【今日推薦】客家白玉魚香醬(協發生活事業有限公司 )
網購價:NT$700元,限時價:NT$ 462元(含運)
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澎湖吉貝島沿岸石滬及島上田地所孕育出的珍貴食材「小魚干」及「日光蘿蔔乾」,透過客家印尼華僑主廚的巧手,在歷經遷徙過程中,結合南洋風味,有別於一般客家料理的手藝,在傳統醬料中找到新的融合,把記憶中的好味道分享出來。 From food found in the stone tidal weir, along the coast of Jibei Island of the Penghu islands, and the precious food materials cultivated in the fields on the island itself and used to produce "small dried fish" and "sun dried radish," the skilled hands of Hakka ethnic Chinese Indonesians, during the process of adapting to their new environment after moving to another country, added the flavors of the South Pacific to serve up foods which differed from the general cuisine produced by the cooking techniques of local Hakka people. Hence, you can now find a fusion of innovation blended into the traditional sauce.