
Month: 2015-08

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
895753320472849 2015-08-31 15:00 261 2 注意!驚喜隨時在你身邊出現喔!桃園機場在第一航廈推出便利的行動餐車,繽紛的可愛造型不但吸睛,貼心暖胃的小點心,更是旅客的小確幸! Attention, please! You may find a surprise in T1! With a colorful and eye-catching design, the mobile food cart is now serving at Taoyuan… 更多 International Airport. Grab a snake and satisfies your stomach before a long flight !
#Taoyuanairport #snakes #beverages #hunger #cart
894571180591063 2015-08-30 12:00 198 3 哪裡看得到四季綻放的山櫻花?就在第一航廈位於A1-A3的彩陶候機室!工藝大師運用交趾陶及剪粘技術,讓傳統在桃園機場中新生!讓旅客隨時都有身處在阿里山中的感動~ Where can you see cherry blossoms at any time in Taiwan? Well, you just come to the right place! It is at A1-A3 boarding gate,… 更多 Taiwanese Faience Waiting lounge! This impressive work of tradition installation art reflects Taiwan's exceptional culture and shows Ali Mountain's endless beauty!
#Taoyuanairport #T1 #A123 #AliMountain #TaiwaneseFaience #cherryblossom
894523403929174 2015-08-28 15:50 299 7 第一航廈2樓入境轉機區,貼心提供轉機旅客完善又多元的服務喔!不僅能享受輕食、按摩及電影,行動辦公室和免費WiFi服務更能滿足商務旅客的需求。柔和的燈光和寧靜的環境,讓你在轉機時間中,也能舒適又愉快的度過! Looking for a perfect place to relax and refuel yourself before your onward journey? Pay a visit to our… 更多 transfer lounge in T1! The relaxation services are equipped with light fare, comfortable massage chairs and multimedia AV area. There are also a mobile office and internet area for business passengers. Special lighting effects create a calm atmosphere which make you relax. Come and enjoy yourself at our perfect transfer lounge!!
#Taoyuanairport #T1 #transferlounge #relax
892498437465004 2015-08-24 12:00 2227 2174 【從桃園機場起飛 Happy Summer ! 許願留言抽好禮!】
快來抓住暑假最後尾巴,從桃園機場起飛,一起出國去吧!喜歡一個人的輕旅行,還是三五好友一起出去玩?最想去的國家又是哪裡? 桃園機場與你一起完成Summer Wish! 參加許願留言,就有機會抽中超輕量登機箱、多功能書背包等多項旅遊實用好禮喔! ☆★留言範例/留言心願二選一☆★
(1) 從桃園機場起飛,我要Happy Summer go (最想去的國家)… 更多 !
(2) 從桃園機場起飛,我要@小小兵Happy Summer go (最想去的國家) ! ▶活動說明:
1.活動日期: 2015/8/24(一)至2015/8/31(一)23:59止
2.活動獎項公布日期: 2015/9/4(五),公布抽獎結果在「桃園機場粉絲團」。
3.領獎方式:活動小組會在得獎者留言下方回覆得獎訊息,中獎人須協助中獎簽領單回覆,方可進行領獎。中獎者須於9/13(日) 24:00前回覆訊息給活動小組,若未在期限內回覆者,視同放棄得獎資格, 將另行聯繫備取。獎品自9/16(三)起以掛號方式陸續寄送。
1. 本活動僅限在中華民國台灣(包含金門、馬祖、澎湖)地區設有住居所之本國人或外國人參加。獎品之寄送亦僅限於前述地區。
2. 「桃園機場粉絲團」保有更換獎品或修改本「活動辦法」之權利。
891538087561039 2015-08-21 15:30 1144 29 日本最小的航空公司「天草航空」剛接收的ATR42-600新機,昨天過境桃園機場~非常難得看到ATR42-600出現在桃園機場!!
Amakusa Airlines, the smallest airline in Japan, just took delivery of a new ATR 42-600… 更多 and had an overnight stop at Taoyuan Airport yesterday. This new ATR 42-600 is with a cute livery, 3 adorable dolphins and Kumamon on the belly!!
#AmakusaAirlines #ATR42
891051374276377 2015-08-20 15:00 281 0 今天是七夕情人節,桃園機場祝福全天下有情人,情人節快樂!
Love is in the air. Today is Chinese Valentine's Day! Taoyuan Airport wishes all lovers a Happy Valentine’s Day!
890271411021040 2015-08-18 15:00 327 5 長途飛行後,來個舒服的淋浴澡就是最幸福的事!第一航廈入境區的行李轉盤旁,提供免費使用的男女淋浴設施和貼心的無障礙淋浴間!另外,在 4F出境區貴賓室附近,也能享受淋浴間的服務。方便旅客洗去旅程疲憊,活力整裝再出發! After a long flight, the best enjoyment is to take a hot shower! Drop in to our shower facilities near… 更多 by the baggage carousel in the controlled area at Terminal 1. Shower rooms open to all passengers and provide free access for the disabled. You could also enjoy a shower at the 4th floor near the VIP rooms. Take a refreshing shower and start your journey from Taoyuan Airport!
#Taoyuanairport #T1 #showerrooms
889067767808071 2015-08-15 15:00 241 8 機場免費手機充電站,隨時隨地提供貼心服務!
在航廈出境長廊區域設有多個免費手機充電站,不僅供應各廠牌的充電接頭,還使用專用鑰匙上鎖,不僅方便更安心! Is your cell phone out of juice? looking for charging stations? You can find FREE charging stations which support multiple brands of… 更多 cell phone at Taoyuan Airport.With locked compartments, you can go shopping or take a rest while your phone is charging!
#Taoyuanairport #freeservice #chargingstations
888187741229407 2015-08-13 15:00 362 8 在第一航廈3F A區的出境長廊,有一片充滿台灣特色的文學牆,節錄了方文山創作的美麗歌詞,透過書法家朱振南的墨跡,展現台灣文學藝術之美。一起乘著音符,遊歷台灣吧!
When you walk by T1 departure hall, have you ever noticed that there is an eye-catching literature wall? “ Song of Airport” is a… 更多 special song written by a famous lyricist in Taiwan, and presented in a unique way of Taiwanese calligraphy to convey the beauty of Taiwan.
#Taoyuanairport #T1 #SongofAirport
886805468034301 2015-08-10 15:00 257 3 愛在桃機,「我們的機場情緣」故事徵選得獎作品出爐囉!
Love in Taoyuan Airport! No matter who they are, Taiwanese or foreigners, they all have their love stories at Taoyuan Airport.
✈Check the video and share their happiness!


885886011459580 2015-08-08 12:00 251 6 今天是爸爸節,桃園機場祝福辛苦的爸爸們父親節快樂!
Today is Taiwanese Father's Day. Taoyuan Airport wishes all dads a Happy Father's Day!
885573134824201 2015-08-07 15:15 314 8 小編提醒大家,颱風期間航班容易受天候影響而延遲和變動,建議旅客在出發前往機場前,先在機場官網或是向航空公司確認班機最新動態喔!
As the Typhoon Soudelor is approaching Taiwan, passengers are reminded that flights can be rescheduled or cancelled, and are advised to check the… 更多 latest flight information on the airline’s or airport’s website before departing for the airport.


885140334867481 2015-08-06 15:04 286 6 桃園機場最有愛!只要老弱婦孺、行動不便或需要緊急協助的旅客,在第二航廈南、北登機長廊交叉口,都可以免費使用愛心服務車!不僅縮短步行的距離,也大大拉近與乘客的關係喔~ Taoyuan International Airport is full of love! Passenger Service Vehicles operate in the restricted area of the T2 departure… 更多 hall to carry children, pregnant women, elderly and disabled passengers to and from the boarding gates, and it’s a free-of-charge service!!
#Taoyuanairport #T2 #PassengerServiceVehicle