
Month: 2013-03

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
498640060184179 2013-03-28 21:55 29 0   武聖關公,千手觀音,祥瑞的中國龍;在這裡,祂們全是使用強韌的金屬鋁線勾勒而出的。不僅表現出神祇的莊嚴形象,更利用「以虛構實」之概念,反映出空靈的形意之美。
  若您對中國神祇情有獨鍾,又或是想一探虛實的藝術愛好者,請千萬不要錯過即將在3月29號結束的『構形意念 翁國嵩 金屬線狀塑形展』。
本展於第一航廈B7文化藝廊展出。   Saintly Emperor Guan、Guan yin、Chinese… 更多 dragon:They were created with metal wire. Not only demonstrated the solemn image of the deity worshiped but also showed the beauty of myth and fact.
If you are interested in the Chinese deity worshiped, or you are an art enthusiast. Please DO NOT MISS the exhibition upcoming ends in March 29 A-joe Weng Wire sculpture exhibition This exhibition is at the Art Gallery , Gate B7, Terminal 1, Taoyuan international airport.
509453699115050 2013-03-26 14:28 13 0 桃園機場2013飛安系列活動另新增「飛安廉政宣導體驗活動」,歡迎有興趣民眾踴躍報名。網址是:http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/company_ch/aviationsafety


飛機上禁止使用行動電話及相關電子用品於飛機起降過程中,任何干擾均可能影響信號之準確度,甚至造成飛安事故。為維護飛航安全,民用航空法規定不得於航空器上使用干擾航機導航或通訊設備之用品。航空器上禁止使用下列電子用品: 無線電對講機、遙控器、行動電話、個人視聽用品(如CD、VCD、DVD、MP3)、收音機、攝影裝備、電子遊樂器、電腦及周邊設備、電子字典、計算機等。
496161253765393 2013-03-21 21:08 90 4 喜歡到日本遊玩的朋友們,現在多了一線航班可選擇,
在第二航廈見證了中華航空(桃園—高松)定期航班首航典禮。 也許你不清楚高松在哪裡,但提到『讚岐烏龍麵』,必時有耳聞。
因此華航特別邀請首位台灣讚岐大使─樺島泰貴師傅,… 更多
感受濃厚的高松氣息。 Congratulations to China airlines for first launch Taoyuan-Takamatsu Flights. China Airlines launched Taoyuan-Takamatsu flights, becoming the first Taiwanese airline to offer regular flights to Shikoku, Japan. The commencement of this service coincides with Setouchi International Art Festival that takes place on multiple islands of the Seto Inland Sea. Flights depart every Thursday and Sunday, serviced by Boeing 737-800 aircraft equipped with 8 business class seats and 150 economy class seats. 航班時間、票務及套裝旅遊等相關資訊可參閱華航官網:
439807626104234 2013-03-14 12:39 12 1 桃園國際機場辦理102年飛安宣導活動,計有【有獎徵答】、【繪畫比賽】、【創意海報】、【飛安服務大使徵選】等四項活動,請有興趣的民眾,連結以下網址,報名參加。http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/company_ch/aviationsafety The Flight Safety Promotion Event hent held by TIAC in 2013 includes… 更多 activities of knowledge quiz, drawing competition, creative posters competition, and the selection of the Flight Safety Service Ambassador. Those interested in the event please click the following website for subscription. http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/company_ch/aviationsafety

臺灣桃園國際機場-Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport

491638224217696 2013-03-09 21:35 16 1 想要即時掌握桃園機場航班資訊嗎?趕緊下載桃園機場航班資訊手機APP!使用Android或iPhone的粉絲朋友,請使用您的智慧型手機到下列網址下載: Come to download Taoyuan airport APP for instant flight information and airport service guide. We have android and iPhone version APPs now. For iPhone: https://itunes.apple.com/app/tao-yuan-ji-chang/id534443976?mt=8 For Android:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tenki.taoyuanairport
491636084217910 2013-03-09 21:29 71 3 Thank our best team for all the hard contributions in World Baseball Classic games 2013. You have already done very well! 感謝中華隊在世界棒球經典賽中的一切努力,你們是最棒的!辛苦了大家!
491087004272818 2013-03-08 21:40 70 3 桃園機場請1千多位粉絲集氣,一起為中華隊最後一局加油!中日大戰、中華加油!
491035057611346 2013-03-08 19:28 60 2 Go go Taiwan! 中華隊加油!