
Month: 2013-02

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
486596804721838 2013-02-27 10:13 45 0 各位旅客早安!機場本周受天候影響容易有大霧,請您出門前往機場前先留意航班動態! Due to serious fogs this week, please check your flight with your airline before heading Taoyuan Airport!
486588958055956 2013-02-27 09:46 62 2
479826365398882 2013-02-09 13:23 50 0 Waiting for boarding or just arriving? No matter what, Taoyuan airport wishes you a very fruitful and succeesful year of the Snake! Most importantly, enjoy every journey when you go through our airport! 正在等登機還是剛抵達呢?不論您是哪一個,桃園機場都要祝福您蛇年行大運、闔家安康、旅程愉快平安囉!新年期間車多,搭機請記得提早出門!
505228072861165 2013-02-06 23:13 23 4 To embrace and celebrate this coming Snake Lunar new Year, Everrich duty free shop in Taoyuan airport is inviting Master Ms. Hsu Jui-Yue to perform her great arts in traditional Chinese calligraphy & painting at T1 on 1100-1300 07-FEB. 明天2/7(四)11:00~13:00,
分享 Ever Rich昇恆昌
明天2/7(四)11:00~13:00,<br> 別錯過許瑞月老師藝文團隊的書畫美學,<br> 長期推廣並努力播下藝術種子的他們,<br> 明日將到桃園國際機場第一航廈,<br> 以愛為出發,帶給往來旅客新年賀歲禮!
478694878845364 2013-02-06 20:54 46 1 粉絲朋友趕緊照過來,桃園機場好康消息接二連三無間斷!為迎接農曆新年假期,第二航廈1F接機大廳南側美食小區自2月7日起歡慶開幕!即將登場的美味餐飲包括小南門點心世界、伯朗咖啡及西式烘焙餐飲等,開幕期間將推出各項買一送一優惠,歡迎大家前往品嘗! As Lunar New Year holidays are coming, we are going to have a another surprise for you at 1F, Terminal 2. A new cafeteria and Ding sum court are just around the corner! Please come to visit and enjoy lots of discounts or buy one get one free!
478299795551539 2013-02-05 21:46 36 0 即日起出境大客車請改停桃園機場4號停車場,大客車同時可享30分鐘免費停車優惠。桃園機場公司更在4號停車場大樓2樓通廊規劃了團體旅客休息區,歡迎團體旅客可在此稍事休息與集合等候。 Please note buses to Terminal 2 (especially tour buses) now are only allowed to park at Car park No.4 since 05-Feb, 2013.… 更多 Passengers of tour groups are kindly advised to take advantage of the "Group passengers rest area" at level 2 in central building of Car park No.4 to take rests or wait for checking process.
370743013033616 2013-02-05 20:56 19 0 桃園國際機場春節交通安排計劃,請有出國計畫的粉絲朋友預作準備 請留意春節連續假期期間,桃園機場單日運量最尖峰日為2/8、2/9、2/15、2/18,預計每日出入境可達10萬人次,請這幾天會往來桃園機場的朋友提早出門並多加利用大眾運輸工具。 Please be ready for your traveling plan at Taoyuan international airport during Chinese… 更多 New Year vacation.
And wish you a very happy Chinese New Year! Feb.8th-9th, 15th & 18th will be the busiest days at Taoyuan airport during holiday week. Please be much earlier to airport and take use of mass transportation services. More info at http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/chinese/NewsInfo/c28af7af-39aa-4c91-8b00-dbe1c7daac63 (In Mandarin).

臺灣桃園國際機場-Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport

478281428886709 2013-02-05 20:48 25 0