
Month: 2014-09

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
737864909595025 2014-09-30 18:00 76 0 親愛的,我們把昆蟲都巨大化拉~
位於第一航廈B6-B9正展出台灣動物昆蟲創意展,歡迎大小朋友一起來擁抱自然吧!!! Wow so many giant insects are at the airport right now! Visit gate B6 to B9, and have fun in the wonderland of of animals and insects~
735876146460568 2014-09-26 12:13 308 5 Guess who flies its inaugural flight today (Taipei-Singapore)??______________
735873629794153 2014-09-26 12:02 213 2 Welcome the very first Taiwanese Tigerair Taiwan flies its inaugural flight from Taipei to Singapore today!! 純正台灣血統台灣虎航今日首航現場搶鮮照再一波~
735853866462796 2014-09-26 10:25 380 3 台灣虎航首航,即將啟程新加坡。Bon Voyage! Inaugural flight to Singapore via Tigerair Taiwan. Bon Voyage!
732847333430116 2014-09-19 18:50 118 0 A big success at ACI Trinity Forum 2014 in Taipei!! This is very first time to Taoyuan airport as a host. Sooooo excited and glad to meet new friends from airports, brands and retailers. 首屆由台灣桃園機場主辦的 ACI Trinity Forum 2014 三一論壇圓滿落幕!! 很開心也很高興認識來自全球超過35國322位國際貴賓與新朋友!!
731140960267420 2014-09-15 21:18 161 0 Yes, we are ready! Welcome our guests to Taoyuan airport for Trinity Forum 2014 in Taipei! 我們準備好了!!最後倒數一天,開始迎接桃園機場的貴賓,桃園機場公司首度主辦ACI 國際機場協會 Trinity Forum 2014 (三一論壇) ,即將正式登場! www.trinity2014.com
729906620390854 2014-09-12 18:25 147 2 When would be your last time to meet your favorite movie star?
Just check our newly open waiting lounge at Gate C8 of "Golden Horse Awards"!! Here you will witness a 50-year history of Mandarin Movie industry… 更多 in Taiwan, HongKong and Mainland China. C8電影候機室,以兩岸四地華語電影最高榮耀金馬獎為主題,讓旅客體驗走在紅地毯上,襯著金馬主題曲的尊榮感受。搭配金馬主題播放區和定期更換的台灣主題電影之窗,以及電影院真實的座椅也進駐現場,有飲料架和絨布面料(只差沒爆米花),讓旅客愉悅的享受候機時光。