Month: 2014-07

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時間:2014-07-03 09:18
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年7月3日上午1:18 · 常設展代班Ⅲ【十七世紀 西洋 雕木高足套杯】(陳列室:302) 今天和大家見面了!
Current Exhibit-【High-Stem Set of Carved Wood Cups】(Gallery: 302)
European, 17th century
〈十七世紀西洋… 更多 雕木高足套杯〉層層相疊的木雕套杯,是「舶來」文物,一百個杯子同時放在一個杯徑5.8公分的高足杯裡,杯子口徑從小到大,層層疊放,每一件的杯壁都輕薄如紙,呼息間幾乎可能飛起。輕巧薄木上有細刻花紋,呈現十七世紀西方的極致工藝。
The set of cups one inside the other came all the way from Europe, the wood light and thin with delicately carved floral patterning, representing competition between East and West at the time in the pursuit of technical skill and sophistication in the arts.
時間:2014-07-07 18:24
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年7月7日上午10:24 · 筆有千秋業【宋四家法書 局部(蘇軾)】(陳列室:204)
Current Exhibit:【Calligraphy of the Four Song Masters (part)】(Gallery: 204)
展期(Date):2014/07/02~2014/09/03… 更多
看全圖(whole picture):
Compilation, Song dynasty (960-1279)
Handscroll, ink on paper,… 更多 29.6 x 59 cm, 30.9 x 47.9 cm, 29.3 x 21.7 cm, 26.5 x 82 cm
Here, Cai Xiang's "Haiyu Modelbook" from around the age of 37 was written to Participant in Government Affairs Minghao. The style and contents are careful and dignified, this being a rare masterpiece of his small regular script. Su Shi's "Poetry in Rhyme for Master of the Three Colleges" from the age of 52 features firm, steady brushwork brimming with harmony. Huang Tingjian's "Letter to Mingshu" has round brushwork done with a concealed tip, the strokes vigorous and winding. Mi Fu's "Daowei Modelbook" from the age of 49 has a free, easy arrangement with fluidity and harmony, serving as a masterpiece of his mature calligraphy.
These four works were mounted in a single handscroll by the early Qing collector Li Zongkong, reflecting an appreciation for the Four Song Masters in Jingkou calligraphy circles.
時間:2014-07-10 17:18
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年7月10日上午9:18 · 明四大家–唐寅【畫班姬團扇 (局部)】 (陳列室:212)
Current Exhibit:【Lady Ban's Round Fan (part)】(Gallery: 212)
Tang Yin (1470-1524), Ming Dynasty
Hanging scroll, ink and colors on paper, 150.4 x 63.6 cm
策展人的話:… 更多
  Beneath windmill palms stands a lady holding a silk fan with only hollyhock in the foreground to suggest the chill of autumn. But if it is already a cool autumn day, why does she still need a fan? The painter has used the fan as a metaphor. Taking the "Song of Regret" by Lady Ban (ca.… 更多
看全圖(whole painting):… 更多sphoto08.html
時間:2014-07-11 17:31
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 。2014年7月11日上午9:31 · 台北市 · 目前正在展出的定州花瓷特展,這些美麗的瓷器以劃花或印花的不同技法來增添花紋,今天要介紹的是一件以印花技法,上頭有犀牛紋樣的瓷器。這樣的印花技法可以大量重複製作同形同紋的作品,來供應廣泛的市場需求。
定州花瓷【金 定窯 印花犀牛望月碟】(陳列室:203)
Current Exhibit:【Small dish with impressed design of a rhinoceros gaze at… 更多 moon】(Gallery: 203)
White Ding wares from the collection of the National Palace Museum
Ding ware, Jin dynasty, 12~13centuries
高2.8公分 口徑14.5公分 底徑9.2公分
時間:2014-07-14 10:36
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年7月14日上午2:36 ·   繼上次介紹過的「蘇軾〈書次韻三舍人省上詩〉」後,今天再介紹一幅正在筆有千秋業展覽的「宋四家法書」卷之三【黃庭堅致明叔同年尺牘】。
筆有千秋業【宋四家法書 局部 (黃庭堅)】(陳列室:204)
Current Exhibit:【Calligraphy of the Four Song Masters (Huang T'ing-chien)】(Gallery: 204)… 更多
Huang T'ing-chien(1045-1105) , Song dynasty (960-1279)
Handscroll, ink on paper, 29.3 x 21.7 cm
Huang T'ing-chien (style name Lu-chih; sobriquet Fu-weng) was a native of Fen-ning, Kiangsi. He received his chin-shih civil service degree in 1067 at the age of 22 and held such offices as District Defender, Editor, Imperial Diarist, Historiography Compiler, and Prefect. In… 更多
時間:2014-07-18 12:00
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum2014年7月18日 · 近代書畫名品展這一檔只展出到下星期五(07/25),會在更換展件後於八月初重新和大家見面,不想錯過目前展品的觀眾,請把握最後一週!附圖是溥儒的魚蝦冊,臉書這邊曾經介紹過【蝦子】【蝦與蟹】,今天再看另外一張【胡鯰】。
近代書畫名品展【民國 溥儒 魚蝦冊(胡鯰)】(陳列室:107)
Current Exhibit:【Fish, Shrimp, and Other Aquatic Creatures… 更多 (Loach)】(Gallery: 107)
Famous Works of Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy
P'u Ju (1896-1963), Republican period
Album leaf, ink and colors on paper, 28 x 38 cm
  本幅為「寒玉堂」託管文物。作於民國五十一年,時六十七歲。全冊共十二幅,均以細筆寫生魚、… 更多蝦、蟹、貝類等,形象莫不真實靈動、賦彩雅淡。各幅並添附題記,或賦詩寄意,或述物種源流,逐一品賞,益能體會溥氏淵博的學養。
  P'u Ju (style name Xinyu [Hsin-yu], self-styled "Recluse of West Mountain") was a native of Wanping in Hebei (modern Beijing). A descendant from the Qing imperial family, he was the grandson of Yixin, Prince Gong. P'u Ju moved to Taiwan in 1949 and taught at the fine arts department in National Taiwan Normal University. He excelled at the "Three Perfections" of poetry, calligraphy, and painting.
  This album, one of the works entrusted to the National Palace Museum from P'u Ju's Cold Jade Hall collection, was done in 1962 at the age of 67 by traditional count. Composed of twelve leaves, the creatures in this album, including fish, shrimp, crabs, and shellfish, are all done in fine brushwork, the forms realistic and spirited with light and elegant colors. Each leaf also has an inscription, an ode to lodging the artist's ideas, or a record of the creature depicted, allowing the viewer to realize P'u Ju's depth of learning in addition to appreciating these works of art.
時間:2014-07-20 20:24
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年7月20日下午12:24 · 唐寅特展剛開展時臉書曾經介紹過唐寅生平,也提過唐寅當年以南京解元(鄉試榜首)之姿參加農曆二月的國家級會試,沒想到被人誣陷作弊的慘痛遭遇。多年後,他以平淡的心情在這幅【杏花】的作品上回憶起當年的事(二月剛好是杏花盛開的季節),也慨嘆自己南京解元的榮耀竟如春夢般短暫~
明四大家–唐寅【杏花 (局部)】(陳列室:210)
Current… 更多 Exhibit:【Apricot Blossoms (part)】(Gallery: 210)
Tang Yin (1470-1524), Ming Dynasty
Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 114.8 x 32.3 cm
  本幅以寫意法繪春杏一株,由左側右上出枝,先鈎勒主幹,再行皴擦,枝節多用濃墨寫成,畫瓣復… 更多加密蕊,雅淡潤厚,無俗艷之氣。學者考證題識內容與書風,推測此幀成畫時間約在一五一九年前後。
  This painting depicts the branch of an apricot tree blooming in spring. Extending from the left side into the composition, the artist first outlined the main branch and then used his brush to scrub the texturing. The smaller twigs were added mostly with dark ink, the blossoms appearing dense throughout. With a smooth and elegant touch, it has an air of otherworldly beauty. Scholars have studied the contents and style of the inscription, determining it to have been done sometime… 更多
時間:2014-07-22 18:37
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年7月22日上午10:37 · 唐寅的書法傳世不多,他取法元代趙孟頫,並上溯唐代李邕、顏真卿,以行書樹立個人面貌,但因為繪畫作品的大名,掩蓋了書法上的成就。今天為大家介紹一件唐寅的書法作品。
明四大家–唐寅【跋宋王詵江山疊翠圖 (局部)】(陳列室:208)
Current Exhibit:【Colophon for "Piled Greenery of Mountains and Rivers" (part)】(Gallery: 208)
Tang… 更多 Yin (1470-1524), Ming Dynasty
Handscroll painting, ink and colors on silk, 26.5 x 464.2 cm
  Tang Yin's inscription at the end of this handscroll takes the form of poetry attached after a painting… 更多
時間:2014-07-28 16:05
小編快報!總統夫人周美青女士將以榮譽團長身分出席 8/4 下午於日本東京國立博物館舉辦的「國立故宮博物院-神品至寶-展」第二批限展國寶書畫「特別內部觀覽會」。
時間:2014-07-29 17:27
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年7月29日上午9:27 · 多媒體下載/靜態月曆桌布–馬年系列 8 月
Download/Static Calendar Desktops (Year of the Horse Series: August)
Painting: Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming on Horseback
  故宮官網馬年系列八月份桌布的畫作是本院的「明 宣宗 馬上像」,畫中描繪宣宗騎馬出獵,臂上架鷹,奔馳於河邊,驚起雁群的情景。本圖是1024*768,其他大小的桌布請至右側連結下載:
史冊記載宣宗重視弓馬,精於騎射。圖中宣宗面容飽滿,鬚眉濃密,穿著薄底白靴與胸、肩、膝蓋處織繡紋飾的交領右衽黃袍。所戴帽頂… 更多附有頂珠,推測款式受到元代草原游牧民族影響。
The artist of this work is unknown, but in the lower left is a small label with 4 characters in running script for “Xuanzong indulging in pleasure.” Xuanzong is hunting on horseback, a falcon perched on his arm galloping by a river to scare up wild geese. Records indicate he was fond of military arts, being gifted at horseback archery. Here, he has a full face and dense beard as he wears thin white riding boots and a collared yellow robe with brocade over the chest, shoulders, and knees. His hat with a bead at the top is though to have been influenced by nomadic peoples of the Yuan dynasty. The hat décor is identical to that seen on Xuanzong’s in the handscroll “Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming Indulging in Pleasure,” now in the Palace Museum, Beijing.