文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
10157218013426959 | 2017-08-31 00:02 | 11 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/31今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】謙卑(磚雕桐花杯墊)(金良興窯業股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/VgwLai 磚雕質樸溫潤,宛如客家的人情味,桐花磚雕風采如親炙客家風情,也感受磚藝創作所展現的溫馨意境。 Brick sculptures deliver… 更多 the humane quality of Hakka people. The sculpture works portrait precisely how heartwarming and pure Hakka culture is. 立即購:https://goo.gl/VgwLai 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157218006626959 | 2017-08-30 00:05 | 10 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/30今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】傘閃桐花系列( 金色桐花自動傘)(秀裕工業股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 1380元,限時價:NT$ 911元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/wL9ZCv… 更多 秀裕公司以傳統油紙傘為發想,使用科技材料取代傳統竹木做為骨架,加上特殊工法將桐花雨落的瞬間美感,立體呈現於傘布上,轉動時,有看似桐花於傘面飛舞的錯覺。 With the traditional oil-paper umbrella as its model, New Bon replaces traditional bamboo materials with technologically created ribbing. Add to that unique workmanship, and you have the sudden and striking beauty of rain-like tung flowers presented vividly on the umbrella. 立即購:https://goo.gl/wL9ZCv 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157217998696959 | 2017-08-29 00:03 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/29今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】迷你包(共三個)(社團法人屏東縣花木蘭文化產業發展協會) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/hfgZ1P 客家阿婆的花布巾常見於客家生活用品之上,本次以客家意象極為鮮明的「花布」為元素,以「鋪棉」方式,讓每件產品更顯立體,同時創新的版型設計與裁剪效果,全面提升商品價值感。 立即購:https://goo.gl/hfgZ1P 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157347654861959 | 2017-08-28 21:14 | 6 | 0 | 🎉2017-2018臺灣客家特色商品登錄作業計畫說明會 😍台北場說明會時間: 🖥線上報名 https://goo.gl/SBkuHs ⏰106年09月15日(五),下午0100-0430 🏪上課地點:臺北市客家文化主題公園 4F學習教室(台北市中正區汀州路三段2號) 👍第一堂 13:30 登錄審查重點說明 主講人:葉方良(盛鐸電商文創股份有限公司) 👍第二堂 14:30 食品安全與檢測 … 更多 主講人:徐錦豐(前食藥署東部辦公室) 👍第三堂 15:30 品牌商標註冊 主講人:胡秉倫(經濟部智慧財產局) 🖥線上報名 https://goo.gl/SBkuHs 🖥本計劃官網 https://hakka.haoke.com.tw 🎉🎉歡迎參加並轉貼與分享!謝謝! ☎️電話報名:免付費0809-090-258 |
10157347644166959 | 2017-08-28 21:10 | 7 | 0 | 🎉2017-2018臺灣客家特色商品登錄作業計畫說明會 🏪苗栗場 說明會時間: 🖥線上報名 https://goo.gl/SBkuHs ⏰106年09月13日(三),下午0100-0430 🏪上課地點:臺灣客家文化館 簡報室(苗栗縣銅鑼鄉九湖村銅科南路6號) 😍說明會時程配當: 第一堂 13:30 登錄審查重點說明 主講人:葉方良(盛鐸電商文創股份有限公司 董事) 第二堂 14:30… 更多 登錄廠商經驗分享 主講人:張喜慶(台灣客家特色產業協進會 理事長) 第三堂 15:30 品牌創意行銷概念 主講人:林義斌(臺北教育大學文創產業經營學系 副教授) 🖥線上報名 https://goo.gl/SBkuHs 🖥本計劃官網 https://hakka.haoke.com.tw 🎉🎉歡迎參加並轉貼與分享!謝謝! 電話報名:免付費0809-090-258 |
10157346975206959 | 2017-08-28 15:30 | 7 | 0 | ✍️2017-2018臺灣客家特色商品登錄作業計畫說明會 👍說明會時程配當: 9/13 苗栗 葉方良(盛鐸電商文創股份有限公司董事) 第一堂 13:30 登錄審查重點說明 9/13 苗栗 張喜慶(台灣客家特色產業協進會理事長) 第二堂 14:30 登錄廠商經驗分享 9/13 苗栗 林義斌(臺北教育大學文創產業經營學系副教授) 第三堂 15:30 品牌創意行銷概念 ⏰… 更多苗栗場 說明會時間: 106年09月13日(三),下午0100-0430 主辦單位:客家委員會 主講單位:晟人億國際股份有限公司 上課地點:臺灣客家文化館 簡報室(苗栗縣銅鑼鄉九湖村銅科南路6號) 線上報名 https://goo.gl/SBkuHs 本計劃官網 https://hakka.haoke.com.tw |
10157217994366959 | 2017-08-28 00:01 | 11 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/28今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】琥珀紅茶(湧泉茶業) 網購價:NT$ 580元,限時價:NT$ 383元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/b1fNBe 湧泉茶業祖傳六代製茶技術,從新竹移居美濃時即在茶頂山上開墾,現由年輕一代子女返鄉經營,全心全意推廣在地製茶。尤其近來食安問題影響甚鉅,臺灣種植與焙茶受到高度重視外,透過技藝傳承所表現出濃厚客家生活故事,更受到市場喜愛。 立即購:https://goo.gl/b1fNBe 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157217970351959 | 2017-08-27 00:03 | 24 | 1 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/27今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】好客青鳥Hakka Bird(好客在一起工作坊) 網購價:NT$ 900元,限時價:NT$ 594元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/f8p5ej 以台灣藍鵲作為主角,在開滿雪白的油桐樹上築巢,(叫聲似「嘎-ㄎ一ㄤ」Hakka的聲音),傳達浪漫臺三線意象,設計客家藍衫意象的「好客青鳥」的公仔,完美譜出臺灣的客家精神。 立即購:https://goo.gl/f8p5ej 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157338918486959 | 2017-08-26 10:26 | 7 | 2 | 🎉2017-2018臺灣客家特色商品登錄作業計畫說明會 🎉苗栗場 說明會時間: ⏰106年09月13日(三),下午0100-0430 🏪上課地點:臺灣客家文化館 簡報室(苗栗縣銅鑼鄉九湖村銅科南路6號) 🎉台北場說明會時間: ⏰106年09月15日(五),下午0100-0430 🏪上課地點:臺北市客家文化主題公園 4F學習教室(台北市中正區汀州路三段2號) 主辦單位:客家委員會 主講單位:晟人億國際股份有限公司 … 更多🖥線上報名 https://goo.gl/SBkuHs 本計劃官網 https://hakka.haoke.com.tw 電話報名:免付費專線0809-090-258 歡迎參加並轉貼與分享!謝謝! |
10157217964516959 | 2017-08-26 00:05 | 7 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/26今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】無硫金針花(共四包)(沂峰農莊) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/htqwY3… 更多 花蓮赤柯山為美麗山谷,環境佳、空氣優、水質純淨不受汙染,沂峰農莊秉持著友善耕作方式種植蟬蜜紅茶以及天然無毒的油菊花、無硫金針花等優質產品,負責人何姿儀女士謹遵家族傳承的客家精神,努力推廣在地良品。 Yi Feng Agricultural Farm is located in the vicinity of Chi Ke Mountain in Hualien County with its beautiful and appealing valley, which provides a superior environment, excellent air, and pure uncontaminated water. Yi Feng upholds friendly farming methods to plant cicada honey black tea and natural non-toxic chamomile flowers, and sulfur-free day lilies to produce high quality agricultural products. The business owner, Ms. Zi Yi He, adheres to the spirit of her Hakka family background and puts all her effort in promoting local good products. 立即購:https://goo.gl/htqwY3 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157217957801959 | 2017-08-25 00:02 | 6 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/25今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】紫錐花茶包(一村香草屋) 網購價:NT$ 360元,限時價:NT$ 238元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/RgvFon… 更多 一村香草屋使用東臺灣純淨無汙染的環境所孕育出的歐美著名保健植物-紫錐花,並以此天然草本植物製成茶包,無添加糖或合成香料。飲一杯紫錐花茶,如恣意奔放享受臺灣後山美好的陽光、空氣、水,浸潤在充滿幸福的香草世界中。 Yi Cun Herbs uses the health-care plant - echinacea (purple coneflower), widely known and esteemed in Europe and America, that is cultivated in the clean and pollution-free environment of eastern Taiwan. This natural herbal plant is used to produce tea bags with no added sugar or synthetic fragrances. Drink a cup of Echinacea tea and enjoy a free and unrestrained enjoyment of ease and comfort infused with a sense of the beautiful and breathtaking back mountains of Taiwan and its glorious sunshine, air, and water, all imbued in the herbal world complete with spiritual well-being. 立即購:https://goo.gl/RgvFon 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157217942271959 | 2017-08-24 00:01 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/24今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】南瓜糙米什穀粉(共兩包)(火炭谷休閒農場) 網購價:NT$ 660元,限時價:NT$ 436元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/EHZmZq… 更多 南瓜的客語發音為「番瓜」;「南瓜故事館」為臺灣首創以番瓜為主題的生活故事館,館主夫婦堅持以自然農法種植各式番瓜,並將番瓜應用於傳統客家美食,有糙米什穀粉、番瓜乳酪等,產品豐富多元適合各年齡層食用。 The Hakka pronunciation for pumpkin is "fan gua, which means 'foreign gourd'." "Pumpkin Story House" is Taiwan's first life story museum that takes the pumpkin as its theme. The husband and wife owners of the museum adhere to natural agricultural methods to plant and grow a variety of pumpkins, and apply pumpkins in traditional Hakka fine foods that includes a rich and diverse range of products, such as brown rice flour, and pumpkin cheese, all of which are suitable for all ages from young to old to eat. 立即購:https://goo.gl/EHZmZq 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157217937851959 | 2017-08-23 00:03 | 13 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/23今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】藍染、客家花布系列側背包—中尺寸(社團法人苗栗縣歡喜助學社會關懷協會) 網購價:NT$ 1200元,限時價:NT$ 792元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/Mv9ci9… 更多 社團法人苗栗縣歡喜助學社會關懷協會主要以協助身心障礙朋友與中老年長輩,運用植物染技法,並結合「客家藍染、客家花布」組合成具有經濟價值的藍染客家花布布包、衣飾等產品,不僅協助苗栗客家特色產業復甦,也讓弱勢就業者自給自足,達到策略結盟與資源共享之目的。 Miaoli County Joy Student Assistance Social Care Association focuses on assisting the physically and mentally handicapped, as well as middle and old age senior citizens. The Association draws on plant dyeing techniques assimilated into "Hakka blue dye, Hakka cotton prints" to form products having commercial value, such as blue dyed Hakka cotton print cloth bags and clothing. This is not only reviving the Miaoli Hakka specialty products industry, but also enabling disadvantaged job seekers to be self sufficient, thereby achieving the objective of strategic alliance and sharing of resources. 立即購:https://goo.gl/Mv9ci9 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157324126761959 | 2017-08-22 13:27 | 31 | 0 | 🎉🎉8/22-31義魄千秋義起GO!⏰限時限量68折活動 🎁黑豆蔭油、花生、竹簾、花生醬、柿糬、烏龍茶、酒釀粽、麻吉塔、筷子包、胡椒鴨、膨風茶等 🛒💖搶購網址 https://goo.gl/5DCjsA 影片
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10157217933356959 | 2017-08-22 00:03 | 12 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/22今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】池農米麵(共四包)(台東縣池上鄉農會) 網購價:NT$ 480元,限時價:NT$ 317元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/gfpSf2… 更多 池農米麵,麵條Q軟且不含防腐劑等人工添加物,製麵過程遵循客家古法,百分之百全程日曬,每塊麵都經過細心翻面三次,務求完整均勻的自然乾燥,保留烈日與山風洗禮過的麵香味。 The Chihnong Rice Noodle is al dente, tender and no food additive such as preservative. The processes of making rice noodles are followed restrictedly by Hakka artistry with 100% exposure to sunlight. Every noodle piece is carefully turned three times such that water in it can be vapored by the sun and breeze from mountain, and the noodle fragrant will be kept through natural baptism. 立即購:https://goo.gl/gfpSf2 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213781116959 | 2017-08-21 00:02 | 13 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/21今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】七彩桐花繪賺包吊飾(代比爾珠寶有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 699元,限時價:NT$ 461元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/41GiWQ… 更多 手工彩繪及鋼琴烤漆漆面之技術也蘊含了巧思的藝術,運用純熟的手工彩繪技術繪出活潑完整的桐花形象,精心設計運用色彩能量學特別製作多種美麗色彩,其設計意涵代表配帶者將擁有色彩能量的加持,並能有賺(鑽)頭及.賺(鑽)滿包,花開富貴財源滾滾的祝福。 The hand-painting and piano painting contain the art of smart thinking, and they use sophisticated skills to illustrate vigorous and complete imagines of tung tree flowers. By delicately using color energetics, many pretty colors of hanging accessory are made for bringing more and more blessings and fortune. 立即購:https://goo.gl/41GiWQ 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213778621959 | 2017-08-20 00:01 | 7 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/20今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】香椿茶(共兩盒)(鴻旗有機休閒農場) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/9QBzyP… 更多 鴻旗休閒有機農場本著關懷土地、回饋感恩情懷,不斷研究各種天然物質來製作有機堆肥,採用有機自然培育的科學方法。透過屏東科技大學與農業改良場的輔導與協助,培育優質的有機食品,為忙碌的現代人健康來把關。 With the assist and guidance of both National Pingtung University of Science & Technology and Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research & Extension Station, Hongqi farm had been able to produce finest organic foods in consideration of modern people’s health problems. 立即購:https://goo.gl/9QBzyP 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213775796959 | 2017-08-19 00:01 | 6 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/19今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】天然桑葉粉(桑葚緣觀光果園) 網購價:NT$ 380元,限時價:NT$ 251元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/P8WQjx… 更多 桑葚緣觀光果園位於桃園龍潭的純樸小鎮,堅持不使用化學農藥、除草劑,利用農改技術細心培育每一棵桑樹,每年四、五月份是適合親子同樂的採果季節,除了到園內體驗天然採果樂、親子DIY,留下不同的客庄漫活體驗,同時也能品嘗到農場主人自產自銷各式各樣的桑葚產品。 Sang Shen Yuan Tourist Fruit Garden is located at a small and simple town in Longtan Dist., Taoyuan City. We persist in not using insecticides or weedicides, and taking care of every mulberry tree by agricultural improvement techniques. Aprils and Mays are suitable seasons for family to enjoy harvesting fruits. They can not only visit in the garden to experience the joy of picking fruits and DIY with family, feeling different Hakka easygoing life, but also can taste many kinds of mulberry products that are self-produced and self-sold by farm owners. 立即購:https://goo.gl/P8WQjx 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213767716959 | 2017-08-18 00:02 | 7 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/18今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】純米米粉(共兩包)(黃記粄條商行) 網購價:NT$ 400元,限時價:NT$ 264元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/43Jo36… 更多 黃記粄條從民國52年於新竹竹東市場販售手工粄條起家,以臺灣純米,道地客家工法製成,由於粄條口感富有彈性,深受在地餐廳業者及消費大眾信賴。使用在地小農所生產的在來米,以100%純米原料製作出Q彈可口的米粉,是一種令人難以忘懷的傳統好味道。 Huangji Rice Noodles was founded from Zhudong market, selling handmade rice noodles that is made of Taiwan pure rice by means of genuine Hakka artistry. Rice noodles have earned confidence of local restaurants and consumers due to its tender taste. The traditional good flavor is unforgettable to people because rice noodles are produced from rice flour with 100% pure rice ingredient, Indica rice, which is grown by local farmers. 立即購:https://goo.gl/43Jo36 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213748151959 | 2017-08-17 00:01 | 6 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/17今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】木材鮮奶棒(共2包)(世奇精緻餅店) 網購價:NT$ 500元,限時價:NT$ 330元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/FKMGkF 木材鮮奶棒是以鮮奶及特製奶油為主,並依據三義特產製成木棒的造型,在食用上更為方便,且營造食用樂趣。 The wood-shape milk sticks… 更多 are made mainly of fresh milk and extra-cream, and are made into the shape of a wood stick that reflects the special products of Sanyi carved wood products. It is both easy and fun to eat. 立即購:https://goo.gl/FKMGkF 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213742526959 | 2017-08-16 00:02 | 13 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/16今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】鹹菜干( 梅干菜)(阿煥伯) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/VBWXt6 美之味農產企業社坐落於苗栗縣公館鄉,創辦人湛炎慶的父親湛新煥老先生(阿煥伯),從1950… 更多 年代起就投入覆菜(福菜)製作,是臺灣最早將覆菜加工企業化的農民,透過不斷研發傳統道地客家風味的食材,堅持不加防腐劑及化學添加物,使其產品深受信賴,阿煥伯純熟的醃製好手藝,也傳承予其公子湛炎慶,目前所產出品項豐富多變,並採復古包裝,深獲年輕消費族群青睞,讓更多人有機會接觸客家菜,也將客家料理的好滋味傳播出去。 Mei Zhi Wei Farm Goods Co. is located in Gongguan Township, Miaoli County. The father, Mr. Xin-Huan Zhan (nicknamed “Uncle Huan”), of the founder, Yan-Qing Zhan, became involved in the production of pickled vegetables in the 1950s and was one of the earliest farmers to corporatize the processing of pickled vegetables. He constantly researched and developed traditional… 更多 |
10157298471436959 | 2017-08-15 21:22 | 25 | 0 | 🎉8/15-21義魄千秋義起GO!限時限量68折活動🎊 🍵東方美人茶、客家梅干菜、客家大餅、好運梅、蜂蜜禮盒、養生擂茶、桐花手環 ⏰搶購網址 https://goo.gl/5DCjsA 影片
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10157213718621959 | 2017-08-15 00:01 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/15今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】樸實糙米飲品系列(吾榖茶糧SIIDCHA食茶館) 網購價:NT$ 400元,限時價:NT$ 264元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/t5jp6E… 更多 自小便跟隨著父執輩學習穀物知識,從炒豆、脫殼,翻炒到火候控制,再從中細細挑選原料,累積了深厚而扎實的功夫。更結合現代國際天然穀物低溫烘培技術,研磨成粉保留穀物的精華,如陽光穿透灑下大地,孕育穀物風味,記載大地最樸質的原味,每一口的感動都是滿滿幸福的滋味。 An old grocery store with many bamboo-woven round plates, each holding many kinds of grains and legumes, is part of the childhood memories of the founder of Linyuan Foods. The founder learned from his father from childhood about grains, including how to fry beans, unshell grains, stir fry them, and control the cooking fires, and also how to carefully select the raw materials. That is why his skills with grains and legumes are so… 更多 |
10157213712916959 | 2017-08-14 00:01 | 15 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/14今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】油桐花胸針(共兩個)(玉山畫廊) 網購價:NT$ 500元,限時價:NT$ 330元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/t3eZLd… 更多 產品以客家桐花為主,典雅精美,搭配服飾、包包,可增添整體穿著的色彩與亮點,使風格更為獨特。產品主體為樹脂土,通過相關安全檢測(可塑劑檢驗、美國兒童玩具檢驗標準)合格;作品以油畫顏料上色,不易退色,可長久保存,純手工製作,是獨一無二且值得收藏、實用的藝術珍品。 The product is themed by Hakka Tung Tree Flower, and it is classic and elegant for being an accessory on clothes and bags to enhance the color and brightness of whole dressing for an unique style. The body of this product is made of resin clay, and it passes relative safety examination (plasticizer exam, USA Children's Product Certificate). The piecework can be preserved for a long time for it is painted by oil color, and it is distinctive, worth collecting and practical. 立即購:https://goo.gl/t3eZLd 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213708646959 | 2017-08-13 00:02 | 10 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/13今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】手工南瓜刀削麵(共4盒)(水朵朵景觀工房) 網購價:NT$ 1000元,限時價:NT$ 660元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/dS5sqv… 更多 南瓜富有多種營養,是富含經濟效益及食用價值的產品,將健康無負擔的南瓜加入麵條中,以純手工並經過日曬,無添加防腐劑及人工甘味製成「手工南瓜刀削麵」,麵條香Q、色澤黃橙有嚼勁,符合現代人注重健康的養生之道。 Rich in many nutrients, pumpkins are products that have high economic value. Hand- made Pumpkin Sliced Noodles are made by adding healthy pumpkin to noodle dough, hand slicing the noodles and drying them in the sun. Free from artificial preservatives and sweeteners so as to be in line with the modern emphasis on health, the noodles are fragrant, lustrous, chewy, yellow-orange, and rich in nutrients. 立即購:https://goo.gl/dS5sqv 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213705081959 | 2017-08-12 00:01 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/12今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】靠墊豬(駿翔布織藝品) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/8ZBAFK… 更多 MECHLIN是一個神奇化妝師樂於把樸素的布妝扮成各式各樣您所需要的產品。在因緣際會中,有幸參加客委會的桐花花布的開發和生產,以桐花結合客家意象,將客家的樸素、勤儉與熱情,藉由油桐花布,傳佈給國內、國外,認識與不認識的朋友,讓客家的熱情,成為普遍的價值,並推展到國際舞台,讓MECHLIN的油桐花布與你共舞! MECHLIN is a magic dresser, take pleasure in making various plain cloth materials into all kinds of products you need. It’s our great honor to participate in the international trade fair and to participate in the development and production of tung blossom cloth under the aegis of the Ke Jia Committee. We will, by integrating tung blossom with the concepts of Ke Jia, emit the simplicity, austerity and passion of Ke Jia people to friends both at home and abroad, both acquainted and unacquainted. Let’s make the passion of Ke Jia a common value further onto the international stage. Let MECHLIN tung blossom cloth dance with your lift! 立即購:https://goo.gl/8ZBAFK 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213697981959 | 2017-08-11 00:02 | 26 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/11今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】客家花布帽(芸竹工房) 網購價:NT$ 390元,限時價:NT$ 257元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/e6UVFb 芸竹服裝坊運用客家花布元素設計一系列客家花布帽、POLO 衫及花布包。客家花布帽的圖案採立體設計,以多樣化角度裁剪花布,讓每頂都是獨一無二。 Yunzhu Garment… 更多 Studio designs a series of Hakka floral hats, polo shirts, and floral bags that use elements of Hakka fabric. The patterns on these Hakka floral hats are designed in three dimensions. The fabrics are cut in a variety of angles to make each hat unique. 立即購:https://goo.gl/e6UVFb 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213693726959 | 2017-08-10 00:04 | 7 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/10今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】節能包系列擂茶(共兩包)(璞鈺商行) 網購價:NT$ 360元,限時價:NT$ 238元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/y2pFfG 璞鈺商行致力推廣擂茶飲食文化,研發各種符合現代人需求之擂茶,並將擂茶製成精美伴手禮,而節能包系列擂茶,更以經濟實惠的方式包裝,送禮自用兩相宜。… 更多 Pestled tea (or: “Lei Cha”) is a traditional way of drinking tea in Hakka culture. The older Hakka generation believes that “diligence, light food, and frequent consumption of pestled tea” is the key to health and longevity. 立即購:https://goo.gl/y2pFfG 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213687951959 | 2017-08-09 00:02 | 5 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/9今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】簡約多功能包(秀裕工業股份有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 1380元,限時價:NT$ 911元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/MrnnGH… 更多 桐花圖騰結合簡單的菱格線條,兼具時尚美感;另一面簡單線條是利用剩餘布料而成,象徵客家勤儉精神,圖面呈現出的桐花曼妙舞動,包包提供多層內袋設計,增加多功能性,外層也具有防潑水特性。 Tung tree flowers combine simple diamond check figures with fashion aesthetic. On the other side of the bag uses surplus cloth to represent frugality of Hakka. The picture shows graceful dancing tung tree flowers. The bags provide multi-layer inner packet to increase the functional ability, and the outer layer is water proof. 立即購:https://goo.gl/MrnnGH 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213684811959 | 2017-08-08 00:02 | 4 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/8今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】寶寶香鬆(統福企業有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 499元,限時價:NT$ 329元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/FVHrA2 統福企業於1996年成立,研發團隊不斷的試驗,以組織狀大豆蛋白為基材,開發出口感獨特、美味可口的寶寶香鬆(素雞肉鬆),為高蛋白、低脂且無膽固醇之健康休閒食品。… 更多 Tung-Fu Enterprise Co. Ltd (Ta-Fu Vegetarian Foods), founded in 1996,the group carrying out various experiments using soya bean protein as the basic ingredient, created Baobao Vegetarian Chicken Floss with a unique texture and delicious taste. It is a healthy food—high-protein, low-fat and cholesterol-free. 立即購:https://goo.gl/FVHrA2 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213666341959 | 2017-08-07 00:01 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/7今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】野薑花肉乾禮盒(津大及貿易有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 1200元,限時價:NT$ 792元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/9OuzxT… 更多 野薑花花季長、花香濃郁,是客家媽媽常用來入菜的食材。本產品特選野薑花汁提煉,嚴選CAS優質豬肉,採真空低溫新鮮手作及米其林六道式烘烤,美味不油膩。讓消費者在吮指回味的同時感受到客家媽媽的溫暖,及客家愛物惜物不浪費的生活態度。 The flowering season for the wild ginger lily is long, and because the plant has a rich floral fragrance it often used as an ingredient in the dishes prepared by Hakka mothers. This product uses the juice extracted and purified from specially selected wild ginger lily and carefully selected CAS (Chinese Agricultural Standard) high quality pork, and adopts a vacuum low-temperature manual and Michelin six line baking method to produce a fresh, delicious, and non-greasy meat product. This allows consumers to sense the warmth of the Hakka mother's homely touch while sucking their fingers and savoring the aftertaste of the meat, as well as appreciate the Hakka love and care for living things and non-wasteful attitude towards life. 立即購:https://goo.gl/9OuzxT 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213663636959 | 2017-08-06 00:01 | 11 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/6今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】幸福藍綻雙層盒(共兩盒)(永安食品行) 網購價:NT$ 720元,限時價:NT$ 475元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/oi4NTX 堅持以最佳自製原料為消費者把關,產品充滿手做幸福的味道,創新傳統大餅的口味,將客家人最具代表象徵感情分不開的麻糬包進大餅裡,深受年輕一輩的消費者所喜愛。 立即購:https://goo.gl/oi4NTX 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213660831959 | 2017-08-05 00:00 | 13 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/5今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】金磚鳳梨乾(共三包)(乙橙國際商貿有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/zkZo9f… 更多 特別選用屏東內埔的鳳梨,將鳳梨鮮果切角塊殺青後,不僅刀工講究,也顛覆客家傳統的醃製法,改成低溫40度下冷風交互循環烘製,保留果肉的彈性,鎖住鮮果的風味,以獨特的技術製作高纖維健康食品,創造出新一代的客家味。 Using pineapples specially selected from the Neipu area of Pingtung, the fresh pineapple fruit is first cut into angled pieces and heated. Special attention is paid to not only the knife used in the cutting process, but also overturns the traditional Hakka pickling production method by instead subjecting the pineapple pieces to an interactive cyclic baking process that involves cold blasts at a low temperature of 40 degrees. This process retains the elasticity of the pineapple fruit flesh, and locks in the flavor of the fresh fruit. Therefore, using this unique technology enables the company to produce high-fiber health foods and create a new generation of Hakka flavors. 立即購:https://goo.gl/zkZo9f 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213657426959 | 2017-08-04 00:03 | 4 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/4今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】黑元寶兩用墊(駿翔實業有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 350元,限時價:NT$ 231元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/ugaQvD 黑元寶概念是來自豬蹄尖,其造型似元寶,具招財納福的意涵,車縫細致的結構與線條呈現出一物兩用,自用送禮兩相宜。 The concept of black… 更多 ingots comes from trotters for the similar shape of golden ingots, implying a coming good fortune. The finely sewing structure and lines show that an item can be use dually, and can be nicely both self-usage and gifts. 立即購:https://goo.gl/ugaQvD 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213649391959 | 2017-08-03 00:05 | 17 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/3今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】柿葉貴人(共兩盒)(柿外桃園有限公司) 網購價:NT$ 440元,限時價:NT$ 290元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/9JLdd5… 更多 柿外桃園摘採甜柿嫩葉製茶,發揮客家儉樸精神,原味茶取名為「柿葉順心」、添加綠茶稱「柿葉順利」、搭配肉桂則稱「柿葉貴人」。柿外桃園致力提供健康的茶飲、傳送貼心的祝福。 There are also other tea products made from tender persimmon leaves that are known for their rich Vitamin C content. The original ¬avor is named “Shiyeshunxin” (to wish someone well at work). The one with green tea is “Shiyeshunli” (to wish someone a smooth career) and the one with cinnamon is “Shiyeguiren” (to wish a lucky star on someone.) Shi- Wai-Tao-Yuan is devoted to introducing healthy drinks that communicate thoughtful wishes. 立即購:https://goo.gl/9JLdd5 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157213642236959 | 2017-08-02 00:01 | 7 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/2今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】木雕餅禮盒(共2盒)(世奇精緻餅店) 網購價:NT$ 460元,限時價:NT$ 304元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/CzEJRJ 老闆蔡永賜因為愛上三義濃霧瀰漫的浪漫氛圍,於1982 年來到客家庄開設世奇餅店,從開始的語言不通,… 更多 一路摸索到完全融入在地的客家風情。漸漸開創一系列與當地文化結合的造型餅,從木雕餅、龍騰斷橋餅到充滿詩意的桐花餅,都讓遊客充滿視覺與味覺的無限驚喜。 Shi Qi Cake Shop was founded in 1982 out of the owner Cai Yong-Ci’s love for Sanyi’s thick and romantic atmosphere of mist. From learning to communicate in Hakka to fully blend in the Hakka culture, Mr. Tsai came a long way to develop character cakes such as the Woodcarving Cake, Longteng Bridge Cake, and the poetic Aegiceras Cake, fulfilling tourists with infinite joy in both sense of sight and taste. 立即購:https://goo.gl/CzEJRJ 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |
10157243339851959 | 2017-08-01 09:14 | 6 | 0 | 🚀🚀義魄千秋義起GO!🚀🚀 【網路活動&現場活動】 2017年8月1日至2017年8月31日止 加入會員: https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/jpp/html/hakkamall/member_add.php 等路新手見面禮: 活動期間加入「臺灣客家等路大街」會員者,即可獲得1,000點購物金,該購物金可於「會員中心」查詢,並於購物時即可折抵。… 更多 褒忠尋根購物趣: 等路大街會員於活動期間至指定實體店面,登入「臺灣客家等路大街」即可獲得指定廠商門市消費折價券! 憑訊息圖示消費滿額NT$299即可折抵現金50元,每組帳號限折抵1次,每間廠商門市限量20份,兌完為止。 ※1組帳號(即1臺行動裝置)於同1家門市僅能進行1次任務。 活動頁面: https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/jpp/html/hakkamall/content_h.php?id=222 義魄千秋義起購: 限時限量提供68折購物優惠活動,另,68折商品不可再使用購物金折抵,每組商品數量有限,售完為止。 68折活動網址: https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/jpp/html/hakkamall/product_promote.php?pm=68 |
10157213637241959 | 2017-08-01 00:01 | 9 | 0 | ✨今日最划算✨【8/1今日加入會員享66折推薦活動】✨ 天天客家好商品,優惠限當日有效,售完為止! 【今日推薦】擂茶餅(共2盒)(隆源餅行) 網購價:NT$ 400元,限時價:NT$ 264元(含運) 立即購:https://goo.gl/rHqidR… 更多 隆源餅行已傳承至第4代,其中芋仔餅、番薯餅是到北埔的遊客必帶的伴手禮,現在客家大餅為最受歡迎的喜餅口味。手工一層層包覆肉鬆、蛋黃、紅豆餡等傳統食材,最後包上粢粑將餅皮壓製成大餅,烘烤後金黃色表皮,吃起來口感豐富,層次分明。 Management of the Lung Yuan Pastry Store has been passed on through 4 generations. Its taro cakes and sweet potato cakes have come to be must-buy presents for visitors to Beipu. Now, Hakka pastry is the most popular product. Layers of pork floss, egg yolk, red bean paste and other traditional foods are added by hand and finally wrapped in qi ba (steamed glutinous rice pastry) and pressed to make a pastry. After baking, its crust is a golden yellow, with a rich taste that has multiple levels. 立即購:https://goo.gl/rHqidR 註冊加入會員,馬上贈送1000點購物金(10點抵扣1元) http://goo.gl/ESOsZM |