https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=324 永安餅舖30餘年紮實慢工,留存傳統的老味道、老手藝,多層次條理分明,講究純手感,逐一用雙手與誠心製作出糕餅;食材嚴選上等毛綠豆與核桃,健康養生杏仁角,配上外層鬆軟的蛋皮製成「招牌豆沙核桃」,一口咬下,香甜鬆軟的滋味於舌尖蔓延。 Yongan Bakery has… 更多 been at work for over 30 years, preserving the traditional flavor and old-style way of making cakes and biscuits, each made by hand with sincerity. Only the finest young green beans, walnuts and healthy almonds are used. These ingredients are put inside a soft egg skin to make house special bean paste and walnut cakes. The delicious taste spreads from the tongue as soon as you take a bite.… 更多