網購價:NT$ 1000元,限時價:NT$ 660元(含運)
創辦人吳治增先生於1993… 更多 年間,以傳統精油產業為出發點創立雨利行,堅信每一顆不起眼的種子都有堅強生命力的信念,從發芽、成熟、茁壯及開花結果散播各地,秉持取之自然、用之自然,並融入多種天然草本之精華,研發一系列清潔及保養用品,更提煉薰衣草、玫瑰、黃金無患子、檸檬香茅及玉容散之精油,製成繽紛桐花精油皂, 看似盛開於皂中的桐花,不僅賞心悅目,更讓嬌嫩的肌膚獲得最天然的呵護。
Yulixing was founded by Mr. Wu Zhi-Zeng in 1993 as a company devoted to continuing the traditions of the essential oil industry. It is the company’s belief that each unattractive seed contains a powerful life essence which can sprout, mature, grow strong, blossom, bear fruits, and eventually produce more seeds spread everywhere. Holding to the belief that everything has… 更多