
Month: 2014-02

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
10201368162153949 2014-02-28 12:11 79 0 Congrats Taipei just elected to be No.1 remarkable places for solo travel in the world.
“Check out the amazing night markets. Just imagine hundreds of street-food carts and pop-up stores all in a 10-block… 更多 stretch. Experience the food, the fashion, the culture — all for a pretty decent price. If you’re looking to escape the city buzz, Taipei has several amazing day hiking destinations right in the city. What else could you need?" #Buzzfeed What are you still waiting for?! Just fly here right away and enjoy an exciting and beautiful solo trip! 臺北榮登Buzzfeed全球最佳獨遊城市網路票選第1名!這裡有令你眼花撩亂食指全開的夜市美食、時尚購物、美景娛樂,廉價好吃又好玩,還在等什麼?趕快買張機票飛來臺北享受一段一個人的獨遊輕旅行吧!

26 Remarkable Places For Solo Travel

Go find yourself.
637215939659923 2014-02-26 18:24 329 16 歷史上的今天,是桃園機場及第一航廈正式啟用的日子!
Today in history: Taoyuan airport opened (with Terminal 1) for operations on Feb 26, 1979.
637152526332931 2014-02-26 13:38 99 3 今明兩天,Mister Donut 在第二航廈B2美食街設有臨時店鋪,大家快來喔~
Mister Donut is temporarily stationed at B2 food court in Terminal 2 today and tomorrow.
636773639704153 2014-02-25 19:25 76 6 人氣美食之清燉馬告豚肉河粉
One of our most popular cuisines: stewed pork with rice noodles
636372346410949 2014-02-24 17:45 192 4 洗手間陸續翻新中!
Restroom renovation !
635502803164570 2014-02-22 12:30 107 0 春暖花開
Finally it's spring!
635091863205664 2014-02-21 12:20 217 4 倒影之美#桃園機場
Beauty of reflection #Taoyuan Airport
634647606583423 2014-02-20 12:20 90 7 狂賀!!桃園機場榮獲國際機場協會2013機場服務品質獎項,2500萬~4000萬旅客量分組第三名!!
Congrats, Taoyuan International Airport is proudly to take the 3rd place for Best Airport by Size: 25 to 40 million passengers in the Airport Service Quality (ASQ) Awards. #ASQWinner2014
10201320023670517 2014-02-19 21:01 36 0 『美好生活的連結者』系列微電影於02/19(今天)首播,帶您一窺交通人工作生活與酸甜苦辣百樣滋味,趕緊加入『美好生活的連結者』 粉絲團,一睹為快囉! The fans page " Connection with Wonderful life" launches today with Online Movie Premier- Different touching life with transportation and communications. Just click below link and take a quick look! Enjoy it!
634168293298021 2014-02-19 17:45 101 6 賀!!桃園機場粉絲人數3000人囉!!謝謝大家的支持~~
Congrats! We have 3000 fans!! Thank you for your support~~
634082866639897 2014-02-19 12:15 49 0 位於第二航廈入境大廳藝文走廊,正展出「花鳥迎春」的特展,歡迎大家前來觀賞!!
The National Museum of History is holding an exhibition "Welcome to the New Spring" at Taoyuan International Airport right now. The exhibition contains two sections: flower and bird paintings, and the pottery works.
633732730008244 2014-02-18 17:30 200 13 全新設計的歡迎標語!
A new designed welcome sign!
633659540015563 2014-02-18 12:05 202 29 自 2014 年 2 月 19 日 10:00L 至 2015 年 1 月 15 日 10:00L,桃園機場將繼續進行跑道整建工程,進入單跑道作業期。
From 19 Feb 2014 10:00L to 15 Jan 2015 10:00L, Taoyuan Airport will be back to single runway operation due to runway overhaul.
631673290214188 2014-02-14 13:45 122 0 桃園機場祝大家元宵節、情人節快樂!
Taoyuan Airport wishes you a happy Lantern Festival and Valentine's Day !
631265100255007 2014-02-13 15:04 52 0 位於第二航廈2F禮品大街,設有"台灣睛點"體驗區,歡迎大家前往參觀。
Pay a visit to the "Eye Taiwan" area on souvenir avenue, on the second floor of Terminal 2, and experience the culture of Taiwan.
630870356961148 2014-02-12 17:31 275 3 桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport 新增了 9 張相片。2014年2月12日下午5:31 · 歷史性的一刻,第一間中東籍航空阿聯酋航空飛航桃園機場。還有 6 張
630294837018700 2014-02-11 08:43 124 1 今天天氣還是很冷,來機場的朋友們記得要多穿點,注意保暖!
It's extremely cold today in Taoyuan. Please make sure you wear warm enough!
630011957046988 2014-02-10 17:01 266 9 Emirates has launched it's new route: TPE-DXB today. Taipei is Emirates' 16th destination in the Far East. From now on, passengers can enjoy Emirates' world-class service and flying to over 140 exciting destinations through their hub in DXB.
629996507048533 2014-02-10 16:00 536 22 Welcome Emirates!!
629961160385401 2014-02-10 13:05 57 1 現在第二航廈二樓伴手禮大街正舉辦圓仔慶元宵活動,快來享用熱湯圓暖暖身子吧!
Right now at the 2F, souvenir avenue in Terminal 2, we are celebrating Lantern Festival .Come and enjoy hot tangyuan soup!
629862647061919 2014-02-10 07:30 261 9 阿酋航空台北-杜拜首航班機下午即將抵達桃園機場!
Emirates is coming to Taoyuan Airport in this afternoon, aren't you exited?
628745150507002 2014-02-07 16:17 39 0 C2候機室旁,正展出代表台灣文化的布袋戲偶,歡迎來觀賞拍照!
A PILI Puppet Theatre is established near the C2 waiting lounge. Passengers are welcome to visit and explore more about Taiwan's culture.
628304100551107 2014-02-06 14:36 66 0 第二航廈B2美食街有新餐廳"中華一餅"進駐囉~
Discover our new opening restaurant "Chinabing" at B2 food court in Terminal 2!
627831087265075 2014-02-05 16:37 62 0 想在機場裡打撞球嗎? 二月底前到出境C區長廊就有機會體驗撞球活動!
Do you want to shoot some pool at Taoyuan airport? From now to the end of Feb, come to visit Section C, you may have chance to shoot some pool!
627273120654205 2014-02-04 11:55 95 1 初五,桃園機場祝各位開工大吉,馬上發大財!
The fifth day of the year of Horse, Taoyuan Airport wishes you have a great and pleasant open day !
626537987394385 2014-02-02 22:58 72 0 桃園機場年節快閃節目Day 3: 金馬奔騰迎財神
Flash mob at Taoyuan Airport Day 3: Running golden horses welcome the God of wealth
626113587436825 2014-02-01 22:22 111 0 桃園機場年節快閃節目Day 2: 萬眾巨星迎財神
Flash mob at Taoyuan Airport Day 2: Fabulous welcome dance for the coming of the God of Wealth!