
Month: 2016-06

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
1046154885432691 2016-06-30 17:36 223 7 暑假期間要出國旅客,快快看過來!!!
7/1-8/30旅客只要使用網路報到、手機app報到、自助報到機報到(三擇一),到活動指定地點提出本人護照及自助報到證明文件,就可以參加扭蛋遊戲,有機會獲得精美禮品,週週還有免費機票讓你帶回家。 活動地點:
詳情請見活動網址>> http://goo.gl/giENMl From 7/1 to 8/30,… 更多 passengers who use web, app, or kiosk check-in services, with the boarding pass and passport to one of the designated locations, will have the chance to take part in the “Capsule Toy Lottery” and win free flight tickets! Locations
T1: Check-in Counter 10, Departure Hall
T2: 4F Food Court (non-controlled area), Departure Hall For more information >> http://goo.gl/fG8D2o
#Taoyuanairport #selfcheckin #winprize #freeairlinetickets
1044882845559895 2016-06-28 09:43 914 60 可愛的LINE彩繪機再度蒞臨桃園機場!大家有捕捉到她的身影嗎?
Welcome LINE livery landing at Taoyuan Airport again!
1043321862382660 2016-06-25 16:00 56 0 中華航空空服員至6/27零時起將依班表正常服勤,有關6/25、26日的航班動態,建議旅客主動聯繫中華航空客服412-9000(手機加02)確認相關事宜。
中華航空官網 https://www.china-airlines.com/tw/zh Flight Attendants at China Airlines have announced that they will be returning to work at… 更多 00:00 on 27 Jun (Mon). Passengers are advised to contact China Airlines 412-9000(mobile +02) directly for latest updates.
China Airlines website https://www.china-airlines.com/tw/en


China Airlines are committed to the best flight quality, safety and treasure every encounter.
1042185265829653 2016-06-24 12:00 58 2 「機場貴賓室買一送一」活動廣受好評,為感謝粉絲們的支持,優惠活動延長至7月17日,在這段期間飛往北京、香港、大阪機場的旅客,都可以至活動網頁登記取得優惠代碼,還沒體驗過環亞貴賓室服務的朋友,趕緊上網登錄吧! http://www.taoyuan-airport-rewards.com/
The “Buy 1 Get 1 Free on lounge use package” event has been… 更多 welcomed by passengers. To thanks for the support, the offer deadline has been postponed to 17th July. Passengers who fly to Beijing, Hong Kong or Kansai airport before the date can visit the event website to get the promo code. If you haven’t tried the new Plaza Premium Lounge, let’s go to the site to get the offer.
More details>> http://www.taoyuan-airport-rewards.com/
1042256915822488 2016-06-23 21:01 399 5 桃園市空服員職業工會宣布6/24 零時起發動會員罷工,China Airlines 中華航空亦通知6/24 0600-2200間從桃園及松山出發的航班全面停飛,建議搭乘中華航空班機的旅客主動聯繫中華航空客服412-9000(手機加02)確認相關事宜。
中華航空官網 https://www.china-airlines.com/tw/zh# Flight Attendants at China Airlines… 更多 have announced strike action starting from 00.00 on 24 Jun (Fri). All China Airlines flights from TPE and TSA on 24 Jun between 06.00 and 22.00 are cancelled. Passengers are advised to contact China Airlines 412-9000(mobile +02) directly for further information.
China Airlines website https://www.china-airlines.com/tw/en


1041460722568774 2016-06-22 12:00 1972 26 快來瞧瞧今天桃園機場的特別來賓!
Look who touched down at Taoyuan Airport today!
#Line #Airasia
1038151776233002 2016-06-17 11:34 177 2 炎炎夏日懶得出門嗎!?
由這裡開啟你的旅途吧>> http://goo.gl/h1gY72 #交通博物館 #數位博物館 #航空 #公路 #鐵道 #海運 Are you a fan of transportation?
If you are,… 更多 you can have the chance to gobble the feast of different types of transportation, 4 different themes, including highway, railway, ocean shipping, and aviation on the online Transport Museum in one time; especially for the aviation theme, you can admire more than 600 historical collections.
1036836333031213 2016-06-14 12:14 113 8 桃園機場因雷雨當空暫停地勤作業,以避免地勤人員遭受雷擊,航班及行李提領會受影響,謝謝您的耐心等待。
Ladies & gentlemen, all ground handling services are suspended due to the possible lightning strike. Delays of flights and luggage will be expected. Thank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.
1033638676684312 2016-06-09 12:00 218 12 端午節到了,大家都吃粽子了嗎~桃園機場祝大家端午節快樂!
Taoyuan Airport wishes you a joyful Dragon Boat Festival!
#Taiwan #Taoyuanairport #DragonBoatFestival #Festival
1031920173522829 2016-06-05 09:55 262 29 [桃園機場通知]
目前第二航廈空調均恢復,室溫已達舒適溫度。B2美食街商家已開始營業供餐。 [Taoyuan Airport Notice]
The air conditioning operation and B2 food court service in Terminal 2 has resumed. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during these days.
1031240480257465 2016-06-04 11:26 171 42 [桃園機場第二航廈電力檢修說明]
1.目前C、D變電站均檢修完成,第二航廈地下室美食街均已恢復正常供電。 2.有關第二航廈升降電梯已復電,今天將持續進行安全檢查後即可復歸使用。 3.負責航廈空調的E區變電站的變壓設備從昨天起按安全復電程序進行擦拭、烘乾,並經22:00、02:00及04:00三次檢測絶緣值仍未達安全送電標準。為了確保安全,將持續加強電流烘乾並觀察狀況,目前已有大幅改善跡象,將持續進行測試,一旦測量達安全送電標準值,將立刻進行投入空調。 [Taoyuan Airport Notice]
1. Power shortage at B2 food court has recovered.
2. Elevator service will be resumed after safety inspection.
3. Test of conveyor belts is being conducted. Once the test result has reached the standard, we will restart the air conditioning operation immediately.
1030208710360642 2016-06-03 11:52 316 61 [桃園機場現況說明]
5.電力系統:第二航廈已恢復80%供電。空調冷氣將採取分區分段復原,目前持續努力修復全部電力。 [Taoyuan Airport Notice]
1.The traffic to airport is back to normal.
2.All passenger departure and arrival processes of T2… 更多 are in normal.
3.7-11 & Restaurants in B2 T2 are close due to wet floor now. Food service is expected to reopen by Jun-4.
4.Baggage handling system is functioning normally.
5.Power system and air conditioning are still under repair; we will
make sure everything returns to normal as soon as possible.
1029434833771363 2016-06-02 16:25 262 46 [桃園機場航站南北路恢復通車] 國道桃園機場聯絡道北側道路(航站北路)於16點20分積水排除,出機場恢復通車,進機場車輛於傍晚18點20分起可自國道2號經航站南路進入各航廈,請駕駛人及旅客依照現場航警指揮通行。
1029325800448933 2016-06-02 11:48 362 41 [桃園機場公告]
1029274137120766 2016-06-02 09:29 398 16 桃園機場因雷雨當空暫停地勤作業,以避免地勤人員遭受雷擊,航班、行李提領會受影響,謝謝您的耐心等待。
Ladies & gentlemen, all ground handling services are suspended due to the possible lightning strike. Delays of flights and luggage will be expected. Thank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.
1028849110496602 2016-06-01 18:29 2682 162 歡迎空中巴士A350正式載客飛航桃園機場!
Welcome the first Airbus A350 commercial flight touching down at Taoyuan Airport!