
Month: 2014-04

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
665541033494080 2014-04-30 18:00 89 2 玩美機場活動開幕式,在桃園機場"看見美、聽見美"。
665092106872306 2014-04-29 18:00 171 7 為便利旅客,目前在桃園機場第一航廈一樓也設有郵局服務據點囉!
For passengers' convenience, postal service is now available in Terminal 1.
662680310446819 2014-04-24 18:00 84 0 母親節要到囉,快來拍張對媽媽的感謝吧!
Mother's day is coming soon! Come and take a picture, show gratitude and love to your mom.
662127647168752 2014-04-23 18:00 79 0 桃園機場也參加"漂書集散計畫"囉~位於第一、二航廈設有多處"漂書"專區,希望愛書人在旅途中都有好書陪伴。
Taoyuan Airport also takes part in the "book surfing plan." We sets up a few of "book surfing zones" in Terminal 1&2, hoping that bibliophiles can be accompanied by books during their journey.
661773107204206 2014-04-22 18:00 91 2 即日起至年底,憑當日華航/華信/長榮/立榮登機證,即可享有行李宅配到府8折優惠喔!!
From now on to the end of this year, show your valid CI/AE/BR/B7 boarding pass then you can get 20% off baggage delivery service!
659581734090010 2014-04-18 12:30 51 0 今年的飛安宣導活動,機場有與台北廣播電台(FM93.1)合作喔,每星期二至星期五,晚上七點,歡迎大家線上收聽~#FlightSafety #airport
Listen to our annual flight safety propaganda program every Tuesday to Friday at 7pm on Taipei Broadcasting Station (FM93.1)
659097584138425 2014-04-17 18:00 82 1 想要多多了解機場的運作情形嗎? 快來申請2014年桃園機場的暑期實習計畫吧!!
Wanna know more about the operation of our airport? Come and apply our annual summer internship program !!
657469817634535 2014-04-14 12:30 122 4 機場計程車的服務品質又變更好囉~,除了提供大又舒適的乘坐空間外,每部車皆貼有機場logo、司機們均著制服供旅客辨識,並主動提供乘車收據,提供旅客更貼心、更便利的服務!
Our airport taxi service has been upgraded! To provide more thoughtful and convenient service, all cars are with airport logo for recognition and all drivers are in uniform. Fare receipts will be actively provided .
654478767933640 2014-04-07 18:00 91 8 隱密的空間和符合人體工學的斜躺椅,猜猜看在哪?
An individual space with ergonomic recliners, do you know where is it?
652597078121809 2014-04-03 12:05 110 6 盧貝松執導最新動作科幻作品LUCY預告片搶先曝光! 趕快瞧一瞧電影中是否有你最熟悉的機場場景呢!? The latest movie trailer "LUCY" directed by Luc Besson is now on YouTube!! Have a quick look at it and find out whether there are some scenes you are already familiar with??

Lucy Official Trailer (2014) Scarlett Johansson, Sci Fi HD

http://www.joblo.com - "Lucy" Official Trailer (2014) Scarlett Johansson, Sci Fi HD From La Femme Nikita and The Professional to The Fifth Element, writer/di...
652303708151146 2014-04-02 18:00 102 0 出國忘記帶手機、筆電,想上網怎麼辦? 跟著 "@" 走,就可以使用免費的網際網路服務囉!
Wanna surf the internet but leave your smartphone and notebook at home? Just follow the "@" sign, then you can enjoy the free internet service!
651837578197759 2014-04-01 18:03 141 1 機場免費巡迴巴士即日起增加停靠華航園區/諾富特酒店,歡迎多加利用囉! Airport shuttle bus to CAL park/Novotel starts today!
651761791538671 2014-04-01 12:30 44 0 桃園國際機場103年飛安宣傳活動開跑囉~~目前開跑的活動有: 飛安服務大使選拔、創意海報徵選、有獎徵答、飛安廉政體驗活動,歡迎大家共襄盛舉!!
Our annual flight safety propaganda now begins. We have several activities such as flight safety ambassador election, poster painting… 更多 competition, Q&A lucky draw and airport experience tours in this year. Come and join our activities to win big prizes!
活動網址Official Website http://goo.gl/ye9ZBI