https://www.hakkamall.org.tw/site/detail.php?wk=product&id=1063 大房食品自1923 年傳承至今,已歷4… 更多 代近百年的歷史,雖然時代不斷地改變,但唯一不變的就是一貫堅持的好品質,和不斷創新研發的精神。以紅麴入菜是客家人與福州人特有的飲食文化,略甜的特殊氣味不但能增添食物味道,使色澤鮮豔,更令人食慾大增。豆腐乳是東方的起士,「紅麴豆腐乳」強調以沾吐司等創新吃法,讓懷舊的美食,也能產生新時代的味覺驚喜。 Founded in 1923, Dafang Foods Co. Ltd. is a family business spanning nearly a century and four generations. For all the changes in time, Dafang has been committed to making fine-quality food and continuous R&D efforts. Using red yeast in cooking is a tradition unique to the Hakka and Fuzhou people. Not only can the slightly sweet yeast spice up --- and add color to --- a dish, but it also improves the appetite. Served as a dip for toast and other foods,… 更多