
Month: 2016-02

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
969779906403523 2016-02-22 17:25 59 1 大家打算怎麼度過元宵節呢?
另外今年的台灣燈會在桃園舉辦,也邀請大家一起賞燈去! How do you celebrate the Lantern Festival?
The guessing lantern riddles event was held near D4 in T2 today.
Free monkey lanterns… 更多 were presented to the participants who get the right answers.
Also we recommend joining the fun and experiencing the charms of 2016 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taoyuan.
More details: http://taiwan.net.tw/2016taiwanlantern/index.aspx?lang=2
965191526862361 2016-02-13 12:03 432 10 年假即將結束!這兩日岀入境旅客人數較多,小編鼓勵大家多使用航空公司的網路報到、機場的自助報到系統和自動通關出入境,以及多多利用大眾運輸工具,可以節省不少排隊和找停車位時間~
桃園機場祝大家猴年大吉,旅途平安! As CNY holiday is coming to an end, more passengers are expected to be at the airport.
We encourage… 更多 passengers to use airlines’ online check-in service, self-check-in service, self-service immigration clearance system (e-Gate), and public transport as well to save time and avoid long queues.
Taoyuan International Airport wishes you a pleasant journey and Gong Xi Fa Cai!
#chinesenewyear #egate #taoyuanairport
961210457260468 2016-02-08 11:00 427 10 桃園機場祝大家新年快樂! 猴年行大運!
Taoyuan International Airport wishes you a Prosperous Year of Monkey!
961202030594644 2016-02-06 15:30 196 2 農曆春節即將到來,桃園機場裡也充滿濃濃的過年味囉!
As Chinese New Year is approaching, we offer passengers special deals and lucky draw… 更多 activities to celebrate this important traditional Chinese holiday. Furthermore, passengers who take a picture with our props, and post on their Facebook or Instagram will get a free gift. Passengers can also find exclusive duty free shopping spots at the airport to do New Year’s shopping.
#Chinesnewyear #Newyearsshopping
961214523926728 2016-02-04 17:10 1260 14 歡迎斐濟航空首航台灣桃園國際機場
Welcome Fiji Airways to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.
960366944011486 2016-02-03 15:00 156 2 外籍旅客有福了!!
為簡化外籍旅客入境查驗通關作業,內政部移民署推行網路預先填寫入國登記表,歡迎旅客多多利用喔~ Wanna save time at the airport immigration checkpoint?
In order to simplify the immigration inspection procedure, foreigners travelling to Taiwan will… 更多 have the option to complete arrival cards online.
For more information about the Online Arrival Card, please click here.
960371264011054 2016-02-02 17:45 217 1 陸客來台中轉已經在昨天正式啟動囉!
歡迎旅客來桃園機場轉機,享受一個愉快又便捷的旅程! The first group of Chinese transit passengers arrived at Taoyuan Airport… 更多 yesterday. Taoyuan Airport is at the center of the Asia-Pacific region, which offers passengers convenient connections to Europe, North America, Middle East and Oceania. With plenty of shopping and leisure facilities to entertain transit passengers, we welcome passengers to transit through Taoyuan Airport and have a pleasant journey on their way to a third country.
#Transit #Taoyuanairport
957968644251316 2016-02-01 09:20 1213 97 【賀新春!看影片抽RIMOWA!】
由金馬導演團隊製作的桃園國際機場WING THE WORLD影片上映了!即日起至2/29,只要進入活動官網觀看影片,並公開分享至FB塗鴉牆(內文附註✈桃園國際機場WING THE WORLD✈),就有機會抽中RIMOWA經典手工鋁鎂箱等多項好禮哦!!
點我看影片 ▶▶▶ www.wingtheworld.com
