
Month: 2016-07

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
1062824953765684 2016-07-28 15:00 183 8 這個月陸續為大家介紹了幾項機場安全檢查的注意事項
1. 隨身可攜帶1個傳統打火機或1盒安全火柴,但不能放在手提或託運行李內。
2. 登機時,只能攜帶每瓶不超過100毫升液體膠狀噴霧類的容器,並放於不超過1公升的透明密封袋中。
3. 最多可攜帶2個備用鋰電池(含行動電源)於手提行李中,但不能放在托運行李內。… 更多
還有在通過安檢時,記得將外套、皮帶、帽子脫下,還要將3C產品和金屬物品取出接受檢查喔! 小小的提醒,讓你登機快易通喔~
#桃園機場 #行李安檢 #行動電源 #鋰電池 #100毫升 #液體膠狀噴霧類 #打火機 #安全火柴 Do you remember the rules of airport security check we share this month?
1. You can only bring 1 lighter or 1 box of matches; however, you cannot put them in the check-in luggage.
2. Any container holding liquid, aerosol or gel products in carry-on luggage must not exceed 100ml in capacity. All containers must be placed in a single seal-able transparent plastic bag which can be no more than 1L in capacity.
3. Each passenger can carry no more than 2 spare lithium batteries (including power banks) which are allowed in carry-on luggage only.
#Taoyuanairport #securitycheck #powerbank #sparebattery #liquid #lighter #match


1062368207144692 2016-07-27 22:37 65 0
分享 桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport
【暑假樂桃桃】✈請關注桃園機場Instagram唷! 桃園機場陪你放暑假~~現在邀請大家在個人Instagram上分享出國旅遊的照片,即日起至8/5止完成以下上傳步驟,就有機會抽中Olympus可自拍防水相機及HTC RE 迷你攝錄影機喔! 1.請先關注桃園國際機場Instagram帳號<br> 2.上傳照片後在照片上標記@Taoyuan_international_airport<br> 3.留下一句話描述此張照片並在最後加上 #… 更多TravelwithJoy<br> 4.一定要將帳號設定為「公開」我們才找得到你喔!<br> 快來與我們分享你的回憶吧 > https://goo.gl/CTmJkq ▶活動說明:<br> 1.活動日期: 2016/07/25(一)至2016/08/05(五)23:59止<br> 2.活動獎項公布日期: 2016/08/12(五),得獎名單將公布在「桃園機場粉絲團」及「桃園機場Instagram 」 。<br> 3.領獎方式:活動小組會在得獎者貼文下方回覆得獎訊息,中獎人須協助中獎簽領單回覆,方可進行領獎。中獎者須8/22(一) 24:00前完成所有領據回覆,若未在期限內回覆者,視同放棄得獎資格, 將另行聯繫備取。獎品自8/26(五)起陸續寄送。 ▶注意事項:<br> 1. 本活動僅限在中華民國台灣(包含金門、馬祖、澎湖)地區設有住居所之本國人或外國人參加。獎品之寄送亦僅限於前述地區。<br> 2. 「桃園機場粉絲團」保有更換獎品或修改本「活動辦法」之權利。<br> 3.一個帳號只有一次抽獎機會。 #暑假樂桃桃 #instagram #taoyuanairport
1062185017163011 2016-07-27 16:15 459 9 Welcome to Taiwan and explore this country!
Shop at any stores labeled “Taiwan Tax Refund” and enjoy tax free shopping.
Claiming a VAT refund can be made at any Electronic VAT Refund Machine or Tax Refund… 更多 Counter. < How to Use Electronic VAT Refund Machine >
1. Scan your entry permit (such as passport)
2. Scan the “Application Form for VAT Refund” or “Passenger Prepaid VAT Refund Application Form”
3. Select the items available for VAT refunds
4. If an inspection is required, please show the inspection form to the Customs; otherwise, select the method of refund and collect your “VAT Refund Assessment Form” immediately. Location: 1F/Terminal 1, 2F&3F/Terminal 2
Watch the clip to learn more>> https://goo.gl/UB3WjJ
Self-service VAT Refund is easy, speedy, and convenient!
More info>>> https://goo.gl/9yj28T #Taoyuanairport #VAT #taxrefund #refund #TaiwanTaxRefund
1060944903953689 2016-07-25 18:00 1871 43 【暑假樂桃桃】✈請關注桃園機場Instagram唷! 桃園機場陪你放暑假~~現在邀請大家在個人Instagram上分享出國旅遊的照片,即日起至8/5止完成以下上傳步驟,就有機會抽中Olympus可自拍防水相機及HTC RE 迷你攝錄影機喔! 1.請先關注桃園國際機場Instagram帳號
3.留下一句話描述此張照片並在最後加上 #… 更多TravelwithJoy
快來與我們分享你的回憶吧 > https://goo.gl/CTmJkq ▶活動說明:
1.活動日期: 2016/07/25(一)至2016/08/05(五)23:59止
2.活動獎項公布日期: 2016/08/12(五),得獎名單將公布在「桃園機場粉絲團」及「桃園機場Instagram 」 。
3.領獎方式:活動小組會在得獎者貼文下方回覆得獎訊息,中獎人須協助中獎簽領單回覆,方可進行領獎。中獎者須8/22(一) 24:00前完成所有領據回覆,若未在期限內回覆者,視同放棄得獎資格, 將另行聯繫備取。獎品自8/26(五)起陸續寄送。 ▶注意事項:
1. 本活動僅限在中華民國台灣(包含金門、馬祖、澎湖)地區設有住居所之本國人或外國人參加。獎品之寄送亦僅限於前述地區。
2. 「桃園機場粉絲團」保有更換獎品或修改本「活動辦法」之權利。
3.一個帳號只有一次抽獎機會。 #暑假樂桃桃 #instagram #taoyuanairport
1059219714126208 2016-07-23 15:00 176 4 親愛的粉絲們,還記得桃園機場也有Instagram嗎?快來關注我們,知道更多桃園機場的新鮮事唷! Hi, fans! Follow us on Instagram for more information about Taoyuan International Airport! Instagram: Taoyuan_international_airport
1059047070810139 2016-07-22 15:00 143 8 一週一次的機場安檢注意事項又來囉!
< 貼心提醒三 >
更多資訊>>> … 更多http://goo.gl/2N32SP
#桃園機場 #行李安檢 #行動電源 #鋰電池 Have you learned a lot about the rules of the security check for last two weeks?
< Friendly reminder#3 >
Spare lithium batteries (including power banks)are allowed in carry-on baggage only.
Passengers can only carry 2 spare pieces, each piece within 160 Wh.
More info>>> http://goo.gl/4hT6jT
#Taoyuanairport #securitycheck #powerbank #sparebattery #100to160watt
1057340007647512 2016-07-20 15:00 146 4 即日起到8/30止,使用自助報到服務就能扭出幸運蛋,每週都有機會把免費機票帶回家!另外,上傳與專屬拍照立牌的合照到臉書,也可以抽免費機票耶!一人有兩次中獎的機會,快來參加!
詳情請見活動網址>> http://goo.gl/giENMl Don't miss your chance to win FREE flight… 更多 tickets!
From now till 8/30, passengers who use self check-in, with the boarding pass and passport to one of the designated locations, and participate in the Capsule Prize Draw, you will get a chance to win free flight tickets! Come and win the prize!
T1: Check-in Counter 10, Departure Hall
T2: 4F Food Court (non-controlled area), Departure Hall
For more info >> http://goo.gl/oz2M8k
#Taoyuanairport #selfcheckin #winprize #freeairlinetickets
1054820431232803 2016-07-15 15:00 164 5 每週一次的機場安檢注意事項又來囉!
想必每位旅客出國時,都會碰到液體或噴霧類物品不知道該怎麼帶吧~ <貼心提醒二>
更多資訊>>> http://goo.gl/jbDvXH
#桃園機場 #行李安檢 #… 更多100毫升 #密封透明塑膠袋 #液體膠狀噴霧類 Well-preparation before packing will make your trip much easier!
Many people may wonder how they should pack their liquid containers.
The security-check tip this week is here! <Friendly reminder#2>
Any container holding liquid, aerosol or gel products in carry-on luggage must not exceed 100ml in capacity.
All containers must be placed in a single seal-able transparent plastic bag which can be no more than 1L in capacity.
Each passenger can carry only 1 bag with liquid containers and should remember to take it out of your carry-on baggage for the security check.
More info>>> http://goo.gl/Xekdqm
#Taoyuanairport #securitycheck #liquid #100milliliters #carryonbaggage
1053486591366187 2016-07-13 15:00 179 7 七八月要出國的朋友們~有福啦~
詳情請見活動網址>> http://goo.gl/giENMl… 更多 Passengers who use web, app, or kiosk check-in services, come with your passport and boarding pass to the designated locations, and you will get the chance to win free flight tickets and also exquisite gifts! What are you waiting for? Go win the prize!
T1: Check-in Counter 10, Departure Hall
T2: 4F Food Court (non-controlled area), Departure Hall
For more info >> http://goo.gl/oz2M8k
#Taoyuanairport #selfcheckin #winprize #freeairlinetickets
1049199825128197 2016-07-11 15:00 371 8 你有沒有在不經意抬頭看天空時,發現天空中有一道美麗的「飛機雲」?
(圖片經Shutterstock授權使用) Have you ever looked up into the sky and seen the beautiful… 更多 “contrail”?
Contrails are clouds formed when water vapor condenses and freezes around small particles that exist in aircraft exhaust.
Next time when you look at the sky, try to look for beautiful contrails~
Learn more>> http://goo.gl/UypdWx
#Taoyuanairport #Contrail #FlightKnowledge
(photo credit:Shutterstock)
1050342458347267 2016-07-10 15:00 135 4 暑假到了!想必很多人都準備好出國放鬆度假了!
接下來幾週小編會針對機場安檢注意事項和大家解說喔~ <貼心提醒一>
更多資訊>>> http://goo.gl/smW23 Summer vacation has come! Many people should have planned their… 更多 once-a-year trips~ For the next couple of weeks, I’ll share the tips of preparing for the the check-in baggage and the carry-on bag security check with you. < Friendly reminder#1>
Every passenger can only bring one lighter or one box of matches; however, you can not put them in the check-in luggage.
The more preparation you do before getting-off, the more time you can save.
#Taoyuanairport #securitycheck #lighter #match #carryonbaggage
#桃園機場 #行李安檢 #打火機 #安全火柴 #僅限隨身攜帶一個
1050672101647636 2016-07-08 10:42 539 1 桃園國際機場航班恢復作業,1200至1800間,預計將可恢復入境99班,出境133班,總計232班航機起降。小編再次提醒大家,出發前務必至航空公司官網確認班機最新動態! Passengers are strongly advised to check the latest flight information with their airline's website before traveling to Taoyuan Airport. ps 颱風期間,飛機也做好防颱準備,在棚廠前停放。
1050216975026482 2016-07-07 13:59 295 3 小編提醒大家,颱風期間航班容易受天候影響而延遲或變動,建議旅客在出發前往機場前,向航空公司確認班機最新動態喔!
As Super Typhoon Nepartak is approaching Taiwan, passengers are reminded that flights could be rescheduled or cancelled, and are advised to check flight… 更多 status on airline’s website before departing for the airport. 各航空公司連絡電話及網址/Airlines Contacts:

臺灣桃園國際機場-Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport

1049778091737037 2016-07-06 17:48 635 14
1049756085072571 2016-07-06 16:31 161 2 今年的飛安宣導大會在今天隆重登場囉~以「幸福傳遞,平安起飛」為主軸,配合系列活動以及讓民眾與旅客們的實際參與,加深大家的飛安觀念,並具體落實!現場還結合美食推廣活動,邀請機場餐廳的大廚們現場示範夏季美食,還有提供各式各樣的台灣美食供品嘗~
Today, we hold the annual Flight Safety Advocacy Assembly. Through lucky draw activity and… 更多 Flight Safety Ambassador Election, flight safety awareness has been built up. This event makes the maintenance of flight safety an action, not merely a slogan. A food festival also takes place with a variety of delicious food and beverage tasting. We also invite top chefs to demonstrate and share the art of Taiwanese cuisine.
#Taoyuanairport #Flightsafety #Taiwanesecuisine
1048325951882251 2016-07-04 15:00 237 6 【藥師吉米帶路---桃園機場自助報到攻略】 想知道怎麼使用自助方式辦理check-in嗎? 喜歡自助旅行的藥師吉米分享他的親身體驗! 幾乎不用排隊,加速報到時間,還有專屬托運櫃台,不只可以避免趕不上飛機,還可從容的換外幣、逛商店、吃美食、好好享受機場內多樣化服務設施~ 最近用手機報到/網路報到/自助報到機台報到(三擇一)還可以在桃園機場第一航廈及第二航廈現場抽機票喔,趕緊來看看吧! 部落客文章►►http://goo.gl/uYHIrY 活動網站►►http://goo.gl/giENMl
1046726582042188 2016-07-02 15:00 394 6 7/1起,原本位於第一航廈出境管制區的自動查驗通關申請櫃檯搬家囉!
服務時間為6:30-21:30,歡迎旅客多多申請利用。 Since 7/1, one of the E-gate enrollment counters in controlled area in T1 has been relocated to 3F, non-controlled area.
Service hours: 6:30 am - 9:30 pm #Taoyuanairport #Egate #T1