
Month: 2013-08

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554824701232381 2013-08-24 12:26 44 1 在台灣,發票不單單只是購物明細清單,它的流水編號還有機會對中獎金。
桃園機場航廈內設有許多「愛心募捐箱」,各位外國朋友們在踏上歸途之前,可別將這些用不到的發票丟到垃圾桶囉!您可以把它們投入募捐箱裡,一個小小動作就可以發揮大大的愛心,幫助無數需要幫助的人們。 In Taiwan, receipt is not only a shopping list but its serial number is able to… 更多 redeem money back. There are several donation boxes in Taoyuan International Airport for receipts. All passengers please do not throw those little papers away before leaving Taiwan. With a toss, you may help numerous people!
553718978009620 2013-08-21 12:47 72 3 颱風天待在室內聽首歌吧!感謝LALA徐佳瑩與昇恒昌免稅店的支持,桃園機場也有ㄧ首屬於自己的歌曲了: 『在旅行的路上』。ㄧ起來看看LALA徐佳瑩這首最新MV吧! Thank to LALA and Everrich, now Taoyuan airport has its own song now. Have a quick look at this very new music video: On the way of travelling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4q_U7cyEW4&feature=youtube_gdata_player
552982151416636 2013-08-19 12:34 45 1 桃園機場一二航廈多處設有哺集乳室育嬰室,不但有柔軟的沙發與尿布台,開飲機及洗手台讓您餵奶換尿布更為方便。
http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/chinese/store3_2/1116… 更多 Both in T1 and T2 our Nursery and Breastfeeding rooms which not only offer soft sofas, diaper changing stations but also drinking fountains and wash basins enable you to change diapers or feed baby more convenient. With warm colour decorating and cute ornamentals, those facilities provide a cozy space for parents and children. In the Nursery and Breastfeeding rooms are always free diapers and hygienic towelettes for you.
For more details please check the official website of Taoyuan International Airport:
550297001685151 2013-08-13 12:46 82 3 您今天在機場打卡了沒?
最新消息: 桃園機場2012年名列全球最夯打卡地點第18名。
http://appweb.cna.com.tw/WebM/List/aKEY/201308130005.aspx Are you check on facebook at airport today? Come to check our breaking news, Taoyuan airport is the 18th hottest spot to check on FB in 2012.
549514088430109 2013-08-11 14:08 47 2 桃園機場第二航廈D6主題候機室,「i HAKKA好客庄」客家文創園區正式啟用。現場展示多款精美客家文創商品,依據新竹北埔客家特產「柿子」設計而成的造型椅,以及模擬穿戴客家傳統服飾的互動式感應螢幕。
此外,在第二航廈管制區內的四樓「柿柿如苑-旅客休憩區」展出由桃園縣內各國小選出的優秀作品,讓您躺臥在充滿童趣的客家主題畫作環繞之中,提供給旅客一個親近客家氛圍的舒適空間。 Airport lounge in Taoyuan… 更多 International Airport T2 Gate D6 is redecorated with the theme of Hakka culture. With the displaying of elegant Hakka crafts and the placing of special designed chairs based on the shape of persimmons which is the specialty of Beipu, the new looking lounge offers a space for passengers to get close to the Hakka culture.
What’s more? After checking the passport, on the fourth floor of T2, there’s a rest area where an award-winning paintings expo is on display. Surrounded by all the cute drawings, passengers can choose whether to rest on a lay down chair or simply sit down and appreciate the culture.
548389618542556 2013-08-08 11:56 31 0 說起磚瓦,第一個浮現的印象是什麼呢?是層層堆疊的牆壁,還是古樸的屋簷?
桃園機場第一航廈B3遊藝廣場現正展出「思古磚瓦情‧三和瓦窯工藝展」,當您經過那古色古香的小隔間時,順道來欣賞這些別出心裁的磚雕藝品吧。 When it comes to bricks, what is the first image that occurs… 更多 to you? Is it layers of walls or old eaves? You may never think of bricks carved into flowers or chinese characters will become unique commodities such as cup cushions, lampshades or soap dishes. “San-He Tile Kiln Craft Exhibition” is now on display in Taoyuan International Airport T1 Gate B3. When you walk by the unsophisticated and primitive area, don’t forget to stop and appreciate those exquisite crafts!