
Month: 2014-10

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
753731214675061 2014-10-31 18:00 400 13 先來瞧瞧預計年底前將開航的台灣本土低成本航空"威航",他的飛機塗裝和內裝吧~~黑熊實在好可愛啊~
Taiwan local LCC "V air" is expected to launch its service in the end of this year!! Check its aircraft and interiors first. The bear is so cute~~~
753671014681081 2014-10-31 12:10 84 1 萬聖節就是今天!! 今天中午在第二航廈4F美食廣場將舉行"給你糖不搗蛋"派對,歡迎大小朋友一起來共襄盛舉喔~
Happy Halloween!! A special Halloween Party is held today at the 4F food court in Terminal 2. Come and enjoy our party!!
752555574792625 2014-10-28 22:32 53 1 萬聖節來囉!
桃園國際機場祝福所有粉絲朋友萬聖節快樂!在世界各地粉絲朋友們,分享一下怎麼慶祝萬聖節吧! Here comes the Halloween!
Anoka, MN, in the US is the so-called Halloween Capital of the World, hosting activities and grand parades every October.
Halloween will soon be here this weekend! Any travel plans for the holiday? Taoyuan International Airport wish you a Happy Halloween, and share with us how you gonna celebrate this year!
752555428125973 2014-10-28 22:32 90 1
752448474803335 2014-10-28 17:00 86 0 2015最物超所值景點,台灣榜上有名,名列第8!! 世界各地的朋友們趕快訂機票來場台灣小旅行吧~#TAIWAN
Best value destinations for 2015, Taiwan is NO.8 !! Book tickets right now and enjoy your stay in Taiwan!!
751911451523704 2014-10-27 17:26 62 0 第二航廈B2美食廣場正舉辦抽獎活動,消費滿新台幣200元即可有抽獎資格,大家快來吧!
A lucky draw event is now on at B2 food court in T2!! With a purchase amount of 200 NTD, you may win the big prize!
分享 機場美食大公開
【多項好禮大贈送】<br> 時間:2014/10/15-11/14<br> 地點:第二航廈B2美食廣場<br> 最近要出國的人有福囉!!!!!!!!<br> 只要消費滿200就可以參加抽獎歐~~((敲鑼打鼓中))<br> 大家快來試試手氣
750461065002076 2014-10-24 17:15 144 9 有了捷運機場線先導公車,來機場又更方便囉~
Can't find a convenient and low-cost way to go the airport? A new Taoyuan MRT bus line service launched today maybe your first choice!

捷運機場線先導公車上路!三重到桃園機場只要60元 | NOWnews 今日新聞

746702198711296 2014-10-16 14:05 137 7 賀~桃園國際機場榮獲亞洲好睡機場第五名!!
Congrats, Taoyuan International Airport takes the 5th place among Top 10 Best Airports in Asia!How's your sleeping-in-airport experience at Taoyuan Airport? Share… 更多 with us!

Best Airports in Asia 2014

The Top 10 Best Airports in Asia as voted by travellers at SleepingInAirports.com
745160712198778 2014-10-13 18:55 114 2 謝謝"桃機刮刀哥郭秋城",辛勤努力地維持桃園機場的整潔!!
Thanks to our General Affairs Department's General Manager, Mr. Kuo, who works hard to ensure the tidiness and the service quality at the airport.
分享 交通部
:: 美好生活我連結 – 桃機刮刀哥郭秋城 ::<br>  <br> 桃園機場航廈內有個特別的身影穿梭著,像是背上長出白色鯊魚鰭,又像是哆啦A夢的尾巴。別懷疑,那肯定是主管航廈清潔作業的總務處處長郭秋城在巡場。他的褲子口袋裡總是隨身攜帶一根清潔專用橡皮刮刀,每天走到哪刮到哪,舉凡洗手檯水漬、鏡子水滴和玻璃水氣,「刮刀哥」郭秋城笑說「一刀搞定」!<br> 桃園機場航廈樓地板面積50萬平方公尺,洗手間444間,要密集巡場才能隨時讓每個角落維持整潔。下次來到桃園機場航廈,看見明亮的地板、整潔的環境,這都是「刮刀哥」郭秋城和他所帶領的團隊辛勤努力的成果喲~<br>  
744631532251696 2014-10-12 23:29 470 27 So great to see our Runway 05R-23L overhaul construction finally comes to the end. It just feels like having a new baby, so exciting and full of joys! 05R-23L 跑道開始畫上新標線了,這意味著這條跑道翻修工程即將進入尾聲,有一種迎接新生命的喜悅感呢!敬請期待脫胎換骨的全新05R-23L跑道!
743642005683982 2014-10-11 10:50 147 9 總獎金100萬,等你提創意!讓桃園機場變更好!活動期間自103年10月10日起至11月25日17時止截止收件~ Any good ideas to make airport better? Check this and you may win our prize! Total award is up to worth TWD1,000,000! (This competition is for R.O.C.… 更多 citizen only.) Open for proposal submission is from Oct.10,~ 1700 Nov.25 ,2014. http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/uploads/2014_T3/index.html

臺灣桃園國際機場-Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport

742617692453080 2014-10-09 13:15 127 2 What is on your must-do-list before boarding? _____________
Tasting a good wine makes you a pleasant flight. Let a cup of good drink lead u a wonderful journey. #taoyuanairport #minibar 登機前最想作什麼呢?
試飲一小杯名酒是莫大享受,鐵定能讓你更放鬆,享受一段美好的飛行。 #桃園機場 #迷你吧
741596665888516 2014-10-07 16:37 187 5 Take a short break. Tender sunset shining T1 and Air traffic control tower at Taoyuan airport. 下班時間快到囉!小憩一下看看和煦秋陽夕照映著第一航廈及桃園機場塔臺。
739135479467968 2014-10-03 09:26 103 0 Congratulations to TPE-SIN Tigerair Taiwan wins Route of the Week from Anna.aero! 恭喜台灣虎航的桃園機場-新加坡航線獲選為英國Anna.aero雜誌每周航線Route of the Week!! http://www.anna.aero/2014/10/01/tigerair-taiwan-launches-operations/
738604126187770 2014-10-02 07:08 297 7 Now brand new 8 overnight aprons are ready at your service at Taoyuan airport!! 全新完工八座過夜機坪即將開始服務。#桃園國際機場 #taoyuanairport
738343692880480 2014-10-01 18:30 96 0 現在桃園機場也有好吃的手工餅乾進駐囉~位於第二航廈地下二樓美食街的"瑪莎拉手工餅乾"今天正式開幕,大家快來嚐嚐吧!! Check our new open home-made cookie shop "MarSas Cookies" at B2 food court in Terminal 2 and enjoy a special discount during 10/01 to 10/03.