網購價:NT$ 480元,限時價:NT$ 317元(含運)
「關西.玉山麵」始於1910… 更多 年的日治時期,當時俗稱「大麵」,歷經百年傳承,目前已是第四代。今日的玉山麵仍以客家祖傳的百年工法維持品質,堅持不添加防腐劑,並以12 小時的製麵工法,利用新竹的九降風與室內烘乾的方式冷熱交替,讓麵條「慢乾緊實」,造就了玉山麵的Q 度、咬勁,和滑順彈牙、久燙不糊的特色。
The history of the Guan-Xi Yu-Shan Noodles can be traced back to 1910, during the period of Japanese rule, when the common name was thick noodles. The noodle making secret has been passed down over the 100 years to the current fourth-generation owners, who still insist on maintaining quality by not using artificial preservatives. Needing 12 hours to make, the noodles are dried alternately in the cold monsoon wind of Hsinchu and indoor heat, so that they firm up slowly to acquire a good texture and bite, and can withstand long cooking while remaining smooth and al dente without becoming mushy.