個人特色。 There are 90% Hakka people in Shenmu Village in Xinyi Township, Nantou County. The community was built because natural disaster and those residents developed new products for promoting Hakka features by using improved Hakka printed cloth material items that are practical, pretty and also creating new business. In the early time, Hakka people carried things warped by printed cloth, and to date products can be innovated to more pragmatic Hakka printed cloth bags. The printed cloth persimmon bags can be customized in different sizes or functions such as recyclable bags, change bags or carry bags, etc., that are convenient and personal characteristic. 立即購:http://goo.gl/pyKGED 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155736381421959 | 2016-08-09 00:00 | 9 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/9今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】土鳳梨紫心牛軋糖(鄭媽媽手工牛軋糖 (大唐商行)) 網購價:NT$ 360元,限時價:NT$ 238元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/nl4JFm… 更多 鄭媽媽以如同給家人健康營養的心意,嚴選天然食材,以日照充分的屏東高樹土鳳梨及口感綿密的紫心地瓜,搭配濃醇奶香製成牛軋糖,低糖、低脂及堅持手作的幸福美味,值得您細細品味。 Mother Zheng carefully selects natural ingredients, including the local pineapple from Gaoshu, Pingtung with sufcient sunlight exposure and the purple heart sweet potato that is known for its densely soft texture, to make the thick and pure milk-flavored nougat candy just like she will do for her own family in order to provide them with adequate nutrition while at the same time keeping them healthy. You should taste this low-sugar, low-fat, and handmade delicious candy. 立即購:http://goo.gl/nl4JFm 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155736364451959 | 2016-08-08 00:00 | 20 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/8今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】梅精元氣棒(微醺彩虹有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 350元,限時價:NT$ 231元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/IQEdYn… 更多 微醺彩虹烘焙,起源於八八水災而離開信義鄉神木村,移民南投市建立新故鄉的客家人。不僅創立「戀戀神木」品牌,更使用老家的梅子及小米等優質食材,研發梅精元氣棒,滋味如鮮摘的青梅,酸甜沁入新脾。 Tipsy Rainbow Bakery was founded by Hakka people who relocated to Nantou City from Shenmu Village, Xinyi Township after the infamous August 8 Flood. In addition to the “Love Sacred Tree” brand, quality ingredients such as plums and millet from the hometown are also used to develop plum extract energy bars. They taste just like fresh green plums! The sweet and sour taste really hits the spot. 立即購:http://goo.gl/IQEdYn 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155736341296959 | 2016-08-07 00:00 | 16 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/7今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】紅棗地瓜酥(共三包)(稻香客家米食有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 360元,限時價:NT$ 238元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/pzP9V9… 更多 「稻香客家米食」希望保留傳統客家文化特色與天然食材的口感,將苗栗西湖、公館特有的名產-地瓜和紅棗,創新巧妙地結合,把地瓜削片蜜過以後,讓地瓜吃起來酥脆香甜,再加入乾燥的紅棗,創新研發出令人意想不到的美好滋味。 Rice Aroma Hakka Rice Eating hopes to keep traditional Hakka cultural features and natural food ingredient mouthfeels. Combing subtly with sliced Sweet Potatoes and dried Red Dates, which are special goods in Xihu, Gongguan in Mioli county, have unexpectedly good tastes. 立即購:http://goo.gl/6yhMRR 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/pzP9V9 |
10155736326406959 | 2016-08-06 00:00 | 13 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/6今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】池農刀削麵(台東縣池上鄉農會) 網購價:NT$ 360元,限時價:NT$ 238元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/8gjZdn… 更多 臺東縣池上鄉具地理環境及水質優勢,所生產的池上米聞名全國,以池上米為原料所研發出的新產品米麵條,不僅提升稻米附加價值,也增進消費者對米食文化的認知。池農刀削麵,麵條Q軟且不含防腐劑等人工添加物,製麵過程遵循客家古法,百分之百全程日曬,每塊麵都經過細心翻面三次,務求完整均勻的自然乾燥,保留烈日與山風洗禮過的麵香味。 By the advantages of environment and water quality, Chihshang Rice is famous around Taiwan. The new product, Rice Noodle, made of Chihshang Rice can promote the peripheral value of rice and enhance knowledge of rice-eating culture to customers. Chihnong Knife-shaved Noodles is al dente, tender and no food additive such as preservative. The processes of making rice noodles are followed restrictedly by Hakka artistry with 100% exposure to sunlight. Every noodle piece is carefully turned three times such that water in it can be vapored by the sun and breeze from mountain, and the noodle fragrant will be kept through natural baptism. 立即購:http://goo.gl/8gjZdn 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155736070776959 | 2016-08-05 09:42 | 15 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/5今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】客家經典醬菜(郭家莊醬園) 網購價:NT$ 680元,限時價:NT$ 449元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/6yhMRR 創始人郭江玉英女士改變了豆腐乳過鹹的缺點, 不使用任何化學添加物, 並保留其自然發酵的風味, 大家口耳相傳,… 更多 直接稱玉英女士所產製的豆腐乳為「玉英豆腐乳」。三十多年來,玉英豆腐乳已經成了家喻戶曉的客家經典美味,創始人夫妻倆卻沒停下腳步,以「郭家莊醬園」為品牌重新出發,將傳統客家醬菜風味與現代健康飲食觀念結合,進行產品的多元化改良。從「玉英豆腐乳」到「郭家莊醬園」,我們將客家阿婆的精神融在一塊塊的豆腐乳中,邀您共享! Mrs. Guo ( Guo Jian Yu-Ying ) , the founder of Guo Jia Zhuang, made her career by making delicious, none-chemical, naturally fermented tofu cheese. All of her tofu cheese, the so called “Yu-Ying Tofu Cheese”, were self-produced and praised by all of her customers.Over the past thirty years, Yu-Ying Tofu Cheese has been a well-known Hakka delicacy, but this didn’t… 更多 |
10155733183836959 | 2016-08-04 14:10 | 9 | 2 | 2016臺灣美食展 邀您一起體驗客家風味! 下載APP(搜尋:臺灣客家)參與翫味客家尋金趣! 透過「Hakka iBeacon」所發送活動訊息、蒐集活動金幣,就可獲得精美小禮物! ★現場活動★ 【活動時間】105/8/5-105/8/8… 更多 【活動地點】臺北市信義區信義路5段5號 台北世貿展覽館一館A區A617 【購物金大方送】 活動期間下載「臺灣客家等路大街應用程式」並成為會員者,即可獲得購物金1,000點。 【消費滿額贈】 會員於展售會現場消費滿新臺幣(以下同)299(含)元,可憑手機上所顯示虛擬好客卡及當日消費發票或收據(以翫味客家館消費單據為限)至「好客卡申辦服務臺」兌換精美好禮乙份。 ※因每日數量有限(送完為止),為維護會員權益,活動滿額禮不可累計兌換,一臺行動載具限領乙份。 禮品兌換&日期:【8/5】客家經典醬菜、【8/6】池農刀削麵、【8/7】紅棗地瓜酥【8/8】梅精元氣棒。 【翫味客家尋金趣】 活動期間會員至展售會現場,透過行動載具讀取「Hakka iBeacon」所發送訊息,打開「通知」並「搖一搖」即可獲得「金幣」1枚,蒐集滿3枚金幣即可於「好客卡申辦服務臺」兌換客家手工皂(蝶織坊客家手工皂)1個,活動期間限量100個,兌完為止。 ※兌換禮品說明流程:下載完成「臺灣客家等路大街會員應用程式」→「會員中心」→「兌換專區」申請兌換,需填寫相關資料後送出,並於現場「虛擬好客卡」服務臺出示完成畫面,即完成本次遊戲任務。 ※1組帳號(即1臺行動裝置)於同1個任務點僅能進行1次任務。 ※1組帳號(即1臺行動裝置)僅可兌換1次。 ★網路活動★ 【活動時間】即日起至8/31 配合展售會活動,臺灣客家等路大街於活動期間推出參與本次展售會的客家特色廠商之Hakka Taiwan認證特色商品,每家廠商挑選一件商品辦理75折優惠活動;另,會員消費可合併好客幣折抵優惠! 詳細優惠內容請下載APP或上臺灣客家等路大街官方網站:http://www.hakkamall.org.tw |
10155722891731959 | 2016-08-04 00:00 | 16 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/4今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】台茶十八號(紅茶)禮盒(鼎崴茶業有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 2000元,限時價:NT$ 1320元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/LMqUH8… 更多 「杉林葫蘆藝術文化創意有限公司」位於高雄市杉林區,當地除了傳統農業,少有文創產品,而葫蘆自古以來即為民間用以避邪化煞、招財納福的含意。以葫蘆乾果加上精緻手工製作,具有富貴福祿含意。「富貴福祿」,運用在地的葫蘆瓜農作物為素材,手繪牡丹花及題字,雕工相當精緻,手作商品不但具有獨特及原創性,也相當環保。 立即購:http://goo.gl/LMqUH8 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155727834801959 | 2016-08-03 00:17 | 19 | 0 | 2016 臺灣美食展翫味客家館,展覽期間為105年8月5日(週五)至8日(週一),歡迎蒞臨參觀! ● 展覽時間 :105年8月5日至8日,每日09:30-17:30 ● 展覽地點 :臺北世貿展覽館一館A區A617 (臺北市信義區信義路5段5號)… 更多 客家委員會為傳承臺灣客家文化,以創新客家基底精神為榮耀與使命,藉由各式大型國際與國內展會推廣給所有民眾與國內外買家。其中客家飲食文化是最能表彰客家族群的特性,不僅蘊含著在地文化傳承足跡與常民生活精神體現,更累積出豐富的客家生活經驗結晶與意涵。本館以「慢食、慢遊、慢活」為主題,凸顯客家飲食文化精隨,客家慢食,食在地,食在當令;客家慢遊,遊恣意,遊覽文化;客家慢活,活自在,活出品味。 相關訊息請上http://goo.gl/P4X6bZ |
10155722870816959 | 2016-08-03 00:00 | 20 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/3今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】客家風背袋(玉印霞飛手作坊) 網購價:NT$ 2000元,限時價:NT$ 1320元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/TdkbF4 「玉印霞飛手作坊」位於屏東縣內埔鄉,詹老師將生活用品巧妙運用客家藍衫元素,成為具有客家特色的產品,也為傳統服飾開發新的文創契機,吸引年輕客層。「客家風背袋」是以藍衫為題材的手作布包,崇尚環保,布包可水洗,重複使用不掉色。 立即購:http://goo.gl/TdkbF4 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155722826801959 | 2016-08-02 00:00 | 8 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/2今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】茅鄉手工皂(共兩盒)(茅鄉炭坊) 網購價:NT$ 520元,限時價:NT$ 343元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/12uMxj… 更多 「茅鄉炭坊」位於苗栗縣三義鄉,在苗栗三義園區保有完整的煉油設備,現場開放參觀及體驗,讓遊客能更了解香茅、樟腦等文化產業並融合客家元素轉型,體驗焗精油的過程,傳遞古早客家產業的勞動情形及特色。「茅鄉手工皂」,不含人工香料、化學合成,堅持無化合的手工皂,搭配客家花布做為包裝,將客家文化帶入產品特色。 立即購:http://goo.gl/12uMxj 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155713727651959 | 2016-08-01 00:00 | 14 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/1今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】台茶十八號(紅茶)禮盒(鼎崴茶業有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 1200元,限時價:NT$ 792元(含運) 立即購:http://goo.gl/nEpQ8C 被稱為「紅玉」的台茶18… 更多 號,是茶業改良場魚池分場以緬甸大葉種與台灣野生山茶混種選育而成,茶湯香氣淡雅,讓人品嚐後久久無法忘情,素有「台灣香」之美譽。這份頂級的甘醇香味,是由設立已逾50 年的老紅茶廠「鼎葳公司」出品,現任廠長彭木生製茶已超過30 載,懷著對紅茶的熱情,以「手作」傳遞情感,與大家分享屬於他與紅茶的故事。 Cultivated at the Yuchi branch of Tea Research and Extension Station, Taiwan Tea No. 18, known as Red Jade , is a cross between a native wild mountain tea plant and a large-leaf variety called the Burma. The brew has an elegant fragrance and a captivating taste that lingers, for which the tea is praised as the perfume of Taiwan. Dingway, the company responsible for this top-class, sophisticated aroma, has been around for more than 50 years, and the current head Peng Mu-sheng is a tea maker with over three decades of experience. He is eager to share his story and passion for black tea and connect with people through his craft. 立即購:http://goo.gl/nEpQ8C 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |