文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
10156014912931959 | 2016-10-31 00:00 | 4 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/31今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】磚雕絭 ( 御守)(共4片)(金良興窯業股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 400元,限時價:NT$ 264元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/56RBZi 苗栗苑裡~紅磚的故鄉「金良興磚廠」創立於1973年,是台灣苗栗最早的隧道窯廠,2004… 更多 年轉型為觀光磚廠,成立「灣麗磚瓦文物館」,結合地方社區營造,深耕磚瓦產業文化。磚雕質樸溫潤,宛如客家的風土人情,「磚雕絭(音ㄑㄩㄢ、,客語發音為kien)」中的「絭」是客語的「平安符」,即御守之意,此產品須經999℃的高溫燒製而成,因此又象徵平安、好運久久久,是最佳的紀念禮品。 Yuanli in Miaoli is known as the home of bricks, and Jin Lian Shing, founded in 1973, has one of the earliest tunnel kilns in Taiwan. The factory transformed into a tourist destination in 2004 with the establishment of Wan Li Brick Museum, to promote the culture of the brick industry in tandem with local community building. Brick carving has a rustic, earthy feel, like the culture of the Hakka people, and these Hakka kien amulets made of carved brick are baked at 999°C to further take on the meaning of good fortune for a long time, as the words for nine and long sound the same in the language. They are the perfect souvenir and gift. 立即購:https://goo.gl/56RBZi 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156014903516959 | 2016-10-30 00:00 | 4 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/30今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】簡約多功能包(秀裕工業股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 1380元,限時價:NT$ 911元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/kGQFmk 「秀裕工業股份有限公司」成立於1978年,專注於傘骨的研發創新,深獲歐美以及日本品牌業者青睞。2010年推出了… 更多 Prolla精品傘品牌,採用傳統油紙傘的設計結構,加入客家油桐花元素,打造一系列兼具了實用性和工藝性,成為最具特色的文化創意商品。桐花圖騰結合簡單的菱格線條,兼具時尚美感;另一面簡單線條是利用剩餘布料而成,象徵客家勤儉精神,圖面呈現出的桐花曼妙舞動,包包提供多層內袋設計,增加多功能性,外層也具有防潑水特性。 Xiuyu Industrial Corp. was founded in 1978, focusing on development and innovation of rib of umbrellas, have earned favors from America, Europe and Japan brand dealers. In 2010, Xiuyu revealed Prolla fine umbrella brand, adopting traditional oil-paper umbrella structure design and adding elements of Hakka tung tree flower into products. It has become a… 更多 |
10156014889306959 | 2016-10-29 00:00 | 7 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/29今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】南瓜糙米什穀粉(共兩包)(火炭谷休閒農場) 網購價:NT$ 660元,限時價:NT$ 436元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/fG2KKh… 更多 南瓜的客語發音為「番瓜」;「南瓜故事館」為臺灣首創以番瓜為主題的生活故事館,館主夫婦堅持以自然農法種植各式番瓜,並將番瓜應用於傳統客家美食,有糙米什穀粉、番瓜乳酪等,產品豐富多元適合各年齡層食用。 The Hakka pronunciation for pumpkin is "fan gua, which means 'foreign gourd'." "Pumpkin Story House" is Taiwan's first life story museum that takes the pumpkin as its theme. The husband and wife owners of the museum adhere to natural agricultural methods to plant and grow a variety of pumpkins, and apply pumpkins in traditional Hakka fine foods that includes a rich and diverse range of products, such as brown rice flour, and pumpkin cheese, all of which are suitable for all ages from young to old to eat. 立即購:https://goo.gl/fG2KKh 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156014864846959 | 2016-10-28 00:00 | 7 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/28今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】絲瓜水(噴瓶)(共五瓶)(方妮商行) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$396元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/KSJcko… 更多 方妮商行在銅鑼鄉農會輔導下,利用無法銷售的杭菊末,研發成為清潔用品及保養品,不但增加農民收入也創造杭菊的多重價值。杭白菊種植於客家銅鑼鄉有30多年歷史,花期僅三星期;杭菊內含多種維生素和微量元素,透過與產、官、學合作方式開發出一系列杭菊商品。 Fangni Trading Company developed cleaning appliances and skin care products by relic chamomile under guidance of Farmer Association of Tongluo to increase income of farmers and creates multiple values of chamomile. Florist's daisy has been planned in Hakka Tongluo for over 30 year, and the blossom has only three weeks. Chamomile includes many kinds of vitamins and microelement. With cooperation of industry, government and academy, there are a series of chamomile merchandises developments. 立即購:https://goo.gl/KSJcko 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156014849096959 | 2016-10-27 00:00 | 7 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/27今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】蜜紅棗(共五包)(客農知香) 網購價:NT$ 1200元,限時價:NT$ 792元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/xrxlP3… 更多 紅棗是苗栗公館特有名產之一,每年七、八月是紅棗盛產季,但也容易受天候影響,而造成紅棗落果或果裂,使得棗農辛勤所得化為烏有。「稻香客家米食」為幫助棗農增加收入,也希望保留傳統客家文化特色與天然食材的口感,將紅棗製成蜜餞,做成蜜紅棗,成為一道樸實又美味的甜點零嘴。 Red Date is one of famous goods in Gongguan, Moli County. Every July and August are the seasons of red dates, but they are easily affected by the weather that red date may fall or crack, vanishing all the efforts of farmers. Rice Aroma Hakka Rice Eating helps red dates farmers increase incomes, and it also hopes to keep traditional Hakka cultural features and natural food ingredient mouthfeels, so they turn red dates to preserved fruits, known as honey red dates, as a simple but delicious dessert. 立即購:https://goo.gl/xrxlP3 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 蜜紅棗(共三包)蜜紅棗(共三包) 喜歡 已喜歡紅棗是苗栗公館特有名產之一,每年七、八月是紅棗盛產季,但也容易受天候影響,而造成紅棗落果或果裂,使得棗農辛勤所得化為烏有。「稻香客家米食」為幫助棗農增加收入,也希望保留傳統客家文化特色與天然食材的口感,將紅棗製成蜜餞,做成蜜紅棗,成為一道樸實又美味的甜點零嘴。Red Date is one of famous goods in Gongguan, Moli County. Every July and August are the seasons of red dates, but they are easily affected by the weather t... |
10156014830701959 | 2016-10-26 00:00 | 14 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/26今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】貓頭鷹家族系列(小)(三義ㄧ丫箱寶) 網購價:NT$ 1200元,限時價:NT$ 792元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/rq7sbo 「三義 箱寶」的前身為雙峰木鴨工廠,以生產外銷歐美的木鴨為主,後因時空環境的變遷,工廠沉寂了一段時間。2002 年「三義… 更多 箱寶」重新開張,成功轉型為觀光工廠,產品以精緻的手工彫琢和彩繪技術,成了收藏家和保育人士的最愛。「貓頭鷹家族系列」依據台灣原生的12 種貓頭鷹繪製而成,是極具台灣人文生態特色的收藏品。 The predecessor of Sanyi Duck Factory, Shuangfong Wooden Duck Factory, made and exported wooden ducks to Europe and the U.S., but business slowed as times changed. The factory transformed into a tourist attraction and reopened in 2002, and the exquisite hand crafted and hand painted products became popular with collectors and conservationists. Based on the 12 types of owls native to Taiwan, the Owl Family series are worth collecting for their cultural and ecological feature. 立即購:https://goo.gl/rq7sbo 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 貓頭鷹家族系列(小)貓頭鷹家族系列(小) 喜歡 已喜歡「三義 箱寶」的前身為雙峰木鴨工廠,以生產外銷歐美的木鴨為主,後因時空環境的變遷,工廠沉寂了一段時間。2002 年「三義 箱寶」重新開張,成功轉型為觀光工廠,產品以精緻的手工彫琢和彩繪技術,成了收藏家和保育人士的最愛。「貓頭鷹家族系列」依據台灣原生的12 種貓頭鷹繪製而成,是極具台灣人文生態特色的收藏品。 The predecessor of Sanyi Duck Factory, Shuangfong Wooden Duck Factory, made and exported wooden ducks to Europe and the U.S., but... |
10156014786116959 | 2016-10-25 00:00 | 11 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/25今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】林園娃護-黑豆穀茶(林園食品有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 400元,限時價:NT$ 264元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/y3wmRA… 更多 林園食品創立於民國89年,以生產五穀粉、擂茶粉為主,致力將客家人食茶文化推陳出新,以客家本位保留「舊食」人情味。林園食品創辦人自小便跟著父執輩學習穀物知識,從炒豆、脫穀、翻炒到火候控制,細細挑選原料;林園食品生產的穀茶以食品營養學結合本草漢材,跳脫傳統食品印象,可作為現代人均衡營養的補給飲品。 Linyuan Food was founded in 2000, producing 5 kinds of nuts powder and pounded tea, is devoted to bring new ideas for Hakka tea drinking culture. With standards of Hakka to reserve human atmosphere of retro food. Linyuan founder learned knowledge of grains with his father and relatives that how to fry beans, shell removing, stir-fry, fire control and ingredient choose. Linyuan Food produces grains with herbal materials and connects it with nutrition, thinking outside of box of traditional impression about foods, to give modern people a nutrition balanced drink. 立即購:https://goo.gl/y3wmRA 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 林園娃護-黑豆穀茶林園娃護-黑豆穀茶 喜歡 已喜歡林園食品創立於民國89年,以生產五穀粉、擂茶粉為主,致力將客家人食茶文化推陳出新,以客家本位保留「舊食」人情味。林園食品創辦人自小便跟著父執輩學習穀物知識,從炒豆、脫穀、翻炒到火候控制,細細挑選原料;林園食品生產的穀茶以食品營養學結合本草漢材,跳脫傳統食品印象,可作為現代人均衡營養的補給飲品。Linyuan Food was founded in 2000, producing 5 kinds of nuts powder and pounded tea, is devoted to bring new ideas for Hakka tea drinking… |
10156014776001959 | 2016-10-24 00:00 | 14 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/24今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】紫蘇清潔皂(雅瑟生活創意有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/DWfMt0 紫蘇清潔皂是選用苗栗公館種植之紫蘇萃取物製成,雅瑟生活創意研究發現,突破僅能作為食材的傳統認知,並已申請專利。 This basil soap is… 更多 made of basil extract from Gongguan, Miaoli.Ashoka Living Creativity researched and found that basil could clean, disinfect, kill germs, and remove grease. 立即購:https://goo.gl/DWfMt0 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 紫蘇清潔皂紫蘇清潔皂 喜歡 已喜歡 紫蘇清潔皂是選用苗栗公館種植之紫蘇萃取物製成,雅瑟生活創意研究發現,突破僅能作為食材的傳統認知,並已申請專利。 This basil soap is made of basil extract from Gongguan, Miaoli.Ashoka Living Creativity researched and found that basil could clean, disinfect, kill germs, and remove grease. 產品規格90 ±10g × 2 塊 / 組保存期限:兩年 供貨廠商雅瑟生活創意有限公司« 回上頁 |
10156014729311959 | 2016-10-23 00:00 | 8 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/23今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】客家花布杮子包(共兩入)(微醺彩虹有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 480元,限時價:NT$ 317元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/pyKGED… 更多 南投縣信義鄉神木村90%都是客家人,因天災而遷村南投市建立神木社區,社區居民為了推廣客家特色而發展新產品,將古早客家布料用品加以改良,不僅實用美觀也創造商機。古早客家人外出都用花布包裹東西攜帶外出,如今以客家的特色花布為出發點,製作改良成為更實用的產品,可大可小又兼客製化的柿子花布包,還可做環保袋、零錢袋、外出袋等等用途,方便又具有個人特色。 There are 90% Hakka people in Shenmu Village in Xinyi Township, Nantou County. The community was built because natural disaster and those residents developed new products for promoting Hakka features by using improved Hakka printed cloth material items that are practical, pretty and also creating new business. In the early time, Hakka people carried things warped by printed cloth, and to date products can be innovated to more pragmatic Hakka printed cloth bags. The printed cloth persimmon bags can be customized in different sizes or functions such as recyclable bags, change bags or carry bags, etc., that are convenient and personal characteristic. 立即購:https://goo.gl/pyKGED 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156014705571959 | 2016-10-22 00:00 | 6 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/22今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】心栽自然農法手採條索茶葉(單罐)(旺達自然農法商行) 網購價:NT$ 680元,限時價:NT$ 449元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/PZ1QfQ… 更多 「心栽茶」意指用心栽種不違背初衷的茶,亦與新摘諧音,傳遞當季、手採理念。得天獨厚的茶葉生長環境,運用自然之力與客家精神相互交融,交織出來自南投縣魚池鄉五城村的有機紅茶。冀望那閃爍著艷紅色澤與濃郁的紅茶香氣,能緩解日常緊湊的步伐,帶來生活上的溫暖活力。 "Heartfelt Planted Tea" has the implicit meaning of planting with wholehearted intention that does not run counter to the original purpose of tea, and with the tea leaves being newly picked in harmony with nature, the concept is conveyed that the tea leaves are hand picked in season. With the tea leaves enjoying an exceptional advantage by being planted and growing in a unique environment, and drawing on the mutual interweaving between the power of nature and the Hakka spirit, the organic black tea from Wu Cheng Village located in Yu Chi Township in Nantou County hopes that the glistening crimson color and luster, and the rich aroma of its black tea are able to ease the hectic pace of daily life and bring warmth and vitality to living. 立即購:https://goo.gl/PZ1QfQ 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156014700526959 | 2016-10-21 00:00 | 15 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/21今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】莫拉克之光客家系列-掛燈(小包裝)(山釜科技股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 850元,限時價:NT$ 561元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/DTu4C9… 更多 山釜科技股份有限公司為創造就業機會與重振莫拉克風災區經濟,委託重建區鄉親代工製作LED文創燈「莫拉克之光」,象徵莫拉克風災重建區住民們的重生曙光,工藝造型精美且輕便,贈禮自用皆適宜。 In order to create job opportunities and revive the economy in the disaster areas affected by Morakot typhoon, Sanford Technology Company Limited recruited local people from the redevelopment areas and assigned the work to produce the LED Cultural & Creative lamp "Morakot Light," which symbolizes the rebirth and first light of morning for the residents of the disaster areas affected by Morakot Typhoon undergoing redevelopment. The workmanship and styling of the lamp is exquisite, and is light and portable, making it suitable as a gift or for personal use. 立即購:https://goo.gl/DTu4C9 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 莫拉克之光客家系列-掛燈(小包裝)莫拉克之光客家系列-掛燈(小包裝) 喜歡 已喜歡山釜科技股份有限公司為創造就業機會與重振莫拉克風災區經濟,委託重建區鄉親代工製作LED文創燈「莫拉克之光」,象徵莫拉克風災重建區住民們的重生曙光,工藝造型精美且輕便,贈禮自用皆適宜。In order to create job opportunities and revive the economy in the disaster areas affected by Morakot typhoon, Sanford Technology Company Limited recruited local people from the redevel... |
10156014684831959 | 2016-10-20 09:23 | 11 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/20今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】桐舞-筆記書(25k)(界外印染工坊) 網購價:NT$ 1200元,限時價:NT$ 792元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/mgAc7I 「艾草、抹草、香茅、芙蓉、薄荷」為客家傳統生活中常用的五種天然植物,蝶織坊將其融合製成手工皂,象徵五福平安。 Hakka people… 更多 traditionally use the five natural plants in their day-to-day living to ward off evil, disperse evil spirits, cleanse the body, recover and pacify the soul. Die Zhi Fang Workshop blends these natural plants together to produce handmade soaps. symbolizing “Five Blessings and Peace.” 立即購:https://goo.gl/mgAc7I 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10156007562596959 | 2016-10-19 00:00 | 22 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/19今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】桐舞-筆記書(25k)(界外印染工坊) 網購價:NT$ 720元,限時價:NT$ 475元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/zSNiXO… 更多 「界外印染」林敏雀老師,自高中美術教職退休後,除持續蠟染創作外,更致力於客家文創的製作與推展。「界外印染工作室」把傳統印染格局注入了現代審美觀,再融合植物染、藍染、蠟染、繪染、絹印版畫等多種印染技法,走出一條新異的創作道路。本產品呈現出四、五月油桐落花似雪,形成一場美的饗宴。客家人,四處為「客」和樂相處,不與人爭,不擇居,四處為「家」隨遇而安,不與天爭,桐花飄,桐子散,總有一天出頭天。 Min-Chueh Lin from Outside Studio, a retired art teacher in a high school, not only keeps working on creation on batik, but also focuses on innovation production and promotion of Hakka culture. Outside Studio injects modern appreciation of the beauty into traditional printing and dying field, and merges plants dye, blue dye, batik, printing dye and serigraphy etc.,… 更多 超連結 HAKKAMALL.ORG.TW
台灣客家等路大街 - 桐舞-筆記書(25k)桐舞-筆記書(25k) 喜歡 已喜歡「界外印染」林敏雀老師,自高中美術教職退休後,除持續蠟染創作外,更致力於客家文創的製作與推展。「界外印染工作室」把傳統印染格局注入了現代審美觀,再融合植物染、藍染、蠟染、繪染、絹印版畫等多種印染技法,走出一條新異的創作道路。本產品呈現出四、五月油桐落花似雪,形成一場美的饗宴。客家人,四處為「客」和樂相處,不與人爭,不擇居,四處為「家」隨遇而安,不與天爭,桐花飄,桐子散,總有一天出頭天。Min-Chueh Lin from Outside Studio, a retired art teacher in a high school, not only keep... |
10156001952001959 | 2016-10-18 00:00 | 10 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/18今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】桂花金萱禮盒(全美廣告印刷設計) 網購價:NT$ 500元,限時價:NT$ 330元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/hMyEkg… 更多 濃濃客家人情味,勤奮樸實的客家山城,將濃郁扎實的客家美食製成最「桂」重的禮。一群出身山城的廣告人,嚴選客庄在地特色農產品,堅持製程中每一細節,將珍貴的桂花與茶葉製成伴手禮,就像媽媽呵護孩子一般,是美味的堅持、是健康的期盼,誠摯地希望與每位顧客一起分享這最頂級的桂花金萱禮盒。 A Hakka mountain town teeming with the milk of Hakka kindness, and their hard working, sincere and honest way of life. This rich and down-to-earth Hakka delicacy is a most precious gift made from the "sweet-scented osmanthus." A group of advertising agents, with a family background of growing up in a Hakka mountain town, carefully select featured agricultural products of the local Hakka community, which then undergo a… 更多 |
10155987925621959 | 2016-10-16 00:00 | 6 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/16今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】植物染配件禮盒(筆袋)(南投縣國姓鄉石門社區發展協會(樸藝工坊)) 網購價:NT$ 590元,限時價:NT$ 389元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/g7RSWl… 更多 承襲客家老祖宗的智慧,由一群社區媽媽用樸實的雙手,採用天然植物染料染製衣飾與配件,將大自然的生命藝術,精彩巧妙呈現,不僅使用舒適、安心,更用行動愛護大地。 Adopting the wisdom of their Hakka ancestors, a group of mothers in a community dye and produce clothing and accessories with their simple hands using natural vegetable dye, strikingly and skillfully presenting the living art of nature. The articles produced are not only comfortable and bring peace of mind when used, but also further puts into motion the responsibility to care for the earth. 立即購:https://goo.gl/g7RSWl 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155987916796959 | 2016-10-15 00:00 | 7 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/15今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】抹草+芙蓉葉手工皂(頂馨實業股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 790元,限時價:NT$ 521元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/K7dxNt 秉持傳統、自然手作製酒技術的頂馨實業股份有限公司,選用自家純酒粕水製成手工皂。 Upholding the traditional,… 更多 natural, and hand-made wine making techniques, Ding Xin Industrial Co., Ltd.selects their own pure distillers' grain water to produce handmade soap. 立即購:https://goo.gl/K7dxNt 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155983543666959 | 2016-10-14 00:00 | 5 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/14今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】客庄好柿皂-手工皂禮盒(沐春創作有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 699元,限時價:NT$ 461元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/2NcyND… 更多 臺灣茶摳與農民攜手合作,選用客家代表性特產紅棗、擂茶、杮子,細心調配出充滿客家風情的黑糖紅棗養顏皂、擂茶清肌養身皂與事事好柿皂等系列商品。「臺灣茶摳」延續記憶中簡單、純淨、安心的味道,運用油與水的自然結合,在清潔時不造成環境的負擔,堅持天然無汙染的環保理念。 Taiwanese soap is produced through close cooperation with farmers to select and use specialty products that are representative of Hakka culture including jujubes, Leicha (Hakka Lei Tea, Hakka mashed tea), and persimmons, which are meticulously blended to produce a series of soap products including a brown sugar jujube skin care soap, Leicha skin cleaning healthy soap, and an "Everything is Good" persimmon soap that are full of the… 更多 |
10155980828346959 | 2016-10-13 00:00 | 7 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/13今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】淨膚保養旅行組(茶山花印) 網購價:NT$ 680元,限時價:NT$ 449元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/IbR5zB… 更多 苗栗三義「茶山花印」的老闆彭翊茹為在地山城的女兒,她觀察到老一輩用茶油擦臉抹髮,便將之轉化作為保養品基底,重新演繹苦茶油的功能,將這大自然賦予人們的溫潤美好,開發成方便攜帶的淨膚保養旅行組。 Ms. Yi Ru Peng, the boss of "Sanyi Impression," is the daughter of the local mountain town Sanyi, located in Miaoli County. After observing the older generation using tea oil to wipe the face and apply to the hair, she transformed this tradition to create skin care products by re-interpreting the function of bitter tea oil. Using the gentle moisturizing exquisiteness that nature has given people, Sanyi Impression has developed a Skin Care Travel Set that can be conveniently carried. 立即購:https://goo.gl/IbR5zB 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155958595481959 | 2016-10-12 00:00 | 7 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/12今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】臺灣原生牛樟精油-巧雕樹輪皂(盛鐸電商文創股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 480元,限時價:NT$ 317元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/erUkGd… 更多 牛樟木豐富的松油醇藉由精煉技術淬取出高純度「牛樟精油」,結合在地生產的天然皂塊,研發出「臺灣原生牛樟精油-巧雕樹輪皂」,並特別以牛樟樹樹輪形狀的皂型呈現,香氣柔和,同時也傳達天然時尚、養生樂活的概念。 "Stout camphor essential oil" of high purity is extracted from terpineol abundant in stout camphor wood using a refining technique. The "stout camphor essential oil" is then combined with the materials used to make the local natural soap blocks to produce a "Taiwan Native Stout Camphor Essential Oil - Skillfully Carved Tree Ring Soap.” Moreover, the soap is especially produced so as to take on the form of a stout camphor tree ring. The soap has a mild and delicate aroma. In addition, it also conveys the concepts of being naturally voguish and a healthy LOHAS soap product. 立即購:https://goo.gl/erUkGd 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155958562251959 | 2016-10-11 00:00 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/11今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】綜合禮盒(豐隆農產加工廠) 網購價:NT$ 899元,限時價:NT$ 593元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/Fikx7v… 更多 豐隆農產加工廠以屏東在地生產的檸檬、金桔、老薑及薑黃,秉持客家古早口味及製法,不含化學添加物,製作手工黑糖雙合薑、手工檸檬乾、手工蜜金桔等伴手小禮或是檸檬清潔用品,把客家的傳統與創意結合,研發多元產品,營造自然、健康清新的形象。 Feng Long Farm 's agricultural products uses the Lemons, kumquats, old ginger, and turmeric produced locally in Pingtung, and upholds the Hakka age-old flavor and preparation method to ensure that the products are free of chemical additives, and to produce souvenir gifts such as Hand-made Brown Sugar Shuanghe Ginger, hand-made dried lemon, hand-made honey kumquat, or lemon cleaning products. Feng Long Farm 's agricultural products integrate creativity into Hakka tradition to develop a diversified range of products, creating a natural, healthy, and fresh image. 立即購:https://goo.gl/Fikx7v 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155958553946959 | 2016-10-10 00:00 | 5 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/10今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】龍焙功夫茶(乙橙國際商貿有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 1288元,限時價:NT$ 850元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/2SgrCq… 更多 承襲祖、父代代相傳的古法製茶,用龍眼木慢火烘焙的凍頂烏龍茶,具有香韻、味醇、耐泡、耐存之特色,是機械無法複製的茶香;發酵較深、水色橙黃明亮,清香撲鼻,炭焙味道餘韻不絕! Dragon Roasted Kung Fu Tea is produced using an ancient production process that has been handed down through the generations of grandfathers and fathers, whereby Dong Ding oolong tea leaves are roasted with a slow fire using longan wood. The tea has distinctive characteristics including a fragrant bouquet and mellow taste; moreover, the tea leaves can be infused many times and can be stored for long periods of time, with an aroma no machine can reproduce. The tea leaves undergo a deeper fermentation process that produces a darker colored, bright orange tea drink. When smelled, a refreshing fragrance strikes the nose, a charcoal roast taste that lingers without end! 立即購:https://goo.gl/2SgrCq 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155958250751959 | 2016-10-09 00:00 | 10 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/09今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】野薑花肉乾禮盒(津大及貿易有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 1200元,限時價:NT$ 792元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/YVvUYe… 更多 野薑花花季長、花香濃郁,是客家媽媽常用來入菜的食材。本產品特選野薑花汁提煉,嚴選CAS優質豬肉,採真空低溫新鮮手作及米其林六道式烘烤,美味不油膩。讓消費者在吮指回味的同時感受到客家媽媽的溫暖,及客家愛物惜物不浪費的生活態度。 The flowering season for the wild ginger lily is long, and because the plant has a rich floral fragrance it often used as an ingredient in the dishes prepared by Hakka mothers. This product uses the juice extracted and purified from specially selected wild ginger lily and carefully selected CAS (Chinese Agricultural Standard) high quality pork, and adopts a vacuum low-temperature manual and Michelin six line baking method to produce a fresh, delicious, and non-greasy meat product. This allows consumers to sense the warmth of the Hakka mother's homely touch while sucking their fingers and savoring the aftertaste of the meat, as well as appreciate the Hakka love and care for living things and non-wasteful attitude towards life. 立即購:https://goo.gl/YVvUYe 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155954362571959 | 2016-10-08 00:11 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/08今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】茶配堅果禮盒(愛嘉企業商行) 網購價:NT$ 880元,限時價:NT$ 581元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/REshMv… 更多 愛嘉企業商行加入自己的創意,改變飲食習慣,憑藉著客家人的「硬頸精神」,精心挑選,將低溫烘焙的堅果加入擂茶中,一來可以讓消費者吃到更多好的營養元素,二來用低溫烘焙的堅果可以保留堅果的營養,讓消費者吃得元氣滿滿。 A Chia Percision Company has added its own originality and creativity to change people's dining and eating habits. Relying on the "stiff-necked spirit" of Hakka people, nuts roasted at a low temperature are meticulously selected and added to Lei Tea (Hakka Lei Cha, mashed tea), which, firstly, produces a product that allows consumers to take in even more good nutrients. And secondly, because the nuts have been roasted at a low temperature, the nutrients of the nuts are fully retained, thus allowing consumers to eat the full vigor and vitality of the nuts. 立即購:https://goo.gl/REshMv 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155954349926959 | 2016-10-07 00:00 | 7 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/07今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】糙米醋禮盒(60ml x3瓶/盒)(大自在工坊) 網購價:NT$ 450元,限時價:NT$ 297元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/Wa884i… 更多 特選慈心有機認證的花蓮客庄有機糙米,以增添糙米醋芳香的口感,遵循古法釀製、天然發酵的醋飲,完全不含人工添加物、防腐劑,加上天然桂花、蜂蜜、百香果及原色冰糖,釀成後直接包裝送達消費者手中,大自在工坊期望與客庄農民一起打造手工釀造好醋,分享至消費者手中,推廣健康的生活概念。 Brown rice produced by Hakka communities in Hualien County, and certified by the Tse-Xin Organic Agricultural Foundation, is specially selected to produce a vinegar with the addition of brown rice that has an aromatic taste. The ancient method of fermentation is adhered to produce the naturally fermented vinegar that is completely free of artificial additives and preservatives, while adding natural osmanthus, honey,… 更多 |
10155954303846959 | 2016-10-06 00:00 | 7 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/06今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】陳年酸柑茶(永香茶行) 網購價:NT$ 880元,限時價:NT$ 581元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/umTzY8… 更多 酸柑茶源於客家人愛物惜物的天性,以純手工遵古法製造,經歷「九蒸九曬」的錘鍊,與3個月耗時費工反覆「蒸、壓、曬、烘」的繁複製程。永香茶行以老產業創造新文化,喝到的不只是歲月積累的渾厚甘醇,更是老祖宗所流傳下來智慧。 Bitter orange tea is rooted in the innate disposition of Hakka people with respect to their love and care for living things. The aged bitter orange tea is produced using a handicraft that follows a production method of ancient times that involves a complex procedure including a tempering process of "nine-time steaming and sunlight drying," and then three months of time-consuming work that requires repeated "steaming, pressing, sunlight drying, and baking." Yong Xiang Tea Store is taking an old industry and creating a new culture. What you drink is no longer merely a simple and honest mellow taste aged over a long period of time, but, more importantly, the wisdom handed down from our forefathers. 立即購:https://goo.gl/umTzY8 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155954269486959 | 2016-10-05 10:39 | 10 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/05今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】柿葉順利(共兩盒)(柿外桃園有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 440元,限時價:NT$ 290元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/VmNx0y… 更多 摘採甜柿嫩葉製茶,發揮客家儉樸精神,原味茶取名為「柿葉順心」、添加綠茶稱「柿葉順利」、搭配肉桂則稱「柿葉貴人」。柿外桃園致力提供健康的茶飲、傳送貼心的祝福。 This product, Pinganshifu (meaning peace and blessings), of Shi-Wai-Tao-Yuan is made of the persimmons grown in the Heping District, Taichung City, and imported apples. By means of the latest low-temperature dehydration technology, the tasty fresh fruits are concentrated and made into aromatic and sweet apple and persimmon chips. There are also other tea products made from tender persimmon leaves that are known for their rich Vitamin C content. The original ¬avor is named “Shiyeshunxin” (to wish someone well at work). The one with green tea is “Shiyeshunli” (to wish someone a smooth career) and the one with cinnamon is “Shiyeguiren” (to wish a lucky star on someone.) Shi- Wai-Tao-Yuan is devoted to introducing healthy drinks that communicate thoughtful wishes. 立即購:https://goo.gl/VmNx0y 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155937038581959 | 2016-10-04 00:00 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/04今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】客家白玉魚香醬(協發生活事業有限公司 ) 網購價:NT$700元,限時價:NT$ 462元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/ktFL8o… 更多 澎湖吉貝島沿岸石滬及島上田地所孕育出的珍貴食材「小魚干」及「日光蘿蔔乾」,透過客家印尼華僑主廚的巧手,在歷經遷徙過程中,結合南洋風味,有別於一般客家料理的手藝,在傳統醬料中找到新的融合,把記憶中的好味道分享出來。 From food found in the stone tidal weir, along the coast of Jibei Island of the Penghu islands, and the precious food materials cultivated in the fields on the island itself and used to produce "small dried fish" and "sun dried radish," the skilled hands of Hakka ethnic Chinese Indonesians, during the process of adapting to their new environment after moving to another country, added the flavors of the South Pacific to serve up foods which differed from the general cuisine produced by the cooking techniques of local Hakka people. Hence, you can now find a fusion of innovation blended into the traditional sauce. 立即購:https://goo.gl/ktFL8o 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155946835371959 | 2016-10-03 09:29 | 236 | 1 | 臺灣客家等路大街即日起推出【會員專屬福利】! 好客會員除享有每日登入互動好禮回饋之外,更享有臺灣客家等路大街商品超值優惠回饋,相關活動優惠介紹如下: 1.會員好禮「ipad mini4」每月贈:凡會員單月單筆訂單消費滿499(含)元,即可獲得1組抽獎碼,買越多抽獎碼獲得越多,抽獎時間以每月第2週進行(依據上個月達標之抽獎碼)抽獎,每月抽出一名。 2.今日66折活動:每日推薦1款商品,享66折優惠。… 更多 3.雙週好物必buy:每雙週推出20件商品,享79折優惠。 優惠天天享,好禮月月送,成為好客會員現在就加入! 好物必Buy 79折:http://www.hakkamall.org.tw/jpp/html/gb/2/index.php?name=hk_hkc_disprod 今日66折:敬請密切關注每日情報:http://www.hakkamall.org.tw 即刻加入會員:http://www.hakkamall.org.tw/jpp/html/gb/2/index.php?name=user&op=add |
10155937022451959 | 2016-10-03 00:00 | 5 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/03今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】紅棗茶禮盒(紅棗香橙茶)(共二入)(棗霸子商店) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/Utzhyi… 更多 紅棗有「早生貴子、多子多孫」之意,也富含營養價值。「棗霸子」有感於棗農一年的辛勞,因而發想將紅棗與其他食材結合,延伸紅棗多元用途,研發出「紅棗四物飲、紅棗香橙茶、紅棗蜜餞、有機咖啡」等精緻飲品、滋養補品及甜點零食等創意食品,打造紅寶石之王,成為健康食品新焦點。 立即購:https://goo.gl/Utzhyi 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10155937012351959 | 2016-10-02 00:01 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/02今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】可可茶(58度烘焙房) 網購價:NT$ 480元,限時價:NT$ 317元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/Atqb0a… 更多 58度烘焙房以「伯公」守護客家鄉土的精神,在南台灣六堆客家地區推廣並協助當地農民種植可可樹。可可樹的種植、田間管理與採收容易,不僅適合高齡農友耕作,更鼓勵青年朋友能加入小鎮再興行列,投注創意思維,共同開發各式各樣可可創意產品,建立自產、自治及自銷契作體系,打造六堆可可品牌,形塑可可小鎮新聚落,將可可產品推廣至各地。 58 Degrees Bakery adopts "Uncle" God as the guardian to protect the Hakka native spirit, and promotes and provides assistance to local farmers in the Hakka district of Liudui Township in southern Taiwan to grow cocoa trees. The planting, field management, and harvesting of cocoa trees is relatively easy, making it suitable not only for elderly farmers to farm cocoa trees, but also encourages young people to join… 更多 |
10155937009716959 | 2016-10-01 00:00 | 4 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【10/01今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】白玉干貝醬(魚之香食品有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 500元,限時價:NT$ 330元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/GzWjB6… 更多 菜脯是客家人傳統的醃菜,堅持阿婆傳統手工製程,經天然日照後處理,新鮮製作不添加任何防腐劑,保存最原始的客家菜脯美味,並結合東港櫻花蝦,日光與海味的融合創造出甘、甜、鮮的在地特色XO醬,不僅是魚之香想傳遞的好滋味,也是吃過後會思思念念的好味道。 Hakka preserved radish is a traditional pickled vegetable of the Hakka people, and the Aroma of YU-XIANG Company insists on using the traditional manual process as passed down by grandmothers of previous generations, whereby the radishes are first processed under natural sunshine before freshly producing the Hakka preserved radish without adding any preservatives, and thus retaining the original and delicious flavor. This preserved radish is… 更多 |