
Month: 2013-04

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509355835779268 2013-04-30 15:37 82 16 桃園國際機場又有新店家可以逛囉,在三大台灣特色商店您可以欣賞到排灣族珠藝及泰雅族織布、充滿人文巧思的文創商品,品嚐南投梅產及各式農情好禮,發現台灣特展也開始展出光彩奪目的新竹玻璃工藝品,快來第一航廈3F出境大廳感受饒富魅力的台灣文化吧。
即將於5月10日舉辦的開幕活動,不但會發放手冊可於第一航廈所有新東陽相關店家享有優惠,還會有神秘嘉賓蒞臨現場帶來精彩表演,歡迎大家前來共襄盛舉。 New Shopping Plaza… 更多 Opens in T1, Taoyuan airport! Hsin Tung Yang opening event will be held on 10th May 2013, a handbook will be distributed to the visitors at the scene. With the Handbook, you can enjoy a discount when shopping at newly opened stores. You can also see the stars at the opening event.
Hsin Tung Yang has a series of humanistic and creative goods such Paiwan beads arts and Atayal weaving in “Taiwan specialty shop”. In addition, “Discover Taiwan Exhibition” shows shining Liuli art from Hsinchu.
We are looking forward to your coming to 3F, Departure Hall of Terminal 1 to appreciate the memorable and charming Taiwan culture. Please do not miss this tour; you will be able to have fond memories in Formosa.
508959939152191 2013-04-29 10:36 34 0 霹靂布袋戲 @ Gate D7
清香白蓮素還真、刀狂劍癡葉小釵、百世經綸一頁書,結合武俠新風格的「霹靂布袋戲」。無論您是或不是霹靂迷,這些精緻的角色們絕對會給您留下深刻印象。… 更多
布袋戲又被稱為掌中戲,自福建泉州一帶起源,而後在台灣發展最盛,自台灣「霹靂國際多媒體」80年代成立以來,不僅擁有布袋戲原有的表演技藝,更結合了3D特效、聲光爆破等現代科技,儼然讓「霹靂」的角色們一躍成為東亞地區的偶像。有機會路過D7登機門的旅客,絕對會被穿梭於竹林的俠客神采所吸引。 Palmar-Drama is originated from Fujian Quanzhou area. It has been prosperous development in Taiwan for many years since “Pili Series” was found in 1980s. In fact, Pili series combined both the traditional Confucian hero and modern technology of 3D animation to create a new masterpiece! During that time, everyone in East Asia was crazy for Pili Palmar-Drama and even forgot to have their dinners on time. If you have the chance to pass by our Gate D7, you will definitely fall in love with Palmar-Drama!
506651796049672 2013-04-22 07:44 72 4 各位旅客發現了嗎?藏身於一航廈一樓入境大廳的中央,有一個迷你「健身房」,
Dear passengers, did you ever try it? Hiding in the Central Terminal 1 Arrival Hall on the first floor, there is a mini "gym". Just come over and give it a try before boarding or pick-up at any time.
505704589477726 2013-04-19 08:30 52 3 您曾經使用過桃園國際機場的示範廁所嗎?它擁有貼心的親子共用空間、寬敞的無障礙廁所,以及免治沖洗馬桶和恆溫水龍頭等先進設備,為攜帶小孩及行動不便的旅客帶來更多方便。除此之外,當您一站到洗手台前,原本看似普通的鏡子瞬間化身為資訊螢幕,將台灣各地風情美景盡收眼底。在第二航廈巴士站等車的同時,順道來感受一下截然不同的如廁體驗吧。 Have you ever used model lavatory in Taoyuan… 更多 International Airport? There is parent-child shared space for you and your baby and spacious and accessible toilets. Our lavatory has high-tech equipment such as shower toilet and thermostat tap. The interesting thing is when you wash your hands in front of the mirror, you will not only see your face but also all over Taiwan information. It’s very hard to imagine right? Take a trip to the lavatory in T2, you will find its mystery.
503555986359253 2013-04-12 11:20 45 6 「台北清真泰式料理」位於桃園國際機場第一航廈B1美食街,提供椒麻雞、檸檬魚、印度烤雞肉等十多道廣受國內外旅客歡迎的菜色,並取得中國回教協會「穆斯林友好餐廳」認證,從食材挑選到廚房料理,都由經營餐廳十多年的穆斯林為您全程把關,保證符合伊斯蘭「Halal」飲食規範,讓您吃得美味又安心,用餐服務再升級。
If you are a devout Muslim, welcome to the "TAIPEI HALAL… 更多 BISMILLA RESTAURANT" in T1-B1f’s food court.
There are Deep Fried Pepper Chicken、Deep Fried Lemon Fish、Briyani Rice Chicken! Variety of meals in this restaurant is that you can not imagine. Even get the honor of the Chinese Muslim Association "Muslim-friendly restaurant certification.
This restaurant to prepare meals in the process being very trustworthy, because there are dozens of Muslims with their technology and the spirit are making dishes.
As HALAL you, "TAIPEI HALAL BISMILLA RESTAURANT" is definitely your first choice.
503271003054418 2013-04-11 17:12 50 4 帶著小朋友一起出國的爸爸媽媽看過來!在桃園國際機場二航廈D7登機口旁有可愛的「姆姆抱抱」主題休憩區,小朋友們可以在大樹根造型的洞穴裡看卡通,旁邊還有積木區以及小型遊樂設施,可以讓小朋友們盡情玩耍,一起來體驗姆姆抱抱的可愛魅力喔!
Mommy and Daddy come over here!
You can see the "Mumu Hug" beside the D7 boarding gate in… 更多 Taoyuan International Airport T2. "Mumu Hug" is made in Taiwan from SOFA Studio. A series story of lovely little blue whale. Your children can watching Mumu Hug cartoon in cute trees while waiting for the arrival of the aircraft.
Go to D7 gate giving a hug to lovely Mumu!!!
500684443313074 2013-04-03 22:17 101 2 It is never boring when waiting for your bus in T2 now! Just grab a snack and drinks here @ our mini bar! 在第二航廈巴士站也有小餐車服務囉!讓你等車不無聊!
648771358470075 2013-04-03 21:31 15 0
分享 桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport 在 HSIN TUNG YANG 相簿中新增了 8 張相片。
500627669985418 2013-04-03 17:44 31 6 桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport 新增了 8 張相片。2013年4月3日下午5:44 · 寶島美饌名店街正式開放囉!還有 5 張
500272116687640 2013-04-02 11:59 31 0 「鯛魚燒出爐囉~」
We got a… 更多 new menu in the Terminal 2!
「Happy Juice And Taiyaki」
The new store is found in Food court of Terminal 2 in Taoyuan International Airport.Their characteristics is Fresh ingredients and Friendly prices, not only have freshly prepared fruit, but also a variety of flavors in Taiyaki.
You can choose the red beans, butter, cheese, peanuts, chocolate flavors, with delicious juice can make you energy in whole day.
"4/5-4/11" during the opening of discount promotions , We recommend you that papaya milk with Taiyaki is super meal price of 99 NT , the second plus purchase price of 49 NT. DO NOT MISS THIS chance to eliminate your tiredness, and enjoy a leisurely afternoon tea with a good friend in Terminal 2 B2F.
500251923356326 2013-04-02 10:23 33 0   仰首看這似花瓣片片、鮮活綻放,展現蓬勃朝氣的設施,是名為『繁花』的公共空間藝術品。位於二航入境大廳南會面點處,2011年由 陶亞倫及劉中興兩位藝術家合作設計而成。『繁花』不只藉台灣特色影像帶出如繁花盛開的多元台灣文化,還可透過牆面的影像讀取機器和旅客產生互動呢!下回來到桃園國際機場時,別忘了來賞花。
  Fresh bloom, shows the vigor and vitality of the… 更多 facility, is called "" The Flower Clusters "" public space art. Located at the meeting point of Terminal 2 in arrival Hall forward South. Tao Yalun, and Liu Zhongxing two artists designed it in 2011.Blossoming on behalf of Taiwan's diversified culture and it is a multimedia device, travelers can even interact with the screen too!