桃園國際機場 Taoyuan International Airport 。 237,553 個讚 · 1,353 人正在談論這個 · 4,624,945 個打卡次。歡迎蒞臨臺灣桃園國際機場 Welcome to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.
粉絲朋友趕緊照過來,桃園機場好康消息接二連三無間斷!為迎接農曆新年假期,第二航廈1F接機大廳南側美食小區自2月7日起歡慶開幕!即將登場的美味餐飲包括小南門點心世界、伯朗咖啡及西式烘焙餐飲等,開幕期間將推出各項買一送一優惠,歡迎大家前往品嘗! As Lunar New Year holidays are coming, we are going to have a another surprise for you at 1F, Terminal 2. A new cafeteria and Ding sum court are just around the corner! Please come to visit and enjoy lots of discounts or buy one get one free!