
Month: 2015-11

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931111000270414 2015-11-30 16:00 141 12 【桃園機場On Air】 限時專送旅人明信片!得獎名單出爐嘍~ 限時專送旅人明信片大功告成,從明信片牆上也看到粉絲們留下許多溫馨祝福的話語,很開心桃園國際機場在旅人的美好回憶當中都扮演著不可或缺的角色,感謝粉絲們無私的分享及熱情的參與,趕快來看看你有沒有幸運的抽中機票,可以再次出國製造滿滿的回憶! ✤ 台北-沖繩來回機票一張✤ (2名):林○平、廖○誼 ✤ Hideo-Max Cabin 19吋登機箱 ✤… 更多 (3名):陳○鳳、許○美、區○勤 ✤ 精美行李箱掛牌 ✤ (6名):黃○芳、鐘○嘉、邱○菀、邱○珊、林○玲、洪○蓮 ✤ 多國電源轉換插座 ✤ (11名):林○珊、柯○真、顏○翰、蔡○旺、黃○美、陳○閎、賴○倫、蕭○嘉、廖○婷、黃○瑛、林○渟 ✤ Travelon旅行充氣枕 ✤ (15名):郭○涵、陳○珍、高葉○雲、楊○嘉、呂○諭、陳○芸、陳○惠、王○惠、蔡○濱、李○翠、李○暐、侯○云、陳林○富、黃○政、楊○雅 恭喜以上37位得獎粉絲,活動小組會以電話及email方式通知得獎者,中獎人須協助中獎簽領單回覆,方可進行領獎。中獎者須於12/6(日) 24:00前回覆訊息給活動小組,若未在期限內回覆者,視同放棄得獎資格, 將另行聯繫備取。獎品自12/7(一)起以掛號方式陸續寄送。
930032807044900 2015-11-29 12:00 196 2 有體驗過台灣的品茶文化嗎?
桃園國際機場免稅商店除了精品之外,還有各式精美的台灣茶葉禮盒喔!而貼心的服務人員更提供免費的奉茶服務,不僅詳細解說台灣品茶的文化,還沏了一壺好茶讓旅客坐在舒適的休息座椅上,好好體驗台灣好茶。 Would you like to experience the traditional tea service in Taiwan?We provide many kind of gift sets… 更多 and tea tastings at Duty Free Shop.Enjoy our complimentary tea sampling and don’t forget to choose a variety of teas as souvenirs for your family and friends!
#Taoyuanairport #traditional #tea #service
930027397045441 2015-11-27 17:00 175 2 過去台灣有「成衣王國」的美名,現在更靠著創新的技術,將台灣的「機能性紡織品」推至全球第二;也啟發了許多服裝設計師,將創意結合台灣織品,在國際大放異彩!
第一航廈B8萬花織艷候機室,將台灣紡織業的特色,透過裝置藝術分享給大家。 Taiwan revitalized the textile industry and had been recognized as very successful in the past… 更多 few years. Now, Taiwan is the world's leading producer of Functional Textile. It also inspires many designers to mingle originality with functional Textile. We show the characteristic of Taiwan's textile industry at “B8 Glamorous Textile Art Waiting lounge” of T1 by decorating with brightly colored and sumptuously textured fabrics.
#Taoyuanairport #Glamorous #Textile #Art
928874053827442 2015-11-24 16:00 248 7 想親睹國際大師的建築思維,與航廈空間魅力嗎? 那可別錯過「第三航站區國際競圖得獎作品展」囉!
除了展出得獎團隊的設計模型外,我們也規劃一系列的研討會,為大家說明設計理念。歡迎粉絲們一同前往參與! The Award-Winning Projects Exhibition of TTIA T3’s… 更多 design is now showing at Taoyuan Airport Terminal 2 and will be showing at Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall on Dec 16. Come and discover how they found the design inspiration for this innovative planning along with a streamlined design.
For more information>>> http://goo.gl/ybVF7r 展出資訊
時間:2015/11/23-2015/12/6 ※第二場
展出茶會與研討會詳情請上官網查詢>>> http://goo.gl/qucMPL
928073273907520 2015-11-22 12:03 247 2 有注意過在第一航廈A4及A5登機門中間的遊戲室嗎?
這裡有小朋友最愛的迪士尼人物及Hello Kitty!
不僅提供小朋友安全有趣的玩耍空間,還有機會認識來自各地的新朋友喔! What is there for children to play and have fun during their stay at Taoyuan… 更多 International Airport? Pay a visit to our cartoon theme play areas between gate A4 and A5 of Terminal 1. Facilities in play areas such as the slide, painting walls, and the eye-catching TV wall, are painted with the Disney characters and Hello Kitty.
#Taoyuanairport #Ternimal1 #playareas #Disney #HelloKitty
926709840710530 2015-11-19 16:00 276 5 還記得小編曾經介紹過手機充電站嗎?
還有免費Wifi,隨時都能上傳自拍照喲! We have introduced the charging station with locked compartments before. But if you don’t want… 更多 to leave your phone behind, here is a better place for you. At the T1 Arrivals Hall, we turn couches into cozy charging stations with free WiFi. While you are charging your phone, don’t forget to take a selfie with the Taiwan characters couch!
#Taoyuanairport #T1 #ArrivalHall #charging #freewifi #couch
926990980682416 2015-11-19 10:00 229 15 國際新聞網站CNN、FOXNEWS、英國電訊報Telegraph等媒體日前相繼報導2015全球十大最佳及最糟糕機場排名,桃園國際機場名列全球最佳機場第四名!這份來自旅遊網站SleeinginAirports.net的評比選出全球十大最佳及最糟機場,全球前十名最佳機場幾乎是亞洲機場的天下,評比是從整體機場經驗、航廈清潔、設施設備、顧客服務、舒適度及好睡度等方面進行評比,前十名機場名列如下:
An annual ranking of the world's worst and best airports of 2015 released by travel website "The Guide to Sleeping in Airports" was reported by media such… 更多 as CNN, FOX NEWS and Telegraph. The top 10 list was dominated by Asian airports. Taoyuan Airport ranked NO.4 on the list. 1. Changi International Airport (Singapore)
2. Incheon International Airport (Seoul, South Korea)
3. Haneda International Airport (Tokyo, Japan)
4. Taoyuan International Airport (Taipei, Taiwan)
5. Hong Kong International… 更多
924816030899911 2015-11-15 12:00 254 9 來台享美食,絕對不能錯過台灣夜市!
藉由3D噴畫藝術師繪製的大型畫作,完整展現了台灣豐富又熱鬧的夜市文化。等待登機時,不妨抬頭看看你最愛的正宗台灣味有沒有被畫出來喔! One of the best reasons to visit Taiwan is its amazing night markets! Top 11 Taiwan’s… 更多 snacks are presented in the Taiwan Local Cuisine waiting Lounge at A5 in T1. A large-scale spectacle created by 3D graffiti artist displays how street vendors sell a variety of Taiwan’s snacks. It would be a nice place to know about the local culture, and don't forget to make a food list for your night market trip!
#Taoyuanairport #nightmarket #snacks
924787340902780 2015-11-13 16:40 1330 25 【桃園機場On Air】 限時專送旅人明信片! 桃園國際機場一直以來都是旅客出國的熱門打卡點,現在邀請你來為這充滿回憶的驛站製作明信片吧!
點選至以下活動官網,挑張你喜歡的照片,留下祝福的話語並分享至臉書,就看到你專屬的明信片,還有機會獲得台北沖繩來回機票乙張! 活動期間:即日起至11月25日23:59止
>>> http://www.taoyuan-airport-2015event.com/ 活動提醒:留言在此篇貼文下方,將不具參加資格,請粉絲們一定要到活動官網完成四步驟,才有資格參加抽獎喔!

桃園機場 On Air

924097404305107 2015-11-11 17:00 233 3 久坐後動一動,才會更健康喔!
桃園機場第二航廈三樓D1附近的運動公園,為乘客量身打造,不僅有明亮寬敞的運動空間還有舒適的盥洗室!等待登機的時間歡迎來這裡動一動吧! Wanna relax your muscles during the long waiting time for you flight? It's a good idea to come to “Sport Park” near D1 in T2.… 更多 You can use all the exercise equipment for free. If you would like to freshen up after a workout, modern shower rooms are also at your disposal.
#Taoyuanairport #Sportpark #exercise
923404241041090 2015-11-09 17:30 191 2 國立台灣交響樂團即將滿70歲囉!
On August 23,100 Day countdown to its 70th birthday, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra (NTSO) performed a classical flashmob at Taoyuan International Airport.

NTSO國臺交 歡慶70 桃機 快閃

2015/08/23(星期日)桃園國際機場Taoyuan Airport Taiwan 演出/國立臺灣交響樂團 Performer: National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra 團長/黃素貞 Director: Su-Jen Huang 藝術顧問/簡文彬 Artistic Advisor...
922242587823922 2015-11-06 15:00 265 0 被美國CNN評選為全球52新鮮事之一的平溪天燈,在第二航廈靠近C9的美食區也看得到喔!寫上心願的天燈,以溫暖燈光祝福每位遊客天天平安幸福! Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival was one of the “52 things to do” recommended by CNN Travel. You can find those beautiful sky lanterns at the… 更多 food court near C9 in T2 as well! Taoyuan Airport wishes all the passengers peace and joy everyday.
#Taoyuanairport #pingxi #Skylantern
921802694534578 2015-11-05 12:33 448 26 想瞭解桃園國際機場第三航站區未來的模樣嗎?
桃園國際機場第三航站區國際競圖的首獎團隊-台灣世曦及英國Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners最新曝光的動畫影片中,詳細介紹第三航站區的設計理念與構思過程,還特別加入Rogers繪製設計圖的畫面!#TTIA #T3 #TaoyuanAirport
Wanna know more about the design of TTIA T3?
In the… 更多 newly-released video by CECI and Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, you will discover how they found the design inspiration for this innovative planning along with a streamlined design.

桃園國際機場第三航站國際競圖首獎 TTIA T3 Design Competition Winner Unveiled

The new Mega-Terminal, absorbing design ideas of being ‘smart, green and cultural’, will combine Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 to transform into a smart and sust...
921462681235246 2015-11-04 15:00 264 3 你知道嗎?台灣擁有全球第一大晶圓代工產業,而台灣製造的主機板全球市占率更高達9成!
位於第一航廈B7的「科技綻揚」候機室,運用數以千計、重達一公噸的回收主機板,拼接成巨大的「MADE IN TAIWAN」字樣,而LED光點圍成的台灣圖像就在旁邊閃閃發亮,傳達「台灣科技,世界發光」的意含。
有機會不妨來欣賞這幅令人驚嘆的美麗標誌! Taiwan became the global supply base for… 更多 high-tech products in 1980s, and now “made in Taiwan” guarantees high quality. At B7 “Glory of High-tech waiting lounge" in T1, you can learn more about the world famous high-tech products from Taiwan, such as computers, LCD Monitors and motherboards. The logo “MADE IN TAIWAN” is made of thousands of recycled motherboards which weighs over 1 ton!
#Taoyuanairport #LCD #hightech
920804804634367 2015-11-02 12:30 947 52 大家關心的桃園國際機場第三航站區國際競圖的首獎團隊已經揭曉囉~由享有盛名的台灣世曦及來自英國的Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners團隊脫穎而出,將以Smart, Green, Culture為設計主軸,打造旅客全新的旅行經驗!
TTIA T3 Design Competition final winner has been unveiled! The first-prize-winning… 更多 team comprises esteemed CECI Engineering Consultants from Taiwan and world-famous Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners from U.K. The new Mega-Terminal, absorbing design ideas of being ‘smart, green and cultural’, will create brand new travel experiences for passengers.
See more>>http://www.t3.com.tw/en/index.html